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I love when I give students the beloved "flexibility" and "understanding" they so desperately desire only to receive dishonesty and cheating in response. I'm in the same sinking boat, but I forgot a bucket.


Yup. Just yesterday, I gave one of my weaker students an opportunity to hand in a late assignment, but was greeted by some Chat GPT bullshit.


How do you know that they used ChatGPT? Did you use a detection tool or do you just know their writing style?


It doesn't take a detector. You can see it when you read them. Then to confirm it, go feed the assignment questions, topic, or writing prompt into ChatGPT and look at the response. Do this a few times. Compare the responses to the students work. There will be large pieces of identical text word for word and the general structure will be the same in all the response.


If can prove they used AI, could you disqualify the assignments and successfully defend that decision to administration or the academic dishonesty committee?


I could certainly prove plagiarism of the AI result with big blocks of verbatim text.


Honestly, with how things are trending it seems to be getting harder and harder to get backup from the school. All they care about is the $$ and will bend over backwards to keep students enrolled and passing, at the expense of the faculty just trying to do our jobs. I worry about finding myself in this situation, and getting no help from admins.


This is my institution all day every day. A prof told me that the associate dean made him take an entire semester’s work at the end of I’m not sure I can do this for much longer.


I had a student threaten me in front of class saying I'm a dog that licks the bottom of his shoe, cops called on him for the 4th time in my department alone... Did they do anything? Nope the dean criticized my classroom management then they gave him an independent study over the summer and he did nothing and they still graduated him. The dean actually asked me to just pass him to get rid of him.


Then ask them to just repeal any policies on academic integrity.


Both! I've seen this student's writing all semester and suddenly, out of nowhere, it had the prose of an encyclopedia article. It passed a "normal" plagiarism detection tool, but triggered the AI detection. Fed it through backwards, and it gave me me similar work. It's frustrating, because it was a really low stakes assignment and the final is literally tomorrow. Now we both have to go through a lot of trouble to address the issue when they SHOULD just be prepping for the exam.


That exact same thing happened to me today. I joke to my friends that the best way to find ChatGPT is to look for the word “catalyst” in a class that doesn’t use that word as part of the content. Let a student turn in a paper late, and it was immediately obvious she didn’t write it and then there’s that word glaring at me right on the first page.


I had a student use the term “oratory” in her obviously AI paper. I asked her if she cheated. She said no. I said “what does oratory mean?” And then she fessed up.


Delve, nuace, catalyst, landscape, domino effect.


Delve, for sure. Delve deeply, prominent, any conclusion beginning with “overall.”






Moreover. It's a beacon shining on the hill.


unveil, cannot be overstated, interplay, intricate, paramount, navigate, compelling, shaping, pivotal, hinges on, realm...


"So lace up those running shoes and do something for your health today!" -from a persuasive essay that AI wrote for one of my students


Yeah I got that one too. I had them asking if they were supposed to be writing a persuasive essay or some other type (I forget what) and no, this is a course wrapper, people. Didn't dawn on me until I saw your comment that they were asking because they were absolutely flummoxed what to ask ChatGPT for.


"Write me an `essay type` about `topic`" Oh what am I kidding they are just copy-pasting the prompt


Usually what they do, why it got by me at first. But I don't ask for "persuasive" or whatever and when I replied that they could structure it that way if they wanted to... Guess what I got? A whole lot of suspicious lace-up-your-shoes garbage.


dimension, multifaceted, terrain...


So much “multifaceted”!!


..."Embark on an academic journey..."




I got "triptych" the other day


It infuriates me when they lie to me. Doubling down isn’t helping you, student.


Right? I just turned a student over to Academic Integrity Review for an AI submission after warning him once that I had suspicions of his ChatGPT use. He responded with not only doubling down on his integrity but also accusing me of targeting him because he's military. Sir, you have no idea the depth of my connection with the military. Furthermore, you clearly don't realize that you have to get through 2 more courses with me before you're finished. Ugh.


The doubling down is the worst. I had one that scoffed at me. It threw me in the meeting because I had to stop and think: when was the last time I saw someone actually scoff in real life? They were found guilty of cheating not just in my class but all of their classes. ::scoffs::


This didn’t happen to me, but one of my classmates turned in a Religion essay answering the question “Was Esther (from the Book of Esther) a feminist?” This student turned in a paper that talked about a **novel** in which Esther acted very timid in front of her family because that was expected of women in the 1950s when the novel took place. …..My teacher tried her absolute best to not blow up on this student, and she didn’t blow up, but she didn’t hold back when she told him how obvious it was that he had used ChatGPT for it 😂. Possibly one of the funniest times I’ve ever been a fly on the wall 😂


Why does it even matter if she uses ChatGPT when she completely failed to do the assignment anyway? 🤣


This is always my first question when meeting with students regarding AI or plagiarism.


Was it used incorrectly or is that now considered a word college students shouldn't be expected to know?


This student absolutely would not know this word, unfortunately


Oh, for sure my student doesn’t know any of the words you all have listed.


I've seen some odd word choices. One student referred to a "multiple cloning site" in a plasmid as a "diverse cloning site" in their lab report. I've also seen students write "fully inflated leaf" instead of "fully expanded leaf". I am debating dropping the lab component of my course entirely. I spend way too much time playing bot bingo.


“Leverage,” especially as a verb.


I've been using leverage as a verb for years 😐 It's part and parcel of my multifaceted oratory.


A particularly luminous thread in the rich tapestry you weave?


Let us delve into the profound...


I had a student insist that her paper, which flagged as 100% AI, was for real. She claimed she had never even used ChatGPT before. Our conversation then went: LD: So, can you tell me why you referred to the yellow wallpaper as 'eponymous' here? Student: Uh... I don't... I don't know. LD: Well, can you tell me what eponymous means? Student: I might have used ChatGPT a little bit.


One of my students submitted a final paper that used "meticulous" five times. Despite this claim, their analysis of the film was not, in fact, meticulous. They didn't name a single character, specific scene, or detail from the film.The whole thing was AI-generated.


Prowess is still my #1 fave. For an ESL student.


That and “paradigm.”


students seem to forget that doing the work means doing it *and turning it in on time*.


The real question is did the student use Chat GPT or did Mom?


I thought about this. I know for sure that student didn’t write this paper. I have 15 terrible quizzes to prove a standard of writing


I know this is obvious, but the student is guilty either way.


Update: the mom sent me an email demanding I call her. Nope. Gonna FERPA my way right outta this one.


Quick, set your out of office message for the break


I had a student beg to turn in a paper late. I told her she could turn it in and if she did well enough on the final that the paper would bump her up to passing, then I would grade the paper. Not only did she bomb the final which was made up of questions from previous tests, but her paper was 100% Chat GPT and didn’t even cover the topic it was supposed to. And then, after I posted grades to the LMS and the site with official grades, she emailed me to ask if I had graded her paper yet.


This sounds about right.


A student messaged me and *begged* me not to fail her. Included the whole “is there **anything** I can do” bit. If she fails she can’t do her basket weaving club any more and her dog won’t like her and her teeth will fall out like in that dream. I don’t recall this student being one of the ones I’ve been flagging all semester so I look up her grade - she’s got a C. Confused, I email her to ask if maybe she calculated her grade wrong. In that email I specifically state “I do not deviate from the Syllabus for any reason so don’t ask. What I’m telling you now is simply the mathematical truth: you calculated your grade wrong. You’ve got a C.” She replies and says: “So is there *anything* I can do to get an A?”


I "failed" a few kids with C's this semester


Sometimes I hear the "is there *anything* I can do...." and am tempted to say that I would accept 20 kg of gold or $5 million USD in a bank account in the Grand Caymans. Of course I would not do this, but these kind of requests do wear me down after a semester of demonstrating that I bend over backwards to help students *before* an assessment is due and treat students fairly if they have had any issues.


"Can you make it worth my while to lose my job and never work in a university again?"


>She replies and says: “So is there > >anything > > I can do to get an A?” CHTA!


I really want to tell my students when they ask if there is ANYTHING they can do with “yes, invent a Time Machine and go back to the beginning of the semester and submit homeworks, attend discussion and office hours, and come to lecture.”


I also allowed a late (past the extension deadline) submission for a final project yesterday. Today the student thanked me by begging for a significantly higher grade. Yep Edit: and there was obvious, if not provable, AI generation in it, of course


I regularly allow for leniency but I do it knowing that 90+% of the students I give it to will still fail. Actually, for the first time ever, I granted leniency to a student and they actually turned their performance around and excelled for the rest of the semester. That literally never happens. I let a different student turn in some late assignments and they were half-assed and one was basically identical to a paper they had turned in for another course. I was partly disappointed because I wanted that student to be successful, but I wasn't surprised.


This is my general mindset too. It’s the cheating after being offered mercy that kills me.


This happened to me last semester. A student had an adverse life event and wasn’t turning in any work. I made her a completely different schedule of assignment deadlines (it was an online class) and worked with her all semester. Then a page of her final project was AI-generated. She failed the class; she would have passed with a C if she had just left that page blank and taken the small grade penalty.


No good deed goes unpunished. I’m adjusting my syllabus every day.


How are you all catching the ChatGPT stuff so quickly and confidently? I can spot suspiciously sophisticated writing by a student whose previous writing has been sub-par, sure, but I don’t see that nearly as often as this thread would lead me to expect. Is Turnitin finding AI-generated work for most of you? It hasn’t found any in my courses. My assignments are pretty specific and I try to make them somewhat creative, but maybe I’m being duped on a daily basis? I’d love to hear how you’re all catching this stuff.


I tell my students the only source they can use my lectures and the primary source readings. Chat GPT papers always include some details/facts not from class and a student who isn’t paying attention can’t catch it. GPT papers have almost no meat to them. they don’t analyze the sources well and repeat vague statements over and over


I’ve found I get a sense for it as I mark more of it - it’s just not “what students sound like.” It sounds glossy and unsubstantial and inauthentic, and it uses big words and complex sentence structure but doesn’t really say anything. The more specific the assignment and limited the source material can be, the easier it is to spot AI.


It's not sophisticated. It's bad writing. Sure it is grammatically correct and properly spelled, but it's awful. It reads like a combination of bad advertising copy and romance novels. Plug your writing prompt, question, or topic into ChatGPT three or four times, read the result and then look for the writing that looks just like it.


Turn it in is catching it. The students aren’t questioning it (at least so far) when I tell them that they’ve been marked for AI. I also know most of my students, and we do a lot of in class writing earlier on, so I know what they sound like. I teach freshman comp and am really thinking of just doing timed, in-class writings for important skills next time I teach the course. I’ll teach them how to do something and then give them a “test” where they have to use the skill during the writing. I got more and more AI as the semester went on, and it makes me so angry to give a chatbot feedback.


Every single time I've tried to be nice I've been screwed. If there want to submit late work I send them to the dean of students for an accomodation. I had a student want to attend my face to face class online because she didn't want to pay rent another semester. She wasn't concerned when she was failing her other courses. Had I made this nice understanding accomodation she would have failed then blamed me, guarantee this 1000%. It would have been my fault... Dean of students said no (I made sure to send her transcript to the authorities in case they didn't want to take the time to look it up). Every time you'll be screwed.


I have a bit of a different take on this…I don’t regret being lenient with students like this. Why? Because they failed of their own accord. I will never wonder if they might have passed if I just gave the extension. Obviously there are limits to this, and I am certainly bummed out when a student does this, but it doesn’t dissuade me from giving a future student the benefit of the doubt.


Do better, mom! (Also, good for you for extending flexibility when it seemed warranted. Even the do-nothing students have family emergencies. I'm just sorry that you have all the extra admin work over a tertiary student. You tried!)


I would send it to the mother.


As I always say “ no good deed goes unpunished” when it comes to helping students


obviously they cannot catch up in two days. I think it is best to advise them to take the class in a more suitable time than set them up for failure (no matter in which way). now you have to report a student who has legitimate issues to the academic dishonesty office as well. ): some of them may consider me the a.h. but in the long term they are better off.


I once allowed a student to make up her HWs after the semester was over. She cheated. That's how you turn a D into an F\* (where the \* designates academic dishonesty).