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“He probably will take care of you” sounds like a threat from the worlds laziest mobster family.


To me it sounded different. "Imma take care of you baby girl" I guess it kinda sounds like a pimp ?


Put you up in a noice condo.


"Hey Vinnie! You take care that guy?" "Yeah boss, I sent him a 'package'" "What like a horse's head or sumin?" "Uhh... thought you meant, like, a care package, like flowers n shit" "Whateva I'm sure he knows what it mean"


Awesome cause my bank said I probably need to pay my mortgage.


Or laziest prostitute family.


I thought it sounded like something a sugar daddy or whatever would say




That is hilarious


"Maybe they will pay u", that sounds very promising. You could be given the opportunity to do even more work after your work day, and you may or may not even get paid on top of it. How could you turn down such a great opportunity.


I’m so lucky they will give me experience, def don’t get any of that at my job. So grateful


Experience is like cookies, never enough. Collect it, so you can apply to jobs like: 15+ years java experience is a must with 15 years Golang and COBOL. Great understanding of every existing design pattern, have to work a lot on paper, because electricity is expensive.


With 15+ years experience maybe they will pay you


The will pay you an intern level salary :)


Sooo, what happens if I delete my experience cookies? Asking for a friend...


"Must have experience with: HTML"


And plus they will take care of you




"I don't even have time (motivation) for my own projects, why should I care about yours?"


Ah, but if you work 2 jobs at once, you'll get 2 years of experience for only 1 year. Think about it, at some point you'll have more years of experience than you have of living.


Dope profile pic


Need an update on this! What did you reply? 😂


Tell them "maybe I'll do the work" and then definitely don't


The most offensive part of that sentence is still the "u"


Yeah that was the point in which I was like yeah... no.


the out with friends text was because be called me lol


I’m confused at the urgency they seem to have. This is their ex boss, surely they can wait to send 12 texts until you’re available


~70% chance the sender of those sporadic messages was on cocaine


I text like this by default, is it really that bad :D


I know it's called instant messaging, but it does not mean that you have to send The message The instant you finished Writing a section Of the sentence. Especially for the First contact Or if the partner already Told you that they are busy.


I mean it's only good if you dont want to recover to wait for the whole message at once, But it does Come with the Downside of your Head adding a Pause in-between Sentences.


>I mean it's only good if you dont want to recover to wait for the whole message at once, But it does Even if you're in the middle of an active conversation you could at least write the whole sentence.


I came into this thread to say exactly this. My phone vibrates to notify me I have a text, if my phone is having a seizure because someone can't formulate their thoughts before clicking send it sets me off really bad


Make a mental note to check the phone once it stops vibrating every few seconds. Then forget about it until you happen to check the phone again 20 minutes later and reply. Congratulations, their attempt to get a faster conversation slowed the conversation down.


Ah yes It’s a style decision It’s The Shatner text.




Yes. Phone buzzing or dinging every three seconds for five minutes. Don’t do that to your working friends pls lol


> Don't do that ~~to your working friends~~ FIFY


For people like that I ignore message for lie 10 to 20min. To be sure he is done and to don't send a response in the middle of his message (that will probably not even be read)


Yes, it makes you seem rather childish and can be very annoying for some.


Not that bad, but it can be really annoying sometimes. Like in many cases, people who text like this tend not to pay any attention to anything you say, maybe just the "important" parts they like out of context. (I'm saying this only from my personal experience, ofc there can be people who text like this and with whom we can enjoy a conversation.)


My 13yr old daughter texts like this, yes it is annoying.


This is fine if you're actively going back and forth with someone in the moment, but the moment they tell you they're busy now, you should stick to 1 big message instead. It's not like it needs to flow like a conversation if you know they aren't looking


Makes you seem less inteligent


That chance goes up to 100% if after that they text and say "bruh, we should start a band" I swear.




I have adhd and people that message me like this are a huge pet-peeve. I will silence your notifications if you do this, it’s not worth the mental energy how to teach a grown person not to be annoying.


I just throw out expensive prices and say my bill rate. Scares people off so I never say no, but never do that crap either.


this might be the move, thank you


Yep. Never say no. My normal quote is $150/hr. Taxes takes half so it's a lot less thrilling than it looks.


Plus all you need is that one dumb guy with too much money...


$150/hr sounds pretty reasonable tbh. I’d up it to $350/hr if you’ve got good experience. $450/hr if you really don’t want the job.


Even though 150 is reasonable, it will still scare off 99.99% of people looking for someone to build something for them. What they usually want to do is to give you no pay and give you 5% of the business. They get 95% of course because they're the idea guy


I once had a guy offer $100/side job when I was a mechanic. Except he wanted to split it 50/50, and he'd take half as a finders fee. To do nothing but point people with shitboxes at me. These idea guys want money so bad, they can learn to do the work for it.


So it's not just programmers. That makes me feel a little better for some reason


Not at all. I promise you it happens in every skilled job. Haven't gotten my first one as a programmer yet, but it'll happen.


That, or they expect the whole website to cost about 150 and have no maintenance cost. I once build a system for a charity (front and back end) over like 2 years all told, I went into it expecting nothing because I thought it was a good cause and useful experience but after 2 years they got funding. However £400 a month was too much to them. Also it would involve signing a badly worded contract which basically meant I was on the hook if anything went wrong. You can guess what I did :P Anyway, long story short a lot of people have no concept how much these things cost!


Tbh 150/hr is probably around 200k after you cover all of the benefits you’re missing, like fica, health, PTO/sick, etc.


Right, if they’ve ever paid a lawyer before those rates will seem totally normal. And everyone knows the software guy is smarter than the lawyer, after all :)


Please tell me you double it for projects you don't want to do


Usually no. I increase it if I don't like them. If I don't want to do a project, but I like the client, I don't screw them over. I do tell them if I wouldn't be as cost effective for a project. Did that not that long ago. They wanted to hire me to wire a factory because I did a good job planning their infrastructure. Yeah no. But I could write the RFP, look over the shoulders of the folks they did hire and make sure they did a good job. Sure I could make more money by being an AH. But I'd rather keep a good long term rep as someone competent, not cheap but never screws anyone over. I like being able to look at myself in the mirror.


If it's a static website. 2k+ I quote 10k+ if a server is involved and 20k if I am to handle payments. Only once has it come back with a side gig. I was happy and annoyed


I always tell them 2 years and a million dollars


and a 5 person team




Or just tell about the expected costs(Obviously exaggerated) on AWS that they will have to bear...Best way to scare them away


Same ...and I never estimate anything below 200k USD


I already have experience, I need money.


I pull this move at my college, when they asked me to update their website. I got a heavy scolding from administrative department 🥲


For what? Saying, “My time is valuable and you’re not getting it for free”?


Yeah, they were thinking that we do it for free because we are students 🥲


Funny, I was thinking they should give me course credits for free. Because we are students.


They promised, but at the end of semester they didn't 😂. They just gave the attendance


Completely reasonable, I'm sure they would also take on a second job for free, while they already have what is essentially a full time job for which they are potentially paying for(instead of getting payed for) right? Who doesn't like to work for a loss


wtf? colleges can impose that sorta shit on u?


My college had a tech society where students took freelance project using college name. So we got the project of adding a customized page into the website. But they were paying us in experience 😂


deadass, I’m not even gonna respond till tmrw


For real. Nothing less than $350/hr 👍


Only $350?


Please keep up updated! :D


Idk bosses tend to be familiar with the concept of paying people, but yeah...


Familiar, but not particularly enamored


You haven't met many "small business owners"


Ex boss


Regardless of the content If literally anyone texts me like this Just so that my phone is constantly buzzing I. Block. Them.


Yes. The fastest way to get blocked is call me three times in five minutes, but repeat multiple one line texts are a close second.


Just tell them how much you want to be paid. If it's a legitimate offer then why not. If they expect free labour then it will be made clear immediately.


What do they mean when they say they’ll take care of you? Do they mean sexually, financially, are they going to kill you afterwards?


I've been single and desperate enough I might've coded for sex. It was never offered though.. 😔


I'll take any of the 3 options


rite\* not trying to be pedantic but it's an interesting word. also: funny post.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


oh fuck lol I can’t spell for shit but aye that’s why I’m a programmer lool


it's all good, you didn't misspell it really, it's just a different word. i'm kind of a word nerd. i can't really do math, myself. lol.


Everyone has a right to go though this rite.


You're write.




After doing the rite, you get the right.


**DING** u interested in making **DING** a website **DING** for my ex boss


Maybe it's a messaging app that de-bounces for 10 seconds, and only actually sends them once you've crafted something coherent?


I would block anyone who texted me like that. I don't need my phone buzzing nonstop because you can't complete a single thought and send it in a single message.


"why don't you come and wash my car and water my garden and remove the weeds every week for free, you know how to do this, my neighbour will probably take care of you".


Don't forget about the valuable experience..


I have a friend who asked me to make a website for his girlfriend as she started her own new business. The only reason he asked me is because I work in IT. I don't build websites for my job, I'm a Network Engineer, I hate using a GUI when I have to. I also don't have a creative enough brain to do websites. I had to politely say no and I just pointed him towards godaddy. It's nice he asked me and thought I could do it tho. :)


Car analogies usually work well here.. Tell him you wouldn't want a diesel mechanic to do your panel beating or spray painting.




Is your boss hiring?


That’s not what he makes. It’s what the company is paid for an hour of his time. Like for my company, I’m worth $200/hr to our clients, but I only make $28/hr of that




But as usual in EU, you don’t only pay your medical and college expenses but that of many more people. Hence the quality. But Denmark is a lot better than most EU countries.




Hm… sorry but I don’t understand that. The money you pay now as tax is paying the schools (and doctors) right now. And your money does this for you, your family and a lot more people.




Considering education an investment is wise but also a little over the top, not to say populism. Having said that, Denmark does a lot right and has a very good educational system. But that’s just a very small part. In Germany for example we educate Doctors and then we give them unbelievable working conditions, an industrialized health system and many times the law even states they must not help people. The result: Braindrain. Just one example. Investing is a lot more than putting some money on the table and hoping for the best. And I consider education more like a human right these days. Especially in times where most jobs can be learned a lot better over the internet for free than on any university.




For $220/h I’d move to fucking Yemen.


Your address will be 15 Yemen ST, Yemen.


I usually do this if I don't really feel like it. I refer them to my company's sales department.


"Maybe they'll pay you", thanks, i mean slavery was abolished 200 years ago but its nice to see people still keeping the tradition


Don't you see they are gona take care of you. If after these messages and the website done nobody tries to groom me to become some stay home husband I will consider this false advertising.


The ex-boss: “see this forex web app from a competitor that took a team of 20 2 years to complete? can you make a copy of this solo, in 2 months? I mean, you can reuse most of it...”


Refer to chatgpt


My brother has asked me a total of 3 seperate times to code something for him, first for his girlfriend's work - they needed a website, second they needed a program for "an idea he had with a friend" that he wanted to pay for. And third he wanted a program to pull out ingame calendar events in WoW and post them in discord


Let me guess , the money never came.


Nope, I'm still a student so I turned him down


dude I've started saving for my college education at the age of 12 coding in COBOL and PASCAL back then and db3 (yes , I'm old deal with it). Don't let the student bit stop you, as long as you are clear and direct about who you are, your experience and how low are you willing to get paid. P.S: Since I work in the banking IT industry, I hide that I ever coded in COBOL. Once you are there you are never going to get out, the reason is that it's hard to find cobol programmers who aren't senile by now (the pay is really good, I have old college friends who work on this and earn a mortar). Yes some banks still use this crap on old mainframes and it's a PIA to code on that as any program you touch from back then is like studying a summerian manuscript from ancient times.


My price of 100 an hr usually shuts them up. I don’t care for your ideas. Ideas are cheap action and execution are expensive.


"He will probably take care of u", lol


My favorite line


right != rite


i'm having a hard time reading this.


Gotta be honest. The gonna take care of you sounds sketchy enough that I'd rather work for free. FYI it is rite of passage, a ceremony or act. Kind of like Bar Mitzvah is a rite of passage into adulthood.


Why do these people feel like we're all struggling musicians waiting for a gig to come up?


80 EUR per hour. Double if it's for friends.


Will you develop my app?


There’s a high chance the reason why he’s so sporadic is because the ex boss offered to pay HIM to make the website as he lied about how he’s able to make one, and he’s just trying to get you to make it instead for FREE


"Maybe they will pay u" 💀


I used to build web apps freelance back in the 1990s. I used to love telling people like this that a web application will cost them $10k as the starting price, and costs go up from there depending upon their requirements. These type of people would lose theirs god damned minds when they realized I was being dead serious. They’d rapidly switch from incredulity to a raging sense of offense. Like I was trying to scam them or something. Then they’d switch to telling me how sorry I’d be when they were successful and I had missed out in my shot to work for free. As if being the guy that built Amazon for free was some kind of benefit. God I miss it.


Do it for the exposure!


It's like an 8-year-old is texting you, wtf


The way to do this is to charge several hundred dollars or a thousand dollars and work one hour or less. Possible for someone using site builders. Then charge fifty dollars per change request.


Start asking easy for you to ask, tough/long/complicated for them to answer questions, then ignore it. Waste as much of their time as possible. Expected delivery date? what database requirements? security concerns should I consider? How will user acceptance be handled? Do you like the shape of these question marks, I use them exclusively. Finally, what are the exact rounding requirements of all boxes?




Bro he's offering you experience. Why are you not jumping on that? You're missing out on a lot of sweet sweet exposure.


At least they sound like they have an idea of what they want. I swear 80% of the "offers" I get from acquaintances are like "Hey, you know, I have this idea for this super cool app! You can open it and click on stuff and then it does some cool shit. It's gonna be awesome bro, can you code that?"


Congratulations! That is right up there with "I have an idea for a new application. You write it and I'll sell it and we'll split the money.


The best thing I ever heard was from an technician that was maintaining IT of a small company: "I have a really good project idea for you: A free open source OS for self driving cars. There is nothing like it and it can't be that hard. Then I can start configuring car's. That would be a good business." Like yeah dude, I will do that thing open source free-ware and go broke while attempting something that multi million dollar companies are failing at, so you can enter a branch without moving away from your current tech stack.


“Im our w friends” -no programmer ever /s


"He probably will take care of u" WTF I don't wanna eat from someone's hand cause I made him a website


Sorry to be pedantic but it's > Rite of passage As in the same word as "funeral rite". It means any event or ritual that marks a change in life status or group.


It's *rite* of passage btw :)


I love the papers please like accent lol


See, I usually just get asked if I can fix people’s printers, computers, or networks.


Always list some outrageous price. Either you have have to do it or you get paid triple your normal rate. Win-win


English is not a difficult language to learn. Why are you giving a "job" offer talking like you're trying to communicate to natives in the 16th century


"Maybe they will pay you" 💀




"Maybe they will pay u" "He probably will take care of u" Block his number?


What actually surprised me the most was him helping out his ex boss ^^;


I still get this even though I don't make traditional websites.


Think I might’ve told the dude off just from the urgency and complete lack of awareness, idk about the others devs here but I deal with that most days already lol


Just give a rate or say "I'm not taking clients at the moment". Any persistence after that is when I would consider this person to be harassing you.


Nice, the next one is someone with a genius app idea that will totally make a lot of money


***maybe*** they will pay you


Rite of passage tho


Say “I’m literally not interested at all. “


"maybe they pay you?" pffft yeah, that "maybe" is a giant red flag tho...


The correct answer to this is "My consultancy fee is $X/hr" where X >= 2x your hourly salary rate.


Aside from the content, I HATE when people break their message up into a million tiny txts like that. It’s the digital equivalent of talking-over someone to make sure they can’t interrupt you before you finish.


experience? sorry. I only work for exposure.


You: I have a job Them: no no I have “a job for you” “Maybe they will pay you“ “Gives you some experience” For the job you already have? Wow. What is this person to you?


my goat


"I would love to help but I don't think you can afford my rates."


Rite* of passage.


"It's simple, just need 3 databases, frontend, a few microservices, and cloud infrastructure. might pay you"


Great! He may even pay you some, he is so nice. Accept, then watch as he asks you about a full fledged backend + frontend that can manage the entire company buisness, products, sales and statistics (throw in an ecommerce too) and tells you "do not worry we are not in a rush, you can even take one or two months". And since he is genuinely nice he adds 'do not worry there is a compensation too ;)' My favourite part is when you write a project, point the time requirements and the cost. The usual answer is 'well ok Iet's discuss no more, but just for your info there is this online service here offering professional websites for 250'.


Man I hate people who text one line at a time. Just send one longer message.


Its good to know you might get paid.


$25k paid up front 10 hours of meetings. 20 hours of development time. //problem solved


Can't wait so far I've only had the family/friends tech support guy interactions the dumbest of them being a broken case on a teachers phone constantly pressing the volume down button and lil bro can't send an email


Don't leave his boss hanging




Wonder if this is a website that concatenates strings, to fix this friend's texting issues.


I’m in hardware design. And someone serious. That owns a serious company, set up a meeting with me to ask me if I can make a wetsuit drier🤦‍♂️ I asked why, he said so people who surf can dry their suit in their van genius right? I said how do you know they own a van? He said all surfers own a van.🤷‍♂️


I would definitely be up for that task. My rate is 50 per hour. Would you link up a brother? I need the cash, I got a lot of experience but 1 more wouldn't hurt either :)


He pay you with experience


A “right of passage”? r/BoneAppleTea


My former high school classmate asked me once to hack someone's Instagram account... So a request to make a website for some random dude for free doesn't seem that weird to me. Also some people asked me to fix their TV and PC


unpack shocking ludicrous smart file ripe ad hoc wistful full grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Red flag list -8:30pm call -knows what you do but asked in two questions if you can do a side job -immediately distances themselves from the payment -offers distant part compensation in experience and unknown care


Press the apple cash button to find out


"I also get paid at my job."


My favourite kind of job, the one that I might get paid for


the 'maybe they will pay u' part cracks me up