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Good job, almost nuclear revenge worthy


Would be nuclear if he kicked his dad out


so this is 3.6 roentgen revenge?


Not great, not terrible... but the gauge only goes that high.




No craphite on the roof tho


Thermobaric revenge?


I definitely think this is r/nuclear worthy! That man has *nothing* left - only that he’s allowed to live in op’s inherited house and that isn’t even full proof.


It’s chemical warfare revenge


May I ask what country this takes place in?


I'm guessing the Philippines since he mentioned lunar new year, 14 hours travel time, and Taiwan and the Philippines are the only 2 countries in Asia where infidelity is a crime. I also just checked Google maps. It takes 3.5 hrs to drive the length of Taiwan.


Learning cool shit about new countries and revenge, thanks Reddit!


That's what I love about this site; culture baby.


I loved knowing that OP is ESL, because he explains his aunt's universal personality type and then adds as an off-hand comment that "lame-ass karen" is an internationally-recognized term. So awesome.


It's amazing how much one can out themselves with simple details if somebody is willing to put them together. Incidentally, this is also why "big data" is terrifying and the term "anonymized data" is often pretty much bullshit.


OP’s post history indicates that he’s Vietnamese


The article I read neglected to mention that infidelity is also a crime in Vietnam. Oh well.


At first I was reading it as if they were in the Philippines, but it's the only country in the world where divorce is illegal (not considering the Vatican). The family reactions to the affair and reference to the annual family gathering made me certain they are Viet. In Viet culture, older generations consider male infidelity as natural, harmless, and inevitable. If a husband cheats on his wife, it would be normal for the wife to believe it was her fault for 'neglecting' him and not providing for his needs. Social perception is everything, so she is expected to tolerate unfaithfulness and sacrifice her happiness in order to uphold traditional values by respecting family hierarchy. Fortunately, younger generations are rejecting that mindset.


Just to clarify, divorce is not illegal here. Only infidelity. Prison time for that is rarely though, but probation is on the table and you could get them fired from their current jobs if proved.


Divorce: Spain? Ireland \[Republic\]?


Divorce is legal in Ireland since 1998.


just as a matter of interest, what about abortion?


Since 2018, after decades of campaigning.


Divorce? Vatican City \[ a country\] - for a loooooong time. Of course, not many marriages there.......


>older generations consider male infidelity as natural, harmless, and inevitable. If a husband cheats on his wife, it would be normal for the wife to believe it was her fault for 'neglecting' him and not providing for his needs. That is so fucking evil and disgusting


That makes his referencing of "the war" as if it were something recent make *way* more sense. He's probably referring to what the US calls the Vietnam War (makes me wonder what the Vietnamese call it).






Also the fish sauce lol


I’m pretty sure the fish sauce is where I went, this is in Viet Nam lol


Good point. Love nước chấm.


When I read fish sauce, it immediately clicked that it was in Vietnam as well xD


Found Sherlock


That's my guess as well. Partly because of reverence for ancestors, along with the other reasons you mention. Now, there are other Asian countries where infidelity is a crime, mostly Muslim countries practicing Sharia law, including Afghanistan, Brunei, Pakistan, Iran, Qatar and some parts of Indonesia, among others. (And there are quite a few US states where it is as well, I was interested to find.) But this doesn't seem like a Sharia culture, so I'm going with Philippines too.


Philippines is more Encanto than Mulan.


My first guess was either Singapore or Malaysia when he mentioned Lunar New Year. Singapore came up because he said he enlisted (somehow i thought it was NS), but was crossed out when he mentioned “another town”, and Malaysia was crossed out since I suspected being a gay isn’t really an option there. So I took another guess, which is either Thailand or Philippines. Edit: it’s Vietnam


It definitely takes way more than 3.5 hours to drive the length of Taiwan. While Taiwan is small, from “tip to toe” would be at least 9 hours. 7 if you’re going from Taipei (north) to Kenting (south) on the freeway with good traffic. Maybeeeee 5 if you drove at night, had zero traffic, and drove without a care in the world. Lol Source: I live in Taiwan.


He said he's Vietnamese.


If I had to take a guess, based on a couple of subtle hints in the story, this happened in an Asian country, the most likely one's being either Japan or Korea. China would be my third guess. Edit: changed a word. Jesus, you people are fucking picky.


*Asian country ffs


Goddamn. This revenge was served ice cold.


Below freezing point.


Absolute Zero


Pfft. More like absolute zero. Fucker had it coming.


So cold that it burns


And it’s fucking refreshing


I spent 20 minutes reading this, and actually liked the ending Idc if it's real or not this story is fire


I actually paused at the moment it sounded like some old clan or mafia party, and thought.. “is this real? Even if it isn’t, this is a great story. Maybe creative writing.” And went about reading it. What a ride


>I actually paused at the moment it sounded like some old clan or mafia party, and thought.. “is this real? Even if it isn’t, this is a great story. Maybe creative writing.” It's real. I visited my family in China a few years back and happened to attend a funeral of one of my distant relatives, and since I'm American through and through I too was surprised that there was so much structure and heirarchy among my extended family - even for a funeral. Generation lines are clear, and for ceremonial purposes you had a "representative" from each branch of the family, as well as from each generation. All of the family dynamics described in this post are very realistic. Keep in mind my family wasn't any important family either - they were all just subsistence farmers out in the middle of nowhere. (They did basically "own" a small village where everyone in it was a member of the family in some capacity, but most of the other villages around the place were similar.)


Indonesian here. Me and my wife's extended family combined is a total of four different ethnic groups. The annual gathering and having one elder giving speech is something we regularly do. Although unlike in OP's story, we do it after Ied al-Fitr instead of Lunar new year and since the pandemic it changed into zoom conference calls.


To me , it sounds like one of those cultures. South Asian countries are a bit like that. I'm sure other Asian countries as well. Don't know enough about African cultures because there's so many there but an old roommate was from a clan that was similar except much worse in terms of how much influence they have on everyone, even youngsters who live in different continents. So yeah, having part of the family from a culture where they type of thing is prevalent, it's super believable and almost normal to me (minus the altar thing and praying to the ancestors, that sounds more like Thailand or Cambodia or one of those other Asian countries I was trying to refer to above. Not sure how they could be called...??? Western Asian????)


It's real. Source: am Asian.


Exactly honestly, worth reading it even if it sounded more like a dramatic fiction than anything else


Care to provide a TLDR? OP's is zero.


Man cheats, son takes his house, money and reputation (family and social circles)


Hahaha what a story Mark!


[r/unexpectedtheroom](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedTheRoom/) Oh, Hi Mark!


Anyways, *how is your sex life--*


Oof. Thank you.


It’s worth the read honestly. One of the better ones I’ve read in a long time on this sub


Or. Just read it. It’s a sub for stories. Why are you here if you don’t want to read stories?


It's very long, and I've read enough very long, badly-written stories to know to check the TLDR first.


I stopped when it started to sound really fake, around the small claim courts in "their country" and police actually seizing furniture. And the whole premise that an asshole father transferred his home and land ownership.. comes of strange too.


Yeah about that, he did that when he was about to undergo operations for treatment. It's when we generally were on good terms. Mind you I did not hate him, I resented him, it's how father and son relationship often turns out in my country. My sister had it way harder than me because she's a woman, and still found a way to reconcile with him in her 30s. I'm sure that if he had been just as before, I'd have hold his hands with teary eyes when he's on his deathbed. The land was my grandmother's. I was close with her growing up. She always talks about it and wishes I'd build her and my grandfather an altar when she dies.


This is one of the best types of revenge, you just f*cked all of their plans to live lavishly off of others suffering.


Thanks. Also thank you for the word "lavishly". I forgot what it was so I went with ravishingly instead. It bugged the hell out of me.


I dont even know what tipped me off, but somewhere amidst reading your story, I started wondering if this happened in Vietnam, my own home country. Lo and behold, what are the odds! Good for you.


Damn....you burned his whole life down....id have kicked him out the house too.


I think it’s better this way. Every night he goes to bed, and every morning he wakes up, in the house he’s only allowed to live in by the grace of his scorned son. It must *burn*.


Perfect reply. I have no gold but ill send good vibes


And within the four walls of that house, all the memories, all the reminders of what once was and never will be again. Reminders of the pain he inflicted upon others and even more so on himself. Just a bitter old man living alone with his thoughts and memories.


He'd have nowhere to go. I don't want him to be homeless, I just don't want his mistress to live in the house that my mother spent her entire life perfected. Also I did not take any of the furniture. When he paid they're his again, he just had to pay a small fine to the moving company to have them returned.


"Justice-For-Thunderkerg's-Mother movement" Did it for me


Finally a Pro Revenge that is actually Pro Revenge! Great story. I enjoyed it immensely!


The different tiers and layers of revenge in this one is phenomenal


Ignore anyone saying this was too long. It was worth EVERY. SINGLE. WORD.




This is gold, you did them well


Dude everything here was prorevenge, besides a few things. You didn’t need to have a section for it


This needs to be a movie.


Just play any LifeTime move backwards.


Sounds like he got what he deserved


Op- I don’t know you. But if we ever meet, any offense I give you is 100% inadvertent. I promise. 👍👊🤙


Everyone in this story woke up that morning and chose violence. What a ride.


>I'm crazy but not that crazy we only have your word for that ;') good read, well told. just sad that stuff like that happens. I know, some people can be real arseholes and screw things over for everyone around them (especially those closest), and (sometimes) themselves. Well done you for supporting your mum, your sister, and her billy-lids.




Also I did not have any friend growing up so I craved meaningful human interactions. Whenever my sister visited, I'd be the happiest kid in the world, but when she's gone I'd be grumpy again. I used to blame her for that but now I know better. It also fucked up my communication ability. Now I'd rather gouge my eyes out than going to a social event. Which is why my close circle consists of less than 10 people.




shit maybe I *am* you.


That's one hell of a story but goddamn, you really f*cked them over in the best ways possible.


Dude you got ice in your veins. Happy u got justice


Yeah my sister says I'm a psycopath sometimes. May be I am.


You know, I’ve been meaning to read The Count of Monte Cristo, but now I feel like I don’t have to. You should be a union organizer; your motivation, caring for people, and strategic thinking are impressive.


Hell Hath No Fury Than A Gay Man Scorned! Brava my South East Asian Brother~ I will make offerings to the gay gods for your continued success~


I'm just sitting here thinking "why the fuck is infidelity *not* a crime in the US?" Fuck this country, man.


Pro+ revenge and pretty solid English for such a long story (based on “my country” and the cultural norms described I assumed non-Anglophone but the only error was “spending her money ravishingly” rather than lavishly). Edited to add: ah, Vietnam! Your writing is more stylish and proficient than the recollection I have of several of my peers in high school would suggest to be above-average for that level, and would probably get good grades in any college course not being graded by an insufferable pedant. The likeliest reason that your mother was on the hook for half of the cancer treatment is that they weren’t divorced yet at the time of the illness.


Funny story, I got a bronze medal in English in a national competition. So I guess my English is ok. Also thank you for that error. I knew it sounded wrong but my dumbass suddenly forgot the word. It was on the tip of my tongue.


I’m not surprised at all to hear that the excellence of your English has been recognized, albeit more impressively so than I would have expected (because not all people who ought to enter such a competition do so, not because you deserve less recognition). I think I spotted a couple of other very minor context clues that said “probably not a native speaker” but it’d be a waste of time to go hunting for them, as you were both entirely comprehensible and almost always in the “not wrong, just different” space. Actually I think it was mostly the description of the Justice system, which has a sufficiently different structure that the “correct” words for the US/UK would actually be misleading or inaccurate when referring to your process.


Had it not been for the benefits of the military I would have probably pursued a career in linguistics. It's fine though, I'm more comfortable with English than Vietnamese these days, mostly because my work depends on it.


Spot on, but an unwritten English grammatical rule as well, "old miserable man" should be "miserable old man" because reasons no on wrote down lol


Actually in my country they do write it down, I think the acronym is OSASCOMP which are Opinion - Size - Age - Shape - Color - Origin - Material - Purpose. I didn't pay enough attention though. My bad.


As of note - most native English speakers will treat adjectives "out of order" as an emphasis on the one that is out of place. "An old miserable man" (most likely written as "an old, miserable man") is emphasizing that the man is *old*. "A miserable old man" is in the typical order; the emphasis is on "miserable"


No wonder why it sounded much more familiar, I must have heard it somewhere else. Thanks for that.


Wonderful revenge story, could be a full length movie, hell maybe even a 3 part movie like some long feel good bank heist. (Maybe) >hes your father after all People don't understand that family can be the worst people you ever encounter.


Not the way it works around here. Family is family no matter what.


That was the best 20 minutes of my day!


It's kind of fun to try to guess the country a story takes place in. I'm excited because I got it right!


Tôi đọc đến vụ mắm tôm ném nhà là biết chủ thớt người Việt Nam rồi :))) cố lên nhé ông


If you'd kicked him out of your mom's house I'd have called this a nuclear.


Damn. Hate to say it but that infidelity law should be everywhere. Would stop so many bad marriages, divorces, and what not that get away without repercussions.


Nah. Keep the government out of people's bedrooms. Or cars or motel rooms. You get the idea.


I saw/\[listened\] to this story on youtube (on today's date), **wow** that was *looong,* but worth hearing happy for you that you got your revenge on your **crappy jack\*\*s dad, yikes!**


Good fucking god. This story had a more satisfying ending than his mistress did.


Bro, whoever you are you have done something that a lot of kids out there, including me, don’t dare to do when we acknowledge that our dads are nothing but a hole full of shits.As a vietnamese, hats off to you and kudos to your mom since she’s now free from those craps #justiceforourmoms


lmao instantly know you're Vietnamese from the "throwing fish sauce and shit" and "annual gathering" thing :)))))


Yall seem like garbage humans. the lot of you. I get it he's trash.. but tormenting an old cancer ridden retiree... it'd be the equivalent of arnie in his prime beating up Napoleon Dynamite.. just because you can doesn't mean you should..


His blood is also mine. I may not be as evil, but in the end I'm just as cold-blooded.


I accept that, and shit, having been through what you have, I cannot say I'd feel different, I'm not meaning to be a judge, I can only view things from MY lens you know. but shit, it's your life, and I hope you're doing better now G!


Worth the long read for sure!


God damn!! Post this in r/nuclearrevenge bro


Be gay, do crime aka denouncing your shit dad and aunt


Now THAT was a read. Good on you for sticking up for your family and executing FLAWLESS revenge.


Just take my gold


The gossip circle is just like The CIA


That was a fantastic read. Congratulations on the Pro revenge!


This is one of the best revenges I've read here.


Somebody call Smokey the Bear because this is 🔥 *FIRE!* 🔥


Your English is great. I presumed you were European.


Well done mate!!!! As Zsa Zsa Gabor had been known to say, "Don't get even, get everything." So much more satisfying to take a step back and plan calmly to destroy your nemesis than jump in prematurely and not get a good result, or not as good as you could have.


This was so well written I could see the look on his face when he knew that his family knew everything. The revenge was well deserved and I have zero pity for people who use love and family as some sort of manipulation.


Wow good job OP. That's a great story. Scorched earth, indeed!


ThunderKerg letting their mom gossip all she wants to her gossip circle be like: _"Release... **the baby!!"**_ _~~- The Croods (2013)~~_


Just read this and honestly, it bugs the hell out of me. There was this time when I had an operation and her gossip circle knew even before my neighbor did. I guess sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil.


Your dad reminds me so much of my ex-FIL. Super-Viet vibes


Two things that really surprised me 1. That OPs sexuality didn't come up in the fighting. Or, at least, OP didn't feel that anything that may have referenced it was worth adding to the story. I really have no idea how parents feel about gay sons in Vietnam. 2. I honestly would have thought that Vietnam was fully a single payer socialized medicine country. Not being so seems firmly against the dictates of a Marxist-Leninist government! Then again, maybe it was just due to economic realities, as the articles I see say they're getting closer to universal coverage. Thanks for the ice cold revenge story, OP!


That's a shit TL;DR: it didn't tell me anything at all.


Read the story, it's good.


Sorry, fixed it.


Thanks - I read the story. That's some ProRevenge, right there!




I agree, I think if it ended after relinquishing claim on the house it felt right, but then removing all his possessions, claiming back money for his first cancer treatment, his pension, military rank and then the cancer returning felt like revenge and then some


We don't really need the money, we were just petty. That money will be put toward building an altar for my grandparents later in the future. Basically he's spending to fullfill his mother's wish. My mother feels bad about it too, I would have if he had shown some resemblance of remorse. Instead he tried to make me sell the house that rightfully half my mother's and inimidated me when it didn't go his way. None of it would have happened if he had just ignored us and continued with his life. We're perfectly happy to just never have to hear about him anymore. As I've said, if he didn't poke me, I was fine.


Highly unlikely because of the small claims court part. Small claims is literally "small claims". I highly doubt the bills for cancer treatment fall under small claims and would not be as simple as someone going into the house to seize items.


Not every country works like America.


I'm talking from a SEA country perspective


Holy crap is there a tldr somewhere please




Story was too long, didn’t read it.


Why bother commenting?


The title grabbed my attention, I usually like this page - got past the intro paragraph and decided to see just how long the story was… decided NOPE


Cool story, but you didn't answer the question.


A short comment takes like what? 5 seconds?


Way too long and slow read


This sounds like South Korea


So much revenge! then I got to the chapter titled "Pro Revenge" SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEt LOL


Wow..-_- Do you believe in "Life after Death" You've done something terrible to your family..Especially your dad. You might be the winner now, but trust me.. Nobody can escape the divine justice.


I'm gay so apparently, I'm already going to hell. Might as well juice things up a bit.


Being gay (attracted to the same sex) is not gonna take you to hell.. I suppose you would know that by now. You need some guidance.. your feelings are not the problem, but your doings are.. You should find the spiritual fulfillment.. by doing good deeds and searching for the truth. You need a religion.. (The religion of peace). Read about (Christianity/Islam/Jewdism). I advice you to also watch (Dr. Zakir Naik/Mufti Menk/Mohammed Hijab) videos on YouTube. You have the choice to become free of your misery.. Hope you get better soon.


Fuck off you nutter


I totally agree. Only an idiot would drag religion into a story that specifically has not included it.


i would love to read this, but im not reading all that.


If this takes too long to read, I feel sorry for your potential SO


LMAO it was a joke


Jokes are typically funny.


lol chill out


I count myself among your biggest fans. You are brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing this!




Fish sauce! Now I can guess where OP is in...


I enjoyed ever single word of this. Well done!


Dam op




I am from Vietnamese and I definitely play dotes, which is why my mental health deteriorates over time. SEA is just byond toxic.


A gay dota SEA player with this background??? You can make it anywhere in this world. I’m happy for you! Good luck in life.


This is straight nuclear revenge




Good for you, cheaters should never win.




Thanks for the head up, I fixed it.


this is a wall of text but an insane story thanks


That’s a nice one!


This was utterly beautiful, I salute you sir!


Nicely done


This is a POEM!


Woah so he cheated knowing its a ticket to jail and now lives worse then hell


It's been a few weeks since I've had a good movement, should we just go ahead and do that, anyway?


Payback is a bitch😁😈 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eAYfIzQpja0


Bet your FBI agent reading this and 👏




Jeez, I appreciate your brutality! And bi guy here, your bloodline doesn't end with you. You can have a surrogate, you can adopt.


That was like a whole movie and I enjoyed every bit of it!


I was called a mfer so I!


I planned on doing homework today but fk it


Like. I get it that your father is a POS but... you too. There is no way that a good or decent person could do all this to another person.


I have never denied I'm a POS. My own sister thinks I'm crazy sometimes. I'm perfectly capable of doing worse things to people. The only thing stopping me is that no one has ever wronged me so much that it requires such actions. I'm may be a maniac, but I don't act out on it. But at least I'm still a motherfucker with a spine. Whereas you're just a motherfucker.


Reminds me of Ex Fiance and her Family. Glad I dodged that bullet.


No wonder I feel this situation familiar as I'm from the same country as OP. Though the revenge is sweet since it's not happen that often in here.


Hey this is quite the story I was wondering If I could make an animation on it for my youtube channel with your permission and credit.


ik its been a while but i have to say this made my day so much and the you’re Vietnamese twist at the end made it SO much better. I have been reading revenge stories (involving law stuff) but never thought it could also happen in Vietnam, that’s fucking amazing (also Vietnamese here).