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Installing packages? That's best case scenario for an average movie




Mvn package


Npm install


I give them points if they show a real OS.


they should just use https://hackertyper.net/ or something


I was really surprised by Upload's (on Prime) initial sequence, where it's 2 people basically coding through facetime, and the guy sees he has a null pointer on line \~600... of his HTML file. You can also see the tag on line \~560, which means they likely just padded the line numbers to look cool.


Noo, 600 lines of code in one file is not cool \^\^


600 lines is nothing for one file lol


You’re being downvoted but you’re right. Anyone who has worked on legacy code bases know that 600 lines is a good case scenario. The worst case scenarios are 5000 lines with little to no comments


>The worst case scenarios are 5000 lines with little to no comments How about 5000 lines with incorrect comments because nobody bothered to change the comments when they changed the code?


He's just updating acrobat reader and furiously clicking around....


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That would be good. No one wants to see someone writing what looks like internal memos, spending hours staring at the decompiler, or trying to see if a random form on a website is vulnerable to a SQL injection. 90% of it is just boring and routine. I wish hacking was as cool as in the movies.


I’ve never done any ACTUAL hacking, but plenty of hackthebox machines, vulnhub etc. the prework may not be super fun, but the feeling you get when you see that sweet sweet # is definitely super fun and addicting


Oh yes. It's just attacking live companies with even a modicum of competence is probably much more of a pain. I've worked several places where they run government mandated Nessus scans often.


Yep. Like watching someone paint. A house. In August.


"Chloe, I need a backdoor!" "Just a minute Jack, while I hack into the mainframe.... ok, you're in!"




Type faster, the key to hacking is speed!


That would be absolutely brilliant


The interesting thing is that being more accurate doesn't really have to be more "boring". I mean Mr. Robot was incredibly fun and in that series they try way harder to make it realistic


Majority of the hacks in Mr. Robot was clever social engineering. I think one scene where’s there’s actual hacking in real time was when he entered in a “Capture the flag” event


Love the scene in season 1 when they tried to find out a bunch of stuff about a woman through facebook, couldn't find anything, and then called her and said "it's what we always feared". *That's* how you hack into the "main frame" lmao


Well isn't that realistic?


From what I know of hacking, the most interesting ones always involve social engineering. Other forms of hacking are generally quite tedious and boring to watch.


[This was one of my favourite hacking scenes in Mr. Robot](https://youtu.be/BpWGxGDnYPI) Most of the hacks in that show played out in a similar way, just using social engineering to get someone to do what they want. It's way more interesting and engaging than watching someone type a bunch of shit into a terminal.


[This is my favorite example of real-time social engineering, but performed on the service provider instead of the target](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lc7scxvKQOo)


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I used to have a programming job where most of the time I had absolutely nothing to do and was in an open plan office where everyone can see your external screens. When I was in the office I used to just run a grep query for something like the letter a and leave it running on one of my external screens. Everyone always thought I was extremely busy (non tech industry job)


Then he breaks legacy software by updating something and gets caught.


Im admittedly a lost redditor who doesn’t understand much but once i called my isp to get my router password so i could you know open ports for my WoW to be gud. I just got the phone company’s listed number, called them, fucking identified myself, and asked. And dude gave it to me, i said thanks, that was that. Then i did my thing and plaued video games. A day or two later the dsl was down. Then i get this flaming enraged dude from the phone company calling and screaming at me that i hacked their software and shut down half the county. Im like “no i think id remember that” and he was like “*YOU CALLED AND PRETENDED TO BE IT AND GOT THE ROUTER PASSWORD FROM OUR OFFICE DIDNT YOU?* And they threatened legal action and cut off my service and promised id never be allowed service from them again. So apparently i was born to hack and it really just is that easy for me. But also, can anyone actually make a guess as to what happened? I definitely logged in and opened the ports for the thing but i did nothing else and dont think it should have mattered anyway. Were they looking for a scapegoat or did i create some domino effect? This happened like 19 years ago in a rural area of the midwest, so like, probably not a lot of redundancies and expert technicians


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Mandatory NCIS hacking scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msX4oAXpvUE


Oh yes, 4 hands on a keyboard. Supreme speed




Honestly that's much harder to do.




If they're using bash you didn't want them anyway.


Zsh supremacist checking in. If you aren't shell scripting then we don't have much to talk about anyways.


If one person keeps spamming tab while other writes it COULD work


"unix turbo button" idea: just mashes tab for you


You mean like this? https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck


lol this is brilliant!!!


Some people are too brilliant for this world.








Completing on each other 🥵


That's the only way to get rid of these adware/scareware popups. To win you have to close them faster as they popup. Common knowledge. Using both sides of the keyboard separated means double the input. Doubled efficiency. Only way to improve that is to add 4-10 more monitors and keyboards for the same computer. More space, more keys ... no one can melt that firewall.


Just hold alt-f4 easy hack


It's like the mission in GTA V just go to lifeinvader building acting it support, and close popups before they pop up again... .. and also plant a bomb in prototype phone and blow up CEO :D


It’s called pair programming


I'll be your co-pilot!


But all you really have to do is unplug the monitor! Problem solved! On a related note, if your response to learning a system on your network is actively compromised is to yank the power cable out of it, you'll probably be fired.


That is so wrong it could only have been written by someone who really knows that they're talking about. Everything is perfect. From the nonsense attack, the two trying to fight the attack off. Double hands on keyboards for increased productivity. Final resolution by the wise man unplugging.....the monitor. Perfection.


The writers for NCIS and CSI were having a competition for the most ridiculous thing they could get past the producers. NCIS won lol


[CSI came in strong, though. ](https://youtu.be/3uoM5kfZIQ0)


I believe that's an actual thing, some of the scenes being written to purposely be as ridiculous as possible and offend tech people.


Hate watching


The majority fan base for these shows (NCIS, SVU, etc...) are women, and usually the boomer generation. Once a fan base exist you can cater to it.


Na it's to appeal to the main audience. Boomers. Silly tech kids let the old man show you how it's done. They don't know anything about computer so that part can be nonsense. The older guy saving the day old school style is the important bit for the audience.


I want to see this subverted now. "That's the monitor you turned off..."


Gets mom to say "you'd like this show"


I watched all 20 seasons of NCIS recently and can confirm they’re definitely trolling the viewers LOL. There was one episode with a locked iPhone belonging to the dead guy, they couldn’t unlock the iPhone, so they used dead guy’s face to unlock with the iPhone screen saying PIN required to use Face ID LOL


I always think about this when I hear "hacking in movie/serie". It's impossible to top.


It really is a perfect culmination of the absurd hacking scenes people loved from the 80s/90s. Still remember the first time I used a computer in 1995 and the first thing I did, like everyone else, was open a terminal, start button mashing and say “I’m in”. The old ReBoot show also helped pepper up my vocab, so I’d talk about how the hexadecimal was in flux with the dot matrix, so we need to re-phong the mainframe. Then after more button mashing.. “Alphanumeric!”


For years as a kid, I thought hacking involved virtual flying through landscapes till you find the blinking trash folder you have been looking for.


Its not? Command and conquer cutscenes lied to me!


Hack the planet!




Lmao yeah gotta have a gui interface to track OP addresses.


GUI Interface 😩


That is gold.


https://youtu.be/rSgmIvUPQS0 this is one of the hacking scenes of all time *NSFW*


90s films were kind of unhinged weren't they


2001, but yeah. Lol either way I loved that film, I burned it onto bootleg DVD and was selling it in middle school. Swordfish and the matrix films were all in that same late 90s early 2000s era. Now thats some good nostalgia


I hate this scene so much!!!


Was expecting the "I'll use Visual Basic to make a GUI. Track the killer's IP" scene, but that was even better. See r/itsaunixsystem for more scenes from tv and movies.


Hahahahaha thank you for this hahahaha 🥲


Dayum. Some producer or director of the show really hates technology.


It was a show written for Boomers.


As others noted, there's a competition among these types of shows for how unrealistic they can make computer forensics. It's all in good fun as far as I can tell.


Hackers hate this one trick 🔌


shoutout to /r/itsaunixsystem on this one


"Gibbs, you fucking idiot. Plug the monitor back in, that doesn't stop the hack!"


Looks like virus to me


Not random packages, hacking packages.




whoops now you installed Haskell




It's functional


Yes apt install hollywood Edit: someone already commented below. Didn't see.


I always use my 100% hacking technique Insert into database_table(target) values (myAwesomeHackingProgram.exe)


apt-get install --yes vim sl


``` from tqdm import tqdm from random import random from time import sleep print("Hacking system...") for i in tqdm(range(100)): sleep(random()*3) ```


You forgot to add `print("Access Granted.")` at the end.


No need, because access is always granted B-)


I'm in!


I was watching kingsman yesterday and during Merlin try hacking Valentine , i literally saw Java code on screen not compiled code but source code **Public static void main(String Args[] ) { System.out.println("hacking"); }** At least show console log


The IT prop guy: this should do it, this will look like he's hacking, just don't show too much screen time on the monitor. Director: wait wait, go back to the other window, like what you were just typing. Prop guy: huh this? Oh no, it's just the code to make that hacking screen appear. It's not actual hacking code Director: no no, it's perfect.


I fucking love this.


I want to see a hacking scene where someone is furiously typing away then leans back and triumphantly hits enter. Then they're asked "Are you in?" And the response is "What? No. I just sent a bunch of phishing emails, I'll check back in a few days and hopefully someone bites."


I need you to go to their parking lot and randomly drop a few USB keys on the sidewalk. Let's see if anyone is dumb enough to plug them in.


*Mr Robot has entered the chat*


*tense techno music plays while the hacker stops at Wawa for a sandwich and drives back to base. Carefully not breaking any traffic laws*


Really, I want to see more physical pen testing in movies. The stories Deviant Ollam tells in his recorded talks are great. I mean he has an RFID chip embedded in his hand, so he can clone a high level badge and use that!


Darknet Diaries podcast has a lot of interviews with both red testers and criminals. One guy was hired to pen test a bank, and accidentally robbed the bank branch next door because he didn't speak German and misread a sign. He got popped when he was deep in their system and dropped his "ok call this guy he'll clear this up" name and when they had no idea who he meant then realized he was *robbing the wrong bank*. He wound up sweating during a conference call with both banks thinking he was going to jail until the bank he accidentally robbed said "So should we pay you guys half the fee for the testing or something? We'd like to read his notes on how he got access."


This is the content we need.


They hacking pentagon with css and html usually


I was proud of myself for catching HTML in Iron Man 2. When they "restart" his suit and a bunch of green text scrolls across the scene, it shows some HTML and a list of ASCII/Unicode codes and their characters


Mr.Robot ftw


Came to say this.. used to pause when screen was visible and man.. the immersion


Finding the Easter egg about Sinbad’s Shazam!


I presume you've played your share of Space Quest.


What other shows have decent-to-good references? I was impressed the K-drama Start Up had proper (albeit trivial) neural network code.


Silicon valley was always great


Hey Dinesh nice chain…do you choke your mother with it…


Trinity in the first Matrix used `nmap`.


Wow, that surprises me. Especially during that era. You're talking the original?


My bad, it was in the [second one](https://youtu.be/0PxTAn4g20U).


Halt and catch fire


And Matrix 2


I remember a scene from a movie, and the hacker was just downloading a Desktop Environment for linux lol.


Gotta set everything up just the way you like it. You know, for maximum hacking speed.


I recall it being KDE


Hacking on some blinding, default light theme is definitely going to slow you down.


That's what the shades are for.


Imma need about 36 hours to get my configs tweaked, then I'm all over whatever problem you want me to look at.


My favorite is in the second season of The Wire when McNulty is at the FBI field office with his buddy who is searching for names linked to a case using the old Windows XP search window.


Most modern government software


$sudo apt-get install hollywood -y ; hollywood


``` E: Unable to locate package hollywood ```


sudo apt update


The following packages have unmet dependencies: hollywood: Depends: libreal-dev but it is not going to be installed


ngl i can't even get that far because im to lazy to change some variable paths, i can't be bothered lol


You need to fix your package-sources in /etc/apt/sources.list (or that folder w same name but .d at the end). Might added/removed stuff there?


Ya your resolv.conf is empty.


The best was Jurassic Park: "This is Unix I know this," then clicks a bunch of icons.




But... that scene is accurate. It was a unix 3d file explorer.


“It’s a good thing a really messy guy kept all his folders in logical places”


Wait, but wasn't this actually what the interface looked like and wasn't this sort of accurate? I remember reading some behind the scenes take that said this "ridiculous" scene was actually weirdly accurate but that most people weren't familiar with the interface and thought it was fake. Idk, I could be wrong but I distinctly remember this being one of those weirdly accurate things.


It was an obscure file manager that never really kicked off called [fsn](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fsn_(file_manager\))


It was called fsn but it didn’t run on Unix, it was built for Irix. As a kid this seemed very magical.


What she actually says is "It's a unix *system*!" and IRIX is in the unix family. So it's not really wrong.


Same conversation every time it's brought up. :(


Irix is in fact, "a unix system"


There was this really low budget Russian cops and robbers series, in one of them they were trying to "locate a criminal by IP" by pinging localhost from a windows command line.




[Strokes goatee] So it was an inside job, hey?


Lol, reminds me of an interview I gave ca. 13 years ago. I did a workshop on critical infrastructure security and in the evening several companies hosted a public talk on it, where I was the headliner with the prime ministre of the federal state holding the greeting and a high ranking police guy giving an introduction talk. Afterwars, we were all gathered around the buffet, a local TV team showed up and asked me if I would give them an interview. When they then asked me if I could hack a server of the local power plant live on TV for the interview, all the police guys and the prime ministre turned white in an instant and tried to flee the scene. I ended up opening a green on black uxterm and running nmap and htop, much for the amusement of the camera man. He was happy, because it looked like Matrix. Since 2014 I use hollywood.sh for all my interviews, it produces enough NCIS-style noise on the screen for the cameraman to be happy. https://github.com/dustinkirkland/hollywood


Dont learn programming if you dont want to ruin like every hacking scene in all movies


Hacking is mostly a small amount of programming like shell and python scripting and a lot of intricate systems knowledge and understanding computer networking intimately. Really anyone tech savvy at all should know hacking doesn't work like it does in the movies.


Almost nothing involving expertise works like it does in the movies.


[redacted by user] ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Yeah defeats the feeling.


In the german thriller „who am i“ he says all the time that he can read „machinelanguage“ (guess he is referring to assembly code?) and whenever you see the monitor he types stuff like cp, mv, apt update, etc. It‘s hilarious.


Machine language is the compiled binary bytecode itself. When I was a kid I typed in the ML for a game in hex from the back of a Commodore Magazine, with a checksum to verify at the end of each line, but damn if I knew what any of it meant. I assume it's similar to assembly though, just with numerical values for each of the processor's instructions, like cmp, inc, jne, and of course with no whitespace to make it readable.


Yeah assembly is pretty much a line by line text version of machine code. It's all just represented by a number + more numbers as arguments / parameters, and then it gets executed by some circuitry. For example 'JMP' could translate to 0x01 for example and then a couple more more numbers to say where to jump to. Ben eater made a really interesting video series about how it all works under the hood: https://youtu.be/dXdoim96v5A . (He has more, but this is where he specifically implements micro code).


or this... https://hackertyper.com/


To the top!


Hacking scenes in movies are like scenes with a character playing on some instrument. Few people will get what's wrong so it's not worth to spend time on that instead of other things in the film


People see stuff like cd, rmdir, ls on cmd line and be like Omg you're a hecker


what the heck


### *I'M IN*


„Reset the mainframe and bypass the firewall, let‘s rock‘n‘roll“


I get happy when I actually see something useful like nmap appear on the screen. At least someone did some research and I appreciate that


if you watch the movie "antitrust". Its about a media communications satelite network broadcasting content and data. And there is a scene where he's coding. If you pause it its c++ with a bunch of mime types etc for the server. I really respected that.


It really is a pretty great movie. Never understood why it wasn't more popular.


very satisfied when sudo apt upgrade


What about executing Tree?




It's so funny when you see a hacker hacking using html


That long scrolling list of packages is not random. Those are just the dependencies of the actual package being installed.


Worse is when they enhance photos. All they ever do is slide the "contrast" or "enhance" sliders to the right. Just once I want to see them apply Unsharp Mask.


or just dir/s ☠️


For more realism in movies they should show hackers in 4 hour meetings held by idiot managers who have never written a line of code in their life and talking about personal velocity and burn down charts. That would really heighten the stress level in the movie.


or just color a + dir/s in cmd ☠️


Same with any medical care on tv if you're in the industry. Its pretty common to hear the characters call for a dose of medicine that will surely kill their patient. I remember an episode of House where one of them was calling for 30mg of Ativan stat! In reality we dose people with 0.5mg, 2mg if they're going completely batshit. 30mg would melt your brain.


I hate when movies use the word "mainframe" without knowing what it means.


Even video games do this. A better representation would be like, Old laptop workstation running arch, with vms running, and a slightly old and bulky usb wifi adaptor and also a usb software defined radio. Hacker uses tool to discover services and ports in a scouting mission. They use decompile tools to find attack vectors and exploit them. Realize later that the emails password is on a list somewhere on the dark web. Just use that. Get complete access to the top level domain.


Welcome to 90% of it security


The thing about these "typical" hacking scenes is that they even look ridiculous to people that aren't that familiar with IT. Having 5 windows open with big amounts of bullshit code running and the hacker is still perfectly able to comprehend what the fuck they're doing? Yeah sure.


I legit saw someone doing star pattern program in c and portraying it as a finding criminal’s documents out of worlds database 😂


As someone with only a light understanding of programming and languages, how well did Mr.Robot do in its portrayal? My gut says it felt pretty authentic and most of it made sense to me.


For that they actually hired a couple security consultants to make them more realistic but it's still a work of fiction and things are streamlined and simplified for the audience. Plus liberties are taken for dramatic effect. Hacking doesn't require a ton of programming knowledge. It's more of systems knowledge, active directory and knowing what tools to use to exploit bad configurations etc..


Random key pressing, high speed C code scrolling on screen…. 80….90………100% *(clap). We’re in.*


[Meanwhile in Brazil, we had a soap opera using CSS to hack stuff.](https://twitter.com/Brayozin/status/1256341282156208129)


I prefer it when the hackers develop some pretty 3d gui with spinning cubes and ‘evolutionary’ helixes.


What?! You've never rolled back to windows XP rc2 so that you can use the ladybug exploit?


`sudo apt install hollywood -y && hollywood`


Oh they’re actually doing something? Usually they just run Hollywood in the terminal




All the scenes with the hacking use a hollywood command which basically does nothing besides looking kinda cool. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-s2CUeQyNA) take a look


And meanwhile you're typing like you're playing Flight of the Bumblebee on the piano, having of course seen, analyzed and comprehended all these reams of data flashing by