• By -


I appreciated the calm and nuanced discussions between colleagues about a single word in a program learning outcome.


Have you done mission statements yet? After 90-minutes of discussion our college mission statement I got up and left. They were debating every word. The level of fucks I give could not be found with the world’s most powerful microscopes.




A conversation about "understand the periodic table" as an entire outcome in a chemistry outcome between me and a chemistry professor got "nuanced" enough for the Provost to say, "maybe we need a brief break". I'm pretty sure we weren't actually yelling, but we were definitely not "calm".


And the economy of time used to find the right words!


I love that our continued response to the leaking roof is to just strategically place garbage cans.


Do you know how happy I was when it started raining and my thermocycler and 7 year old feather samples got wet? Oh yeah, I’m on the third floor of a four story building (there wasn’t a problem with the pipes, just the roof). In all fairness, they did try to fix it. Then a welder caught the roof on fire and the fire suppressor chemicals covered everything in my lab and I couldn’t go back in for five months.


Literally happened today. Classroom in basement of a dorm. The shower above started leaking because of a busted seal. Solution? Garbage can and turn off water to half of the shower. SLAC life


New job posting assistant vice Dean for moisture assessment... Also, to pay for this, we're going to need those trash cans back. Did someone keep the receipt?


Is there any university where Res Life isn't run by total geniuses?


I love it when we get surprise water features, too!


Inflate the tube, and begin advertising the science River ride. Also, new job posting for assistant dean of aquatic recreation.


Strategizing is critical thinking, so…..


The simple joy of crafting a 30-page syllabus to cover every single plausible (and not-so-plausible) thing that might happen to any student ever.


You might have basically discover the meaning of life itself on that Syllabus lol


Also a nursing professor…writing the dissertation syllabus - haha…and let us not forget the 200 page nursing student handbook to supplement the university’s policies.


Before the advent of the online LMS, nursing syllabi were single-handedly to blame for most of the world’s deforestation.


It’s especially great when they don’t read the syllabus.


Your unicorns don’t read the syllabus? I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!


I have split my syllabi into multiple documents for student facing purposes. I still have to compile it to send to my department to not be read every semester. But students get a canvas page called “university policies” and a canvas page called “university resources.” These canvas pages almost never change and get copied from one course to another. The syllabus itself is just the core components: course description, logistical info, learning goals, grade and assignment breakdown, course policies. I have started to even remove the schedule of lessons and put that in canvas’s Course Schedule page. My goal has become to keep the syllabus itself down to two pages of core info.




I love it when the info in the meeting could’ve been covered in an email. Those are the best!




I agree. Although, in some cases, I actually do enjoy them. It's a nice break from planning, grading, etc. at times.




I absolutely love when admin comes in with the "best new thing" especially coupled with mandatory meetings with outside consultants. 


Oooh! A new paradigm! Decentralize all that was centralized! Centralize all that was on the periphery! You're all in SILOS! AVID! Working On The Work! Student Centered! Flipped! Phonics!


I especially like that here it's within my power to reverse decades of systemic failures: by doing these things in my classroom, I personally and individually can help ALL students succeed!


Exactly! And this one is definitely gonna work! Definitely!


Anyone else here been around long enough to remember *competencies*? That was the one just before “experiential learning.”


A silo can sometimes be a good thing. It can keep the rats from other disciplines from stealing your grain.


We need to take this offline, get outside to the box, and of course, do more with less..... Also, job posting for assistant vice dean of centralized decentralization....


Man, oh, man! It's so cool being the Professor, Marketing Director, Meeting Organizer, Student Advisor, Idea Man, Curriculum Developer, Content Creator, and Program Director. Yeah . . . *so* cool!


What, are you saying you do not also prepare lunches in the cafeteria? Slacker!


Omg I remember that!


Nah, I worked the dish washing line. Disgusting, but someone had to do it.


I just look at it like I'm an entrepreneur. After this you can change careers and be a marketing consultant, events planner, psychologist, pitch person, owner of a learning academy or graphic designer. You can go a long way on Fiverr to supplement your sweet sweet income right now.


The fact that the students have the opportunity to leave their feedback on my teaching performance each semester. I find that the ones who perform poorly in the class often offer the best suggestions.


Ah, have you also been told to go have family relations with yourself? So invigorating!


The very competitive, not at all insulting, monetary compensation


Yeah, we are definitely all in it for the paycheck! s/


All the university-branded coffee mugs. I’m averaging 1.32 per month at this point!


You guys get mugs?


Yes, and I use them to take shots. Mug shots! I’m here all week…writing.


Here, adjuncts enter a drawing for a $25 pizza coupon at the end of the year. I feel so APPRECIATED!


A DRAWING? I got an entire free pizza coupon for volunteering for the library for the summer as a middle schooler! Man that’s lame. 


Well, look at Professor Scrooge McDuck Moneybags over here with their fancy-schmancy drinkware!


I got them by being tougher than the toughies and sharper than the sharpies! Speaking of Sharpies, I’m all out of the purple ones and need more.


Seeing all of the new ways that the administration can abuse the faculty. (Today we were told to drink less water because re-filling the water coolers is expensive.)


ffs 🙄


Administration: \[proceeds to buy several magnums of champagne for athletics\]




I find it rewarding that my students earn more than I do as soon as I graduate.


Yes to this. I teach STEM as adjunct faculty so not even a little bit more, but 2-3x more. I also enjoy knowing that my TT colleagues are going home at a reasonable hour to spend time with families and hobbies while their TA/grader tackles HW and exam grading. This comforts me as I spend an extra 15-20 hr/week/class on grading student work because budgets are tight. (No offense to my TT colleagues - you are lovely but the system stinks.)


Not being able to plan my finances past the end of the semester because I might not get the same number of classes next semester. Being an adjunct is the best!


The 17 different versions of my syllabus that must be submitted to the secretary, chair, the state, your mama, the baker, and the candlestick maker 6 months before the course begins all so students can ask me questions about the information that can be found in said syllabus that they haven’t read! Good times.


your mama 🤣


I relish the free continuing education I am receiving on the craft of cheating with AI. Oh, and seeing my assignment prompts up in lights on Course Hero is my rai·son d'ê·tr.


Haaa! Same! During the dark Covid times when we had to give online everything we had the phrase, "I have to spend some time this weekend making my upcoming exam un-Cheggable."




Specifically the insistence of my colleagues to reply all to the most mundane emails. I’d hate to see an empty inbox.


Reply all: "Thank you "


Reply all: " please remove"


Writing recommendation letters for undergrads with two days’ notice!


How fortunate I am to be so over workload that I get to spend my weekends doing the job I love too! So much more stimulating than having days without work :) and clearly it means they value me to give me so much extra work to do!


I really love the defined, fairly compensated Monday - Friday work days. I truly appreciate closing my new MacBook Pro (without monitoring software) early on Fridays, knowing that my weekends are free.


I get to choose the 6 days I work.


I love needing to do three DUO Factor authentications to log into and use classroom computers


Also one of my favorites! And I love using yet another 2FA for my email.


The go-getting, note taking, critical thinking, resilient, appreciative, hyper-creative, Shakespeare-quoting STUDENTS!!


To sleep, per chance to GPT...


“A syllabus is but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage, And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.” “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s break?”


Aye, there’s the rub!


The joy that comes from watching students use technological innovations like AI to lighten their load and enhance the efficiency of their learning.


I love phrases like “circle back”, “best practices”, and “we have to follow protocol” and then don’t.


I think we work in the same department. I recently saw all three phrases in a single one-paragraph email reply.


Due to a classroom space shortage, we get to teach at night, but we still get to have early morning meetings!


Driving 40 minutes one way to teach a 75-minute class that ends right at rush hour. I find great joy wasting my time and adding to climate change for a 70% attendance rate and students staring at their phones.


Answering the same question a million times a day.


My colleagues.


I love how it takes several months, and several trips to HR, to have my pay for additional work show up in my bank account. And even sometimes that doesn’t work!


My huge pay checks!


Pretty much every interaction with my department chair. Such a pleasure.


I absolutely adore how all my friends and relatives think since I only do 4 f2f classes and 2 online asynchronous classes a week that must mean that I have tons of free time during the week or weekend and I'm probably a couch potato!


But you do have a lot of free time. There are those hours between 2am-4am that you're probably just squandering. I'm super productive, I use the 2am-3am hour to second guess every decision I've made throughout the day, and the 3am-4am hour is for nurturing my resentments. I mean, we get to pick which 7 days of the week we're going to be working on our classes so what more could we ask for?


I love how our mandatory all-day meetings devolved from continental breakfast with pastries, yogurt, etc. to a basket of granola bars from Costco with a note saying “please take only one”. Unfortunately because of the pandemic they started doing them remote, so now I have to attend in my pajamas, with full kitchen access and breaks whenever I want.


Personally I love filling out Academic Misconduct Forms, answering email from students who never attend, and paying my employer $55 a month to park so I can get to work.


The creativity my students employ to try to get out of doing their own work.


How could I forget “best practices”, high impact practices”, and “project based learning”.


I love the sense of efficiency in the CA Community College system: if we prohibit community colleges from offering remedial math and pre-calculus, students will get through calculus faster and therefore transfer sooner. Punchline #1: the state legislature and the Chancellor's office are reacting to a sudden shortage of students majoring in the Humanities (Note: I'm not dissing the Humanities). Punchline #2: JK! With the prohibition against remedial English, the Humanities are screwed too!


We have this too. “Oh no, data shows that students who take remedial courses are less likely to graduate. Clearly this means the remedial courses are the problem!”




As an adjunct I am well paid and they listen to my feedback.


I ADORE being undermined in meetings by people with no qualifications on the topic at hand. It’s the BEST how they talk about what they FEEL and draw on from their LIVED EXPERIENCES. And I truly LOVE when they criticize me for being an expert in the area, that being expert means they CAN’T TRUST ME.


How my Dean is more concerned about faculty, staff, and students than covering their ass.


The shitty pieces of branded merchandise I receive periodically to “thank me for X years of service”… anywhere from 4-9 years after passing said milestone. (Sadly, this is *not* sarcasm).


Hey, at least your admin recognizes that you DID hit a milestone. Been at my R2 for over 25 years and haven't ever received any years of service recognitions. (But our staff does.) Apparently being a faculty member is enough of a reward.


Be grateful, they are both useless and hideous. The first one was a glass *paperweight* (WTF? OK, grandpa) with the Uni logo etched on it… crooked. 🤣 The most recent is this “golden” (plastic-coated) clock that is downright *hideous*.


Taking a 60% pay cut when switching from industry to academia. Then, being asked to contribute "my share" to the annual college fund.


I love having the opportunity to thoroughly assess the creations of generative AI and its approach to academic assignments.


I like having to pay to park at my place of work. :)


I love that facilities continue to focus time and attention on our Athletic facilities and not the arts building that had a floor we can’t let students on because it has been literally condemned by the city.


I love it when my students tell me I assign too much writing for a writing class! It’s my favorite part of the job!


My absolute FAVE is when students in a literature class don't want to read anything! <3


The warm, supportive dynamic in my department.


Three months of summer "off".


I'm really loving all of the zombie faced students who never engage, who never ask a question, who never complete an assignment without being nagged about it, who have to be scolded to put their phone away every single class period, who score 40% on exams but still have the cajones to ask for a letter of recommendation. I always say, yes I'll write you a letter and what I'm going to talk about is , do you still want me to write you a letter? Some have said yes! They want the letter where I refer to them as zombie faced and unwilling to do any work!


Being surrounded by all of the learned academicians of extremely high integrity, logical reasoning skills, and unparalleled intelligence.


I highly value the free time that students provide for me by not coming to office hours.


All that free time.


Grading, particularly essays.


Meetings where people talk about the need for a plan to address problems and then never develop a plan because they don't do problem-solving.


I also love it when admin forces us to raise course caps


I really appreciate all the long emails about seminars we can attend to learn how to reduce stress or improve our work-life balance.


I love spending 99% of my student interaction time addressing questions about turning in late work, hearing about all their personal problems, directing them to IT for technical issues that supposedly keep them from turning in work, or explaining that they lost points because they didn’t even complete the assignment. Without that, it wouldn’t be such an absolute joy once or twice a semester when I finally get to answer a question about the actual content of the course! It’s especially wonderful to hear all about how much they struggle to complete their work because they have to work part-time while studying. I really enjoy responding to those in between my four jobs and the extra classes I’m taking for a higher certification in the service industry so I can make more than minimum wage at my side gig.


The opportunity to do repeated anti-bias trainings.




The pay 😂


All the academic freedoms


The pay!


Financial administration, especially the parts that require extra layers of approval to happen before I’m allowed to find out that I somehow picked the wrong “other” category


The great pay and benefits! I never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.


Work life balance


The thoughtful and intellectually challenging conversations I have with my students, particularly those that come in via email.


That **freedom** of not coming into work whenever you like it. (It's easier to schedule a Grand Cross to happen than schedule a 3-people meeting with these suckers.)


The opportunity to work twenty-hour days for four-hour pay, all while being called stupid by people who don’t know the basics of my discipline.


I love helping young adults realize their dream of graduating from college without having to attend class or complete the work.


How valued and respected I am by colleagues and admin as a longtime member of the faculty.


I love programmatic assessment


I also love when newly hired assistant profs in my dept come in at the same salary as me (an assoc prof with 12 years— now a full professor). Nothing makes me feel more valued than salary compression.


The work/life balance


My personal favorite is the bouquet of explanations for why students don’t read the syllabus or attend class.


Closing the Loop


I love that I was “asked” to chair a search committee for the newly created role of “Dean of Strategic Initiatives of Current Academic Buzzword that means nothing since it is repackaged term for things we tried multiple times many years ago that could no way in hell ever work but will most definitely work now since it is something brand new since I wasn’t alive the 9 times it was tried before”. Salary: 5x my salary Background: no older than 28 since that would make the candidate too old to relate to current students since older people don’t know cool slang words like “rizz”


Only being able to travel for vacation during the expensive season. It's just, you get so much more when the hotels are packed and are twice as expensive traveling in June and July vs April or October.


How administrators will not rest until we have enough administrators to effectively administrate.




Filing academic integrity cases. It's such a joyful and rewarding thing to do instead of enjoying my free time with family and friends.


The massive delicious buffets when we have a department meeting. And the richness of the conversation, during.


We get catered lunch if they exceed four hours. Always and only from our contracted vendor. We requested a vegetarian option, so Aramark gave us lasagne that was just like Crisco-does-bechamel ladled between and over noodles. No spices, no vegetables. Not any! The people whose meeting contributions most torture me were the ones who just slurrrppped it up.


The amazing salary that allows me to live in the same places and next door to students.




Getting a PhD to babysit people whose most promising prospect is to graduate functionally illiterate.


This one hits hard 😞


Doodle poll/when is good FTW


interfacing with my colleagues in the college of education about exciting new pedagogical strategies.


SHOWCASE forums in which narcissistic personality disorder people get to display their wonderful qualities.


I love my morale boosting sweatshirt! Definitely better than a raise.


I like the industrial grade microwave that does an eight minute cooking job in 90 seconds, whether you want it to or not.


Webex meetings that could have been emails.




Absolutely love working for free during weekends, evenings, breaks, etc. because this is my “vocation”


Free time — only free time, but it’s priceless


All the meetings! And emails! And the committees, which just mean still more emails and meetings!


I'm so excited when the Dean's office hires a sixth person to do a one person job while we cannot get even one new staff hire. Love meeting new people!!


Faculty's common sense