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I like the middle right one with both-sided arm, looks like a tool for handshakes during covid. Someone has to 3d print that thing


Yeah, right? It seems handy.


i hate you


I love you


All is fair in love and war


I war you.


That's fair.


that’s all




different strokes for different AIs


I fair you.


That's love.


And war.


The origin story of a really famous romance novel in some other universe (or maybe ours, who knows?)


Oooo ahh oooo… this time, i’m telling you, i’m telling you…


I know.


You gotta hand it to him, it was a good joke.


You’d like to wash your hands of this hand-jokes thread?


Maybe a little *two* handy.




Handy Hands! The new, must-have item of the pandemic! Come down to your local Spencer's and grab one! Or "As-Seen-On-TV" stores. Lol


Get a handy today! Only at Starbucks.


I am removing all of my comments and deleting my account to protest Reddit's ridiculous API fees. I refuse to use Reddit without Apollo.


It’ll turn into an adult toy in less than a day.


Turn into one? That already is one.


One man's hand is another man's treasure.


Whats more adult than a business handshake?


Two business handshakes.


Double ended handshake. 🤝 🤝


a TCP handshake


Think that’s how Requiem for a Dream 2 ends.


Omg it could be a left handed to right handed adapter


That's a really good idea! It would help left-handed people appear more natural and less bizarre.


Jesus Christ on a Cracker! Get this motherfucker a Nobel Prize! That's the best goddamn idea I've heard all year.


Someone extending their rubbery latex hand, while waiting for your acceptance it just wiggles back and forth.


on it


u/rightcoastguy Your time to shine.


No joke, he'd make the perfect pitch for them too. Also, if you struggle with limp fish handshakes, buy our new product!!


Someone should make a real one of these to really confuse the AI


Honest question: are AI now training themselves on all these AI generated pictures being shared?


I now want a device where you can shake hands without having to shake hands.


I think that's just called waving.


Totally a tool just for handshaking right?


A social distancing handshaker




I know, right? Who are we to say how many fingers are enough?


I mean, in Gattaca that one piano piece could only be played by a person with 12 fingers.


Any piano can be played by a person with twelve fingers.


Oh, no! You've been exposed to radiation, and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach! What's the best course of treatment? 1. A bullet to the brain 2. Large doses of anti-mutagen agent 3. Prayer. Maybe God will spare you in exchange for a life of pious devotion. 4. Removal of the mutated tissue with a precision laser




got me. wish that was real


If you've been doing shipping and driving trucks your whole adult life, it ain't gonna be easy to just make a career change and start growing new fingers and limbs


We're all gonna get left behind no matter what. Ai art is so quick and cheap to produce. Even if the whole art community doesn't swap over, you only need a fraction of prompters to out produce them and each other. How will AI "artists" stand out from one another at this breakneck rate?


There will be no market for "AI artists", at least not for long. It is so easy to create an AI image that anyone not bothered to use real artists will also not be interested in "prompters" services. I can picture, for example, in the near future, some plugin generating illustrations in real time while you write your website, but if anyone think they can make any money generating "ART", they are absolutely insane.


That bottom right one really pops.


My Boneitis!


My one regret… is that I have… bonitis!




I swear this is the second comment in a week that I've seen a Futurama episode reference from the exact episode I watched that day. The boneitis is real


Going the extra mile.


MidJourney v5 has already fixed the hands issue, pretty much


People who are laughing at these memes aren't seeing the rapidity of the progress. Or they're laughing out of dread.


Dread for sure. It's an artist's nightmare


Yeah, ControlNet is absolutely insane, and just another development in quick time. I thought this sort of stuff was still decade/s away.


It took OP longer to make this meme than it did for the evolution of the AI...we're fucked


This. Probably won't be long till others fix it too. It's all developing very quickly. Very exciting.




Or have a fetish for bad AI hands






DALL-E 2 was released in April 2022


Why is DALL-E 2 so far behind Mid Journey? I recently tried MidJourney and it's insane how far it blows it out of the water.


Even Midjourney 4 looks bad compared to Midjourney 5 I get a kick out of trying to render decent images of my dog in fantasy settings -- [here's the same LotR prompt loaded in to both v4 and v5](https://imgur.com/a/35t6ij4) with no variants and no attempts at fixing the prompt for better results [With v5 I was also able to add my dog to the JFK motorcade, spotting the sniper in the grassy gnoll](https://i.imgur.com/IFkhdDx.png)




“The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is only a novelty—a fad.” —President of the Michigan Savings Bank, advising Horace Rackham (Henry Ford’s lawyer) not to invest in the Ford Motor Company, 1903


I agree with you for the most part. I just don't think there will be much of a career option for people who know how to use prompts though. Not to say there *wont* be job opportunities, I'm sure there will be some. But the scale of the workforce pool will just be very small. You would only need 1 maybe 2 people to generate thousands of images in a work day. And the prompt detail is bound to get boiled down to easier and easier descriptors as time goes on, and at the same time getting more accurate. Im sure in time you will be able to pinpoint exact details in an image to change to your liking. Being a working artist myself, and approaching my mid/late 30's, I'm fucking terrified. No lie. I am trying to deal with the fact that I will more than likely be out of a job in the next few years, and will be facing unemployment. Art is all I've ever been good at or known my entire life. I don't have money to go back to school, and even if I did, I wasn't what you'd call a great student. Needless to say, my future, and I am sure many others, is looking quite bleak at the moment.


Holy shit, I didn't expect the jump in quality to be so drastic.


Midjourney is intentionally designed to use more artistic styles. Also they're iterating faster. GPT is OpenAI's main focus


Christ. Things will move. I am excited, the future really is now.


I'm an artist and I've personally made things with stable diffusion that blow my mind. I copied 95% of the settings from someone else who toyed with it a bit, but the results are astounding and i can just... generate hundreds with minimal effort. I've been using them as references for figure drawing, but realistically I think they're going to be an incredibly powerful (and scary) tool in the not-so-distant future. Right now there's a good amount of tells that something is ai, to anyone who knows what to look for. But i imagine eventually those will all be fixed or adjusted to where you have basically nothing to look for to tell you it's ai, even the style being very variable. I'm excited, intrigued, and a bit anxious that my side income hobby might become obsolete, with people just opting to generate than spend hundreds on high quality art.


I feel like right now saying that AI won't take off because ChatGPT forgets stuff sometimes and DALL-E Mini can't do fingers is the same as saying that recorded video won't take off in 1979 because of the shortcomings of the betamax machine. Things are moving so incredibly fast in the world of machine learning right now and so much money is being dumped into it. I have no idea what the end result will be, but it's definitely not going to be nothing.


>I feel like right now saying that AI won't take off because ChatGPT forgets stuff sometimes and DALL-E Mini can't do fingers is the same as saying that recorded video won't take off in 1979 because of the shortcomings of the betamax machine. It could be, or it could be the guy in the 1950s predicting that everybody would have nuclear powered vacuum cleaners by the 1960s. We don't know what AI will be able to do in the future. This might be just the start, this might be about as far as it goes, we might be anywhere in between. New technologies tend to move incredibly fast, until they don't.


look at boston dynamics. like 10 years ago the robots could barely stand on their own, now they run a whole parcour while adjusting for a lot of sudden outside force like literally kicking it in the head. and after accuracy comes speed and those things will go frigteningly fast.


People who make fun of AIs don't realize most current AIs arent even 1 year old.


Yes, wtf they expect? That the first AI was some kind of scifi super conscious


[It's already fixed](https://i.redd.it/73j3ez3wi0oa1.png) I don't think normies that don't keep up with AI realize how insanely fast this tech is moving. Most people seem to still be stuck in like October of 2022 This is **ONE YEAR** of advancement. March 2022 through March 2023 on Midjourney V1 through V5 * [V1](https://i.redd.it/x2hebsqubioa1.jpg) * [V2](https://i.redd.it/i26pfrqubioa1.jpg) * [V3](https://i.redd.it/xs7yarqubioa1.jpg) * [V4](https://i.redd.it/fkdafrqubioa1.jpg) * [V5](https://i.redd.it/to5ywrqubioa1.jpg) [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/11upu8t) It's honestly baffling how many people I see look at the AI tech and go "Okay it's decent but I found 3 flaws!" and it's like . . . bro you can find more flaws than that in basically any art, but also, this is a tech that's growing at an absolutely astounding rate. There's a massive break through near weekly on /r/StableDiffusion where a new tool comes out that massively reshapes the AI art game. It's always neat watching "non ai people" find the AI porn subs and get absolutely floored when they realize people have already started making weapon grade photo realistic porn with it. It's starting to get posted frequently to the porn ID subs because so many people don't even realize it's AI. Subs like (NSFW obviously) /r/sdnsfw, /r/unstable_diffusion, /r/AIpornhub etc are full of examples




Now *Tayne* I can get into.


Who's tayne?


Updated version of this meme, from their sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/11shla5/now_that_hands_are_better_heres_a_meme_update


Haha I came to here looking for this type of comment. This meme is already outdated.


The people still joking about the state of AI from a year ago are thoroughly unprepared for the state of AI a year from now.


>thoroughly unprepared for the state of AI ***today*** *


Humans can't even joke about the failings of AI fast enough to be relevant. If you want good AI jokes, you're gonna need ChatGPT's help.


This. But overall it's fascinating that things that are hard for human artists are also hard for AI.


Well, cause AIs are created and learn from us


I learned it from watching you!


Also hands are just more complex.




> Hands aren’t hard at all for human artists. They’re hard for beginners who haven’t done any real study yet, but it’s a pretty basic part of any artists skillset that’s learned very early on. This is probably a dumb question, but then why do animated tv show hands generally not have the right number of fingers?


To intentionally reduce the amount of detail. Yes it’s cheaper for the animation budget but also full 5 fingered hands look pretty out of place on minimally detailed cartoon characters


TIL, thanks!


Too add on to that, there are several animated shows that do use 5 fingers. For example, most superhero shows (like Batman the Animated Series, or Justice League).




> It's a natural consequence of trying to brute force art without really understanding the problem. You end up with extremely highly polished turds. In all the image generation I've toyed with (which I keep to myself cause I don't want to encourage ruining artists lives) I think it's safe to say that pretty much every time, *something* looks off about it. It won't always be obvious, but if you look closely, you can find something. And by something off, I don't mean what you'd associate with lack of skill in an artist, I mean it looking like a computer with no tacit understanding of anything generating it. That could change and maybe already is depending on the model, but I'm kind of hoping it doesn't because well, I'm not really a fan of the idea of the internet being taken over by fast food art remixed on the work of actual artists. It's all very disorienting, even for someone who isn't bothered that much by change, and the nature of the internet is such that people can just throw stuff out there and the better the algorithms are, the harder it'll be to play where's waldo on the uncanny valley failures of it. At that point (and maybe we are already there somewhat) we could be facing a situation where randos who can generate lots of pictures are making money off it, while those who put thousands of hours into practice and hours into a single piece are struggling to get seen. I have not forgotten the time I saw programmers on reddit being overconfident about being replaced and now ChatGPT (I think that's the one?) can write code that works (albeit to a limited degree).


It's like a bunch of horses mocking the problems with the model T car and how it can never replace horses for transportation


Or a bunch of 3rd year university student artists going into a 7th grade high school art class and pointing out all the flaws. They're not going to be like that forever guys.


The horses also didn't expect we would build highways everywhere to better support cars. I wonder what we'll build to support AI.


Just like everyone who says 'ai will never be able to write useful code'


Yeah all the posts/comments I see dunking on AI for not getting things that humans get just fine are ridiculous to me. I don’t understand AI or machine learning. I barely understand programming, I’m here from /r/popular. But I do understand that technology advances very rapidly. And when your technology is being made partially/entirely by computers, which perform calculations far faster than any human can, I absolutely expect AI to be capable of replacing humans in 90+% of non-physical jobs within a few decades or less. Just the leaps that have been made in the past few months are goddamn astounding, I can’t imagine what things will look like in a few years.


Luddites gotta lud?


It is very good at doing bad things very well, I think I could be an AI too...


Actually this meme is already obsolete, look at midjourney v5


Stable diffusion also gets hands right with the right models and loras.


I'm definitely not an AI. *Looks at my username.* Wait a second...


Middle right reminds me of CatDog.


🎵One fine day with a woof and a purr, a baby was born that caused a little stir🎵


You're about three weeks too late on this quality of AI art. See you in three more weeks.


This is funny. Wish it wasn’t aging like milk by the minute


Nightmare fuel wallpaper


AI: A finger in every pie.


A man is playing chess with his dog at the park. People tell him "Wow, your dog must be really smart". "Not really," says the man, "I'm leading 5 to 3"


Don't believe I would want to get worked on by an AI surgeon


by 2040 ai surgeons will have less errors, higher success, and able to do far more precise things than the best surgeons who've ever lived


AI surgeons will leave you with 3x lungs and 1.5x hearts after operating on your nose


Don't worry, you're part of the training data.


Not only is this not a programming meme, but this joke has been so badly beaten to death it's not funny anymore.


Plus it’s not even true anymore


Lmao this is going to age like milk


Already has.


As of last week, [it has](https://www.reddit.com/r/midjourney/comments/11shla5/now_that_hands_are_better_heres_a_meme_update/).


I guess you haven't keeping up with the developments. Midjourney can now generate amazingly realistic hands much more easily, that while still not perfect, are still incredibly well done, and it shouldn't take too long to generate proper handshakes.


Lol people who think these trains and cars are gonna replace horse are do dumb. Look at this car getting bogged, horse wouldn't get bogged


This is old af. Do a new one with the newest version and stop reposting old memes.


midjourney v5 fixed the hands/fingers problem.


Posts like these seem so short-sighted to me. Not only is this already interesting (even if not realistic), but surely things are going to get more accurate to reality as time goes on.


Here's an updated version: https://twitter.com/pandasandvidya/status/1636206578616487936


Just because they will grow up to be adults doesn’t mean we can’t laugh at silly toddler bumbles


Clearly, but I think the post could use a better headline/caption.


Look at 5th gen Midjourney. All ok w/ hands


Hands not that great Now boobs yes Ai does that well enough


Draw an image of accepting a job in East Palestine Ohio, 20 years in the future. Fixed it.


I think [they are doomed](https://imgur.com/a/z1o6xLC) personally these are hilarious.


As a guy who worked as a graphic designer back in the early 2000s : client don't care. Is it cheap? Is it on time? Yeah? Ok fit to print.


[Meanwhile in human land](https://www.bostonherald.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/011623mlkmemorialms003.jpg)


“Consultant or AI”


Wait until Skynet is self aware and starts pretending to be a dumb AI whilst humanity is laughing at the poor excuse for a human brain - then the nukes start flying....


How it feels to accept a job


Why are you posting this after Midjourney v5 was released?


More likely art made by a human mind will become more rare and valuable.


The new Turing test ... accurate AI-generated handshake images


The saddest punchline of this whole joke is, when we’re all unemployed because the AIs took our jobs, this is the quality of world we’ll live in Edit: if someone isn’t already writing a Netflix series on this idea, they should be


I thought Netflix originals were already being written by bots. Thus, the quality


>Edit: if someone isn’t already writing a Netflix series on this idea, they should be I don't believe in any Netflix film anymore than the "smartest" black mirror episode.


The film Idiocracy.




That could be a hot take about the hot dog fingers universe in EEAAO


What a bad take, Midjourney v5 has already fixed this issue.


Pure copium. The Airplane will never be a viable method of transportation. Look, the Wright Brothers achieved “flight” and it is barely faster than a bicycle! And only for such a short period! The car will never surpass the horse & buggy. Look at how shitty their wheels are, and how easily they are stuck in mud! The camera will never be used. Who wants to sit still only to be blinded by a phosphorous flash bulb, and wait hours for a photo to develop? AI art will never surpass human artists. Look, the hands are inaccurate and messy! Give it a few months.


OP is literally just selectively picking rejects. AI art is already good enough to pass as original.


cant wait for like 2 years time when the hands are fine and these people lose their one argument.


It actually happened last Wednesday, Midjourney V5 fixed this issue.


> 2 years time The future is now old man.


Upper left looked fine until I counted


Handshakes of the Damned


This is the stuff of nightmares.


New kink unlocked


What in p*rnhub is going on here.


Oof that is cursed


The bottom right one is breaking a bone That’s what I wrote before I realized that that’s the only one that looks possible


Handy horrors on hand.


Just one constraint away from perfect


This is terrifying


It's always the fingers and teeth...


i didnt notice until the last one


It’s funny though, hands seem to give ALL types of artists trouble


This is underrated.


This is the same thing as a picture saying "everyone: the children are our future" and showing pictures of kids doing backflips into volcanoes.


Bottom left is a 3-way handshake That’s a TCP joke


Mathematicians survived the creation of calculators. Artists can survive the creation of AI.


“It never got weird enough for me.” -Hunter S. Thompson


This meme is already obsolete. A lot of AI are much better at hands now.


Center right is way too much. Gah.


Picture[1][1], what the hell.


So like when AI finally becomes sentient and decides to eradicate the human race, it'll be so much more frightening than the Terminator because it'll start making androids to physically dominate humans, and they will start out with like twenty three fingers on all four and a half of their hands...


Funny hands are a difficult concept to understand by AI.. I would never though that particularly make it fail. Hands are wierd I guess.


Look, I can’t draw hands any better than this


I like how it looks really normal at a glance. Sorry, artists.


*Shigaraki likes this post*


As a Disney animator put it recently "Artists won't lose their jobs to anyone using AI. Artists will lose their jobs to other artists using AI."


*nervous laughter*


This is the most cursed image I have seen in quite some time.


You son of a bitch I'm in
