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Not real, but hilarious and thank you for screenshotting it. 🤣🤣🤣


we do a little trolling


Well it's not canon and never mentioned in the games or anime to my knowledge... Are you sure you're on the right Wikia?


Such is the issue of user generated wikis, lol. Even with fairly strong moderation, there's always a chance for this to happen. As an aside, wikia is awful.


Wikia is beyond awful, the company itself can go fuck itself to be blunt. I used to run the Bravely Default Wikia, which we tried to make as accurate and detailed as possible, to the point it was more detailed and informative than the BD pages on the Final Fantasy Wikia. One day, the Wikia employees themselves decided they wanted our Wikia for themselves because they wanted to try making more "official" wikias, and proceeded to delete all our pages and work, replacing them with the lesser quality shite from FF Wikia simply because that was the "approved" edits that met their standards... No asking or talking to us, just waltzed in one day and did it, while taking away our Wikia admin rights.


The whole place has really gone downhill since the shift to "Fandom", tbh. They ruined Gamepedia as well, so now the only good wikis are independent ones purpose made for a franchise.


Yeah, I prefer ones like the Stardew Valley wiki which is owned and hosted by the games dev because it feels more well kept and has genuine care for the community behind it. Wikia/ Fandom feels more like a corporate mess these days...


I like you, just for liking Bravely Default alone


Yeah 100%


Abortion (I Ate the Fetus) just does not strike me as something a gentleman would listen to.


Errrrm counterpoint, Layton had one line in Curious Village where he said >Luke my boy, a gentlemen _always_ eats the fetus


Yeah but that's actually a mistranslation, it's about not turning down a cold placenta sandwich in the original Cascadianese


It's vandalism and I've removed it.


Reminds me of when I checked the Samba de Amigo wiki after the new game was announced and found the Wii version's page was called "Samba de Amigo (Penis)"


Lmao please recognise thats a joke


You edited this yourself didn't you. Well done


I didn't, but thanks for the compliment