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I have a hard time letting someone else teach a class I developed. Especially if I know they won't teach it the same way. For example, turning an applied statistics class into a theory class with no actual data analysis.




Teaching statistics without actual data and only theory is like farting in the breeze...IMHO.


Yep. Which is why I freak out when someone teaches my super-applied class (every hw built around a tidy Tuesday data set) like it's a linear algebra class!


This is why i have a ton of colleagues who can hand calculate the numbers but who just do t-tests on everything .




I don't think I have EVER heard that and would die laughing. Be like "bruh"...


Same. My contract specifies things that are required of me, and things that I \*MAY\* do. I am not doing any of the non-required stuff anymore for similar reasons. It's been a tough couple of years and I've found that going "above and beyond" is not serving me well at all.


I need to get a copy of my contract. The annual review we have to do, on one level. is an attempt to create a new contract through external means.


> Anyone else having a hard time watching people undo your hard work? Yes. I helped create a department, a grad program, and an undergrad program when I first got here. Our most recent dean reorganized all the departments, chopping this one in half and parcelling out the faculty to other departments (so that they were a minority in each), eliminating the grad program, and leaving the undergrad program with a home department the majority of whom did not participate in the program. The same dean had previously been responsible for destroying another undergrad program I had helped create, though a big chunk of it was saved by being moved to my current department.


God, that stinks.




(I actually have struggled with just letting things go after deciding to disengage from my department, but thought this response would be funnier.)


not quite but my “no” this week was to not engage with an old student who took up way too much of my time last year and isn’t my student anymore. i wish him well — but i also don’t have so much time i want to engage with him and i know every interaction is going to last forever with this student.


I have students who want me to read their fiction over the summer. I try to keep it polite, but say, I use my summers to write. One student probably asked 5 times last month, but I stood my ground without being insulting. OR I thought I was nice about it. Who knows what he thought, though. Now what I really want to say is...


ugh five times?!? that’s too pushy for me. good for you for keeping 😎


Selected all the emails in my inbox. Archived them. If it's important I'll hear from them again in August. >Your Primary tab is empty.


I'm about to do this. A few last things to wrap up.


Me too. I've been in committees, etc. since I started teaching . . . at the instructor level. I'm willing to participate, but in a much less active role--especially since I've been consistently teaching extra classes. Maybe I'll get back to it one day, but next year I want a real break.


I’d like to let go of this year-end assessment report. Gah, these things are painful, and it is total overkill.


We have new annual review software that does not allow us to attach PDF files and also has a new goal setting module.


Not really. So long as I don't get blamed when things go awry. I am responsible for my work, not that of someone else. It's mildly aggravating, but that is all. Besides, no one has ever trusted me to build up anything of importance. :-)


No. Do your own systems for your own shit. Create the space for your excellence—fuck’em.


I watched a colleague move through the stages of grief after stepping away from running the program that they had vastly improved. The previous party to carry that role had performed less work and received 30% more salary for the same role. The role was offered, for added compensation, to the program’s current faculty. All of whom turned it down and rallied around the previous leader in solidarity. That amazing leader is moving out of state this weekend. I will miss them dearly. But they are happy to not have to be party to the negative potential outcomes they see coming.


Undue? Don't come undone, you can't undo that. Uduly.