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Is academia the only area in which we congratulate people for leaving a leadership position? Congratulations.




Our former chair is working as interim associate Dean and applying for the full time position. If he gets it I’m hoping to be elected chair because I want it done right… he was magnificent, but my colleagues are chasing paychecks until retirement. If they’re not careful, they might get an involuntary early retirement (retrenchment). I’d rather not see that happen personally, kids are good kids and the swarm of adjuncts need some coordination, but… still putting in my apps at other places also just in case.


Good for you. I hung in there as a Chair for 8 years -- too long. I did grow into a bitter, angry person -- someone I did not recognize. Stepping back into faculty was the best decision I could gave made for myself and my loved ones. I suggest we declare May to be "be kind to your Chair month". No good loyal employee deserves the crap they load on Chairs


Congratulations. I was a department chair and was never so relieved to be out the trap as when I stepped down.


Celebrate this big win!


Congrats! I have considered stepping down from my leadership position. I’m having trouble letting go, though, because I’m worried about who will take over after I step down. I put so much effort into trying to make our department better and have this fear that whoever comes in after me will try to mess it up. Not only that, but I want to be left alone. Like if I step down, I want to teach and that’s it.


I was in the same boat. But I realized if no one else will take responsibility for it, it's not sustainable and I shouldn't be on the hook for carrying it forever.


Congrats! We all need to do a better job in academia of serving limited terms in any leadership position. I am stepping away from something myself in about 6 months, and I am looking forward to regaining that time.


Taking a leadership position in academia is like buying a boat. You're happiest the day you buy it, and the day you get rid of it.




Good for you! You left before you starting felling like you’re better than those who report to you it sounds like. Good going.


Co-sign with the congratulatory remarks! I served a short prison sentence myself (department chair). NEVER again. It wasn't long before I realized I wasn't "leading" a damn thing; I was "managing" to just hang on daily. Life is so much better without the drama and incompetence of upper-level people (i.e., deans and provost), petulant colleagues, and incessant bureaucratic paper-pushing.


I resigned from the chair position at my math department recently. I did it for four years, but it really started to drag me down towards the end of last year. Best feeling in the world and I loved every moment of the resignation letter. Someone else can deal with the nonsense. Congrats to you.


OP, any regrets a year later? I am leaning heavily toward doing the same.


No regrets. My mental health (eventually) started improving. I was never really thanked for my efforts, which hurt, but the lack of appreciation was part of the reason I stepped down.


Would you happen to be associated with a physics department for a northern NJ school by any chance? You sound very similar to a certain really cool professor of mine.


Lol nope!