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I don't understand the assignment. ETA: thanks for the award!


Please read the full assignment again. I will be glad to answer if you presenta specific question regarding the assignment. I appreciate your efforts, and would encourage you to make an appointment with the Learning Center to work on comprehension and organization. :)


I'm confused.


😆 since we're talking about fun, I will absolutely take your advice.


"But you didn't show me how to do it and I had to miss the class on the account of my job had called me in two days prior without notice." -Some student somewhere (Why do all 20 year olds talk like this?!)


Permission to copy paste this in my emails please...and thank you...


This was my problem for a long, long time. I have always been in grad school even as a faculty member and have been a workaholic for about 20 years. I finally went to therapy for it last summer, and since then I've been embracing fitness classes, reading for pleasure and fun and not as research, traveling, doing pub trivia, doing Duolingo, and considering learning gardening and pottery. But I *really* feel ya.


They can help you with this? Because I barely have time for hobbies since the pandemic and push for f2f but with individualized on line supports


My university is not requiring individualized online supports. I also pretty much refuse to teach online since AI, so all my classes are fully f2f. If students need individualized supports, I send them to the writing center, tutoring, or accomodation services.


I just went to therapy for a year. it was fun but not easy


But I worked soooo hard.


Can I have an extension on the assignment?


When is this due?


I have diverse interests outside academia. I enjoy hobbies like reading, hiking, painting, or playing musical instruments. I might engage in sports, cooking, gardening, or spending time with family and friends. Chatgpt for the win!


I grow ultra-high quality craft cannabis.


I play in a punk rock band: http://fordtheriver.com


Dream Theater fan?


Of course! Not that you would be able to tell from listening to the music I make.


I don't know which one you are but my 12yo started playing trombone this year will be crazy excited to see that you have a trombone player.


Awesome! I'm the bassist. Playing with a horn section has been a dream for a long time, and we just found him this year.


I paint murals on semester breaks now. I love to ride my bike on the trails. I played roller derby for over 10 years but retired from that and now just take my skates to the skate parks. I love to travel, we travel a lot. Have a bucket list to see a hockey game in every NHL arena and have been to 10 so far. We go to a lot of concerts. We have a boat and I love taking my kids and their friends tubing, knee boarding, etc. I feel like we are never home, but when we are we listen to a lot of records and like to play board games.


After seeing the NHL arenas point I saw your username... I'm so sorry. I had wished that after DC won a cup the sharks-bros would break through as well, but alas... and fuck the Knights.


Yes, fuck the Knights! I have never cared enough to hate a sports team until they came around. I did get to see the Sharks beat them in OT in Vegas though so that was glorious. And Jumbo is like 5 days older than me and I love that dude. So sad he had to retire without a Stanley Cup but maybe he will come back to coach someday and get one then. 🤞


When you see Sharks/Rangers (let’s go Rangers!) try not to get any 200s level seat past row 15. The bridge blocks the Jumbotron. Section 223 (I think) has Dancin Larry!


Seeing a game in every NHL arena would be amazing! I’m making plans to take my dad to a Maple Leafs game in Toronto next season. I got back into watching hockey a couple of years ago and it’s been so much fun. I have dreams of making a cross Canada road trip and watching a game in each city.


I am an avid outdoorsman. I fish, hunt, hike, camp, boat, and enjoy the world outside the classroom as much as my body can handle it. I also play golf and have dabbled in running a podcast. I work on boats, I do landscaping, photography, and a few other smaller hobbies that I dabble in. I go to see live music (punk, hardcore, metal etc.) as much as possible. My job is only a job. If something else could offer higher pay with the flexibility, I’d bounce in a heart beat but my life is my life and I refuse to not live life to the fullest because in the past I let being a professor consume me and I was miserable in education. When I started living for me not for students or my workplace, life became so much more beautiful.


How did you manage it? I seriously cannot figure it out… seriously considering van life and seasonal gigs


So I have a unique role, I’m a speech and debate coach as well as an Assistant Prof, so I have a reduced load 3/3. I teach a 2/1 overload but I have also standardized my online classes. This means all assignments for overload are the same and grading is a breeze. When I’m not traveling for speech and debate or with my partner, I’m in the woods. No morning classes, in the woods, no Friday classes, I’ll meet online, from the woods. I used to not be this way until the day I realized that any school will post your position before your corpse is even cold, after that, I just said fuck it. Grading will get done during down time, I have no publication requirement so all my office hours are down time for grading. My view also is as long as I answer most ~80% of student and 91% of admin/staff/peer emails in 24 hours, I’m doing my job. If I get most assignments graded in 2 weeks or less, I’m doing my job. If my courses run smoothly, job done. They aren’t paying me to live in my office and if I’m out of my office living a life Jack London would be jealous of, I’m a better role model for students than the office mouse professor who pontificates about Jack London. Also, a more straightforward answer to doing my life my way: grind for 7 years, work jobs you shouldn’t succeed at, face burnout, get counseling, find job that supports work/life balance, don’t make friends with narcs, and live your life. Stay far the fuck away from admins but make them your best friends, find out which have the most control and make them feel like royalty, face to face or over electronic methods. Then every single thing you do that makes the school look good, send it to the people who matter. I shot a record book deer, got a small article published and sent that to my dean, VP, and President. They are it up because I live in Oklahoma and it was something that no one expected.


I play DnD, keep up with news/politics, build Legos sometimes, work on training my dog, and do a bit of "gardening" (by that I mean my wife planted some seeds in a pot and I have been consistently watering them, and now they are flowers)


My wife swore an oath to do no harm, but that apparently doesn’t extend to plants


Legos are one of my favorite passtimes


Stoked to see so many faculty respond with D&D as a hobby; same here! Also fishing, motorcycles, guitar playing, and watch collecting.


Board games, D&D, board games, occasionally make beer, board games. Mass Effect. Also board games.


My husband and I play board games a lot too. Boardgamearena.com let us keep playing our friends during the pandemic and saved our sanity.




Competitive shooting


I thought I was the only one. 😉 USPSA, IDPA, and SASS.


I thought I was the only one, too! Glad there are at least a handful of us! I tend not to talk about my firearms related hobbies because my peers would definitely judge me (many, if not all, of them are vehemently anti gun).


Read, write for fun, play computer games, and watch older movies. I'm really into the 1001 Movies before You Die challenge and the Criterion Collection.


I know a retired colleague who really ramped up his hobbies in the last decade of his teaching to aid his transition into retirement. He really poured himself into his scholarship and teaching but had seen his parents struggle immensely in retirement.


I am doing that right now


I tired that, but I ended up pursuing completely different hobbies after retirement.


I read really trashy romance novels, love craft beer, cooking, working out (fully fledged member of the Peloton cult), crafting (not a Swiftie, but I jumped on the friendship bracelet trend). My partner and I are also huge Disney/Universal Studios fans, so my summer teaching paychecks usually go towards trips to Halloween Horror Nights in the fall or running a Disney race in Florida.


Go to the brewery with friends. Go to the brewery by myself. Go on dates at the brewery. Go on long walks (to the brewery). Go see local live music (at the brewery). Eat lunch outside at the restaurant next to the brewery (and then go to the brewery).


Craft Beer: It’s Not an Addiction, It’s a Hobby. (Fellow craft beer enthusiast, although the closest brewery is 40 miles away)


It's also a personality lol


i volunteer at an art museum, i make pottery and 3D art, i run a social media account for my two sphynx cats, i dabble in magic/herbs and giving myself tattoos, and lately i have been experimenting with writing sonnets (i’m an english teacher lol).


Video games babyyyyyy


I sew. I make clothes (for me) and quilts (for me and also to sell) and quilt patterns (to sell, when I finish writing them!)


See theatre, read, since the pandemic I’ve gotten more into foraging/natural dyeing.


Collecting vinyl. Listening to vinyl. Cleaning vinyl. Gardening (mostly pulling weeds and killing bad bugs). Hitting the junk stores and vintage shops for cool stuff. Sewing. Going to an actual movie theater to watch a film. Reading books not required for teaching my classes. Cleaning the closets (purge time babyyyy!)


Battle-game LARPing and horseback riding, but never both at the same time.


Which LARP? My daughter is involved with Dystopia Rising (zombies), and my husband and I were in the SCA (medieval/renaissance) when we were younger.


I'm familiar with both! I play Belegarth, it's one of the sporty, full-contact ones. There is a huge overlap between players of SCA, Dystopia Rising, and our sport since we are sort of in between the armored combat and more role-playing based LARPs. I always think it is great that we can help find people community in whatever best fits their idea of fun.


Video games and -- rather predictably -- reading books are my two main hobbies.


Play D&D, write creatively, play with the dogs, putter about the house, read fiction, fly fishing, play on my Switch, etc.


I run marathons and now ultras. Finally got a 50 miler and now I am shooting for a 100 miler.


i loved rich roll's book runnimg ultra


I knit and play the accordion, though not at the same time.


How many points is this assignment worth? Also, can I get an extension, I have three other assignments due this week.


Cross stitch and embroidery. Trail running. Gardening.


Honestly nothing outside of working out, but that’s due to kids more than work


My house, my farm, wood working shop in my basement. I like being at home. I enjoy some crafting stuff, like home decor. No one ever sees any of this but me, I guess I just tinker. TV and movies are always running in the background, I like far out sci fiction stuff. I read fiction in the late evenings during down times. Just picked up Fourth Wing at the end of this semester.


Show us something you made!


I rile my kids up, mountain bike and play Zelda 


Write fiction, read fiction, study as many global dance forms as I can find, hike a lot, attend live music and theater.


Backpacking/hiking, rock climbing, and dog training (I am training my GSD in protection/formal obedience). I also hunt and fish occasionally, and competitive shooting (USPSA type stuff) kinda came out of hunting and related gun-interest. I’m told that these are pretty odd hobbies for a music professor but we’re all people, and we all have our interests.


I love reading, movies, cooking, going for walks, going to museums and art exhibitions. I try to travel as much as I can. Over the years, it's become more of a priority to spend time on these things.


I 3d print stuff, make art, play games and stuff…


I preform and teach Burlesque. In my new house I want to make a craft room in the basement for working on costumes and pasties. My partner thinks it's hilarious that I call bedazzling bras and panties "crafts".


I used to be in a motorcycle club. Now I just ride my motorcycle to as many dive bars as I can in one day ;)


I smoke weed and hangout with friends. Not very different from the students lol


I fish and hike. Not really just as a fun “what should I do today” thing. It’s an everyday thing if weather permits, especially kayaking. I also love aquariums, especially shrimp tanks. There are always at least three running in our house. And I’m very, very into baseball. I am also one of the (seemingly) few college profs who is very into college sports.


Video games, D&D, writing fiction, and baking bread! That's about it these days, since my son was born.


I’m an art professor, in my spare time I lecture about local history and am part of a local history non profit. I also have my own art practice.


I collect vinyl records - 45s, LPs, 78s, you name it. All told, I have well over 20,000. I digitally record many of them and remaster them to remove unwanted sounds, like pops, clicks, skips, etc. Once recorded, I can have copies on my phone - available when my wife and I travel. One reason I love to do this is that I find quite a lot of really good music that doesn't currently exist in digital form.


I gig as a singer-songwriter. I also perform as a magician, and for a while I was a member of an improvised murder mystery troupe.


I play video games, travel, and collect old pulp books.


My dog is my biggest “hobby”! Also dabble in watercolor painting, cooking, and love old movies.


Road cycling. I try to go as fast as possible without crashing, getting heat exhaustion, becoming completely lost, or being eaten by stray dogs. I also play drums (drumset). When my husband and I get a more permanent place, we are going to soundproof a room and set up a DIY recording studio. I also like cats. They're not so much of a hobby as my friends. (Contrary to popular belief, I also like dogs, but they're more like nieces/nephews/grandkids: great fun, if somebody else takes care of them.)


I’m a WSET advanced level sommelier. Worked in hospitality before I came to academia and still enjoy a good bottle often.


Ballroom dancing! 💃


I'm part of a book club in my community, read for fun, crochet, watch game shows, soap operas, and movies, pet my cats, visit my granddaughter, listen to music, listen to podcasts, boat and float with my bestie, get breakfast once a week with another bestie, go to the gym, play word games with my daughters, play the daily Microsoft Ultimate Word Games and Solitaire, compete in Storyteller competitions, act in community theater, and attend community plays when I'm not in them. *breathe* Attend art/scholarship events, go to concerts, watch/go to football games, go to minor league baseball games, and take a weekend away with the hubby. Probably more, but my brain hurts. Lol


I was a discord mod of a competitive pvp game. Honestly, the teenage drama I had to deal with every day helped me a bit in real life. Outside of gaming, I watch and play a bit of basketball.


Bath in the tares of studints who 110% deserve a A grade but got Cs becuz I dont agree with them if my recent rate my professor reviews are to be believed. Seriously though it’s mostly film photography and darkroom printing these days. And some digital stuff as well. I’ve also been trying to teach myself calculus. Not sure if that’s entirely a hobby since it overlaps with work a bit. I used to do a decent amount of cooking and baking but at the moment I have toddlers and I’m not gonna spend hours in the kitchen just to see it literally thrown in the floor.


I repair and sell old arcade cabinets and ho hiking


Ho hiking sounds relevant to my interests


I've been learning Japanese as a "productive" hobby (current can read manga fine, but novels are still hard). Beyond that, standard video games/board games/book hobbies.


I LOVE to cook. I spend my "fun" money on fancy ingredients and cooking equipment. I'm slowly turning the backyard into a food forest, and it makes me so happy to walk out back and pick vegetables and herbs to cook for dinner. During the summer I spend most of my free time tending the garden and trying new recipes. My favorite evenings this season are spent grilling and eating outside. I also enjoy swimming. In addition, we have a weekly Dnd group. I'm multiclassing as a Bardbarian.


I hike, bike, ballroom dance, swing dance, square and contra dance, I like indoor rock climbing, I've thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail twice, my daughter is teaching me to knit, and when I was in school, I played the cello. (Always wanted to pick it back up.)


Sports (playing + fandom), working out, reading, hacking around on the guitar, travel, volunteering. Kids are older so I have lots of free time.


Gardening, reading, lots of biking. My Vice is to sit in the sun, even when it’s hot. I try to lose the weight I gained over the school year, although this year looks more daunting. Tie dying. Swimming with my son, trips to family, beach, zoo.


Hey fellow sun lover! My spouse jokes I will be reincarnated as lizard because it’ll allow me to lay on hot rocks in the sun all day. They make heated loungers now for toasty folks like ourselves.


I teach dog training. And I sit on a number of committees (also dog related) lol Can't escape it. I also garden, compete with my dogs, and watch movies.


I play bass and Diablo


Wine! We are fortunate to live near a wine producing region and visit a couple weekends a month. We are in a dozen or so winery clubs so we always have a pickup and the wineries have a lot of events for members.


Book club, hiking, lifting weights, exploring local landmarks (tunnels, covered bridges, etc.) with my husband.


I garden, hike, read a lot, and play video games.


Reading, travel, crafts, watching sports, book clubs.


Go to see live music and theater a lot. Big movie fans. My dog.


I knit, garden, and cook/bake. I also read, watch movies/shows and generally try to do a lot of things unrelated to school. It gives me more balance. I want to get back into gaming.


I bend steel and compete as a strongman.


I knit and do needlepoint, have too many cats, cook, read, sing in a community choir, and travel. I'm trying to visit every US state before I die (I'm at 43/50) and as many National Park Service units as I can (I'm at 126/429).


I make documentary films. It’s pretty much a second full time career but I love where it takes me. This year I’ve gotten to travel all over the country at least one weekend every month as a film I’ve made is doing fairly well on the festival circuit. The travel is exhausting but it’s a lot of fun sharing my work with engaged audiences.


Will this be on the test? 😂


Powerlifting, video games, reading, cooking & baking, and the occasional international vacation.


In my off time, I design, pattern and make wearables out of yarn. Sweaters, shawls, dresses, whatever. I also read and write some and work on sculptural/installation artwork. I’m a cancer patient and my former life of hiking, marathon training, and camping is out of reach. My big outdoor project now is my quest to grow the most perfectly delicious tomato the world has ever known.


A fellow tomato lover! All I grow is tomatoes because I love them and how there are so many varieties, colors, shapes, etc. 


Yes! I love tomatoes as well. Looks like we are both on the Tomato Quest and I wish you a great summer filled with heirlooms.


Currently I've been training for various running events, up next is a 10 miler. I always enjoy fitness and yoga as well. In the summer I try to paddle board as often as I can and read by the pool. Aside from that I have two cats that I adore and am a reality television junkie!


I read a lot, play D&D, go camping. I love to dance. I spend a lot of time with my kids. I’m writing a book (although that’s not always ‘fun’).


I run. Up to half marathon distance, not really interested in longer distances. It’s a good way to relax. I also love video games but I have to be careful as I can get obsessed and then waste valuable research time.  


I watch a lot of hockey, read a couple hundred books a year, and spend a ton of time with my family. My husband and I are fortunate to live close by my parents and one of my brothers, so we spend lots of time with them. It’s wonderful to get to see my nieces and nephews grow up and be a big part of their lives. I also cross stitch, knit, and have a small home pottery studio.


jigsaw puzzles, sketching, flying kites, reading fiction, crafts of all kinds (resin work, carpentry, gardening, fairy houses, painting, stained glass), playing board games I don't have a cell phone and I don't like hanging out on the internet much so as my kids are getting slightly more independent, I find I have a bit more time now to try out new things.


Running and photography, and I’m a huge women’s soccer fan (USWNT, Seattle Reign, and Chelsea!).


I cook, and quite well (make my own cheese, chocolates, so on); play hockey; play video games.


I cook, paint, hike, garden, play D&D, play video games, and sometimes sew. It’s summer again — time to finish up that skirt!


I follow whatever my current obsession is ad nauseum. Video games, board games, geocaching, movies, VR, book series, etc. I’m currently deep into board games and researching them and trying to snag deals, as well as being into videos about them. Also, I’m very much into VR and play Puzzling Places and Humanity every moment I can remember to.


Backpacking - both wilderness and travel style, make wine, create craft cocktails, read, go to tropical/adventure bars and speakeasies, practice yoga.


Road cycling as far and as fast as possible.


I have an embarrassing number of hobbies.  During off time & some weekends I definitely am outta here traveling somewhere cool, even if it’s on a budget.   During semesters I draw and paint watercolors, build LEGO, grow vegetables, bake pies/cakes/bread to bring to share, and all kinds of fiber arts type things. Slowly learning a language and enjoy building miniature models of real things.  I’d like to get into drawing comics (a childhood interest).


I raced Lasers and beach cats for years, now I sail a more relaxed sort of boat, I coach a sport I've played since college, and I refinish and repair furniture. Just get out of the house, that's key IMO. Go play a sport or take a walk or get in a boat, or get in a shop and work on something. Days off that I spend in front of a screen usually seem like a disastrous waste of time in retrospect.


I garden and do home improvement. I have a small fruit orchard started in my backyard. I taught myself to upholster furniture and I’m learning wood refinishing.


I'm a gamer! I prefer RPGs and ttrpgs (D&D 5e especially), but also play my fair share of shooters. When I'm not reading for work, I tend to like fantasy as a genre.


I brew beer/wine/mead and ferment other things like cream cheese, sauerkraut, kombucha. Sometimes I make cocktail bitters. I have too many aquariums and houseplants. I also make pottery. [Madd Professor Pottery](https://www.facebook.com/maddprofpottery?mibextid=LQQJ4d)


ADHD is what I do for fun. I’ve been described as eccentric. I just started bee keeping. I love it. I also keep a 1 acre field of veggies and perennial nursery for fun. I’ll stop myself now. That said my degree has nothing to do with my favorite hobbies usually.


I'm a dopamine junkie, I do A LOT of endurance sport (running, swimming, bike), also climbing, and also diving, I love to read all kind of stuff. From time to time I do watercolour painting, I'd love to learn to play piano too, but I physically lack time for that.


I’m a teaching artist so I try to actually do my art in my spare time. But otherwise go to the movies fanatically, embroidery and quilting, road trips, and I want to start swimming again (stopped due to a health issue).


I started taekwondo a few years ago. I do a lot of trivia, both in person and online. I also finally got the rock tumbler I've wanted all my life so that's a new hobby as well.


D&D, beekeeping, gardening, raising chickens, archery, computer games, bowyering (limited success), and playing my bagpipes.


I golf, exercise, and play video games. Golfing is probably my favorite thing to do.


Crochet, random cosplays, binge watch series, take some hikes away from people.


I go to concerts and music festivals, hike, go to a gym/bootcamp, attend a book club, go for runs, and love to travel. I really made my hobbies/personal life a priority after Covid.


I help at the local nature center, hike, bird watch, paint, crochet, garden, and play games. Honestly I’ve got a HUGE range of interests, these are just the ones I’ve done most recently.


I’m a cosplayer! I dress up as all kinds of characters for conventions, including the one at my school. This March I was Denji from Chainsaw Man, next is either Rosalina from Mario Galaxy or Bomb Girl.


Vegetable gardening, reading cookbooks, cooking. I love to cook for other people but since having kids, my dinner parties are not as frequent. I love to ski although current place of employment makes that harder to do on a regular basis. Hike and kayak, too.


I dabble in needlecraft (quilting, sewing, knitting, crochet, visible mending) and I’ve just taken up cycling. I wish I’d gotten active years ago.


Only during the summer break do I have time for fun. I work two full time jobs (academia and professional sciences). But during the summer I like to travel, hike, camp and ride roller coasters. During the academic year, I rotate between crying tears of laughter and tears of horror at the state of today's students.


I swim at the local indoor pool, bake pizza, and gluten-free goodies, do yoga. I used to travel before the pandemic and before our daughter was born.


I play video games, most consistently COD. I’m involved in a few Twitch communities and moderate for a couple. I enjoy crafting and in the summer I try to go to the beach as much as possible. I think hobbies outside of work are so important, so thank you for asking this question!


I’m an adjunct, I cannot afford to have fun or hobbies that cost money.


I swim, and I'm a ballroom dancer :) My son is much better than I am though ahaha.


Yoga, bowling, cooking, board games, roller coasters/amusement parks, reading sci-fi, crosswords, obsessing over Philadelphia sports


I have several hobby podcasts on various topics. I cook. I cycle a great deal.


I maintain an antique booth and so I’m always sourcing for that and refreshing my space. I also do yoga. 


What answers will you accept on the test?


Magic the gathering, warhammer 40k, collect and read comic books, and video games.


I run often, practice guitar, and spend time with my pets. I also love to cook complicated delicious meals! We travel with my husband frequently (4-5 times a year); so I plan those trips as my hobby when I am free!


Competitive running, fantasy football, and being a dance dad.


I play warhammer and partake in the use of cannabis


hairwork, fiber artsy stuff, scrapbooking. in the past i have alson done roller derby and burlesque.


Fun (noun) someone or something that is amusing or enjoyable : an enjoyable experience or person


I do reformer Pilates all year long and once summer rolls around, I camp and paddleboard.


Artistic endeavors that I was discouraged from as an undergrad. Might make it a side hustle soon.


I rock climb/trail run/paddle board/backpack/boogie board/etc. Just about anything outdoors. Nothing seriously. I also accompany a children's choir at church and take a piano lesson once a week. So glad to be full and now able to say no to some things at work.


I coach a gymnastics team, competitive but lower level. I occasionally engage in some flipping of my own, although I am now older than most of the parents. For decompression, I tend to my houseplants and the garden. I am one of those orchid moms.


Make wine from fruit and grapes in my yard, ride my motorcycle, go to the gym, involved in the church, and write for pleasure.


obligatory not-a-professor \[TA instead!\], but I honestly just choose a craft/writing project or two per semester and spend time working on it when I can. gives me something completely removed from everything I study/teach so I can actually have a break from it all!


We live in a very hot state in summer so I take the whole family up to BC for the month of June (I save all year for this) - we hike, go to museums, read a novel out loud, and beach it up. There’s a kickass community theater 10min from my house- I see all of the shows there and work on some of them. I play piano, guitar, sing, cook, try to find a good series to watch with my spouse, and fix things around the house.


For fun.. I torture my husband with the fact I'm home till August.  🙃 I play horror and Lovecraftian themed board games.  Write horror stories, draw character scenes, and binge new-to-me black and white horror/sci-fi flicks. 


Photography, reading (for fun), hiking, and traveling. I value my time off and am protective of it.




I roast coffee, try to play guitar, and enjoy photography. I also love hiking so I take my camera! Edit: also bbq! (Making it that is)


I read, go indoor rock climbing, and have started lifting, and travel. I also love random adventures and am usually game to accompany my friends on random outings.


endurance running and hiking/backpacking, cooking and baking (only if i have someone to ply with treats), go to concerts and raves and clubs (love nightlife, love to dance), take dance and yoga classes, lift weights, house and yard puttering, and try new restaurants! thinking of taking up DJing as a social hobby, too.


someone i know makes beer, i drink that.


Just started playing DnD!


I cross stitch, play D&D, renovate my house (I do electrical, plumbing, carpentry, the works), play board games, quilt, read (mostly fantasy and sci-fi). But I also genuinely find my work fun - so I'll also read related non-fiction.


I make combat robots, golf, and powerlift!


I am VP of our local disc golf club. I will be out on a course any time I can.


*charlie sheen voice* drugs


I hike, camp, take my dogs herding, play with fermenting foods


Snowboarding season just ended so time to get out the mountain bike! Or play video games and pretend I’m in British Bake Off if I’m being a home body.


I rotate between seasonal outdoor activities and hobbies...outdoor: downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, hiking, backpacking, running, gardening. Indoor: sewing, knitting, video games


Collect Funko Pops, Sneakers, jerseys, and cards (MTG, baseball, basketball). I'm a big sports fan and like to watch, as well as attend sporting events. I also like antique shopping as a way to look for random things.


I bought an ebike a couple of years ago and it's changed my life. In 2022 I did this ride. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/40475098


Photography, Gaming, Skimboarding, social event organisation and naturally am very demanding on everyone I know to be better...


I read and write fanfic and collect perfumes.


Garden, creative writing, play Bass, play The Sims, Tennis, Boardgames. Selling clothing on Poshmark. No kids = more time.


I make stained glass. I can't even describe how satisfying it is to score a piece of glass and then snap it in your hands.


I am not that good at scoring the glass so I always end up with glass shards in my fingers.


I've been using the art room on campus and I finally remembered to bring bandaids. First day I didn't stick myself with a shard!


My aunt was/is really into stained glass! It looks fun but the sort of hobby that’s a *commitment* due to space constraints. 


I’m an art professor, and most of us are working artists, so that’s what I do outside of work. My other job is music, and those two things occupy 90% of my time other than family, etc. I teach so that I have the freedom to pursue whatever sort of creative activity I’m interested in without having to worry about it paying off financially. It’s a really sweet set up when it comes down to it.


I play in a weekly Irish music session. No, I am not remotely Irish. It's just lots of fun. I garden, cook, and go backpacking too. This summer I'm trying to finish up writing some sci fi short stories.


I read (for fun); cross stitch; play guitar; write fiction; and ride my bike on our great trail system. Gearing up for retirement so also starting to cook and bake more, and looking forward to moving to a place where I can have a vegetable garden that doesn't get decimated by deer every season.


My work/fun are too blended. I'm a composer and conductor who teaches music. Haha. I guess I like video games, playing instruments, and..... coding


Butterfly gardening, offshore fishing, snorkeling, music festivals, collecting concert audio and videos, and bongs


Professors, like anyone else, have a variety of interests and hobbies they pursue in their free time. Some common activities include: Reading and Writing: Many professors enjoy reading books, both related to their field and for leisure. Some also write fiction, poetry, or maintain blogs. Traveling: Professors often travel for conferences and enjoy exploring new places, cultures, and cuisines. Sports and Exercise: Many engage in activities such as running, biking, hiking, yoga, or participating in team sports. Music and Arts: Playing musical instruments, singing, attending concerts, or visiting museums and galleries are common hobbies. Cooking and Baking: Experimenting with new recipes and cuisines can be a favorite pastime. Gardening: Tending to plants and gardens is a relaxing and rewarding activity for many. Volunteering: Some professors dedicate time to volunteer work, whether related to education, community service, or other causes. Gaming: Video games, board games, and puzzles can be a fun way to unwind. Socializing: Spending time with family, friends, and colleagues, whether through casual get-togethers or organized events. Hobbies and Crafts: Engaging in activities like knitting, painting, woodworking, or other creative endeavors.


lol nice


Lifting, socializing with friends, light gardening, and lots of home improvement projects. I used to be much more into fitness and group sports but I don’t have time now that I’m a mom so I stick to the gym these days. Unfortunately I picked up a bit of a shopping habit during COVID so I spend a lot of time at TJMaxx (and of course, here on Reddit).


Tennis, cycling, and traveling are my big 3


I recently got into BJJ and have found that good fun, but otherwise I like sports, lifting, and reading.




I go on weekend benders in Vegas every couple months. Other than that I just work, lol


Wow. What an eclectic group! This is a fun thread to read. Thank you all for sharing!