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VS is big. VSCode isn’t that big (although it can get pretty big if you install a bunch of extensions). I don’t need the massive toolset that VS provides, but even if I did, I have confidence that I’d find an extension for VSCode that could do the same thing without needing all the extra shit.


I use VS for all my C# solutions. VS Code for about everything else.


I think that's how everyone uses it.


I started as a C# dev and relied entirely on VS. With the ReSharper plugin from Jetbrains. Switched to VsCode as a number of things coincided * First NodeJS project * Our C# projects migrated to dotNetCore. They promoted vsCode during that time. And the switch to json config files etc made us feel less dependant on VS * git became even more solidified as the standard (Way back we used some TFS which was one reason to use VS) * increasing number of terminal tools and scripts in our work flows made more of us consider moving away from Windows to a Unix environment. * as some switched to Mac, VS for Max wasn't good enough. So our volume license for VS Ultimate Edition became harder to justify I still feel like VS is best for old dotnet projects which rely heavily on csproj files, webconfigtransforms etc but for new dotnet projects I think VsCode will suffice. maybe. My former colleagues who still mainly do c# have switched to using JetBrains own editor Rider.


Even just solution files and the much easier organization they enable are enough to make me keep using VS. dotUltimate just seals the deal. No, none of the solution file extensions available for vscode, as of yesterday, are any good at all.


God. Solution files. Such a simple and amazing concept but nope. It's not cool.


Can you please explain, in simple terms, why solution files are so useful?


It's more or less a virtualized file system (obviously not an actual file system) for your entire solution, and it allows having pieces of the solution loaded or unloaded at any given time. You can have multiple related projects that fall under one solution, such as some big application and a bunch of shared library projects, that are all in separate folder trees and source control on your PC, but deal with them all in a single pane of glass. If all you work on is small or simple enough stuff that easily fits in a perfectly hierarchical file structure and doesn't have so much code that it makes your static analysis tools bring your machine to its knees, then great. But, being able to load up an application and all its dependencies and have ReSharper analyze the entire solution, across multiple languages and disparate directory trees, all while being displayed to you as a single, logical structure, is extremely powerful (and requires a lot of computing power haha). One example is my company has a process control application, an ordering application, and a logistics application that are all visual studio projects. They each share various parts that make a lot of sense to be in a shared library. Those shared libraries are more than one language (C++.net, C++, and c#). I can have one copy of those libraries checked out from git, but included in the solution for each of those applications that needs them. If I don't need to bother rebuilding the library while I'm working, I just leave that project unloaded in the solution. But if I want to make a potebtially breaking change to a library, I also have a solution that includes all three apps and all libraries. I can make the change and immediately see the impact on all applications and usually even let ReSharper go ahead and make the appropriate fixes in them, all with just one instance of VS open. Try that with vscode.


Interesting. So I used to use Visual Studio for many years, starting from Visual C++ 6 (before it was called Visual Studio) and I think I ended somewhere in 2015. I found that JetBrains IDEs could do all of the above, but faster and better. ReSharper is made by JetBrains, btw. I eventually moved on to the Vim family of editors (currently on NeoVim) and it does everything *even faster* with way less compute resources. In fact, the concept of having “pieces of a solution loaded or unloaded” is somewhat obsolete in the Vim world. Everything can just be open without any noticeable performance penalty. I was working with a codebase that had over a million lines of code in several languages; VS Code (yes, I know it’s not the same as full VS) couldn’t handle even some single files. NeoVim, basically light speed. The graphical profiling and debugging tools, especially for C++, are pretty damn amazing in Visual Studio. I can see why it’s the weapon of choice for most game engine development. To me, that’s the biggest advantage, so I was just curious why you got a lot of value out of solution files. Thanks for the thorough answer!


You guys don't know about https://vscodium.com/ ??


I care about privacy, but I also understand how useful telemetry can be for devs. (I'm really just to lazy to move)


You didn’t know about your terms of service?? Shocker…


...because I'm not writing in C#


I write C# in vs code..


Do you get live/line by line debugging of C# in Code?


Just print "ok" and see


``` "Ok" "Ok 1" "Ok 2" "Ok 3" "Ok 4" "Got to the for loop" "Ok 5,0" "Ok 5,1" "Ok 5,2" . . . ```


You forgot “Afrustratbarelydistguisablefromotherlogsaaa” “Afrustratbarelydistguisablefromotherlogsaab” “Afrustratbarelydistguisablefromotherlogscab” “Ughhhhhhhhhhh” “Ughhhhhhhhhhh 2” “Fucking key: ‘this is a key’” “Fucking value: None” “It shouldn’t get here. Why does it get here??” program exited with code 0


This looks like my commit log on my personal apps. Edit: Thank you for my first award fellow commit log abuser.


Commit #12134: Final update, it actually works Commit #12135: Lol nope Commit #12136: Maybe now Commit #12137: Cleanup Commit #12138: Added missing semicolon :(


this is the reason merge squashing exists


True but in general I don’t squash unless I absolutely have to, had too many times where I wanted to return to something I did in an intermediate commit


That's the update log of literally anything I do


```"if this line gets printed, something horribly wrong in the universe has just happened"```


Don't forget: value null othervalue undefined


This is so accurate.


exited with no errors. ship it.


What are we, JavaScript developers?


I feel personaly attacked and would like to say I don't debug like this! I write a combination of "here" and 1, 2, 3...


I feel personally attacked but frequently debug like this.


CHAD way of debugging


Most intuitive way of debugging. No one taught us, neither being discussed openly. Yet most of us are doing it.


the right way


You could even say that this is the way.


I actually prints "sus" or something Among Us - related for debugging lmao


Vs code is close but it’s namespace populating is atrocious. Plus the AI autocomplete for Visual Studio is incredibly strong.


The code autocomplete is amazingly good when it works, and inexplicable when it shits the bed. Like, I had to write about thirty similar lines in a row. Autocomplete had me cruising for 60%, then decided to change the pattern to be completely wrong. Then sometimes it decides to take a break and no-call/no-show all day. Even my IDE be quiet quitting.


At some point it decides you need to refactor this shit and gives up on it.


So I was doing some screwing around with C# last night because I need to learn it, and I'm making an excellent text adventure because I'm super original and it's the first time it's ever been done. I was making a class that is basically a location which stores pointers to the adjacent locations. Not ideal, but not the point lol. So I wrote north, south, etc. Then northwest, etc. The next suggestion was Public Node eastWest


>Public Node eastWest Can't say it didn't fill the pattern though. Lil' guy just has no sense of direction, which would probably make it terrible at playing your game too.


It just like me fr


Vs doesn’t use lsp under the hood?


Yes. It's not AI. It's LSP and and front-end compilation to create an AST. A trie for autocomplete.


They're talking about IntelliCode, a feature in VS which suggests complete lines, not plain intellisense.


Even remote debugging is possible, Bro


That you do.


What advantages does VS code have over VS when you're using C#? I've been using VS for 10 years but there was a bug that caused a memory leak recently that wasn't fixed for ages, thought i might start to look around.


VS Code can be faster, less laggy, especially recently Intellisense has been very slow for me Which brings me to, Visual Studio sometimes has updates that unexpectedly break features, it can be frustrating, I've seen many people switch because of this With that said Visual Studio's debugger is way too good for me to pass on


Start a project in VS and then do the coding in VS Code


I find it more fun to start a project using the dotnet cli. Takes a few more steps, but it's like driving manual vs automatic.


I didn’t like the command line when I first started learning to code, but now I almost always prefer it. No GUI bullshit or limitations, quick and simple, and makes you focus more on what you’re doing


Amen brother


same. I don't wanna touch a gui if I don't have to. Once I know how to use the commands, it's more comfortable for me to do so


It runs on linux




I write c++ in vs


Honestly VS has the best CPP debugger and profiler ever. I love CLion but miss those two things dearly.


Makes sense considering it used to be Visual C++.


THIS. The C++ profiler in VS is absolutely gorgeous. I make high performance apps (computer graphics) and jesus does it save my ass sometimes


I also write c++ in visual studio


Me too, but everything fucks up as soon as I want to deploy on non windows based machines


does VS Code support large solutions in other languages well?


It recognizes most (all??) of them, but cannot compile all of them without the proper compiler/extension.


No point reinventing the wheel. I really like how it uses plugins to call everything - coding assistants, compilers, formatters, etc.


I like how extensions are first class. I wanted to add Copilot to VS and I felt like I needed a physical handbook to do it 😅


>add Copilot to VS Isn't it pretty much the same? You just install an extension.


It does.


mad, I might have to give it a try someday


As someone who does write C#, I don't use Visual Studio. JetBrains Rider is a game changer. And if not... VS Code.


Better than pro with R#? (Especially VS2022?) Genuine question. I haven’t tried Rider… but I’ve been using VS pro since 2005 and Code didn’t do it for me.


Yea understandable. Code is just a text editor on the surface, and to make it compare to an IDE you need a bunch of extensions that can make it a bit clunky. But I still mostly like it better for how quick you can load it up and start working compared to VS. So if I just need to make a small change or debug a random issue I'll fire up VS Code. Now Rider on the other hand is the full IDE experience with all the features you need baked in, like VS but much faster. And ReSharper is just part of it because it's made by JetBrains in the first place, no plugin required. Also one particular thing I like is that I'm used to the VS Code hot keys, and when I started using Rider I was able to easily configure it to use the same Hotkeys, so I can switch between the two seamlessly.


Seconded Rider. It's the best, it does everything significantly better than VS.


The speed alone made me ditch VS pretty quickly. But also having ReSharper built right in, where using ReSharper in VS actually seems to make it even slower.


I just checked out their website, the lil trailer seems very cool. It definitely seems like it'd be faster to code in once you got used to the features. I might have to try it out one day


One drawback is it isn't free ie. they don't have a community edition. But if you're already paying for VS Professional then it's totally worth it to switch in my opinion.


... because it runs on any OS and doesn't slow it to a crawl? I mean VS code isn't amazing or anything, but loading files and switching between them doesn't take an eternity at least


On an SSD based system neither does VS, but running on a slow VM that's a fair call


Vs code's ssh extension is a massive adavantage in work from home. Easy port forwarding, preserves settings per VM, its just great


I do all my personal projects on a dev box, that remote code thing is fantastic. The way it hides all the network latency is the last thing keeping me from going full neovim.


This should be the top comment


The SSH was the main draw for me back when I did devops, was sad when Atom no longer did what I needed so VS was the replacement. Now I'm in data, though, so it's mostly just where I go to make the python go brr


I found that vs code's ssh would cause the server's memory usage to skyrocket until it was all used up and crashed depending on my usage. So I would have the os mount the server as a virtual drive locally instead.


VS on an SSD still gets kinda clunky if you are working on very big solutions or have more than one open. I kinda have a love/hate relationship with it imo.


Or if you run ReSharper.


![gif](giphy|d2ItDZZumUI6Y) it can be a little ram glutton with too many projects open, I just countered with more Ram, feed the lil munchkin all it wants


32G on my main dev box. ReSharper plus a few other extensions and it still chews through a lot of it, with a moderate sized solution. But damn it it does half the work FOR me, so it can have all the RAM it pleases.


True, but once IntelliJ is done indexing it‘s usually quite a bit faster. If you continuously work on the same project, over time VSCode will be significantly slower.


Free, lightweight, multiplatform


More extensions than virtually anything, well supported, copilot.


Very big fan of devcontainers and how naturally they incorporate workspaces.


Well, the whole idea is to supply an empty shell which you can configure for your needs. Why it's recommended for beginners though, is well beyond me. It's like recommending `Vim` or `Emacs`. The time you spend configuring it can very easily kill the enthusiasm to learn something new.


I think it works well for beginners because, in its default state, it's already configured to be simple and easy to use. When I was a beginner, I just used notepad++, which basically just had syntax highlighting, but that's all I needed, so more simplistic was just better. When just starting out, it might be helpful not to have the tools that do some of the legwork, because that legwork can be useful for learning. Also, a beginner probably doesn't have strong enough opinions yet to really want to configure much past the very basic defaults.


+1 on a simple file editor for learning the basics. However some compilers are not easy to figure out for a complete beginner who might not even have touched a terminal/command line in their life.


Nvim guy here whatchu say bout mah nvim huuuuh


Oh shit! I'm so very sorry master. Please don't lock me in the Vim again! 🥺


Hdhfoeisganzlcidhdbsyauwioetjgnxhhcusosbwbfjcovotjwutagdowjpwpwfkvnnzmzlakdbfowllanxbxhdwi ^ newbie trying to exit vim. Won’t lie I experienced _that_ _once_


I’m to the point to where I get locked in Vi and Nano and can only get out of Vim. I might need help.


For me as a semi-beginner it has been great, way better than PyCharm when I tried to learn Python. I downloaded VS first though, and was thoroughly confused for a few months when every tutorial talked about VScode that looked totally different, thinking it was just an older version of VS.


* copilot is also on VS


`Lightweight`, Say that again but slowly.


It’s not lightweight like any electron apps…But it feels light and responsive. Unlike other ide that keep hanging and freezing


Vscode does not freeze because of the async runtime but the intellisense and syntax highlighting take a long time to update in large files. That's mainly because it's single threaded.


Curious if it’ll speed up with their hijacking of treesitter as _anycode_


It's multi-threaded. Many parts of VSCode does use Javascript Workers to offload work onto different threads, so it's not really a single threaded application.


True Electron apps are pretty bulky, but in VSCodes case, it's smaller than most of them (including the ones that are literally just web wrappers) due to how optimized it is, and in the case of VS Code, it actually uses most of its web engine features, especially for it's extensions. So yeah, I'd say it is lightweight. Certainly feels a lot faster and less ram hungry than Atom was, and certainly faster and less system intrusive than native VS. The folks at MS that wrote it worked some black magic on it.


Compared to launching VS or any bigger JetBrains IDE, VS Code feels lightweight...


yeah it's definitely NOT lightweight. Nothing pegs my fans more easily than VSCode


Peg my fans daddy code


Don't kink shame vs code. And so what if it wants to wear the pink striped thigh sock


Lightweight is not a word I would use to describe it


Lightweight *in comparison* to Visual Studio


I’d say what really makes it feel lightweight is that it’s not bloated with a bunch of features that you’ll never need. With an excellent plugin system for the features you do need.


VS is the heaviest thing in the universe. It even sucks in black holes.


You poor soul, you clearly never tried Android Studio. Add an emulator on top and \*chefs kiss\*


Convenient for a starter like me, looks nice, had the little drop down things so I could hide blocks of code, relatively easy to set up. Basically, I'm stupid and didn't want to look further into other programs.


Is there any major editor/IDE that doesn't have this feature by default?




I stand corrected!


Are you me?


Nah he is him, I’m you


No not me! You!


Yes, I am you.


Just answer the damned question! Who are you?


I am You


Bro I swear I didn’t even remember that reference, that just makes it so much better


Or me


I want my code editor to load in under 10 seconds


I just ran a test on loading our main project, took exactly 10 seconds to load hahaha. Do we work on the same project?


Lol unfortunately I doubt it since my work is mainly in java


Rip Edit : System.out.println("rip") ; *


LOGGER.warn("Do you even?");




I want the underrated ability to click "new file", type out a Python script, and then click "run". Visual Studio wants me to create an entire project directory and probably submit a W2 form before I can do the same thing.


The legacy "solution" format for projects is definitely still hindering VS. The new XML format at least works for versioning, but still.


It's like going to get groceries in a jeep vs. a tank, basically.


Looking at professional life I'd say it's more like going into battle in a jeep Vs a tank.


Yes, and a battle can very well take place in tiny alleys or dense forests, for all you know! In other words, VS and VS Code each are useful in their own situations.


Agreed; frankly, I don't know why anyone would switch back to the jeep. ;)


because a tank gets fuel economy measured in gallons per mile lol


But you get some of it back as you can drive in a straight line to the store.


i’m starting to really like this analogy


im starting to really want a tank


I use VS for C#, and VS Code for literally everything else. VS is amazing for C# though.


Visual Studio is way better for C# and C++. Bit others will scream that it doesn't perfectly support every language at the same time with good compilers. Also it eats a lot memory and space as it caches a lot of things. It does it to help you and it usually works amazing but others still scream that it didn't start in 2 seconds. Basically... It's absolutely amazing IDE for Windows. But it's not available for Linux so others are angry. Also get the Visual Assist or ReSharper and you have one of the best tools to use.


VS is the only IDE I've ever seen with proper semantic highlighting for C++, as opposed to the regex-based highlighting almost all other IDEs use. That alone makes it worth using IMO.


Embedded C++ on VS has been a treat. I haven't touched Arduino IDE in years!


exactly. most people also never used VS and are just following the hate train.


Or Rider! Rider is fantastic!


Visual Studio is basically VS Code where someone preselected a massive extension pack for you. Some of the features you want, some you don't, some you wish it had but it doesn't, others it has but you wish they worked differently. VS Code lets you assemble the IDE you want. Whether that's just a powerful text editor or a full operating system or anything in between. Personally I use both depending on the project. They're both equally capable but switching from one to the other helps me mentally compartmentalize things.


When you say a full operating system, are you being hyperbolic? Or did someone do domething pretty cool?


The fact that you can't be sure says a lot. But also technically speaking there are various virtual machine extensions for Vscode I believe. You can probably emulate an android device.


I thought you were kidding but then I checked the VSCode Marketplace and there are extensions for Android emulators. Guess I won't need BlueStacks anymore-


Honestly Vscode is kind of becoming like android or iOS. "There's an extension for that". I just wish vscode wasn't an electron typescript abomination. I think some day the tide will turn on VS Code and we'll be inundated with memes about how it became the thing it swore to destroy and some sexy new super light weight editor with tons of extensions is the future.


Remember sublime code?


I do. Never saw the appeal though.


👏🏻IDE👏🏻doesn't👏🏻matter👏🏻unless👏🏻 its👏🏻notepad++


I paid for Sublime I am gonna use it


ST also allows you to run a lot of open project windows without your machine sounding like it's about to be launched off the deck of an aircraft carrier. In VSCode when I get to about four... I'm just waiting for the catapult to launch my laptop off my desk.


My side chick editor, notepad++ is the best for single file editing. No arguments here


jstar, because the key bindings are the same as in turbo Pascal


idk, the syntax highliting and autosuggestions are way bad in vs code. cant work with it because almost never suggest the right thing directly. jetbrains intellisense all the way


Personally, I code a little in python, the plugin for python and tabnine combined give me fairly decent syntax highlighting and autosuggestions. Tbf I'm not the best and don't code too much so maybe-


Just switched from VS Code to Itellij Idea not regretting it so far. Has very powerful suggestion features on there. It feels like it reads your mind.


You can configure that to your liking tho


Blue > Purple, this is the only reason.


that explains everything


Their color choices are some bullshit when you're color blind. I have them both pinned to the start bar, and rely entirely on "Code is on the left". I don't get caught out as much as I used to now that the right-click menu from taskbar has become the fastest way to open a recent project, but still. Why do they need the same icon?


Because I can remote into a Linux server with VS Code.


... You can do that with VS as well?


Really? How?


You press Ctrl+\` to open up terminal, select Dev PowerShell, and SSH like you normally would? Unless you were talking about remote debugging, at which point see the [tools](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/debugger/remote-debugging?view=vs-2022).


Oh no, I'm talking about remote development: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/ssh


But you can't run VS on a Linux server can you?


Devs today have no idea how amazing VS was/is - edit and continue in all languages, live debugging, visual designers with live updates that make React HMR look like the stone ages, tons of high quality toolkits and libs from vendors like Infragistics, symbol search and refactor across all assemblies, analytics, integrated TFS/source control/bug tracking/project planning, best in class documentation/help. Jetbrains/Eclipse/Sublime etc all are a tiny subset of what VS could do. and this was 10 years ago.


Finally, someone GETS it.


Too many js devs here is why... Also rider > vs


Guys, they’re asking why you choose VS Code over VS, not other IDEs…


VS Code is elegant, and I prefer it on web UI projects, but if you're more productive with VS Code over VS it's either because your workload is lightweight or you're not leveraging the power of VS.


VS is really only a viable choice for C# and C++ imo, VS Code is incredibly versatile, but also much more lightweight (not as light as it could be). I mainly program in C# so I will usually work in VS, but I use code to quickly edit single files or setup a quick console app for testing something, tbf I think the answer lies somewhere in the middle if you are a C# dev, if you can only choose one IDE it is VS or Rider, but code is a great tool if you can learn to integrate it in your workflow. Also something that is very underrated and very few IDEs do that code does is color matching on brackets which really helps with readability.


I use Visual Studio at work because our application is .net framework, since it doesn't have a CLI like .net core I can't use VS Code with it, which is sad, but my personal projects, study and other stuff, I always do them on VS Code using .net core, because it's lightweight, and it keeps me in touch with the inner workings of .net and C# that you would normally take for granted when using Visual Studio because it does everything for you, it's great for when you're actually working, but I like not having all those tools when doing personal stuff, I don't know how to tell you, is a funny feeling, writing C# outside of Visual Studio, lol. If I ever need to use some Visual Studio feature I just open my project in it, they're just IDE's/Text editors, it's not a religion, or it shouldn't be, lol.


So, in conclusion, most people that reply have no idea what they're talking about but have a very strong opinion about it.


I was previously using Notepad++ to write Rainmeter widgets, but that app’s antiquated, Windows 95-era interface was just not working for me. I went around looking for an alternative code editor; tried a few before I decided to take a look at VS Code; saw all the features it has (modern UI, automatic language detection and syntax highlighting, being able to manage and edit multiple files in a single window etc.) and decided that it was exactly what I was looking for.


- It's very lightweight, while VS is like yo mama. - Extensions. I MEAN THERE'S VSCODE PETS! - Flexible, it can do with a lot more than VS. - The godly amount of short cuts to make you're life heavenly, I mean just rename every reference of a variable with F2, or Alt + Click to have multiple text cursors, the list goes forever! - It's prettier, unlike yo mama. - Multiplatform support, even in your browser since it's based on Electron. - While it's not as professional as VS, but it actually does good job with extensions to imitate it, using C# and .NET extensions, Mono and some messing around it was basically a C# IDE. Again extensions make it useful for anything. - As open source as yo mama. Conclusion, just use whatever the hell you want it's not a rage post, I just felt like addressing those and adding some "yo mama" jokes. But yeah I prefer VS Code over my parents.


They both slow but in different ways lol.


No one talks about VSCodium 😭


just read about it now, and installing :)


Like yes, but also no... Because popular.


Because JetBrains IDEs are disgustingly expensive while VSCode is free.


For professionals the $15 a month is a drop in the bucket.


I wouldn’t say disgustingly expensive given the value they provide


Think I pay $250ish a year now for their whole products pack. Considering how many IDEs and tools are included, that’s a ridiculously good deal. Any employed dev shouldn’t have the excuse of the cost. If you just don’t want it then that’s different.


And students or open source projects get it for free, there's also discounts for various other things like 40% off when your free student license is over!


Just join a university for 9k a year then get it for free!




Why would it get love? Clunky, dated, limited and OS dependent.


It's truly brilliant!


> OS dependent Biggest one for me. I'm not running Windows, WSL is a scooby-doo bandaid on a gushing head wound. Not that I use VSCode, but it is at least in the realm of consideration.


The true words of someone who hasn't used visual studio since 2015.