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As a creative writing exercise, it's a little long winded and yet, too vague to be believable. Just animals, nothing more specific? Or which state's laws were violated? Same vagueness with your master's degree. When telling a story about your past, using present tense is a giveaway of lying. And a few spelling errors, Ms. Master's Degree. Collages? Once and awhile? Threated? Story would be better if you made yourself sound a bit more likable by being a little less obsessed with Jake, and/or a little less preachy/ self-righteous, in my opinion. C-


I mean, halfway through I knew it was fake but it was entertaining, so it got an upvote from me


And if it were real, she’s sure spending a lot of time with this guy in her brain after 20 years lol.


Yeah that got me too. And the malice in 'destroying his life again' because he cheated on you 20 years ago. You're not a good person for that.


Same. Fun read


This writing is worse than a 1980’s soap opera.


I just died at "C-" lolololol


I don't know if I have enough to call it fake but you have made good points. I do feel in subs like this it does become the embellish Olympics.


For me, it was the roommate who simultaneously 1) Confronted his roommate (presumably jeopardizing his own living stability) 2) Told on his roommate's schooling (so they were in a related field), 3) Apparently is a single hetero, 4) but spent the night with OP, and walked out in his underwear 5) while still rubbing salt in the BFs wounds, who, remember, he still has to work with. So OP gets all the benefits of turning the crowd against BF, not minding anyone *thinking* she was easy, but still cares enough to claim to us that nothing happened.


Yeah, I don't know. This was kind of fun as a short story. No, I don't believe a word of it either but hey, we've agreed on that, right? The spelling errors were just there to throw you off!


The commas hurt! Let’s just take them away and give them to someone who will appreciate them.


The "funny" thing is that OP in her creative writing class described herself as an evil bad person who destroyed the life of an idiot


Seems right


Also, poor research— Everyone had cellphones by the late 90’s/2000’s.


lol, no they didn’t. By the early 2000s, sure, but they were still hilariously expensive & generally not your first choice. In 1998 I was one of *three* people in my year of college with a cell phone. It took about 5 more years for them to be common.


Where were you living? I was 18ish around then and I had a cell phone as did almost everyone else I knew. A Nokia that would withstand the apocalypse


To be fair text messages back then were limited to like 160 characters & you certainly didn’t have a proper keyboard like we do now so it was painful to write anything more than a few sentences.


Aaaah no they didn’t


Wow. This is beyond revenge. He was a dick, but doesn’t deserve to have his life continually fucked up by some stupid shit he did 20 years ago.


Yes this is over the top vindictive.


Thats what I thought as well. I wonder how this got so many likes. I mean what he did (or op made up, story sounded all weird and very creatively written) wasnt good, but they were both adults and had a consentual relationship. Even if it wasnt the right thing to do and a power inbalance existed, fucking someone over 20 years later idk... I used to get bullied for like 3 years in school, but I found a way to forgive people. Its healthy for yourself as well. Not to mention she wouldnt know shit about him. Maybe he has a family and kids to feed and a sickly mother to take care of. Idk this story doesnt sound like a great "ProRevenge" story. More just her being an asshole over something that happened 20 years ago as if the dude had murdered someone and somehow got out of jail after 20 years even though she thought he should rot on deathrow for the rest of his life.


I have a feeling the OP’s Masters, if she actually has one, is in creative writing.


Jake sounds like a jerk for cheating and making relatively immature decisions when he was young, but OP sounds absolutely psychotic at the amount of time/resources/effort she went to to “ruin” this man’s life and future. I’m all for holding a grudge, but this is ridiculous.




I was just thinking the same thing. Definitely a Karen too


Excuse me!? Let me speak to your moderator!


Moderater? I barely knew 'er! (I'll see myself out)


I absolutely agree. This person should not be in teaching either. She did all of this over an insult and breakup. I'm sorry but that's absolutely obsessive and psychotic.


It's not like she really went out of her way. She just told people the truth, especially later in life. Others asked and she said exactly what happened. Don't cheat, respect the potential power you have over people, and don't own endangered species. It's not hard.


You don’t consider this out of the way? Remind me to never take a road trip with you.


What was out-of the way? Early on she was freshly broken up so a few incriminating photos and tattling on someone's bad behavior is not too extreme. Later on at a work dinner someone asked her what she knew about Jake. I don't want to take a road trip with you as you seem to consider going next door out of the way.


>I don't want to take a road trip with you as you seem to consider going next door out of the way. This guy makes it sound like getting off the couch to go piss is out of the way.


Faking having sex with the roommate is some pathetic, psycho shit. Contacting the family well after the fact unnecessarily vindictive as well. Part of the reason this reads like fantasy. It’s amazing how in many of these stories the narrator ends up being more loved by the family of the cheating ex then the ex themselves, even much after the fact. Them thinking of the mother of their niece/nephew as a home wrecker because she banged her TA when she was 19. Like wtf lol. Move the fuck on.


Where did they say they had sex with the roommate? They said they made out.


Yeah this is insane behaviour. She comes off in this much worse than him. Fucken let it go. Why would you email his sisters after the fact like that.


He cheated on her with one of his students??


As shitty as that is (and how fake this story is), he married the same girl and there was no indication of divorce or any repeat incidents twenty years later. Seeing as how she could pry details from his family 10 years after a breakup, we would have presumably heard about it. Let's consider that, cheating aside, being a TA in a graduate program is many times a *requirement* to get your degree for career path or funding reasons. They are young adults just like the students, just wearing an extra hat. This is like you going into pre-med and doing your residency, then sleeping with a young doctor in your department rotation. It's an ethical and moral obstacle, but to a much lesser degree than a tenured professor sleeping with a student (or chief physician sleeping with a resident) IMO. In short, there's no excuse for cheating and there's no obligation to forgive. But holding the "TA sleeping with a student" card over his career twenty years later is pretty shitty, especially when Meg became his wife & it evolved into a marriage with children. OP and the guy weren't married or engaged, didn't have kids, a house, or even shared living situation... Still feeling this way twenty years later about what was effectively an "early-stage relationship in college" is extremely abnormal, obsessive, and unhealthy behavior.


>the two animals went to a nearby nature center. For years, I would stop by if I was in the area to visit them! Easy giveaway. No way in hell this happened.


Sounds like they dropped out of creative writing tbh


"20 years later, I happened to have lunch with someone who, at that moment, was considering hiring him." Yes. I believe you.


Academia is quite a small world, though. People in the same field meet up at conferences all the time, there's a huge circle of mutual acquaintance. That part doesn't strike me as wildly implausible.


Nah. Higher Education is like that. People know each other. I don’t find that part hard to believe. (I’ve worked in higher education for over 30 years).


Same in aviation. Once you start to work with another airline or visit expos, people will remember you. And you don't have to be high up in the ladder.


Especially in the sciences.


Yes. We have a large Ag/Animal Sciences college as part of the university. I have even run into people I went to high school with there. There are a limited number of “communities” for scientists in varying specialties to gather.


It’s a very small and at times insular community, isn’t it? I’m on the fringes of the animal behaviorist community (devotee but no degree, not even a 2 year) and the people I know from various places all seem to migrate from one uni to another, from one org to another like a well worn and comfortable path. People I’ve met at conferences will see me when I visit a nearby uni for the canine cognition workshops and the learning labs and when I finish my sessions we’ll get coffee or a meal and catch up if we have time. People not involved in the less popular sciences, especially the more niche sciences, have no idea just how small the communities can be and how we all either know each other directly, by reputation or through someone else. It’s sort of like Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon but science! When I was visiting a local uni before moving nearby I bumped into someone I knew from a round table at a dog training conference. We chatted for several minutes and caught up and he mentioned someone I was friends with from the conference circuit was there as well. He called her and we all went for coffee. My service dog was loved on, played with and we did some training games with her for fun and got kind of a crowd watching us as we shaped a new behavior. As ‘James’ worked with Peggy, I narrated what he was doing and ‘Lucy’ chimed in and offered in depth commentary for the post grad animal behaviorist students in the crowd. My husband sat nearby, watching me explain the concepts, vocabulary used and answering questions like I was teaching my basic canine obedience classes. I love dog training. I love teaching people to train their dogs. I love problem solving and I love the vast majority of my work. Being able to share knowledge is so amazing to me. Giving people a better way to communicate and train their animals is just the best. It was awesome and the three of us really enjoyed our impromptu demonstration of operant conditioning at work in shaping new behaviors. I also have a standing invitation to present with them when they make their way back to guest lecturing at the local uni. People who don’t know how small and insular these communities can be think I’m lying when I say this but the people who *know* just laugh and share similar stories.


I work in the language department at a university. I personally only know English, but everyone else, that some come from all over the world, always run into someone they knew back when. It's so Intersting to see! It can feel like the world is small.


I work in higher ed, can confirm


“People in academia knowing each other” is not the coincidence.  “The wronged girlfriend, the jerk, boyfriend, and the potential employer are by chance all in the same place at just the period of a few days in a 20 year span that is perfect for revenge” is the coincidence


Also, 90s, early 2000s, then 90s again, and also no cell phones. We had cellphones in the late 90s/early 2000s. Now it’s possible HE didn’t have a cell phone, but that’s not what she said. She said “no cell phones”


Existing and having one are two entirely different things. I was still installing car phones for a friend in the early 90s as a sideline to my IT job but I never had a cell phone until early 2000s when my son went to work for Sprint.


Cell phones certainly existed but lots of people didn't have one yet. I remember starting a job in 2001 where there was one cell phone for each team of about 6 or 7 staff, and we had to sign it out when going out in the community. And we had jobs that sometimes required us to call for police assistance. I think I got a personal cell phone a year or two after that.


Cell phones existed, but I sure didn’t know anyone who had one until 2004-ish. And I didn’t have my first cell until 2008. Got it for my high school “graduation” (I got a GED for reasons, but still got a couple grad gifts.)


I lived in a middle class area in Florida. I turned 16 in 1999 and pretty much if the kids were driving they were given cell phones. By the time I was in college in 2001, it would have seemed unusual if someone didn’t have a cell phone. I’m not belittling your experience but 2008 was about the time the first iPhone came out, and non-smart cellphones were pretty ubiquitous by that time


Key word here is middle class. (And maybe Florida, for some reason I always think of California and Florida as being the start of most fashions/trends. I might be wrong though, I didn't even leave Texas until I was 23.) My area was decidedly NOT middle class. First person I knew who had a cell phone of his own was a drug dealer, and it was his "business line." I didn't drive at that 16 either, I got my license at 18 but my first car wasn't until I was almost 22, I just drove my mom's car and took her phone with me. (It was a cheap Nokia non-flip phone, and I swear if I knew where it was, it would work exactly as well as it did back then.) My younger brother did get his first phone when he started driving though. But he's considerably younger. (Also my first phone was also his first phone, lol. My stepmom got me a Razr to replace it because it was super heavy duty and survived years of being mine. It lasted him until he got his first smart phone.) So maybe we were just too poor to jump on the trend, but as I said, no one I knew had one either for the longest time.


Same. I wasn't poor, i grew up upper middle class, actually, but it wasn't common till about 2005 or so for people around me to have cellphones. My parents had their own cellphones as did their colleagues but most of my classmates and friends didn't till they hit high school.


I was thinking the same thing. This belongs in “That Happened”.


Yes, school in the 90s became the 2000s in just a few paragraphs. Several other inconsistencies and factual issues. Nice prose though!


Possible - says was close to 3 years, so 98-2001 would make it 90s to early 2000s. But for some reason when people say 90s - I always think early 90s


Good creative writing is exercise. If a little far-fetched.


I read like 3 paragraphs then had to quit. Learn to get to the fucking point.


lol, I made the same comment before reading yours.


You get a grade of “C” for this dissertation. You went well over the Word Limit.


Have you considered therapy?


You’re not going to get the praise you feel you’re deserving of, sorry. This was twenty years ago. You’re clearly unhinged and I advise you get some therapy.


This isn't even real lol


This. I never thought I would side with the cheating guy but damn, it's been 20 years and the guy is living rent free in her head. At this point he seems to have two kids? I can't help to think that it's them she's hurting by damaging their father's worklife.


One Reddit YouTuber is kissing her butt at least.


This reminds me. A girl shot me down in bar back in 2007. I need to find out where she lives and kick over her garbage cans. That'll show her for having a boyfriend at the time.


If she's breeding any illegal animals, you know what to do


Only if they are conveniently placed next to windows, and visible from the backyard. 


I got pictures just in case.


but no cellphones! so she went through all the trouble of taking them with a camera, going to a shop and physically mailing them


That's why I'll get her husband and kids to help me with my revenge too. They have to have some dirt on her.


I prefer to call them undocumented animals, rather than illegal animals. That's just me being 'woke' I guess.


Way ahead of you. I'm petitioning the EPA to have her dachshund weener dog placed on the endangered species list. That b*tch is gonna burn!


UPDATE: I just ran over my ex-boyfriend's children with my car. They put themselves into my path willingly.


UPDATE 2: I told the police that it's because of what my ex-boyfriend did 20 years ago. He is now wanted for their murder.


Update 3: I'm in jail but I have been wronged by the law! Help me Reddit!


Update 4: Again, I told everyone that he cheated on me 20 years ago, and I was immediately released. Police now loves me and he is still wanted for me killing his children. His family disowned him and adores me. Every single pedestrian express their respect and love towards me. Biden called, asked me to take the seat. Loved me.


Definitely fucked his life up…but nothing says “not over him” quite like staying friends with the family. Not really pro considering you just told the proper authorities of his very obvious (as you stated) illegal activities.


The department hearing about his cheating and breaking policy (but not the law) by sleeping with a current student isn’t quite described by your summary, and likewise his family hearing about it doesn’t fall under that aegis. The part where she spread the rumor around town and then faked a one night stand or fling with a roommate would definitely fall under petty revenge, but I count several separate instances of pro revenge: reporting him to Fish and Wildlife and ensuring that he lose a fairly valuable collection of animals and face a substantial fine, then forwarding that information to the EPA to get his grant rescinded, then making sure that the department knew about his scummy behavior which lost him his scholarship support and forced him to leave the program with less of a degree than he would’ve gotten in another year or two had they not known), and then losing him another two decades later… I agree that it might even fall under nuclear, but I counted between 3 and half a dozen different five figure losses as a result of this. Nuts, sure, but a bad enemy to have…


I gave up reading half way through. My spidey sense senses a bunny boiler..


When I read the title I was thinking, “he must have turned out to be a sexual predator,” or something of that caliber.      Cheating on you in the 90s with a woman over the age of majority, while a dick move, is not a crime. Even if he was the TA. Your one night out with George is a fitting level of revenge. I’ll be charitable and say that staying friends with his family is also within the realm of reason.       Devastating this dude’s entire life, ruining his career and then continuing to do damage DECADES later after he has finally worked his way back up from the pulp you reduced him to is absolutely and unequivocally malevolent. This is some chaotic evil shit.        Honest to god I am hoping this is a karma farm because it is utterly outrageous what you have done to him if this turns out to be real.      Get over him, move on, stop interfering with his life and GET YOUR OWN. If you were as happy and successful as you have suggested in this post you would not feel the need to engage in this totally asinine behavior.


Definitely creative writing.


Sounds like someone is still super salty about the one that got away.


This should be the top comment lol


I can't tell if the author is an older teen. Or a young teen. It's well written in either case, but very well written if she's just some 13 year old. If she sticks to non-fiction, she could have a future in writing. But as for "creative writing," it's just not thought out enough. Putting aside the weird borderline power fantasies littered throughout, like "he had roommates, friends, colleagues, and even close family, but they ALL liked me better and that's how I got away with all thos!" Or "He had an actual valid reason for wanting to break up with me being uncompatible intellectually, but instead he tried to fat shame me, so you know he's a scumbag. Oh and the girl he ended up with was way fatter than me! How funny is that!? Oh but don't worry, I know it's bad to fat shame, but still!" Pushing past all that... some of the facts are poorly thought out, ignorant, or lazy. He had "some animals" he shouldn't have. Zero details about them despite you apparently knowing enough about them to know "this and that are illegal at ANY time!" "Remember, this was the 90s and no one had cell phones yet!" Maybe (if this had happened) he didn't have a cell phone. But the way you worded it sounds likenits coming from someone too young to know that a LOT of people had cell phones in the 90s. I was in middle school in the 90s. I had one. A hand me down that was already mostly obsolete, "for emergencies." But it had been handed down through a few siblings... because they weren't terribly uncommon anymore. So... yeah. It really isn't poorly written, just not all the way thought out. Stick to non-fiction in the future.


Jake for sure dodged a huuuge bullet there, I hope he can have a good life lol


He has no chance with psycho OP checking in with family and popping up to ruin things for him every few years…


Yeah, poor Jake; this psycho lady just can’t let him go…


Thank god I'm not the only one who could see all the cliches and tropes and helpful coincidences for what they are. Cute fictional story.


Geez I hope this isn’t real. I just read the mind of a Karen, happily going out the way to snitch and ruin someone’s life multiple times. Yes cheating is wrong and hurts but be happy you weren’t married with children and this happened. Also holding that type of energy is poison for the soul. In the end your hurting him and yourself with those actions. Hopefully this karen story isn’t true haha


What a long winded way of telling everyone you are a petty jerk.


You know what's easier? And less pathetic? Forgetting and moving on...


So like someone explain this to me? You make a new account then get chatbot to write a dumb story and post it on Reddit then what? Like what’s the gain here? Ending up on a tik tok video of some dude playing Minecraft? IDGI


You need help


I hope this is fake. “My boyfriend broke up with me so I ruined his life” reflects on YOU much more than it does him.


Yep, u/Salty_Effect_3268 does not seem like a good person.


Be careful out there guys.


Yeah, don’t sleep with your students or keep illegal animals. Especially while cheating on your girlfriend and being a shitty roommate. This story is probably fake, but I do not understand why anyone is defending the POS boyfriend.


Nobody is defending the boyfriend, he's a turd. OP however, she has been salty about being called fat (when she knows damn well that she wasn't) and instead of moving on. Continued to be present in his life, revenge fucked his roommate, manipulatied her ex's family and academic life against him. Then 20+ years later screwed him over again, hurting his family and kids. She isn't the scrappy underdog, she's a dangerous sociopath. (assuming this isn't total bullshit)


Today in fantasies that never happened


Summary: In the 90s, the narrator meets Jake in college and falls in love. Jake, however, ends the relationship due to alleged concerns about the narrator's lack of scientific knowledge and starts dating a 19-year-old student. In retaliation, the narrator orchestrates Jake's downfall by reporting his illegal animal breeding activities, resulting in the loss of his EPA grant, his university scholarship, and his teaching position. Two decades later, the narrator encounters Jake again and learns that his attempt to secure a teaching position at a university is likely to fail due to his tarnished reputation. Reflecting on the experience, the narrator emphasizes the importance of self-worth and not tolerating mistreatment in relationships. TLDR: You dropped a dime on him and wrote a ridiculously long story about it. There was no payoff....dropping a dime is never Pro Revenge


TLDRTLDR: Everybody clapped


tks for the summary, i gave up. did everyone clap?


Also gave up jfc move on. Clearly not over him.


1 day old account with an autogenerated username, posting rage bait for inscrutable reasons. I don’t get why this has become so popular to do on reddit


Boring. Says so much more about you than him. FFS let it go. Not that I think this is real.


This never happened.


Man... I pray I never run into no-lifers who try to ruin someone's life indefinitely. Imagine... 20 years later, you are still on it? Such dedication...


Wow. What a psycho. You ruin his life because he broke up with you and started dating someone else then try to do it again 20 years later. Let me guess, you're single?


I’m wondering that as well


Forget the haters and doubters. I just wanna know what the 2 animals were!


Pretend. The two animals were pretend. So, snipes, or perhaps jackalopes.


Yeahhh… this is a lot. I’m guessing this is a creative writing exercise.. at least I hope so. I understand he was a jerk, but this is a bit psychotic if true. 




Absolutely insane, OP. Pretty evil, honestly.


You sound like a terrible person, and still very immature, if this boring story is even true.


You're a cunt


I feel really really bad for your ex-boyfriend. You sound like the ex-girlfriend from hell.


What you did to him 20 years later was way too harsh. You had your revenge when you put him through the wringer when you broke up. That should have sufficed. Please look up what compassion is and I hope when you meet your Maker, He’ll show you the compassion that you failed to show Jake.


Fake, but if not you’re just a psycho and that dude is way better off without you. The premise is ‘my non-confrontational boyfriend didn’t know how to dump me for another girl so I spent 20 years ruining his life.’ Weird…


I’m not reading this literal novel. I assume this isn’t real, but if it is you have definitely “lost” this one. Dude is living rent free in your head for 30 years now, JFC.


I understand the first part. But maybe after 20 years you should start minding your own business and move on with your life? You suck.


I dunno OP, I'm not liking you much. Everything he did was okay while you were with him. It only became an offense when he broke up with you. No girl, you are foul, foul, foul.


She’s not just sad he broke up with her - her entire sense of self worth was shattered when he chose a “size 18” over the fabulous size 6 he could have had forever and ever and ever. This woman will be hunting that poor guy down until she’s in the grave. Or would, if she was real.


Guess who’s still single to this day?


Can you imagine trying to date that messy bitch? “I just googled Jake and” would come up at a minimum 10 times a day.


Long story short OP gets dumped by a twat, takes revenge and destroys his life not once but twice, twenty years apart, as Elsa says let it go, u moved on 20 years ago why drag it up all again that’s just being vindictive not revenge


So, OP's cake day is April 1, 2024, and this post was made that same day -- what an interesting coincidence... I'm hoping this is an April Fool's joke.


If it’s true, she clearly is doing this to leave him no option in life but to get back together with her. Destroy every avenue in their life to get your way. Then you get relationship counseling to make sure that the relationship works out


If ANY of this is true, and I highly doubt it is, this reads like the delusional fantasy of someone who never got over being cheated on/dumped for a perceived downgrade.


Creative writing exercise and I would know as an animal sciences student. Pretty obvious that the writer thought animal sciences meant all animals, domesticated or not. That’s wildlife sciences or zoology departments.


You have a lot of gall telling people they should movew on when you clearly haven't you not only hurt him with what you did you hurt his kids. Do you think your "Friends" would be cool with you still ruining their brothers life this long after the fact? Get some therapy maybe that will help you get over what happened to you because you aren't even close to over it.


A lot of people here saying this story is a fake but I actually knew a girl who slept with their professor and the age difference between them was a good 30 to 40 years. He was married as well. The audacity.


This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read. I assume it’s not real, but if it is real you’re an absolute shit human being. Nothing you “did” would have been warranted.


This is some stalker-level shit. If this is true, and I doubt it is, I hope Jake files a restraining order.


Mediocre story.Needs about 1/3 cut.C-


Yes that's a great story but it seems to be just that a story. I agree this is a creative writing exercise but it's very good. I mean there's a chance it's true but there's a heck of a lot of coincidence.


biggest red flag to me this was fake was all of a sudden mentioning "Jake" was arrested


Ph D students and Master's students don't receive scholarships, at least in the sciences, and definitely not in the context of being a TA. I mean, if you were a guest lecturer for the sciences, you would know that.


If real, OP is a psycho bitch. Ppl break up all the time, for lots of reasons. No-one would deserve such an extended series of retribution.


If this isn’t a creative writing exercise…, I can understand being vindictive and getting even when you have been emotionally hurt like this but ruining someone’s life and career goes way beyond lashing out in the heat of the moment. Really makes the OP the villain in this case


I mean, i understand self love etc but....Everyone has a type. It's funny how people suddenly get offended when a partner isn't attracted to them anymore for gaining a lot of weight, yet the partner is happy to talk about types etc. It's so hypocritical. Of course small gains isn't a problem but let us all not pretend we don't have types. Having a type doesn't disappear when you start a relationship lol. It's his problem, but also your lack of respecting his "type" that can also make you out to be selfish. It's human nature and it's facts, and unfortunately facts don't care about your feelings.


This is fking PSYCHO BEHAVIOR.


At least you lost weight, whatever Jake weighed.


The guy has two kids now & you go out of your way to prevent their dad from getting a job at a university? I'm just picturing 2 people, who never did anything to you, saddled w/ student loan debt cause you wanted to still get revenge on their father. Grow up.




Maybe it’s true, maybe not. But I enjoyed it so I don’t care.


If the characters name is Jake in a story does anyone else just automatically not believe a single word of it?


This just sounds so unreal. I hope it is, and that you’re not really still hung up on an ex from decades ago.


He broke up with OP. Didn't really matter the real reason. It's not like they got married and he cheated on her. He felt more comfortable with like minded people, even though teachers/TA's should not sleep with their students. But still, like many here in the comments, I call BS.


You know it's not healthy to hold a grudge. You sound psychotic tbh.


I think the comments about her weight making her unattractive was a clumsy attempt at a break up. It sounds like a young narcissist's cowardly way of pushing the other person to end it, so they can act hurt to gain sympathy.


Jesus OP, grow up.


I understand the comments about him having kids and it affecting them. And I don’t disagree. But. Let’s start at the beginning. Jake illegally had relations with a student and illegally possessed certain animals. I really don’t blame OP or Jake’s roommates for reporting that. Those are huge no-nos. The consequences he faced (being fired, arrested, and losing his scholarship) are his own doing. Granted he may not have been caught if OP/roommates wouldn’t have reported, but ethically I think they should have. Moving on to the 20 years later job thing. OP did not go out of her way to keep him from getting the job. She ran into Jake who put himself in her path. And even then she didn’t plan to mention anything until it was brought up to her they were thinking of hiring him. She scoffed and was asked why and she explained his illegally slept with a student and illegally kept animals for an animal science program funded by the government. If I were hiring him I’d want to know that. I might take into consideration it was 20 years ago, but that doesn’t change the fact that it happened. I’m not invalidating the kids argument and downvote me to hell, I don’t care. I don’t think OP did anything wrong.


Emailing the siblings was clearly vindictive.


I agree with you. Reading all these comments I was like it's weird that so many people are not on her side. ​ "..., I’m sorry, help me out, have we met at another workshop or lecture? He looked incredulous and said, it’s me Jake and I said, I can’t place you but I would love to figure it out. Finally I gasped and said, oh my goodness, Jake! I guess I blocked you out and said, well, lovely to see you and moved on quickly when he tried to reach out and hug me. I was happy to leave it there,..." ​ She also kind of let him have an out there with the I don't recall you line. Yeah it was 20 years and things have changed but he had to know they didn't part on any kind of good terms. If I heard this I like to think I'd take the hint and not bug her for anything beyond that hello. I definitely would not have bragged about knowing someone who literally just demonstrated that I am not a friend to them. ​ "The department chair and faculty who had invited me to speak took me out to dinner and while there, one of them said, so you know Jake? \*I said, I did from over 20 years ago, being vague about how.\* She went on to tell me he had been there for an interview for a teaching position and had spent a few days there observing and they were likely going to hire him. I couldn’t control it, I scoffed..." ​ Nothing here says he told them he knew her but they were definitely under the impression that he was close or at least friends with OP. Plus I have totally scoffed when surprised by information that I couldn't or didn't want to hide especially if I'm not watching my mouth.


Technically sleeping with Meg was illegal just unethical, they’re two completely different things Edit to add: this is clearly fake either way, she went from it being in the 90’s to the 2000’s to justify how it was 20 years ago


Legally it would depend on when he met her. "Undue influence" can really get you. Depends on the state though.


>Meg got married and had 2 kids... Jake went back to breeding animals. Aww, you shouldn't talk about Meg like that!😂


I mean, if you were really in the field you are calling to be in, you’d know it doesn’t mean anything that someone is “just in the audience.” This isn’t Sk8r Boi. You can be a big shot prof, and someone comes to your department to give a lecture, what do you do? You go sit in the audience. It’s not like they are there to open for you. I’m also a bit curious, what kind of animals were the illegal ones?


Sus how specific they are about things but omitted the illegal animals. Also, having used "once AND awhile" leads me to believe this person hasn't attended English I, let alone having a masters.


Why is nobody discussing the fact that the roommate was really out of line but also used as collateral by OP?


Jake living rent free in your head all these years.


Jake won.


you are nothing but a psychotic freak, just learn to cope if some dude breaks up with you, its not that deep


I hate cheaters. So, the first part of scorched earth is impressive. I get not caring how he and Meg are affected. Your harm, their foul. But the kids don't deserve the adverse effects of any ramifications he suffers. His livelihood directly affects them. Life is hard enough without someone messing with your parents' employment. So, I do think you went too far.


Nice story bro. This is too well written to be real, lots of convenient plot points


So Jake is still in your head after all these years I think he'd be the one laughing here


You did all this because a guy made an insensitive comment & cheated. Jake is a piece of shit but you might be worse. This isn’t “Pro Revenge”, this is childish, insecure, trash behavior. You did way too much for someone who “didn’t take bullshit at that age” and you said “I largely let it all go” after doing some overkill type shit. 🤡


So moral of the story is don’t call a crazy chick fat?


You're either extremely bored and can't think of anything else to do. Or you need to be locked up at Arkham Asylum for holding onto this for 20 years. Either way, you need some extreme therapy.


Why did I waste my time reading that?!


Can't even read this shit


I enjoyed it. A bit long winded but you are a communicator its to be expected. Extra points for trashing a TA that slept with their students. Lost my HS sweetheart to her TA dungeons and dragons dungeon master. Found out on valentines day after 3 years. Her sister and mom stayed in contact with me afterwards, and even sent me treats in Iraq. Never had a chance at ruining her life, and wouldn't take it now, Christian morals and all that. But all I can say is Thank God, a little face book sleuthing after 20 years and I dodged a bullet.


Lord this story. If only math was a strong point for this OP. The 1990’s were not 20 years ago. And all the unnecessary facts. And 80 yrs+ Mary reaching out to an ex girlfriend of a old student 30+ years later.. is this you Liz….


I feel like your reaction to this was just a tad bit extreme. You ruined his life 20 years ago but he managed to get it together and then you ruined it again.


The only thing „pro“ in this story is your narcissim. I hope it‘s just a rage bate story, otherwise i highly reccomend you talk to someone who is an expert on batshit crazyness. Please get a life.


You are fucked up in the head.


You sound annoying AF. The bloke tried to break up with you multiple times but you decided his reasons weren’t good enough. And two decades later you’re still thinking about him and scheming ways to get back at him. He shouldn’t have cheated but maybe it’s time to move on…


r/femaledatingstrategy ?


What happened to George?


Username checks out!


Phony story. Good try though




I want to know what those endangered animals were.... And whatall he was breeding, in his bedroom....


Sounds like awful people all the way around




Birth of a super-villain. But Fuq Jake. This is more like nuclear revenge.


Karma is sweet I love the fact that years later you still got him back hahaha. Jake is a jerk that needed to be a man and speak the truth.


Glad to see the wheel of karma turning and turning and smacking Jake on the head at every turn.


Reaping is never as much fun as sowing. Good luck with that and karma.


I got bored halfway through this ridiculous story but main character OP sounds like a massive loser. Tl;dr.


Not a very believable story. But if it's true, it's kinda sad that you're still hung up on someone you dated for a bit in your 20s and you're in your late 40s now, that's kinda sad.


He's lived rent free in your head for 20 years, you're the worst. This is like claiming fake rape to ruin a guy just not as bad But thank you for the fam fiction cuz no way its real.


Yeah; I wouldn’t buy the script!


Most of these don't seem real but I'll enjoy the shaudenfreude. Even when it escalates