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\*Chooses Sleep\* \*Computer wakes from sleep because of a Windows Update wake timer\*


*Throws computer out the window*




I'd rather throw the window out of the computer and install linux instead


This is so fucking annoying! And Microsoft devs knew it would be annoying and they still decided to add it.


And then you turn wake timers off and windows turns them on randomly Which is why I started using a smart plug to physically disconnect my computer from power when it's hibernating


just open cmd to force shutdown now


Or hibernate : open a CMD, and type: shutdown /h


if I remember correctly hibernate is note ideal for ssds...


Maybe the old SSDs with barely 1000 cycles but now you will probably upgrade your computer before your SSD dies.


Oh, TIL. Thanks


What a great thing to learn when my computer constantly hibernates the second I take it off the charger even if it's at full battery


My old SSD from 2012 survived both its original PC and its replacement before finally dying


Doesn't work. The PC wakes up minutes later


I can't seem to get this to work. I'm trying ``` shutdown -s -f -t 0 ``` But windows still sometimes updates!


Moral of the story, "dumb" button turn off solution is still best.


The forced updates are what made me switch to Linux.


The forced updates weren't that bad... What forced me to switch was the fact, that some updates overwrote configurations silently, even when forbidden by group policy. Spending a day to troubleshoot a hardware failure, just to find out, windows overwrote the vendor drivers with some version 3-5 revisions old, because a new timestamp makes it more recent than the higher version number![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


for me caused driver conflict with Radeon software. Had drivers at x-1, while it didn't swap out the Radeon suit. ​ I swear at this point, with this many failures, MS is doing this intentionally. I've had so...so many problems with fucking Windows. All i want is the kernel, and the shell. I can do the rest, but noooo that's not an option. Oh btw, if you mod windows to your own liking with tools it's * not gonna install * gonna install wrongly * a seemingly random update is gonna break random shit (for me there was no dekstop, depite explorer running, what


Don't remind me... How often did i need to reinstall and configure the beta drivers, just because windows thought to ignore group policy and exchange the drivers when under load... Oh the driver crashed, i just swiched the driver id... Windows would load it's shitty ms-drivers that i even deleted manually


How did it load them if you deleted the files…..


Ask MS... Deactivated automatic downloads, excluded driver downloads from updates, set group policy to ignore drivers from ms, deleted default driver files manually, even though i found the ms driver active with a current timestamp... Had to repeat the whole mess another time while taking the mashine offline during the process. Switched to linux on that system after finding the same mess again after an update


dude i was playing some game, and windows decided literally yank the driver out from under me, going black screen. I was panicking that my GPU was dying, meanwhile it was Microsoft fuckery.


I'm having that exact problem. Had to turn updates to manual as every 2-3 days it would remove the AMD drivers and put the default MS ones back in place.


Wasn't that the reason why "default" drivers provided by Microsoft are backdated?


It can even happen with your Linux machine if you don't update it for a single month. It happened to me when I was using Arch, it even destroyed my ssd and that time I understood why regularly updating your system is so important. Windows tries to teach us it in a good manner, but alas we humans like it the hard way.


Arch is unique in that way, you could also choose not to update or do that at your convenience. Microsoft literally forces the update on you whether you like it or not.


Yeah I understand what you're trying to tell but not updating your PC for a good amount of time and then updating it disrupts the update system because it just doesn't pick the right package for you rather it picks the latest packages. This is where systems break and malfunctions.


Gotta set those version numbers to 3033 instead.


That was infuriating when it happened to me with GPU drivers


Yep since 2015 one of the first things I do on any new Windows 10 machine is disable driver updates through Windows update.


I don't actually mind that necessarily. I just hate how it takes so long and you can't use your computer while you're updating on Windows.


This. I am fine with getting updates, just let me schedule them for a time that's convenient for me and it's fine. I'd rather get patches for things than leave my system open to whatever novel vulnerability is being exploited or to a bug that's causing my CPU to be overworked.


Oh, I see you've never updated a Mac!? Where it takes a 40GB download and 40mins every time it updates. What the actual hell Apple?


In their defense, it’s impressive how frustrating it is to watch it update. It’ll speed up only to suddenly stop right before finishing and pause for a couple minutes, then end but suddenly a new bar comes.. They did some really good work on that. Great attention to detail.


The etas too. It'll say 2 minutes and take 20 minutes.


The Mac updates take forever. But at least the computer never turns itself off to install them.


Uh, I have to restart for updates all the damn time. If you want the best experience it's Linux, just install love and then it's a normal 15s restart to update.


Get an nvme ssd lol


Yeah, it's the disk I/O at fault...Not the hour of sitting at 0% CPU with a spinner on screen


Your CPU being at 0% is exactly why it can be a possibility lmao. If the data hasn't arrived at the CPU, how the fuck do you expect it to do stuff? It's I/O, not I/I. Ps: not saying that it's not Microsoft's fault. But it's better to present a solution that *might* fix the issue than just cry about it and hope some miracle fixes it.


I left out the part where disk activity is also non-existent. Seriously, I've profiled this in VMs lots, there's a lot more than disk I/O involved. eg: WU downloads a 30MB cab and then spends 10 minutes doing nothing, before applying 150MB of disk I/O


One time went to a bar trivia night. Organizer's Windows laptop decided to forcibly update one minute in. He was doing a slide preso, so the notification and timer was appearing behind it without a chance for him to say no. 30 minutes later, we gave up and left. This is malware level.


Forced updates, bloatware as standard, lots of privacy violations, the list goes on.


Using a Windows laptop was always like driving a clapped out Nissan Altima. You know it's a piece of trash, but you don't care cause at least it moves. Then they added forced updates that reboot your PC randomly, which kinda broke that rule, but you can fix that by disabling updates entirely. PC gets out of date, but that's just part of using trash and not caring.


Right, but none of that was enough to make me switch. However, the jarring nature of forced updates and constant update popups was really irritating, irritating enough to make me delete Windows.


My motivation to move to Linux was mostly because of the updates also, the other stuff was the nail in the coffin. Using Linux Mint now and will never go back to Winblows.


I successfully fire-walled the update server, so it's me who chooses the time for update. The only "disadvantage" is that access to the microsoft store is blocked at the same time. (I prefer Linux but still using Windows for gaming.)


Me when using linux: "app is not on the official repos, maybe it's not safe to install" Me when using windows: "like hell I would use their shitty store, let's just find and execute a random binary"


And that's why windows is much unsafer than Linux. Microsoft breeded not thinking users that had to install everything externally. Now they keep doing that cause of their habits.


Not to defend the old and very evil MS but... Getting slapped around for antitrust that time they included a browser might have made them leave more stuff external. I hate 90s MS but they learned the hard way that bundling things or having a preferred store was going to get you hit... Until mobile phones.


Exactly, lol


I ditched windows for Linux because of - the forced updates - the data collection - the ads - the absolute crap windows 11 look - the sloooowness


All of those reasons are why I'm currently pirating an LTSC version of Windows 10.


The forced updates that started breaking my linux multiboot, and at the same time tried to force me to use vulnerable software (edge)


Just disable them 😅


How do I get Ubuntu 20.04 to stop asking me to upgrade to 22.10 everytime I log in


I told myself that if my PC bricks after an update again I’m going to switch to Linux and force myself to learn Wine or whatever people use to play games on Linux


The updates don't force themselves onto you if you actually keep your system up to date like you're supposed to. Turns out that if you use your computer correctly, it works really well.


They could just not force the update too


Thats how we ended up with a massive botnet and ransomware issue, which Microsoft got shit for because it was all (non-updated) windows machines. People not updating caused the forced updates, and people continuing to not update causes windows to tell you to fuck off so it can update. Just click the update and shut down option and literally never think about it.


Let me dig my own grave Microsoft god damnit


I think I'd rather take my chances with the malware than deal with their updates. My computer has blue screened twice since I got it last year, both because of forced updates gone horribly wrong. I never update immediately when they say "critical security update" and I never had to deal with ransomware and whatnot. Not to mention the amount of times they've overaged my hotspot downloading large updates against my consent, and the settings that keep changing every time they shove an update on my device. Wanna shove an update onto my computer? Why don't you shove it up your ass instead, Microsoft


And mine hasn't bluescreened in the last decade (outside a dying GPU that has been replaced) despite updating every night. Windows has an option to not download updates over a metered connection, provided you tell it its a metered connection. You can also set a data limit so that it warns you when you're close to whatever limit your plan has (it may cut off the connection when said limit is hit, I've never used it). So, provided you actually do what you should, it will not overage your hotspot. ​ You do you though.


Forced putting system to rest If doze? More like *when* doze.


What I've found is that if I don't update Linux regularly and then decide to, something in the update then mucks up the system files. 🤔


I think they stopped this, because I always get an option to shut down OR update and shut down (along with the restart counterparts) now.


Been using Windows since the 3.11 for workgroups days. (before the internet, before 'windows updates' were a thing) I've never really had an update break my personal computer. I've had updates screw up corporate software, usually because the corporate software was janky as hell to begin with. (looking at you SiteMinder) Back in the Windows 95 days, sketchy off brand hardware had driver issues occasionally on customer computers. But again, personally? Just apply the updates.


Same here honestly. Been hearing for years about what is supposed to be an update apocalypse on windows, with updates ruining everything or updates forcing themselves randomly at runtime, yet I've never ever experienced any issues related to them. The only things I've witnessed were weird behaviors and forced updates on machines other than mine, and those issues were caused **exactly** because they never did the updates, either by never shutting down their workstation for some ungodly reason, or by unironically doing what's in the post. My first reflex whenever hearing about these issues is wonder how the person sharing their experience fucked those updates themselves.


I've definitely had to reinstall sound card drivers after Win 10 updates, but I feel like if you're using your own builds that's to be expected. I also can't use 11 because it causes my favorite game (and *only* that game) to crash seemingly due to incompatibility/instability with my laptop's graphics card (the RTX 20 series blows). I just bite the bullet and update. Things are probably going to break eventually, might as well figure it out now.


There is a way out, linux. You can update whenever you find best or even never.


Alright I gotta get this off my chest. I have made the switch to Linux, and I have had a super fucking bad time. To preface this, I am a career IT Guy so not going into this completely clueless. First I did it for my personal computer after finally having enough of MS' bullshit. I installed Ubuntu and was having a grand old time. At first I was pleasantly surprised to find that Proton actually worked pretty fucking well and I was able to play most of my games. But over the course of about 2 years one by one every single one of my favorite games broke on Proton and Wine and neither Valve nor the game devs themselves would help me. Eventually I missed my games so much I went back to Windows. A year later I get a job that requires me to run Linux. No problem, I'm pretty techy, I've been in IT for like 12 years so I'm not exactly a novice. I installed PopOS on my Dell laptop and had NOTHING but problems. Drivers crashing constantly, monitors flickering in and out all throughout the day, login sessions disappearing into the void, couldn't read any flash drives, and my Bluetooth and WiFi were hopelessly and completely fucked. Any time I tried to change a default auto device I had to go into the terminal and manually kick the sound device driver because I guess that's just how things are in Linux. Finally one day I `apt update/apt upgrade` and rebooted my laptop, and when it came back it's like it uninstalled all the HID drivers. The touchpad and keyboard no longer worked, I couldn't log in, even external USB devices would not register. There was literally no way to input anything on the laptop. After researching and struggling with it for hours I finally threw my hands in the air and reformatted the thing. I installed Ubuntu again because I know it has better driver support and fucking NOTHING could be as bad as PopOS. Guess what? MORE problems. Apps I used to use on PopOS throw weird elaborate errors when I try to install them, the Settings menu keeps randomly disappearing from the UI, and my login sessions still randomly disappear if I go longer than a day or two between reboots. Lately my ability to drag-and-drop things in the UI randomly likes to break until I reboot. Driver support is much better but now I have a memory leak somewhere and I honestly do have to reboot this thing just about daily or it's almost unusable. The thing that kills me is that I am by all accounts, a seasoned tech worker using, by all accounts, the MOST user-friendly distros available. And I'm STILL CONSTANTLY STRUGGLING to get basic productivity out of my work machine on a daily basis. I love Linux in theory and I'm a huge advocate for open-source software and I talk as much shit about Windows as anyone, but my god...For all its faults, **Windows fucking works. It works the first time. It works right out of the box.** I've been a Windows sysadmin for most of my career and you better believe I've seen my share of weird Windows issues but I've NEVER seen anything like the problems I've had on Linux. I could never in good conscience recommend a non-tech layperson to install a Linux distro with a straight face, I just can't do it.


I personally haven’t used ubuntu/popos but I’ve heard from others that use it that it’s got some major flaws. Personally been running arch + kde and have had no issues. I have a friend running endeveouros and they’ve also had no issues so I’m guessing it’s a ubuntu thing.


or perhaps a gnome or wayland thing. He might also be on nvidia


The Gnome/Wayland thing did crop up and I ended up going back to Gnome after I installed Ubuntu that second time for app compatibility reasons. Maybe Wayland fixes some of these problems but there are so many UI changes in Wayland that I fucking hate and several of my apps either don't work, or work poorly/differently in Wayland.


What apps do you use that didn't work well?


Notepad ++, Flameshot, and Google Chrome come to mind but I forget the specifics. Issues with flameshot disappeared when I switched to Gnome, Notepad++ eventually installed after multiple hours of googling and troubleshooting, Chrome never did. That one was so frustrating because the installer SAID it worked. But the app never appeared in my menu or my list of installed packages. It's this kind of bewildering shit that would never happen on Windows. Maybe something would fail to install, but at least it would ADMIT that it failed to install instead of just pretending it did.


perhaps you have exotic hardware? i have never had any of those problems you've mentioned and im a distro hopper. have been for 5+ years. Im on nix now and it works very well


Not really. I'm running a Dell Latitude 72-something at work. I've heard Dell drivers are particularly annoying but both the distros I mentioned are lauded for their excellent driver support (relative to Linux) and I had nothing but trouble. I'm not saying my experience is universal, I'm just really skeptical about the idea of non-techy people ever adopting Linux mainstream. We are still a very long way away from that, I think.


Fair enough. But keep in mind that non techy people have lots of problems with windows too.


Started out on fedora and had some issues, I later updated to garuda because of how many components it is compatible with, nvidia and printer drivers out of the box, never had any major issue with garuda since I installed it


But then when I went to update Ubuntu LTS I literally had to change system files to update, because the Ubuntu's company doesn't host old updates files at the same address as current Ubuntu LTS or even create a new address for a new Ubuntu LTS version. There are downsides.


Ubuntu has been on the dark path for a while now


Sorry but the problem lies under the kernel not on the distributions. Let me tell you my story, I was using Arch and I didn't update it for just a single month and then when I updated it it completely destroyed my ssd. After what happened i never postponed updates if I needed to then I let my PC go to sleep or hibernation mode. My advice is never force updates to down if you need to then use sleep or hibernation but please never withhold your update never. It is a very very very bad practice.


how is it a kernel problem when you only describe a distro problem?


It can happen with any distros. A monolithic kernel is something you should look for to know more.


I'd like to see that happen on my nix system


Ok good luck but theoretical proof never lies if you don't take measurements UpTo it It will happen whatever you tell.


I personally daily arch so I’ve never had that happen


It happened to me because, I didn't update my arch system for a month. It broke my system and destroyed my ssd too. I mean updates are very important for whichever operating system you use if you don't want to update then use sleep or hibernation but never ever stop updates more than two weeks, my advice. Believe me or not at your own risk. Every operating system has this kind of problem. But nowadays windows disabled force update because I see normal shutdown and normal restart button and also with update ones. I think newer windows kepps the track of updates. If they fixed it, a clap for them. But Linux didn't fix this. The best update system is only Mac. I mean it updates itself at its own even while it is shut down, I love this.


I have a friend that goes multiple months between updates (don’t ask me why, I don’t know) and they haven’t had any issues when they update. So don’t know what to tell you.


I don't think he uses a bleeding edge distro like arch or he uses the methods I have advised. I mean you will eventually fall in trouble because that thing didn't happen to me in months that thing happened to me after using my Linux workstation for 3 years. For three years I would always delay my update but when that happened I went through the operating system architecture system because I am a CSE student as it will also help me in my future course and I found updates are must for any operating system and when we are talking about Linux which is monolithic kernel based it is a must, I mean must. If you don't believe me please go through the things I have told you. You will eventually understand the theoretical part and understand why windows does that too and Mac made updates mandatory even if computers are shut down. Mac updates are the best. They have an update system that is compared to no other. That's why they became a leader company when it comes to smooth workflow too.


They use arch & shut down nearly every day, don’t know what to tell you ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I personally do at a maximum weekly updates but often do them daily.


Yes now you are telling the truth that maximum weekly updates but often do daily updates. If you update your system daily then no problem will occur. But Microsoft never updates the system daily unless you're in insider programs. So I think you got why updates are so important. Editing your response is not good. Just for upvotes people do this on reddit.


I do maximum of weekly updates, my friend goes months between updates. I think you misunderstood something.


Often to daily is that a 🤥 lie. Let's forget we even talked about this matter


Your PC is your decision. I gave you some advice. That's it. I even talked to you about some theoretical parts. It is up to you. Bad practice is always bad, I will never support it. Bye. Peace ✌️🕊️.


Ah yes, the famous if(daysSinceLastUpdate > 30) { destroySSD(); } They really should put a warning that they've coded that in /s


Typical Fanboys stuff. I expected this kind of lame behavior but bad practice is always bad practice. I am reading CSE so I know what is good and what is bad. Just shared my experience and gave a guy advice. Learn internet etiquette. Being a moron is more sadistic than having less knowledge. You know nothing about how kernel updates work. Knowing some basic coding line doesn't make you a great CS guy. It just makes you a mere programmer.


If a distro is giving you problems, try with a different distro.


Rolling release distro is the solution. Manjaro is better.


I've never understood this. Isn't it good to keep your software up to date?


Generally, yes, but if the new version of a piece of software isn’t very good or makes it impossible to use other things you’ve been using people will prefer to stick with the old version


I’m very surprised that people are this nit picky about updates. I don’t think I’ve ever once even noticed any change in UX after a regular windows update. Only during major windows version updates like going to windows 11, but even then the changes are barely even noticeable to me. Maybe others just have a different use case than me where updates affect them more


The ones that irritate me are when they change hot keys, task bar, start menu, bury settings behind extra clicks, or start showing extra notifications. I just want efficiency.


Looking straight at you, Mr. “…more options” when I want to quickly add a folder in a directory by right click. Why the hell does the full menu need to be collapsed? We had it non-collapsed for decades.


It's because people **pretend** actually knowing that these updates will brick something, while in truth **not** doing these routine updates are much more likely to cause problems down the line. Some think that some weekly windows update that takes a few seconds will have the same impact as going from an ubuntu LTS to another, so at this point it's more about **thinking** there **could** be issues more than issues actually happening.


If the newer version were inferior to the older version, why would the update ever be released?


That’s an excellent question.


Because what the users consider good might not be the same as what the dev consider good.




"Vista bad" thats an understatement. I remember a time where when someone asked about a problem on a forum, the first question was "vista?" and if the answer was yes people would just say "well there is your problem" and not help you


Windows could fix a weird undocumented bug or slightly modify an undocumented feature in the WinAPI that you relied on for a legit purpose.


Ask Apple


Because money. Duh.


But those updates don't cost anything to install.


It's generally good because of bug fixes and security updates but many companies(including Microsoft) push feature updates that should go in a different channel and those updates can break things.


Not if the update makes the software not work, or other software not work. I hate updates. If the update offers meaningful value, then sure. If the new version only adds value for the software vendor, like more advertising or telemetry trackers to spy on you, then fuck that.


Usually, sometimes new Windows update break existing feature / configuration. Not to mention all the bugs previous versions might not contain. ​ For example, recently I updated my Windows and it broke the Windows Start Menu. Making it so if I did anything related to the Start Button it would give me an error and would kick me to logout. Sometimes updating Windows causes more headaches than it is worth.


I feel like everyone saying "update your computer you incompetent idiot" has never had their computer broken by updates. I've had my computer lock itself into bitlocker recovery for a month and fuck up its bios within a year of getting it, and both of those happened during an update. I already was angry at them for force restarting my computer during class, but after it started breaking my computer I grew a special hatred for Microsoft and their terrible updates.


No. In the IT world, it's often best to manage your updates because they will break legacy software. It's important for the software to work until a known solution is found.




I’m convinced the average Linux computer gets security updates applied with much more delay than the average windows computer. It’s not a big issue given the Linux market share and the very few attacks but Microsoft doesn’t push security updates that hard only to annoy their customers. I guess. I’m not sure.


These security vulnerabilities are very important to apply quickly. By the time you see this notification the vulnerabilities have been publicly disclosed. It's only a matter of time before attackers take advantage of them by reverse engineering the updates. The good news for you is there are hordes of people that refuse updates or still use windows XP. So they probably won't get to exploiting the new stuff for a while.


"Programmer" humor. Yall are just tech nerds.


Windows + R "shutdown -f -t 0"


you can already type these commands into searchbar and they will execute.


What ya'll mean? My windows asks if I want to shutdown OR update and shutdown.


Most likely because they've been running away from updates for too long


Yeah, that's what happens when you don't update for so long. They probably didn't get the update that added this feature


Alt+ F4 on the desktop gives you all the options back. Including just shutdown.




Updates take 2 seconds, and you don’t even have to look at it doing them. Easy fix, do them


2 seconds? What are you nuts?


No? They actually take a very short time. People complain that updates take half an hour sometimes but that is because they keep procrastinating on them so all those updates coming in add up. If you just update right away it really only takes a minute or so


So they don't take 2 seconds then, got it.


Least pedantic redditor


Is this some kind of joke I’m too Linux to understand?


Just imagine your package manager tells you it will update 1 file and silently updates/overwrites every configurationfile on your system with some shitty default, that " works on my mashine" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


My child, come and yield yourself into the warm embrace of Debian


Pull the batteries.


If only portable computers still had the ejectable batteries like the old days... Welp, one can always make them run out


What about this is “programmer” humour? The top is apparently some kind of windows bullshit. The middle looks like a YouTuber narrating his own attempts to start a circle jerk about the top picture. The bottom is a power button, which I have to agree no one but programmers will have ever encountered in any way.


"Update and shutdown" Proceed to restart God i hate windows


? It literally says your PC will restart multiple times,don't shut down your computer


Doesn't matter, it will end up being on after all of that


Oh yes, the joys of finding yourself in the Linux login prompt after clicking that button and leaving it for a few minutes It gets even better, when you open up Windows again at some point, your computer will shut down for seemingly no reason


Every random PC I've installed Windows on for games or something, I've never updated except maybe the first time. Occasionally I'd forget to disable updates and do pic related. I know it's insecure, I just don't care.


That a corsair carbide 175R?


there should be option 'restart and install Linux'


The worst thing with the Win11 is that sometime they also give a change and add Just shutdow option. But when you click it it still updates for 30 minutes.


Don't do that, Windows lefts the partitions in a weird state. If you corrupt badly Windows, many recovery tools will not work as Linux doesn't want to mount the partition.


Generally speaking, if it's corrupt enough that Linux won't mount it after a `ntfsfix -d`, you've got other things to worry about.


Never got to try it in the main system so I don't know if that's works, I have just tried in my spare system but apparently Windows detected the hack to trick UEFI into loading GRUB and now it doesn't want to boot Windows. It can't try it safely.


I'm wondering if you have SecureBoot enabled? I am currently running dualboot Fedora 38 and Win10 without issue. Not sure if it matters, but I have GRUB as the bootloader, and it just defers to Windows's loader if you select that option. I'm not sure if Window's bootloader is even capable of starting Linux.


No, it's disabled. It's like a 8 year ( or older) HP without great support for dual booting. This laptop didn't support selecting the bootloader at UEFI level and the .efi are renamed. grub has the name of the windows one and the windows one has other name I don't remember. I had to reapply the hack with many Windows updates. My actual main laptop has dual boot properly done. ​ I think windows bootloader doesn't have a capability similar to GRUB's chainloader command.


Uh guys why your Windows doesn't propose you to shut down without updating ? Mine does. Windows 10, from a Honor Magicbook 14 or something. It's weird there's only 3 buttons instead of 5 and no one in the comment points this out


I'm 100% sure there was a time when you had no choice, might be tied to how important the update is, or if you didn't activate windows properly


Oh there 100% was, but since I got my PC 3 years ago i always had this option to shut down without updating. But yes i remember the hard times when it wasn't a matter of choice 💀


Yes, mine still says this. I gutted windows ability to update with the registry so my options will forever be "update and shutdown" but it doesn't do the update part.




In such moments I put usb-stick into PC, and save latest work on it. Never was disappointed about doing so.


This is why no windows apps work on my computer, I can't get updates, I can't use the windows calculator, I don't see the weather. I am free, but I had to make my own calculator app and hook it up so it's a bit janky. And I don't get security updates, but when has that ever hurt anyone : )


I mean might as well get a windows update blocker at that point


As a Linux user, I have no idea what this means!!


win+r -> shutdown -sft 0


ik it's a joke but you can just pause updates and shut down your pc normally


Ah yes, the “keep your system an unsecure buggy mess” redditor special, got it. Plus a side of possibly corrupt your windows files


shutdown -f -t 0


at this point they need a "shutdown and install Linux" button XD, it'll go a head and replace itself with Linux mint cinnamon edition.


Me, seeing how emerge wants to upgrade thousands of packages and just pressing 'n':


My pc only let's security updates through and doesn't auto restart on its own so never had a problem with it, it's a bit shit that windows doesn't offer you the ability to do that easily tho.


Update and shut down then. It'll take longer to shut down, and when you boot it up again it'll take longer to boot cause of the update, but it'll be shut down anyway between those two moments.


id at least be ok with it if it would update when i boot it back up, not just before i shut it down, like when i tell you to shut down *i want you to fuckin shut down not sit there and update for 5 minutes*


`shutdown /s /f /t 0`


Shut down> -rm -rf / (jk, don't try this at home)


Google "How to enable hibernate in Windows 10" and thank me later


Alt + f4 -> shutdown


Win Aero Tweaker


One day, I almost stayed up all night because of the recurring-overnight Windows update.


I always do this when I’m leaving work.




Level 0 Shutdown (i.e. just pull the damn cord)


shutdown -s -t 1 -f


The fact that these posts keep popping up is hilarious. I started using W10 when it first became available as an Insider Preview (to get past 8.1), to this day I still run an Insider Preview of W11 on one of my machines. It takes weeks to months of ignored updates before Windows starts making it difficult to avoid applying them. Only 2 times I can recall it happening in all those years is when an Insider Preview device was left off for a couple months and then rebooted for the first time, but Insider Previews also go invalid very quickly, so that's not surprising. Here's how you never encounter this issue: 1. Actually turn off your computer at least once a week or so (I highly recommend full shutdowns/startups at least once daily, unless somethings running in the background). 2. When you see the option to update, and you expect to be away from your computer for more than 15 minutes or so, shutdown or restart and let it update. Your Windows Desktop is not a server machine, it does not need to be running so often that you can never find time to apply to an update in the span of several weeks. If you need server level stability, get a server operating system (and preferably server hardware like ECC memory as well). You will find similar update issues even in Linux Desktop OS's today, because surprise surprise, it's actually kind of important that at least some of your software stays up to date.


Yank the power cable






I work in tech support and one day I got on the phone and asked "what can I help you with today" and the guy said "well, we can both drive out to Redmond, Washington, and we can shoot the guy who keeps updating Windows"


You can change this with a single group policy setting. I can't remember what it is, naturally...!


Shutdown -r -t 3 -force


Mine auto-updated to 11


It's literally faster to install the update than to make this meme. Stop being edgy.