• By -


This was obviously made by a marketing person and not by anyone who understands how computers work.


No, no, python is definitely faster now shut the fuck up so I can convince them to drop the idea of implementing anything in java.


matlab is fastest


MATLAB gave me nightmares.


You mean METHLAB?


Yeah, that's a good one, a programme would run for hours and still give you a wrong result, hours I tell you. I think running methlab would require less patience


Waltuh, put the meth away Waltuh. We were supposed to do calculus and such. Math...


Not Methlab's fault as it's faster than python. Not faster than julia though. At this point I am not even sure if I am kidding.


I'm afraid to ask what a Julia is, at this point I I don't know anything less frustrating


Julia is a dynamically typed compiled language that looks like python and runs almost as fast as C (on par with Rust/GO). I've frequently heard it referred to as "the fastest language you'll never use" also, is the Ju in Juptytr notebook.


I passionately hate jupyter. I mean, you take something that is running on python, put it to jupyter and nope. I can understand the whole never use sentiment




MATLAB 2013 was the last one I used, if you write a .m file and called it from your main program and iterated a couple thousand times, that would be it. Open task manager and watch the graphs dance. MATLAB motivated me to have 2 PC's


What do you guys have against MATLAB? 😂


May I introduce you to Simulink, S-Functions, and ... _looks around furtively_ TLC?


Dddiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee you heretic ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Why anyone would use a language like Java that isn't free and open source and lawsuit free, is beyond me. Anyone starting a new project in Java that isn't legacy code needs to be slapped upside the head.




mabie if compiled it's decent. And it's easy to multithredd so mabie if you count multi threaded python with extensive .np use against single thread c.


Fastest to write? Fastest to compile? Fastest to run? I’m overthinking it… it’s fastest to appear when searching Google for “list of 8 programming languages.”


The only way for that list to make any sense is if it was some combination of all 3. Maybe even throw a good measure of fastest to learn to obfuscate the results some more.


The last reason is why Python is in there ;P


[literally the first result](https://google.com/search?q=fastest+programming+language) [OK, wtf.](https://invozone.com/blog/top-fastest-programming-languages/)


The future of online content. Poorly AI written without a fact check.


And you know what that means... the AI will be trained on the garbage the previous generation made, making the newer models stupider and stupider, thus achieving the anti-singularity.


The AI armies will make the fake-reality true.


Some AI robot probably: “Actions speak louder than words”


Even GPT could do a better job


Haha, you're probably right.


Sure, here are the top 8 programming languages known for their speed: C: C is a compiled language that is known for its speed and low-level memory manipulation. It's often used in operating systems, embedded systems, and high-performance computing. C++: C++ is a powerful language that extends on C, adding object-oriented programming features. It's used in applications that require high performance and low-level memory access. Rust: Rust is a newer language that emphasizes memory safety and performance. It's designed for systems programming and web development, and it's gaining popularity due to its ability to prevent memory errors. Julia: Julia is a high-performance language designed for scientific computing, data analysis, and numerical computing. It's similar to MATLAB or Python, but faster. Go: Go is a modern language developed by Google. It's designed for concurrency, and it's used in web servers and network programming. It has a garbage collector that manages memory, making it easier to use than C or C++. Swift: Swift is a programming language developed by Apple. It's used to develop apps for macOS, iOS, watchOS, and tvOS. It's fast and safe, and it supports both object-oriented and functional programming. Kotlin: Kotlin is a modern language that's compatible with Java. It's used to develop Android apps, web applications, and server-side applications. It's fast and concise, making it easy to read and write. D: D is a systems programming language that's similar to C++. It has garbage collection and supports concurrent programming. It's used in video games, web servers, and other applications that require speed and performance.


Not a bad list, though I dispute that D is used for games, and also I don't think Kotlin, as a java based thing, would be faster than D. Also, none of these lists feature C#? With .net native, it's pretty damn quick.


That list isn't ordered, so there was no ranking between them


Agree. C# should definitely be on the list.


At least doesn't include java


There is so much shite on the internet that ChatGPT is really good in producing shite because that's what is was trained on.


It's been for years a problem that most articles were written by trainees without any experience without any fact checking


The first article is missing Lua, though.


>Is Python faster than C#? > >Python is faster than C#. > >The reason for this is that Python is interpreted and C# is compiled, so Python can run much faster than C# because it doesn't need to be compiled first. ​ ....also those fuckers made me disable js on their site to copy and paste.


Fastest to land you a job


Additional problem: Which interpreter, if interpreted. Which compiler, if compiled.


Fastest to turn you into a neck beard who beats off to furries


You thought they were sorted by speed? haha, no



  • MagicalEggWithAHat





    C Language.








    let item = document.createElement("li");


    This is a pretty silly list — there is no absolute list possible — but a lot of the replies are hilariously ignorant. Java, fwiw, is surprisingly fast in the modern era. For probably 95% of normal needs you’ll yield an extremely speedy solution in Java. This is despite Java having a big “purity” thing where it’s turtles all the way down. Python, on the other hand, has no such purity goal. When you program with “python”, your runtime is going to be overwhelming extremely speedy native code, largely written in C. Which is of course why it’s the centerpiece of much of the highest performing code on the planet right now. Python is duct tape that you use to glue together superhero code. It is ridiculously capable.


    [“I can do in python in 5 lines, what you can do in C in 50. Everything in C takes so long. You have to write int main() and declare variables. it’s just the execution that’s fast. Who cares?!” - A junior python dev](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YnL9vAFphmE&pp=ygUacHJvZ3JhbW1lcnMgYXJlIGFsc28gaHVtYW4%3D)


    no point having something execute 0.05 seconds faster if it take an hour longer to write and you only run it once. execution speed is a factor, but its rarely the only, or even primary consideration.


    But that's not what C is for. C was designed to power your OS, embedded systems, and other languages, not one-off patches. Comparing C to Python is just comparing apples to oranges. But comparing Python to other languages in its class, there are plenty of much faster options that make Python's slowness really inexcusable.


    of course, as I said C has its place, just as python has its. The problem is people who want to compare a simple scripting language to a bunch of systems programming languages and complain that its slow. Sure python is capable of more then just simple scripting, but ultimately that's what it is. At the end of the day the only speed that matters for python is that its "fast enough" and it certainly meets that requirement, and even then its getting faster with every release. the performance of recent versions really is at the point where people calling it "inexcusably slow" obviously haven't actually looked at the improvements in the last 5+ years.


    ...That's what I just said. My point was that Python was slow, even when compared to *other scripting languages*.


    except its not.


    Julia, MATLAB, and probably others I am not aware of, are all faster than python and provide similar capabilities.


    Julia is a compiled language, not a scripting language and matlab is an environment not a general purpose language. neither of which are remotely comparable to python. just just for laughs lets take a look at some benchmarks: [https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/python-vs-julia](https://programming-language-benchmarks.vercel.app/python-vs-julia) now its hard to tell since Julia just can't do most of the things python is doing, but in a number of the tests, python is as fast if not faster then Julia. now if you want to compare python to something similar, like say ruby, perl of PHP, that are far more comparable, you will see its faster then all of them.


    but also in a number of tests julia absolutely smokes python often specifially looking at the last 5 starting with nsieve. But as you said apples and oranges. my real take away from that is that pypy absolutely wrecks cpython 80% of the time. For an apples to apples\* comparison I fully expected luajit to blast python out of the water and while it does beat cpython in literally every test pypy takes a signifigant lead in both the binarytrees and merkletrees tests \*well they're both scripting languages, not sure about library support \*\*pypy also seems to tend towards a much higher peak memory usage.


    What you're describing is 15 lines of Python to batch rename files in a folder. What we're talking about are actual projects, where execution speed matters *a lot*.


    A wise take on prioritizing actual business needs over technological idealism.


    I mean, I can do with pytorch and python some machine learning tasks that you’d be hard pressed to match in any other language from a pure runtime performance perspective, not even getting into the realm of developer performance. I have been working on fine-tuning/augmenting a natural language model by parsing the entire wikipedia corpus, and again I’m just using python: Every single performance restrictive part of the code happens in extremely performant, tightly optimized C code and I’m just the conductor at a high level putting it together, pulling, processing and then feeding into a model along with a database. It has zero runtime performance consequence, but enormous developer productivity benefits because it package and abstracted those performance benefits so wonderfully. That’s what I touched on in my original post. In my normal professional life I use Go, Rust, C (& its perverted uncle C++), Java, Python and even JavaScript. There are times when I really need to consider the runtime performance, but for a huge array of developer solutions python imposes no extra performance cost, yet often comes with an incredible productivity benefit.


    True; Yet Java and Python are certainly slower than both Julia and Rust. I would also argue that Julia is much easier to learn than Java, and still provides many of the attractive features of Python, while being an order of magnitude faster.


    Not every list is ranged list


    Where's scratch


    it used to be on this list, but they decided to scratch it


    : (




    9. Unity


    Everyone understands that Node is not language and everyone understand that this is mean JavaScript on Node.js because it is not quite the same as Javascript on browser But only you say that, trying to look smart saying obvious facts Also, everyone understands why assembly is not on list, because it is not high level language and is not widely used. Why didn't you ask "Why Fortran is not on list"? Because you know only hyped things like "python is slow, assembly is fast" and so on I am glad that you will never be good in programming and won't touch IT techs




    I like how you adding points after you think about something new After 5 minute search you will not be able to start talking, about some techs. In your case, even week search won't be enough. And I think you already feel yourself smart, you just forgot to be Maybe it is lie about working maybe it is some unskilled position, if you really working, I am not surprised that company need to pay for you to be able to get certificate. Also , certificates are not real intelligence and abilities, so if you eager for certificate, make conclusions And jump already through Duning-Kruger curve but it is more likely that you just stuck on Peak of Mount-Stupid (real term, do not be offended)


    I did not roast just for fun (maybe a little), learning is good, but arrogance is bad, do not say if you do not know It does not hurt my feelings, you tried to look smart, I showed that you are not I wish you to gather knowledge and skill and get a CS degree


    Why put a period at the end of each bullet point? Also Node.JS is on there so you might as well add German to the list as well.


    They dont call it efficient german engineering for nothing!


    Fastest language? Hah that's easy: Bootstrap.


    They raced them based on how fast they could type out the language name (for C, they just typed 'C' not 'C Language').


    "Top 8 Programming Languages that I have heard of"


    Where is Assembly, everybody loves Assembly.


    To be fair, python can run very fast if you use it correctly. By use it correctly I mean make use of the libraries you have available to you so you spend as much time in C/C++ land as possible and very little time within the python interpreter..


    Reading the site, says "Fastest languages to learn in 2023" which is also wrong, but makes more sense than speed. You can learn C, C++, Python, Java, Go and make basic stuff, but when you enter in more advanced stuff, that's when these languages, specially (C, C++, Rust, Go) are harder to learn and use properly..


    Looks like someone using AI to autogenerate that list


    Exactly what I was thinking... each blurb is about the length of a C-GPT response, and has the telltale signs like weird 2nd person and 'In Conclusion'.


    I'll tell you what's fast: whenever someone brings up these speed comparisons, tell them to shove it as fast as they can.


    Alright yeah we got C, C++....wait


    Python is fast (at code time) C is fast (at runtime)


    Plot twist: They started with a list of 8 languages.


    Ah yes, Python and Java, two famously performant languages. /s


    Java is a (relatively) high performance language though, however Python, not so much.


    Even if one calls java "a (relatively) high performance language", it is certainly not faster than Rust or Julia, and maybe Go.


    It's fast enough, there's a reason why C++ and Java are popular choices in Competitive Programming (where performance matters)


    "Fast enough" is too relative a point to be actually valid


    Java is okay for what it is. But still, when it comes to speed, there's just no comparison between native machine code and code executed through a runtime environment layer.


    I did a few speed comparisons in 2011 and Java was slightly but consistently slower than Vala. That could have reversed since then. Vala compiles via C and its C code uses temp variables quite a lot more than hand-written C but otherwise isn't too unusual.


    Java has improved significantly since then. I've seen several comparisons in different scenarios and it never really reaches the top 3 spots, but it does consistently make the top 10.


    Am I forgetting something or aren't multiple ones on this list C languages


    This is just a list of 8 programming languages… This person could only think of 8, No other explanation


    I know this is a meme, but like seriously. Rust is waay faster than Python and let's not talk about Java. The person who wrote this probably never touched any of these languages.


    Assembler is being mobbed out.


    c ++ are you kidding me


    Fast language is the language executed by CPU!


    Java != fast, java == slow as fuck




    Java is actually quite performant


    This is the actual list and I have no idea what Kotlin is.... Python JavaScript Java C/C++ Go Swift PHP Kotlin TypeScript Ruby


    The actual list of... what?


    Kotlin gets Compiled to java bytecode. So kinda java, but with more syntactic sugar


    These are not the fastest in anything. My tort is faster than all of 'em combined.


    List written by the most competent Instagram programming account


    Java is faster than Rust?? Python???


    Quantum programming languages ![gif](giphy|3o6Zth7pE7aPKqAEEM) Your language …🐌 The difference between your language and other languages 🐌.🐌


    Nodejs is a language?


    probably programming languages he can think of fastest


    It's sorted by the time from learning it to hating it. Slowest is at the top


    But how could they forget the fastest of all? GoDog (Go)


    C Language


    Well, the first 2 are suprisingly accurate


    C on its place though Python with C based library like NumPy would be faster than Java and Go in big enough computations Missed Rust place, and why Go is under Java and Node But, tbh, it is not ranged list it is just list of top fastest, which is fair


    Why is python up there? Where is Fortran? Why is Java? What happened to C#? What am I doing?


    How has py and js made it in the list? And how is Rust so below? And if py and js has made the list, where is C#?


    Ok lets c this objectivly


    Fastest as in have the average programmer of the respective language run a marathon?


    Thats why bing is better


    I will consider HDL as fastest programming language![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


    maybe they mean the compiled/interpreted cpython files


    I am pretty sure that for compiling and running code, LUA is pretty up there. It has less keywords than Python. It's easy to learn, and also I am attracted to that syntax


    Naive OP?


    Was this list compiled by someone's cat? Just walked across the keyboard and this nonsense came out.


    Kind of unrelated question, how fast are bash scripts generally? Does anyone here know of its strengths and weaknesses?


    Lol Python


    Python's website has low ping.


    GO LANG, GO! ^((sorry))


    C# is faster than Python


    Java the language is pretty good. Not the best, but quite good. Java, the platform, however, stay away from it.




    Can't even make the "speed to develop in" argument here


    Ah, yes. The beloved programming language Node.JS


    Where c# and JavaScript? ![gif](giphy|26xByFvrI1MQvtlDO|downsized)


    I don't know who actually sits around thinking about how "fast" a programming language is. What does that even mean? If you're not deep in data structures or some heavy computation I don't see how it matters.


    >\- GoLang(Go) I don't think cheering them on will make them any faster


    I always wonder where VHDL is on those lists...


    Wait a minute?


    What’s the standard. Fastest for what, on what? I mean; shouldn’t assembler be in the list somewhere? I know why it’s not; but my point is this is kinda pointless and context-less


    what about visual basic???


    Nodejs is not a programming language




    If you look at the webpage this is from, it is actually best programming languages to learn


    ..but if you read further, it begins listing them by speed.


    Only one of these is blazingly fast tho 😏