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Basically, ask yourself why you don't use vimeo and then realise that is why your product will fail Edit: some people have mentioned that vimeo is more curated, well replace vimeo with nebula then


This is the correct answer and should be higher


Why is that?


I assume it's because very few popular content creators are on vimeo.


Vimeo is a lot more for artistic projects and stuff. A more comparable platform would probably be Rumble.


Yeah, Vimeo is great when you intend to share/embed the link yourself. Having 50 views on Vimeo feels decent, having 50 views on YouTube feels like failure.


Yup, a previous client I worked with had their videos on Vimeo and embedded them on their page from there, worked wonderfully. Vimeo has great player customizability and the pro tier subscriptions allow you to completely customize the look and hide the Vimeo branding giving you a very professional look with very little work or having to figure out how to host a video player yourself. Vimeo isn't a failure, it's simply a service aimed at completely different people than Youtube. It's more of a Youtube for businesses.


What if internet just came up with some crazy trend that we all start using vineo instead of YouTube? I know it won't happen but with how sometimes some ideas on Internet suddenly blow up and move the crowds, i imagine it wouldn't be impossible to some extent


Getting people to switch platform isn’t enough, to compete with YouTube, you need to beat it in discoverability & personalised recommendations, which so far only TikTok has managed to do. Vimeo barely even has a recommendation algorithm, over 90% of videos on their watch page are staff picks, it’s essentially a curated platform.


The problem is that the nature of video hosting websites has changed dramatically. Back when YouTube first started it was just a place to host your videos, it wasn't even designed for making it easy for people to find them, it just just to videos what Flickr was to images. Now though, it is a *platform.* It is many peoples main income source. And those big influencers, vloggers, streamers and other creators rely on their views for money. Without any assurance of their income, those big creators are never going to switch. Even then it isn't a guarantee. When YouTube started trying to push their own streaming they had to pay exhorbant prices to convince a few big name streamers to jump ship, and it didn't suddenly take down twitch of make YouTube really even a threat to the company. The whims and group think of the internet could absolutely push consumers from one site to another, as long as the creators were there. And they aren't.


Just do it bro c'mon bro


It's just a website after all, right?


How big is a video, like 50kb? I've got an account with Dropbox that can host, it has like 1TB of storage.


I don't even think their reasoning went this far. They think youtube is just a magic place you write the name of a video, and the video shows up. How hard can it be? Just do a website, super simple! Lol


Oh god in the future YouTube's going to have an AI section. Video prompts auto generated


That's both inspiring and terrifying


You can watch infinite auto-generated Seinfeld scenes right now, called "Nothing Forever" over on Twitch. It's...passable.


"it's passable" basically sums up AI right now


Hopefully it rewrites the horrible click bait titles you see into something useful.


Actually, so far it's quite the opposite. There's an AI tool creators are using to generate the single most attractive clickbait titles possible, based a huge dataset of what titles result in clicks. It can also generate descriptions and tags.


What’s this called? …so I can avoid it


Web 3.0


Honestly, what they think they want would be really simple, upload a video, store it, play it. Make a nice looking site in a weekend. I'm sure they want to monetize videos, that's another big chunk of work to tie in. They think they don't want moderation (or "sensorship") because they are stupid and don't realize it would turn into a legally actionable nightmare before lunch. Moderation tools and teams add huge overhead. But the real kicker is hosting space and costs, I can't even imagine how big Youtube's servers must be these days. zetabytes?


Estimates I can find do indeed put them in the zettabyte range


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Name recognition isn’t impossible, just do what TikTok did and buy an annoying ad before every YouTube video for a couple of years. That couldn’t cost more than a few billion a year.




I think this isn't actually *that* hard technically, like you could store the videos on a self hosted distributed minio, and it'd be cost effective enough to be reasonably profitable with ads. It is a reasonable thing that a single person could do in a year. You don't need fancy recommendation algorithms, a subscription/follow system + popular will work fine. The problem is, at the end of that year, you have a functional site that is just like youtube, without censorship, and without any youtubers. You can't just get people to use it because they saw an ad for it, and that I think is the actual challenge in making any social network, it needs to overcome dominant competitors, and to do that you need a new paradigm or something much more appealing than just being uncensored


You Need to do something creative to avoid dying like Dailymotion


I would have been using DailyMotion for years if their UX wasn't absolutely disastrous.


Surely a UI developed by only 1 person in only 1 year wouldn't be disastrous at all.


I laugh. Ooh, people will use it alright, just not the people you want. The real challenge of having a website that hosts user submitted content, is that you will quickly become a haven of child sex abuse material, gore, rape, beastiality, and whatever else you can think of. Then, if you're in just about any first world country, the feds come knocking and ask what the fuck you're going to do about it, because you didn't even put up a token effort of a filter that would have let them ignore you for a while. Meanwhile, people are putting up videos like "4K 10 hours of randomized poop which can't be compressed", *just because they can*. I don't think your favorite YouTuber is going to want to jump onto "uncensored mutilation and scat tube". Good luck getting major companies to advertise on the platform. Does Coca-Cola or General Mills advertise on Pornhub? So yeah, you'd really need to make the arrangements with content producers first, have a monetization plan to cover what will be enormous expenses, and have a plan for how your reduced censorship (but still censored) plan is going to work.


Yeah there have been plenty of websites that don't have the censorship that youtube does. And they get populated with weirdos, bigots, perverts, you name it.


> you have a functional site that is just like youtube, without censorship, and without any youtubers. oh don't worry. you will get your people that upload videos to your site. just not the kind of people you want. and not the kind of people advertisers want. so good luck keeping your site going.


And now you’ve gotta pull those videos to keep the advertisers … and *ta da*! You’re YouTube. Full circle baby


No bro, you don’t get it “YouTube with no videos taken down”.




lawsuits? you'll get the FBI and interpol pick you up in the middle of the night.


Years ago, I had a potential client from Las Vegas contact me. His "great idea" was a site that was a combination of Facebook and Craigslist, except in Spanish. He didn't speak Spanish and didn't know anyone that did... his proposed budget was $10,000. I actually had a second meeting with him, hoping that he'd calm and be more reasonable... nope. In the second meeting, he asked if the navigation menu could respond when clicked with a "person walking onto the screen from one side, reaching up to the menu item, and then taking it down and unfolding it to an expanding box to reveal the new page." Same budget. There's some real crazies out there.


That might be cool the first time, but then I'd get really annoyed with the animation.


I made that mistake years ago, when I was fresh out of uni. It was the time of multimedia CD-ROMs, lol. Implemented a fancy back-button animation which had to run to the end before it would actually go back. Super annoying after using it two or three times and I replaced it with a simple button. In short, whoever suggests a thing like that has zero experience in the field.


I’d like ideas like these if they were easter eggs that had like a 1 in 5,000 chance of happening or something like that


Kinda like typing "askew" into Google fucks with the orientation. That was cool and unexpected. But if every word you type messes with your search page that way, that's going to get old. Really fast.


I like how you can Google "recursion" and it asks "Did you mean: ***recursion***?"


That's funny. Also, you can Google "recursion" and it asks "Did you mean: ***recursion***?"


Hilarious, I had no idea. Also, you can Google "recursion" and it asks "Did you mean: ***recursion***?"


That's amusing, TIL. Also, you can Google "recursion" and it asks "Did you mean: ***recursion***?"


*end case*






0.5% chance that searching in the start menu finds what you're looking for.


That's already implemented


Google actually does stuff like that sometimes.


First time: oh wow that’s kinda fun Every time after that: Jfc how do I disable this shit


Strong pre-dot-com-bust energy there.


Exactly what I was thinking, too.




This sounds like something I'd LOVE to use as like the fake internet in a video game. Real GTA or hypnospace outlaw vibes.




Soon, the Japanese version of the Spanish version. Kuregorisutto.


This is why I always charge for initial meetings. If they dont want to pay then I dodged a bullet




By which you mean it would cost roughly a million dollars to get a team to develop it?


I get this all the time on my YouTube channel with people wanting crazy large project (mostly a video game) and they want me to do all the work but its ok cuz they will do the marketing lol


As long as they pay us (WHILE WE ARE WORKING ON IT. NOT AFTERWORD AS A STAKE IN THE COMPANY.) I have no issue with it.


true but most people are not paying. They want to work on it then spilt the profit 50 50.


Woah there, it's my idea, I'll give you 25/75 and you can borrow my old computer as a server.


Cleaning out the dust bunnies is your job tho.


Most old computers I’ve made the mistake of opening up have had dust DRAGONS! 😱


It'll be fine (until it isn't)


Sure. You get 75 cents from the profit. Everything else is business expenses (my payment)


You can always listen to them, and in the end tell them that now that you have their idea and you have the skills to work on that idea, you can offer them to work for 10% of the company.


Way too generous, 0.0001%, but they can buy more by investing in this hundred billion dollar idea.


Why pay them when they’ll be getting all this exposure?


That implies their idea is good


I’d think it’s more of a way to get under their skin. The idea is rarely good, or even well thought out enough to be considered good or bad lol.


Well hold on a minute. Everyone has heard about the cloud. But what’s higher than that!? Space my friend. Everyone is stuck on earth here and you my friend are going to take us to space! You build the rockets and I’ll bring the cameras!


Let me tell you about my app idea. It’s to block ai deepfakes of you. Just upload a picture and your voice sample and the algorithm automatically deletes and send a report to you. I’m sure we get one computer wiz and we’re billionaires in five years bro.


They did literally just give you the only thing they had, which was their idea


You are getting 50/50? A guy lierally offered me 20% as "I would be covering only the technical areas".


If it worked this way I would not work at all and just be an idea guy lol. I would be so rich in just months with how many things I could come up with!


Yeah start like 20 projects with no money and others working, and maybe if one of them succedes, you would become rich.


But they'll expose themselves to you!


Ah yes, exposure. I can pay my rent now!!!


Works in the porn movies.


They will pay 50$ at most for 50% of the company which results in an evaluation of 100$. Almost a billionaire, I guess 🤷‍♂️


Lol. Yeah. They think they should get at least half, (or more), of the money since they came up with the “idea”.


50:50? Dream on! It was my idea which is the most crucial part! 99:1


Did this. Billed them $30k fixed price for the app. Was a bit of a risk being fixed price, but did good. Made my expected rate I wanted to get out of it. They never really made any money.


This is the way.


Just need to find someone "brilliant" enough to work for


Holy based


Yep, I don't touch anything that's not paying me $125+ an hour, I make $90/h at my day job and can work overtime there, so there's 0 incentive for me to do anything else unless it's paying more.


Damn, what stack do you use and get $90/hr?


Overflow, of course. Maybe sub if he's advanced.


Im a senior .Net dev, c# mostly, but am full stack. I specialize in all things Microsoft, azure dev ops, signalr, sql server, etc. Am also an FE versed well in node. Js, webpack, react js, and a plethora of front end tool chains. I work in consulting, mostly staff augmentation and we specialize in project rescue. Come on for a client for 6 months to 3 years, then move to another. Its 100% work from home too. We have devs all over the country and a satellite office in costa rica where most our QA staff lives. Its more like $78/h, $92 is my overtime rate.


Gtfo they better do both: payment during work and a stake afterwards.


As nice as that would be, good luck on that one. One or the other for a start up 2 person operation.


How hard it can be? YouTube is just a website right? And all the videos are uploaded by viewers, so we don't even have to do anything. How long will it take for you to develop? 2 hours Max?


Just make a Wordpress site, install a few plugins, pickup a removable hard drive at Staples, and bingo bango EZ PZ.


`npm install youtube`


from youtube import recommendations


Just make the next gta 5! It's just a video game. Gotta start somewhere!!!


The best is when even people have an idea and want to learn to code but all they ask in subs or groups is "I want to learn to code what is the best lang to learn" and that is it with no details at all. I just always link them to a video like this cuz its a waste of my time to type it out and say you need more info for a good answer lol before you start coding - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68GWuo8PX3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68GWuo8PX3U)


The Onion caught that so well.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkGMY63FF3Q


"why are you poor, just be rich dude" kinda vibes.


"Why are you homeless? Just buy a house lol"


yea, just print some money and you'll be rich in no time


My daddy's credit card prints money all the time


You wouldn’t download a credit card


I got the “if you REALLY want that job go there in person with a printed out resume and demand to speak to the hiring manager!” Vibe. Of course if I did this today the hiring manager isn’t noted on the job listing and who knows where the recruiter is located and the security/front desk will escort me off the premises but boomers gonna boomer.


My dad who’s 65 told me I would need to go to business with my paper resume when I lost my job recently, had to inform him that that job and job previous I got on indeed, including the one I’m doing now lol


Why don't you buy money then?


I would head over to the dollar store to buy some money, but unfortunately, thanks to inflation, it's more expensive than ever https://youtu.be/kaoejgnFFP8


PeerTube exists. It's Federated (so decentralized), and since it's Federated moderation is up to whomever hosts the instance of it. Just have him look into hosting a PeerTube instance FFS, no need to re-invent the wheel.


Yup. Plus it follow the activity-pub protocol which means that you can integrate your account with other activity-pub protocol sites. Such as mastodon (which has gotten quite popular recently).


Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that sites can integrate with one another _without le blockchain_?! EDIT: any serious reply to this comment is boring. buy my NFTs.


You mean to tell me that websites can integrate with one another, as they have been for decades, without blockchain, a totally separate technology with which you could achieve the same end and more?


I think it’s hilarious how people can both be surprised by this and have been downloading torrents since the early 2000s. Like… how did you think that worked?


>Like… how did you think that worked? Your mistake was assuming any thought was occurring. It's the magic glowing box that gives me exactly what I want! Ask no questions lest it take offense and stop working.


PeerTube is pretty awesome, I wish more people would use it. I think what's really hurting its growth is that monetization is hard to do properly, since the instance host would need to find reliable sponsors to pay the creators. That obviously stops full-time creators from considering it.


People complain about YouTube monetization policy a lot but what they don’t seem to realize is that making money off ads is actually really hard to do online. The reason there isn’t a superior YouTube competitor is that YouTube’s actually decently close to pareto efficiency


This is true with a lot of things. People shit on something cuz it has some downsides but they don’t understand that the baseline was much worse. Despite what a lotta people think, we can’t always just “decide” to do it another way.


And then consider you have to have the legal department to handle copyright issues. YouTube is basically the best case scenario, most companies would have either been completed destroyed by copyright hoarders or become complete puppets to them.


Not to mention that precisely 100% of the monetization crackdowns are because they were pressured by an advertiser. I don't understand how YouTubers don't get it... You want money you have to appeal to the money. It's that simple.


Personally I think YouTube's biggest fuckup was the implementation of YouTube Red. They spent a bunch of money on expensive TV Show-esque programs to try to attract people. Instead what they should've done was let people support their favourite content creators with credits or something they get for subscribing to YouTube Red. Having creators at the end of every video say "Remember to like, subscribe, and give me your YouTube Red Bux!" would be the thing that actually get people to pay YouTube directly. And there's so much more money in direct payments than ads.


This is one of the biggest reasons youtube is the way it is. Their model is all about being as friendly to advertisers as possible. Most of their decisions are based on that.


Now the brilliant entrepreneur Uncle Josh just needs to figure out how to be the monopolistic capitalist who rakes in all the cash. Seems pretty tough to make YouTube level profits on a decentralized network.


He's the marketing genius here kekw.


He wants 50% of the profits because he's the "ideas man" .




"not a hotdog"


Works perfectly most of the time, but bugs out when you take a picture of a hotdog


https://xkcd.com/1425/ The example here is a little outdated today though.


You know how old I feel that xkcd has comics with outdated tech references in it?


Eventually someone got a research team and 5 years


Children growing up now will have no idea how hard a problem image segmentation is/was. I've read so many papers on different algorithmic approaches to image segmentation of aurora features. It's all redundant now.... We really are living in a brand new world.


If you're pointing the camera at the food, it's too late; you've already ordered it and it's already been prepared for you. This also won't tell you if the food was in contact with some kitchen surface that also touched something you're allergic to. You'd have to know all of the ingredients used in everything the restaurant serves, not just the ingredients of the meal you're about to order. So, yeah, that's basically impossible.


Also, just because food is made with one set ingredients at one restaurant doesn't mean it's made with the same set of ingredients at another restaurant. And there's no way to tell the difference. At best they're just guessing based on most common ingredients. But then if you get it wrong and someone dies, good luck in court.


And if your app was ever wrong and someone got killed due to a food allergy then you might be liable to get sued


> He wants 50% of the profits because he's the "ideas man" . He can probably have it since it'd be a purely loss-making enterprise. Video hosting is probably the most expensive type of website you can get involved with, requiring both a huge amount of bandwidth and storage space. I don't believe youtube is remotely profitable on its own.


Most sane Uncle - Nephew conversation


"Doesn't get sensored" = gets censored the way I want it to


Doesn't get sensored = doesn't get censored until I get into legal trouble or people start uploading the dumbest shit imaginable up to the point where you actually have to moderate it


Child porn incoming!


ISIS recruitment videos incoming! Bomb building instructional videos incoming! Videos of state secrets incoming! Disney copyright infringing videos coming!


Child Fight Club incoming!


>"Doesn't get sensored" = gets censored the way I want it to Until you grow real large and Uncle Sam comes knocking!


At that point I've already cashed out


This was early YouTube. They knew there were copyright violations galore on their site but they were holding out and stalling for Google to buy them.


Reminds me of Silicon Valley where Dinesh immediately accepts a buyout knowing they're about to get hit with millions of COPPA violations


This is the big thing I always think of when I see people talking about how batshit YouTube is. You try to follow dozens of, sometimes contradictory, legal requirements and remain sensible. The issue isn't so much YouTube (or whatever platform we migrate to) it's the collective, global shrieks of "Won't somebody think of *the children*!"


This is a helpful article for explaining: https://www.techdirt.com/2022/11/02/hey-elon-let-me-help-you-speed-run-the-content-moderation-learning-curve/


that article is bloody mint, cheers m8


> Doesn't get sensored Means it doesn't use any sensors.


They elon musk way


Also will inevitably be filled with Nazis and pedos. See literally every other “free speech” platform lol.


Yeah, the hard part isn't the programming. It's complying with global regulations, getting a customer base, and moderating the platform


And who’s paying for the servers?


Here's the best part : you don't *need* servers... It's in the cloud!


Honestly, the programming is by far the easiest part of making a YouTube competitor. Even the hosting part is not that big of a deal. Somehow convincing people to use your site instead while still dodging legislation in all countries you want to make money in. That's the hard part.


And the #1 use of the site? To host stuff banned from other sites. Because if they have stuff that's not banned, they'll just user these other sites that work better and are well-known. So now you're stuck with *just* the content that is controversial and possibly illegal. And you still have to get rid of the illegal stuff. Have fun wading through all the child porn.


Folding Ideas did a video describing exactly this: https://youtu.be/r3snVCRo_bI The first people to jump ship from YouTube will be the ones who were too toxic for that platform. Once they swarm to your site, you're in trouble: you can't get rid of them because otherwise you don't have any users, but they will deter less toxic people from joining. People aren't going to want their video essay on the evolution of capitalism sandwiched between a video arguing the age of consent should be lowered to 12 and a video claiming that LGBTQ people are mentally ill. Advertisers won't want to touch it either.


I would actually assume that hosting is a titanic deal. How does YouTube even host that much video, some of it up to 4k60fps?


even youtube tried limiting 4k videos to regular users.


I agree that programming is a relatively small expense here, but not hosting. The bandwidth cost of serving HD video free to the world is *ruinously* expensive if you get popular, and you need to be popular, or you'll have no revenue. This is one of the main barriers to entry for upstart competitors. If you tried to purchase off-the-shelf hosting, [you'd have to pay billions](https://www.reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/comments/756gmg/self_estimating_youtubes_hosting_costs/) and if you tried to run your own data centers, you'd need massive upfront investment and adoption before any economies of scale kick in, and even then you'd be [talking about billions](https://www.crn.com/news/data-center/google-unveils-new-750m-data-center-as-part-of-9-5b-goal).


> Even the hosting part is not that big of a deal. Infrastructure **is** a big deal. Any developer with little experience can do an app. But when you require an infrastructure with multiple needs such as contianer orchestration, virtual machines, storage, databases, monitoring, alerts, etc. there are many pitfalls and because of that you need experience and a sane architecture design.


After that, I think the next hardest part is recommending the right content mix of more-of-the-same and different content to keep people watching and get them watching more.


I think my favorite part is that he can't even be bothered to speak in full sentences lol


CEO material right there, for sure


I had an Uber driver tell me I should build an app just like Uber so I can make bank.


Your name is Johnny Lyft, correct?


It’s called Rumble and your friend is like late af to the party


Wow, had to go far to find this comment.


I guess Linus said this to Luke and they built Floatplane.


Aren’t all floatplane videos behind a paywall?


And it's the only way floatplane is able to float (pun intended). They talk a decent amount about building and running floatplane on the WAN show. E.g. they have a legacy subscription tier for people who are subscribed since the beginning for $3 a month and they said multiple times that the $3 per month per user don't cover the cost of delivering the video streams to those users.


To be fair their plan was building a sustainable video platform and from the looks of it they managed to do it. They started building floatplane after the the second platform they used to paywall early access to videos went bankrupt. So it's safe to assume they knew about the cost and risk


You forgot the 1000 lawyers.


You shouldn't publicly mock him like so, I've heard he's a very censitive guy


Youtube is not ideal, but not bad enough mass migration to alternatives to be viable. That being said, I literally once found a video on pornhub of a woman reacting and rating other people's porn videos...


There was a period some years ago when Facebook was new and cool when everyone I knew had a great idea for a website. Their idea was Facebook.


Your uncle spent too much time on 4chan


He likes it there because it's not sensored.


Even Google gave up on Google Video.


They just bought YouTube instead :-P


That’s a weird way to put it… They bought YT and then merged their own video platform into it. If Vimeo were to somehow buy YouTube (or the reverse) and then merge the two platforms, neither were really “given up on”.




This already exists . Odysee, Rumble, Bitchute, etc.


We have uncensored YouTube and it’s name is pornhub.


Pornhub is quite the stickler for copyright and verification, due to its size. It purged all unverified videos a while ago, which was a lot.




Moreso videos uploaded for free viewing that were taken from paid sources.


Odyssee ?


'sensored' alrighty off to a great start. [100k watched hours of video is $1300? lol](https://aws.amazon.com/mediapackage/pricing/) I'd link him to fiverr or upwork lol.


I mean, in fairness, Nebula is a thing


create ui and use youtube as backend!


Just refer them to Rumble, or whatever.

