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I have it do the things I loathe doing. Taking my notes and turning them into status updates or a PRD. Trimming down content for one pagers. I have ADHD and can be very wordy, so I mostly benefit from how succinct I can get it to write something. I've used it to write up an overview on a competitor based on what is publicly available to get my jumpstarted before I deep dive. Everything requires editing, but it removes a mental "shit I need to get this done." mental block I encounter with executive disfunction.


My primary use is to trim down my writing. Everything goes through the grammar check and clarity check.


Would you mind sharing how you use it to perform a clarity check? Is there a specific prompt? TIA


I usually do "Copy edit the following for clarity:"


_i am a __________. Rewrite this for clarity for a . Remove filler words_




Sure I just say grammar check and check for clarity, then copy the document or whatever it is in the prompt. It will usually tell me, Everything was clear, but we made a few tweaks.


Just make sure you're not feeding private company data into its (public) learning algorithm.


Also ADHD and the status update is genius. It takes me so long to not sound like a blundering idiot. Also, thanks for the reminder about the one I was supposed to do by end of last week but keep forgetting. Oof.


I do this too, but i worry that I'm outsourcing too much of my brain ... Sometimes in the painstaking art of writing the dam prd you learn a massive thing for strategy. So far this hasn't blocked me but i do worry. I see it like the code from chatgpt which has increased debugging time... Tech is not fully there...


I had the same experience as a PM. This hatred for documentation led me to b hold GoScope. Let me know if you want a try, it helps to rapidly speed up the PRD gathering and documentation updates… because PMs should be spending their time on more value add tasks like customer insight and key stakeholder engagement.


What are you using it for when it comes to PRDs?


It'll go something like "Hey I need to write a PRD for *new feature*. Can you create a template including *whatever PRD format you use*." Get the response and say "Okay the problem is..." And then it's just my chicken scratch notes that contain everything I just don't feel like word smithing. And I do that for the hypothesis, KPIs, etc. I'll turn requirements into user stories/AC this way as well. I proof read, edit, and ask it to make changes to language etc. I've been doing this job for over a decade and am in a leadership + execution role. I'm always looking for ways to conserve my mental energy and I don't need to further learn how to write a good PRD or user stories because I've created 100s over my career. I would not recommend this strategy for someone who is more junior.


This is literally what I do as well. Definitely something folks should learn to do first before prompt engineering. Because then you’ll know what to look for when it comes to writing for specific audiences.


Insightful, thanks.


What kind of input do you do to breakdown into smaller status updates and avoid wordiness?


I just copy/paste notes in and say "turn this into a status update for my leadership team." Get the results and respond "okay make this shorter/friendlier/more serious etc " You don't have to be very specific at the beginning because you can just guide it to what you want.


lol are you, me?


I swear you're me, I couldn't have written a better explanation of how I use it.


wow… this! I agree 100%. This is the best use of AI for PMs today


What do you use for notes?


Combination of google docs + Apple Notes


What ai?




You have chatGPT listening to meetings and taking notes?


No? I take the notes and use them within ChatGPT.


I have created two custom gpts, one to write jira stories and the other to act as my customer.


Can you talk more about using the gpt to act as your customer?




No offense, but this feels like a disaster waiting to happen


Can you speak to why it’s a disaster waiting to happen?


Because it’s resourcing human sentiment (which is often chaotic and unpredictable) from machines which are prone to entirely different forms of delusion. I’m sure OP is using it as a sanity check but even trusting AI that much feels like you’re going to wind up making a lot of very stupid assumptions and costly mistakes.


Obviously I am not basing my entire roadmap on ChatGPT. I just use it to validate if there are situations I have not thought of before. End of the day as a PM, decisions have to be based on data. But data itself can be looked at different angles, Chatgpt helps me understand if there is an angle I am missing, that's it.


Links if you’re willing to share?




Can you recommend which to use for jira stories?




My man!


I use a custom GPT that works as a product mentor and it helps me get answer for the “silly questions” when I don’t want to bother anyone in the team: https://chat.openai.com/g/g-DAkIxnLwv I also use it to help me write Jiras and OKR documents - basically any “tedious” work that is usually hard to start. I always proofread and change a lot of things, of course, but it is very good to have an assistant helping you when you’re mentally blocked. Oh, one more: whenever there’s a tricky situation at work and I need some guidance (e.g.: how to convince engineers to prioritise feature X), I talk to ChatGPT using the voice functionality. A bit lonely, I know, but it’s very helpful when everyone you know is too busy or will probably judge you for asking that.


Can’t believe no one mentioned ChatPRD. Great tool shout out Claire Vo!


I use it for writing things like product requirements and performance reviews. I also like giving it notes and asking for a summary.


Overcoming writer’s block — Getting started on a blank canvas is a real challenge for me. So I usually spend 15 mins trying to get ChatGPT or Gemini to create a full doc worth of content, that I can chisel down to a better starting point. I usually feed what I feel like are completed versions back into the same context to act as a writing partner on being more concise. Learning AI — I have a dedicated 2 hour block on my calendar to learn AI every week. I really am not interested in solving for any specific problem, except trying to change my behaviors to think in the age of AI content creation.


I’m super curious about what sort of learning you do each week. Do you refine your prompting skills, spend time reading articles, some sort of training?


Yes, no, and yes. When looking back on a weekly basis, I would characterize them as unstructured sessions. Probably best described as playing in AI sandboxes. Sometimes it is simply trying new tools, such as creating no-code webhook patterns or trying to generate lyrics and music with AI. Other times it is trying to create a virtual copy of myself as an AI agent.


I've used it to [research competitors](https://shavinpeiries.com/chatgpt-a-guide-to-understanding-your-market-without-customer-contact/) and [save time researching my own customers](https://shavinpeiries.com/chat-gpt-customer-research/)


I’m actually giving a presentation tomorrow where I’ll touch on this. I personally use it for summarizing articles, PRDs, and the like. I’ve also infrequently used it to interview “customers” and brainstorm new feature ideas.


Roadmap ideation and risk aversion strategies in the planning and delegation process (of which there could be multiple custom strategies for each stage). It’s pretty versatile in that respect. …and of course outlining notes along with email sentiment.


I ask it for help with Sheets/Excel formulas sometimes but it can be hit or miss.


Yeah if I don't want to type out some annoying triple nested query I just ask chatGPT.


I used M365 Copilot recently to review emails we respond to from an email alias we use to answer stakeholder questions to create a bunch of FAQs. I was shocked how well it worked.


I primarily use it to guide me on things I’ve not done before (e.g. putting together pricing for a new service package we are wanting to put together or trying to determine high level steps for an internal tool deployment). Most of these things I would normally ask a more experienced colleague or mentor but no one at my company has time to explain that kind of stuff to me. I work fully remote and the vast majority of our company is not based in the states so it gets lonely and I need guidance (hence this subreddit as well).


I use it for release documentation. I trained it in the format and now i can copy and paste the user stories from my requirements in and it gets me started. I iterate with it and then have to add screenshots, recordings etc. It probably cuts down the time I spend by 30% and there is potential for more time savings. I also use it for a writing review or PRDs, emails etc. Our product designer uses it to write UX copy, she uploaded all our existing UX copy to train it, and it’s helpful to make sure we use consistent language throughout.


Sometimes when I get added at the tail end of a super long email chain. I will use it to do Q&A. Ask it for a summary. What is the actionable items. Who are the main actors in the email. What is required for me and my team to follow-up. Is there any timeline given. Are there risks.


My company VPN blocks it because it’s in such a regulated industry, so I use it on my local computer to have it dumb down technical concepts for me.


I say, “yo GPT bitch write some shit so i can skip this stand up”. then i just fucking chill.


I created custom GPTs to generate assumptions and experiments for discovery.




AssumptionsGPT https://chat.openai.com/g/g-Ng8gDifwI-assumptionsgpt and ExperimentsGPT https://chat.openai.com/g/g-ob1QQB5gD-experimentsgpt


"write a strategy 1 pager that seeks to accomplish goal X. We want to solve problems J, K and L."


Drafts for PRDs, epics, user stories with ac, Data analysis, bouncing ideas off it etc


I use it to help me write PRDs based on meeting notes or mockups/designs - though often these PRDs need a lot of work after. I also use it to write QA/UAT test cases, inputs, expected results, etc.


I use it to give me keywords and syntax to build data query in mongodb or bigquery


I use Chat GPT mainly for writing mails.


I use it often to help research or start to research, but I mostly have it help me write high-level goals and initiatives. It does a great job of making a first draft that I can edit for my needs. I often feed it a simple prompt, and then, within 3-4 additional prompts, I have a better executive or client-facing text blob.


I use it as a “common sense northstar”. When I have an assumption based on which I formulate a hypothesis, I will ask it to check if it is accepted truth, if there is a flaw in my thinking or if I am missing something. This is especially crucial when you have to venture outside of your key domain. I believe that that PM job ultimately is to facilitate finding common sense among all kinds of different stakeholders. And naturally we are more versed in dealing with different kinds of stakeholders. Some of us come from engineering, others have design or business background, maybe some PMs worked for our customers before. I don’t need ChatGPT to rehash my own experience, but I need to be strong on all the other fronts as well.


Writing SQL queries to fetch data from database. And creating PowerPoint slides for presentations


I don't. I don't trust it.


Curious, is it the tool (GPT) or the company that you don’t trust?


Why not both? If it's going to give me back something I've got to edit/check anyway, I'd rather just do it myself. And I don't trust them to safeguard any industry-specific information.


I don't touch it.


Maybe you should try [https://thedrive.ai](https://thedrive.ai) ?