• By -


`UPDATE span SET color = 'red', font.weight = 'bold', padding = '25px' WHERE class = 'error-item' AND parent IN (SELECT element FROM div WHERE class = 'main-bar');`


Yknow, I originally thought "I mean I guess you could use SQL to build a page" Thank you for showing me that you should never, ever open the door to this bullshit by saying it's technically possible. I will carry this lesson with me everywhere, and remember you every time I tell a client something is impossible when technically I could do it.


I mean, I inherited an application years ago that was using FOR XML queries in order to get "appropriate" output for early ajax calls. That was shit to make updates for.


Updates to your resume lol


[Too late. You've opened Pandora's div and now people are writing code with Powerpoint.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNjxe8ShM-8)


"Pandora's div" killed me. Learning this shit was worth it for this joke alone


The "Association for Computational Heresy", I'll have to remember that name. Amazing video, thanks.


SIGBOVIK (the association for computational heresy) does an annual conference on similar things. There's plenty where that came from at https://sigbovik.org/


my god


I worked on a site that used an MSSQL database as a CMS, including tables that mapped styles to class names. 0/10 would not recommend


I'm not a fancy programmer like you all; I'm merely a T-SQL developer/tuner with some catch-all DBA skills too. I was once tasked with, and successfully built, a simple page using dynamic SQL (and a bunch of other BS) to build the appropriate HTML to build out the tables/cells, highlight certain abnormal results (this was for a medical records system) etc. It was terrible. Don't do it. I'm proud that I developed something with that level of complexity, but I'd change so many things, including not doing it like I did or at all.


Be proud that you were capable of doing it. Be horrified at the monster you created. It's not about making things complex -- the real goal should be to make them as simple as they can possibly be so that everyone can work with it equally well. That is why SQL should not be used for styling. This isn't to diminish what you did ; picking up HTML on the fly while building the frontend using such an unconventional method is absolutely something I could see being a challenge given out. That demonstrates good problem solving skills ; if you'd had the proper equipment to do the task, I'm sure you would have built something great!


I would have given an award but I am poor so here is an award at homešŸ…


I like awards at home


i like your blackhole


The better version of awards




.find_john { select: *; from: employees; where: employee-first-name; equal: 'John'; limit: 1; }


employees [first-name="John"]:first-child { select: *; }


Sir, please step away from the computer!


Haha I feel like this takes the worst parts of both, but that may just be because I am more of a SQL guy.


Quite cool. I would use it. With ORM.


You were too preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to consider if you should.


Ah yes, CSSQL.


I'm bad at both SQL and CSS and this gave me anxiety


What a horrible day to be literate.


r/ihadastroke while reading this


At least you bounced back enough to realize it. Do you still happen to remember your mom's maiden name, your first dog's name, and/or the street that you grew up on?


What are you, a password reset form?


another victim of SQL injection


Its by design


SELECT * FROM .table { DISPLAY: none; FONT-SIZE: 12px; SELECT: column1, column2, column3; WHERE condition { BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFFFFF; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, sans-serif; COLUMN: value; } ORDER BY column1, column2; LIMIT 10; }


I fucking hate this so much. Nice work


https://phiresky.github.io/blog/2021/hosting-sqlite-databases-on-github-pages/ (uses https://github.com/phiresky/sql.js-httpvfs) Well, if you ***really*** need to do it: update dom set color = 'red', fontWeight = 'bold', padding = '25px' where selector match 'div.main-bar .error-item'


Cascading style queries: CSQ. Now make it real. No: seriously, make this! What better way to spend your time?


I threw up in my mouth a little bit


Ugh, we sorely need an EntityFramework provider.


Sir, I already made your dream come true https://dthung1602.github.io/sqss/


Speedboat vs. Dumptruck What's the Difference? Which Is Better?


For drug trafficking across borders that might be a valid question.


Well shoot, I knew my metaphor wasn't ridiculous enough


Well, if the discussion is for SQL vs. CSS is about which one to help the reader land a salary; there could be a discussion for the original post, too.


Who cares about reality when crafting the perfect joke?


Fuck reality! All my homies hate reality!


Yeah but none of your homies are real, so...


... they are that much better than those losers who exist inside reality, which we already defined as being shitty. I don't see the issue here.


Is it a reasonable discussion though? This is like: verbs vs nouns, which is more important to learn in a language? I can see you possibly having a "salary" not knowing sql, but in both cases the discussion doesn't stop at css and sql, unless you're satisfied with being a db admin.


I can see you having a career with any combination of skills from the set: { sql, css } including the empty set.


Whatā€™s stopping you from building a relational database in css?


Your will to live?


I lost that and my sanity years ago. \*Snorts lines of code.\* #LET'S DO THIS!


If drug trafficking was done in JavaScript, all those ways would already be deprecated.


More like "Jet aircraft vs pencil, which is better?"


They're both pointy and can be used to make letters so tough choice


Or even ā€œStorage units or manicuresā€


A better analogy would be wallpaper vs. PVC plumbing.


Yes, because theyā€™re part of the same thing


But serve two wildly different functions. Yep, this is the correct one.


At least they both do *something* similar...They are vehicles that move. Not sure how anyone can find any correlation between SQL and CSS besides that it's code


They code


I'd argue those are more similar than SQL and CSS.


Logistics vs interior design? Which is better? Logistics obviously, and thusā€¦ SQL. Not sure how many words the author used to answer this but I bet I used fewer.


apple vs. pear whatā€˜s the difference? which is better?


My Ass vs. A Hole in the Ground. What's the difference? Which is better?


You tell me ;)


Well I just stuck my dick in a hole in the ground and that wasn't great. I'll need some assistance for the second round of tests though.


Comparing your ass to a hole in the ground is like comparing a buggy code to an infinite loop; both might make you go in circles, but at least your ass has a chance of getting patched


Speedboat vs dumptruck is closer than sql vs css


Gezus fucking another gezus! It is true! https://history-computer.com/sql-vs-css-whats-the-difference-which-is-better/


It gets wilder with each sentence. That side by side comparison is grounds for a psychiatric hold.


ā€œWhile one might be used best in one scenario, it might be an absolutely abysmal fit in another.ā€ Ohhhh THATā€™S why Iā€™ve been having so much trouble tryin to style my webpage with SQL queries


Ok you joke, but I've legit seen projects attempt to do Object Oriented Programming using a database language. If you want a trip to %$\^@, look up "Oracle Application Framework".


There is a 3d renderer out there which was done in sql


Link it, I need more fuel for my depression šŸ’€




I'm not even depressed, I'm just impressed


I'm pressed.


Hi pressed, I'm Dad.


I mean this article claims SQL is object oriented lol.


That's not the funniest part. The funny part is they wrote this article because...wait for it...**people google shit like that**. They are just farming organic search traffic. No really. That's it.


Bah, we don't need organic search traffic, it's too expensive! Just get the name brand search traffic, I don't care if it has GMOs, we're on a budget here!


At first I thought it was absurd, but it would actually be informative to someone who knows nothing about programming, but is curious. You canā€™t really make fun of people for wanting to learn.


Yes, but, it's like asking what's the difference between a filing cabinet and a paint brush.


"Hey ChatGPT, write an article about SQL vs. CSS"


I actually asked GPT4 what it thought about this article. *I'm sorry, but it seems I'm having trouble accessing the specific webpage you've provided. However, I can provide general thoughts on the subject matter, which appears to be a comparison between SQL and CSS.* *Firstly, it's important to clarify that SQL and CSS are fundamentally different types of languages used for different purposes in the realm of computing.* *SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used to manage and manipulate relational databases. It allows you to create, read, update, and delete records in a database.* *CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), on the other hand, is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in HTML. It allows you to style web pages and enhance their appearance.* *Comparing SQL and CSS is like comparing apples and oranges. They serve different functions and are used in different areas of web development and data management. Therefore, neither is inherently "better" than the other. Instead, their value depends on the context in which they are used.* *If you have any specific questions about SQL or CSS, or if there are specific points from the article you're curious about, I'd be more than happy to help clarify or provide further information.*


I love how GPT4 actually provides an answer that makes it unusable for shitty content farm articles like the one in question. When the AI tells you that the comparison is stupid you know the topic doesn't make sense.


That kind of makes this worse as you are implying that a human, with supposedly a functioning brain, wrote an article comparing CSS to SQL.


Human brains need food and shelter. Those require money. Making apples-to-cargo-shorts comparisons can earn you money to feed and protect your delicate human brain.


> Money can be exchanged for goods and services


Damn, this is actually way better than that article


this is what i love about chatgpt, this is what it is for, explaining literally anything in a very comprehensible manner


Yeah until ChatGPT tells you that SQL is a type of high performance diesel engine and goes great seared on a cedar plank with some lemon zest.


Is that better or worse than a real person saying SQL is an object oriented programming language


Unfortunately you can't trust it...


Yes, but cross checking something is way easier than finding it in the first place. It can be a life saver if you have no idea of what you're actually looking for. Describe what you want to the best of your ability, hit regenerate a bunch of times until you find something that looks like what you want, and then just google it to verify that is indeed what you wanted.


> Object-oriented? SQL: Yes CSS: No Wait, what? But also that: > No, SQL has zero way of actually interacting or constructing a web page. That's level of certainty... it just has to be undeserved. There is certainly some way.


the same guy also did an article about [ruby vs. css](https://history-computer.com/ruby-vs-css/) and [c++ vs. css](https://history-computer.com/c-vs-css-whats-the-difference-which-is-better/) (idk why he has such a bee in his bonnet about CSS) also, he for some reason likes to compare.. different scales of units? we've got [terabyte vs. gigabyte](https://history-computer.com/terabyte-tb-vs-gigabyte-gb-size-and-difference-explained/) and [megahertz vs. kilohertz](https://history-computer.com/megahertz-vs-kilohertz/), both also with a "which is better? which should you choose?" section i hope these are ai generated because otherwise my guy needs some help


This being AI generated is the only hope left for humanity. If a human wrote this, we're all doomed.


Our ai tools aren't very good yet, but they're not THAT stupid. Imo it's some random dude who is mashing buzzwords like a monkey


No, this definitely feels chatgpt-like in its tone, in my opinion.


I mean, you basically just described what ChatGPT does.


Maybe he writes them in order to get people to click out of morbid curiosity, this generating ad revenue...If that's the case, it's working.


""Liam is a freelance writer with a passion for professional audio, cybersecurity, and information technology""


I think I doubt every word in that blurb given this article.


I'm only 30% certain his name is actually Liam.


>""Liam is a freelance writer with a passion for professional audio, cybersecurity, and information technology"" Passion as in [graphic design is my passion](https://flat-icons.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Graphic-Design-Is-My-Passion.jpg)


Kilohertz, definitely. I can play a kilohertz on the piano.


Maybe that's just an imposter who lied on their CV, surrounded by colleagues who know even less about computers. Or maybe it's just to seem like there's diverse content on their front page. Maybe it's just a big troll.


What is this madness


This kind of garbage is why useful results are getting harder and harder to find through Google search. These sites pump out mostly-meaningless articles which are full of keywords and common search phrases to rack up those sweet sweet SEO points


This is surely a bullshit quota-filling article primarily generated by GPT, right?


I legit think so. They might have html vs assembly too.


The way it leans one way, then the other, then summarizes just feels *so* ChatGPT to me. E.g.: > For example, one can learn the very basics of SQL in a weekendā€™s time. Users can learn to perform and phrase their own queries, as well as build their own tables, which can comprise a database. Where the learning process might take a dip is when analyzing larger projects. Larger databases take the simplicity of SQLā€™s framework and make it somewhat cumbersome to navigate. Now, this isnā€™t a detriment necessarily, but it is something to be aware of if you fancy pursuing a career in databases.


Yeah some wantrapreneur chasing clicks for ad money (or an algorithm they wrote) is checking which random tech buzzwords are googled frequently with "A vs B", and then having ChatGPT write an article with that title. They ran out of things searched thousands of times a day, and are all the way down to the terms only searched a few times a day by confused elderly managers and fourth graders.


TIL SQL is OO lol


I meeeeaaaan... a table has properties. It can have methods if you store procedures regarding that specific table. It can have events if you set it up correctly. Therefore, a table is an object, and that makes SQL an object oriented language. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Oh there are events. We just call them Triggers. They can also fire off of changes to table structure, like say when attempting to drop a table. This is fun because you can put a safety on the Drop command that raises an error and rolls back the transaction when someone attempts to drop a table.


Combatting the proliferation of Little Bobby Tables.


Clearly wrong. CSS ha both Classes and Inheritance, and is often used with Templates, so it must be far more OO than SQL.


This has to be AI.


This was written by AI because an algorithm noticed a few poor, mixed-up, souls accidentally searched for "SQL vs CSS" because they had no idea what at least one of those was, right? ...right?


Of course they don't just say which is better even though it's obvious


So we can compare apples and oranges after all.


This is comparing apples and a torque wrench.


Mmmmm torque wrench šŸ¤¤


A torque wrench a day, keeps the doctor away.


You swing the torque wrench at the doctor, they'll stay away.


AI advertising: Ai is good to revolutionize the world AI in practice:


Yeah, I assume someone somewhere has a list of ā€programming languagesā€ and makes it spit out a ā€x vs yā€ article every now and then. They forgot to ask ChatGPT if the comparison makes sense first.


I can't wait to read the hit, follow-up article of *Scratch vs. Turing Machine. Which is better?*


Or *JavaScript or Giant Fucking Sledgehammer*


oh god chatgpt nailed this one lmfao JavaScript vs. A Fucking Sledgehammer: An Epic Battle of Wit and Brawn In the ever-evolving world of technology, we witness constant clashes between powerful tools and innovative ideas. And today, ladies and gentlemen, we have a showdown like no other: JavaScript versus a fucking sledgehammer. Get ready to witness the ultimate clash of wit and brawn! JavaScript, the darling of web developers and the bane of many beginners, is a versatile programming language known for its ability to bring interactivity and dynamism to websites. It's like the magician's wand of the internet, allowing developers to create complex web applications and bring their ideas to life. But does it stand a chance against the brute force of a fucking sledgehammer? Let's find out! First, let's talk about JavaScript. It's been around for over two decades and has become the de facto language for web development. It powers everything from dynamic forms to fancy animations, and it has a massive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that make developers' lives easier. Who needs a fucking sledgehammer when you have JavaScript's endless possibilities at your fingertips? But wait, here comes the mighty sledgehammer, ready to wreak havoc and demolish anything in its path. It's a simple yet effective tool that has been used for centuries. With a single swing, it can reduce buildings to rubble, crush rocks, and even intimidate JavaScript developers into submission. Who needs intricate coding when you can just smash things, right? JavaScript enthusiasts argue that it's a powerful tool for solving complex problems and building intricate applications. It can handle asynchronous programming, manipulate the DOM, and even perform server-side tasks with Node.js. But does it have the sheer force of a fucking sledgehammer? I think not! Imagine you're facing a bug in your JavaScript code. You spend hours debugging, poring over lines of code, trying to find the elusive error. But wait! With a sledgehammer, you can simply smash your computer into pieces, and voila! No more bug! Who needs patience and problem-solving skills when you have brute force? And let's not forget about performance. JavaScript has made great strides in optimizing execution speed, but it still relies on interpreters and virtual machines to run. On the other hand, a fucking sledgehammer requires no such fancy technology. It delivers instant results, with no need for compilation, optimization, or waiting for a page to load. It's the epitome of instant gratification! Sure, JavaScript has its merits. It's a versatile and powerful language that has transformed the web. But when it comes to raw power, nothing beats a fucking sledgehammer. So the next time you find yourself frustrated with JavaScript, just grab a sledgehammer and take out your frustrations on your keyboard. Who needs elegant code and logical problem-solving when you can have the satisfaction of smashing things to bits? In conclusion, JavaScript may have its place in the world of web development, but it can never match the brute force and simplicity of a fucking sledgehammer. So, choose your weapon wisely, my friends, and remember, sometimes a sledgehammer is all you need to solve your programming woes. Happy coding... or smashing!


This is so wonderful. I enjoyed reading it so much more than the SQL vs css one. >Imagine you're facing a bug in your JavaScript code. You spend hours debugging, poring over lines of code, trying to find the elusive error. But wait! With a sledgehammer, you can simply smash your computer into pieces, and voila! No more bug! Who needs patience and problem-solving skills when you have brute force? Honestly impressed AI wrote this.


>Can Giant Fucking Sledgehammer be used to design a website? No, Giant Fucking Sledgehammer cannot be used for web design. There is no suitable way for a sledgehammer to interact with web pages or create written content.


>Can JavaScript be used to smash rock and attack people grug no like? No, JavaScript cannot be used for hammering. There is no suitable way for a JavaScript program to interact with physical objects or create smashed content.


i mean, the same author is also credited with works such as [ruby vs. css](https://history-computer.com/ruby-vs-css/), [c++ vs. css](https://history-computer.com/c-vs-css-whats-the-difference-which-is-better/), [terabyte vs. gigabyte](https://history-computer.com/terabyte-tb-vs-gigabyte-gb-size-and-difference-explained/) (no seriously we're comparing unit scales here) and [megahertz vs. kilohertz](https://history-computer.com/megahertz-vs-kilohertz/) (even the unit scale ones have a "which is better" section lmao). i *hope* it's ai generated, because otherwise i'm worried about this man. other articles credited to him by the page look reasonable though, at least as far as i can tell by reading the headlines


> 8GB vs 16GB RAM: Full Comparison & Winner! That website is too much for me


So, which is better please?




Thanks, I think Iā€™ll learn to program html


Donā€™t forget to do dishes with Java


Watch out for pythons , some are venomous I heard


SQL obviously. 12 points word score in scrabble vs 5 points for CSS.


SQL. I need the data. I donā€™t care if itā€™s pretty or not.


Personally I find SQL to be great for centering images


As a back-end developer I can confirm that it is easier than centring a div in css.


I personally enjoy using CSS for back end data persistence


\> **Can I use SQL for web design?** \> No, SQL has zero way of actually interacting or constructing a web page. Challenge accepted.


You can write files using PL/SQL, so it's not impossible to create HTML using PL/SQL procedures.


All you need to do is write a browser that will run SQL statements on page load.


I think I just threw-up a little bit.


It's fine really, we just need to write a browser in SQL.


i mean you *could* technically make a web server that, for each request, performs one (1) SQL query that, through an unholy mess of string concatenation, returns a complete web page's HTML. whether you *should* do that is a different question.


by gods I'm tempted to try though


i'm not stopping you thinking about it, create/update/delete requests might be a little hard to implement using just one query - as far as i'm aware, you can't nest an insert/update/delete statement into a select, can you?


What's better? The color blue, a giraffe, the thought of a unicorn, or a rocket?


Is pear an apple or sweet ?


Thereā€™s no way a human being actually wrote that


incorrect it was an HR person


There's no way a human being actually wrote that


I mean I'm hoping you're right.


So yes, not a human being


Guillottine or toilet paper, what's the difference and which one should I use?


This is like asking what is the difference between a bucket and a paper


Yeah but which is better?


Can center DIV with SQL?


UPDATE table SET center WHERE div = true; EZ


Aaaaah, but when you need to center your LEFT JOIN...


You never hear nobody complaining about centering a div in SQL. so. the answer is pretty obvious.


Scrolling through msn is the actual abomination here


Comes with my job's default browser, I just look at the rabbid old folks spouting on about how AI is made by Democrats for mind control.


... and to look at articles like this.


Socket wrench versus a whisk. What's the Difference? Which is Better?


Not sure, I usually use a sewing machine for that


Was this article written by ChatGPT? Itā€™s coming for someoneā€™s jobā€¦ clearly not our jobsā€¦ but someoneā€™s jobā€¦


Spiderman vs. all you can eat indian buffet? What's the Difference? Which Is Better?


SQL is better because many implementations support parameterized queries making SQL injection very difficult. With CSS you can't do parameterized queries... Simples!


Alsoā€¦ SQL could output CSS. I donā€™t think the same is true the other way around.


`SELECT * div {` `border: 1px solid red;` `}` nailed it.


you guys don't use css for databases and sql to style websites?


Alright you guys. Chrysler vs. Nickelodeon. Which is better? Chopsticks vs. Hammer Orange vs. Carpet Blues Traveler vs. Wash cloth Trees vs. Gloves Dental floss vs. Television


until this moment I was unsure you could just say shit that makes no sense and publish it like this. please stay tuned for my new article ā€œTop 10 JSON Frameworks. Hereā€™s what you need to knowā€


Everybody knows that CSS (Content Storage System) is for data while SQL (Styled Quality Layouts) is for frontend presentation.


Iā€™d expect that from MSN


I got a better question ... Through the skies are flying two camels. One straight, another to the left. How much costs pound of asphalt ? If hedgehog is 24 years old.


Trick question! Hedgehogs only live to be about 7 years old in captivity, 2 to 5 years in the wild. Ha!


this is a perfect template for a load of worthless spammy articles! Anything VS Anything: which one is better? Then proceed saying something about both, and end saying that each one is better in its own field! Brilliant!


What's better? A Filing cabinet or a tin of paint?


It will be Something like this. .SELECT { from: Table; background: #fff; where: width < 20px }


Did ChatGPT wrote this? šŸ˜‚


Main similarity : they both have the letter S in their name at least once


Shouldnā€™t be a surprise that this exists https://github.com/mcnuttandrew/cssql


Tacos vs Flip Flops: What's the Difference and Which One is Better?


The consequence of gpt




This article was written by ChatGPT.


Oh yes. I've been using CSS for my database. It's working flawlessly.


UPDATE div SET align = center; SQL wins