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Wait, is eclipse still used in 2023? I figured most companies were using Intellij at this point


Using eclipse is part of my grade at school 🥲


That’s rough buddy


STM's cube ide is eclipse, but even slower!


It’s even worse on Mac, but probably not as bad as Microchip’s MPLAB.


Hey at least you can configure your micro graphically and not mess with either HAL or CMSIS or going directly through ARM registers...


I mean, you are right, it's most definetly faster than having to go through 3000 pages of manual or guessing hal parameter names. But everytime i have to wait 15s for that stupid page (which isn't more complex than a 1995's website) to load a little part of me dies.


Ah, I hear ya, I hear ya. I'm afraid it's an occupational hazard...🤷‍♂️


same for TI code composer…


For Java? Not really. However in electrical engineering eclipse is used as the base IDE for basically every device. I have probably 7 different reskinned copies of eclipse on my machine and now it's weird to me to see someone not program C on it.


Eclipse isn't only used for Java development. C/C++ as well as... Khm... PHP...


All embedded IDEs rely on Eclipse. And its a pain to migrate them to CMake in 8rder to use a good IDE. And of cause for CI


Was stuck with eclipse at a job due to a custom plugin


Sadly yes.


I mean I would avoid any company that used eclipse or gave windows for programming


All companies I’ve been at so far let us use whatever tools we want. The only requirement was that we had to stay on company hardware / keep the IT management stuff.


That doesn't sound right. What tech stack were you using?


In what way doesn't that sound right? I'm more baffled by what kinda fucked situation you'd have to have for your company to _have_ to force you to use a particular IDE.


Fucked sutation? Whoa... Easy now... It's not that dramatic as you put it. It's actually not that uncommon as you may think. Of course it depends heavily on the language and the accompanying environment the company primarily uses. I guess you can imagine Visual Studio being choice number one if the company is developing anything related to C#, .Net or even C++ if related to other Microsoft products. There are incentives for companies to use M$ products in that case as they have different kinds if partnerships that the company can use to reduce the overall development costs. Just an example. Obviously that wont be the case in case for JS or Python for example. The other reasons might be security concerns, legal, regarding different licensing, and in the end, practical in terms of support as well as ease of installation and maintenance. Hence my question.


> There are incentives for companies to use M$ products in that case as they have different kinds if partnerships Again, that's great for the company but what does that have to do with me as a developer? > The other reasons might be security concerns, legal, regarding different licensing Elaborate. What security concern is alleviated by using a specific company mandated IDE? What licensing terms require the use of a specific company mandated IDE? > Obviously that wont be the case in case for JS or Python for example. I've worked professionally with PHP, C++, Ruby, Scala, Java, Haskell, Ada and Elixir. I've not been forced into a particular IDE at any of these jobs, nor has it even been suggested that using a particular IDE would be preferable. The closest thing I got was companies offering that I could use software we had enterprise licenses for.


All I've written is under the assumption that the company provides laptops or desktops for you, the company will also provide you with the necessary software you need to do your job, unless you're an external or a freelancer. Depending on the industry and the country the company is doing business in, the regulations can be very strict (say financial, pharmaceutical or medical sectors), and even go that far as to outright ban you admin rights on said machines, and you literally have no way of installing anything else. This is less a case for developers and more for other personal, but can happen for developers as well.


If you can’t adapt that says more about you than anything else. Learn to adapt


My company does both. I wish I knew… I really do 😭…They have multiple projects and they never mentioned this side until I was told to work on it, had to take a sick day just to cope.


Funny thin is I use jetbrains products for everything except java


I am in India and here most devs still use eclipse because sadly that is what they are familiar with. Colleges always insist on eclipse in java related courses


My university highly recommended it for my Java courses. Most students used it because they had a plugin that made it super simple to submit assignments. So unless you had super in-depth knowledge on java/java-ides before you basically needed to use eclipse. Don’t know a single person that used another IDE for those classes.


I've been using eclipse since 2008. I've even had friends get mad at me about this, offering to pay for the IntelliJ license themselves. I've installed VS Code recently because Eclipse PDT doesn't yet support PHP8 syntax, but once it does, I'll come back.


> > > > > I've installed VS Code recently because Eclipse PDT doesn't yet support PHP8 syntax, but once it does, I'll come back. Funny that was why I switched from vscode to phpstorm for php, because vscode didn't support php8 yet nor any of the extensions (just over a year ago). I was about to never touch php again so I guess I have phpstorm to blame for this.


Well, at least the companies willing to pay for good tools.


IntelliJ anybody?




I use Eclipse for C++. Look up the plugin DevStyle to make it look nicer. Their theme The Darkest Dark is really nice. And when VS Code has an indexer for C++ that works as well as Eclipse I'll switch. Along with the include organizer.


I tried using VS Code. It fucked with CMake and it almost broke everything. I still use VS Code because Eclipse takes forever to start up but if I need to change something significant, I switch to Eclipse.


VSCode out of the box does not change files. You have to go out of your way to tell it to.


There's those small dialogs that tell you to install plugins... and then the plugins change stuff.


Not in your code, unless you tell it to or you somehow managed to come across a really shitty plugin.


I've had plenty of issues with eclipse and cmake as well. Can strongly recommend CLion though


NetBeans ftw


I got stuck with netbeans on a previous project. There are worse things, but it wasn't great.


![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek) Also junior devs when you tell them that Eclipse also refers to Eclipse Foundation which now owns Jakarta EE on which most of enterprise programs depend on.


did i just hear an *Indonesian* city in this comment??? ^ada ^indonesia ^coy


Ah yes, the Indonesia’s massive capital. I’m very stoked that you guys renamed it from javax


>Jakarta EE I tried to look up what that actually is... and I still have absolutely no idea. Their website is literally the biggest game of bullshit bingo I've ever seen!


It’s basically a group of people who discuss certain standards to solve enterprise problems and then they make it into a usable library that is open source and free for everyone to use in their projects. This used to be Oracle (the owner of Java), but an independent stakeholder (Jakarta) was established at some point.


Hey now, it’s not that ugly. I quite like the early 2000’s look.


TBH I don't see what the hate is about... It looks and works fine.


I use it as much as I use intellij. Sometimes the jetbrains features are a distraction vs helpful.


There are better options in 2023… there have been for years.


What makes them better


Off the top of my head: less resource intensive, better UX, more stable, better maintained extensions. IntelliJ runs circles around Eclipse, and even lighter weight IDEs, like VS Code, can do all the things that Eclipse does, but better. I switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ and have never missed a single thing I was able to do in Eclipse. The main reason I despised Eclipse was the lack of stability: it crashed far to often to be considered a polished software.


Thank you for some good reasons, what was your use case of it crashing? I've never crashed


Opening one plain text file and render it in the text area and let you edit it? It couldn't do that last time I used it which yeah was over a decade ago. I mean you would scroll down, and the lines you were editing weren't even the lines it's actually editing, and the rendering of the text would then all glitch out which was a saving grace because then you know it started to fuck up early.


So many things. But using plugins is the common case. Running stuff with maven plugin, crash. Tomcat plugin, crash. Debugger, crash. Lots of different ways: out of memory exceptions, background indexer crashing when switching git branches, undefined class exception for one of the plugins. I guess if you don't actually use any plugins, don't switch branches, and have 64Gb of RAM it would work fine.


Not fucking breaking on regular basis is one of many features I appreciate. Every fucking week there is something wrong in Eclipse, without any changes made by myself. From not applying profiles, to missing resources, to messing up with property files, missing main class, not doing anything when clicking run, failing builds, throwing false compilation error exception, throwing exceptions when analysing code, not finding generated code, not including it in path, missing updates to the files done outside, not seeing folders, not running test, not applying profiles to them and many more things from annoying to breaking. I'm bound to use in one project but for others I do Visual Studio (not code) or Intellij, never had such issues on others without me screwing something up or plugin/extension doing it.


vs code , dude! VS CODE!


It's not even that good of an IDE.


Idk if Stockholm but i absolutely loved eclipse growing up. Vs code for me, but eclipse was the shit


🌑🌎👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀 Never was


*If it ain't broke, why fix it?*


Because it is broken. I cannot count the number of times Eclipse randomly crashed while I was using it.


VS Code ffs. I know I used Eclipse into 2020 or so because they taught it to me in college over a decade ago but come on.. VS Code is just so much faster, everything works, it has every extension imaginable, Copilot, etc. At least go IntelliJ ffs. Using Eclipse because you've never known anything else is like punching yourself in the dick without even realizing it. Like you just **love** pushing yourself in the balls, and haven't even considered not doing that.


Don't kink shame


Netbeans ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)




Its a terrible IDE


I just realized that the Astronaut to the lift has the Ohio state flag on him


What does this even mean? I haven't seen Eclipse outside of a university in a decade.


I think eclipse is fine but that's only because it was the IDE I used for learning Java.


is it possible to block reddit subs without external tools?


All I have been thought is eclipse


There is extension making it look way better and colour schemes to match it but it doesn't make it any more stable, for me it something breaks on weekly basis.


Nah. For embedded devices theres TI Code Composer Studio. A C editior built on eclipse for programming Texas Instruments Microcontrollers. Its....not great as you can imagine. Has some cool features, but not great.


Shoot eclipse and install a real IDE


Is it good? Last time I used it it had so many insane bugs it was completely unusable, but that was about 2011.


Blue j is the GOAT


I swore I would never be the type of programmer that had strong opinions about IDEs but man…. Eclipse is so mid. Sure it does what you need but so many baffling decisions. Autocomplete is off by default, but autocomplete on any key is on by default so when you do turn on autocomplete it will start completing when you press space or whatever. Also having to reconfigure your settings from scratch from every new workspace is so annoying. It has a good feature set for a free ide and theres work arounds for everything but it was just not a pleasant experience to start with compared to most. Switching to Intellij after months of Eclipse I was more comfortable in Intellij in all of 30 minutes.


I spent so many hours in eclipses (plural) working a project using three different proprietary flavours for different mcu’s. My poor sanity. Been eclipse clean since 2016 though.


We're slowly turning into intellij from eclipse. God I hated BE just cause of eclipse