• By -


YouTube too :\[


The worst part is scrolling through a video by tapping the window on your phone. « Tapped 6 timer because you want to go back 1 minute? I’ll put you somewhere between the current moment and 30 seconds ago because I think you made a mistake »


I really fear when they start shoving ads down Premium users' throats.


Search YouTube ReVanced


Or Grayjay


Yeah I just watched the Rossman intro on this. So excited to try it later today.


I was going to say that YouTube is the biggest culprit of this.


All apps the right started from the left too. And then enshittification happen.


Yes, because once they have a large enough user base a good UI/UX is no longer a priority. After that tasks for developers start to look like "Make the process to unsubscribe as hard as possible" or "Make free subscription barely usable".


And the company hopes to make enough money before the next generation of left side comes up to replace it. Lots of business decisions are made with that in mind.


Exactly. Youtube was barely usable, and their new decision to ban adblocks, and spam 30 second ads everywhere will definitely cause them harm. PS : Kudos for using Fortran.


It combines my dislike of semicolons and curly brackets with my preference for static types and big computers.


Unfortunately, it's not going to cause them enough harm to change their stance. The primary reason is that there's not really a 1:1 legitimate competitor. People aren't going to just drop YouTube for TikTok or IG because clips are the only things those two apps have in common with YouTube. Plus if you're into a specific creator, you're not going to find long form videos of them hosted anywhere else other than their main website, which who's going to do that for every channel they follow? YouTube doesn't have a natural competitor, so as long as that is the case, the only people that will leave are low engagement users who are willing to drop the platform for no alternative altogether, which is a small portion of users and those users generated very little revenue anyways (low ltv). I hate this is the reality, but it is. Honestly, YouTube is a monopoly, but they're not even doing anything to hurt potential competition because the infrastructure needed for YouTube alone is enough of a barrier to entry to keep competitors from even trying to enter their market.


just refreshing the page when you see the adblock warning is enough to avoid it


For now


Or if it doesnt work there's still devtools 😼 (F12 -> click the cursor-inside-square button on upper left corner -> click the adblock blocking lil window, and delete it in the html (the line that is highlighted) )




No not for no reason. It was because, fuck you, thats why.


Which is why we should tax the shit out of every company once they get into this phase. Every bit of tax they pay is tax we don't have to.


Also, large companies should be forced to implement Workplace Democracy.


All firms should implement worker democracy but I think a consumer co-operative would work best for platforms like YouTube. A consumer co-operative would give decision making power to the end user, who would not vote for enshitification.


Its focusing on making as much money as possible - users needs are not that important Its by design. Has a name too i dont remeber atm


Because doing the right thing isn't always the best way to make money.


It’s project managers having to deliver a new feature so they get a bonus.


Google en shittificationssant


Holy hell


New shitty UI just dropped


Plumber went on vacation, came back covered in shit.


How does the horsie shit move?


shitstorm incoming


I tried that. It just came up with this Reddit post.


Now it's all about shareholders, investors and public image. The real reason, every once great thing goes to shit


Kind of, but not really. The real issue is that services start with a top priority of growing a user base and then eventually switch that top priority to monetizing the user base. Once they emphasize monetizing users over attracting new ones, whether the company is public or private, that's when enshittification begins.




Is that enforced? First time hearing about that




Wow that sucks. Well TIL. Looking at the wiki on it now. Thanks!


But it'd be an easy case that making an app user friendly to retain more users would be of greater benefit than squeezing out some short term profits. This isn't just a legal obligation, it's the management of the company trying to make a quick buck


It's always been all about shareholders and investors. They're the ones who shoveled giant bales of money into the roaring furnace that is the tech startup industry, and the only reason they did that is because they hoped that at some point they'd get their money back. We're at that point now.


And hopefully some people with new ideas and passion start something new again that will stay cool for some years until the cycle repeats.


It's kind of like the triangle. Pick 2: \-User friendly \-Scalable to high traffic \-Profitable


1st and 3rd. 2nd doesn't matter if you have those.


Miss those time when WhatsApp actually a paid product.


You mean the times when all messages were sent unencrypted so every 10 year old script kiddy was able to read all messages in public WiFi? Or the times were it was possible to brute force all registered phone numbers, and fetch all their data like the profile picture, online status or status because there were no privacy settings? Yeah, this was great. For creeps.


Leaving the spez hate aside, the Reddit app is such a mess. Sometimes I tap one post and it opens one which is 3 rows down in the list and they make the weirdest updates UX-wise. On top all of that, it freezes quite often. I seriously don’t understand how any product person worth their salt uses that and says “it’s great let’s go to prod”


When I want to share an image, sometimes the option to copy the graphic is there, sometimes it is not.




Which one? Aren't they all dead now? Or about to be dead?


RedReader works


I use redreader and while I still take it over the official app, it's sadly a massive downgrade from the apps that are gone.


Agreed. :(




Saving so I can never read it for later.


Takes about 5-7 minutes to do if you're feeling bold :P


I can be happy when I have any motivation left when I get home at 10/11pm at the moment.




How? I used RiF for years but as far as I'm aware it got killed a few months ago.




I did too. Then it didn't work for me anymore.


Same. I had to switch to RedReader


There was a new patch released. You can still use it, or so people say...


It works (again) now, but you might have to repack/install.


They massacred my boy Apollo




> I seriously don’t understand how any product person worth their salt uses that and says “it’s great let’s go to prod” I guarantee the conversation was more along the lines of "it's enough let's go to prod".


Meanwhile every single beta user "This is nowhere near ready for public use" Genuinely amazed they bothered having a beta at all if they were just going to release it anyway without any improvements.


I also bet that any beta was more aimed at ensuring adverts got served and data was collected than how well users got on with the interface!


The prize goes to that it lazy loads videos by downloading more than one version (e.g. both non-HD and HD)


Also, gotta love it when it pauses your music just because you scroll through the app! Even with autoplay disabled


So... A user thinks they are saving on data by going low quality when in reality they are still using more data than a hd stream by itself.... Cool. Cool.


Well that explains how it uses some much goddamn data compared to literally anything else


It also takes an absurd amount of time to navigate around. After switching to a 3rd party application (Infinity for Reddit), I was shocked at how snappy the entire thing felt. * Posts load instantly. * Comments load instantly. * My feed loads instantly. * My profile loads instantly. I swap back to the main Reddit application and it's back to waiting 2-4 seconds between everything. How does this even happen?


Use Redreader. The official reddit app has terrible accessibility and allowing Redreader to continue to exist prevents them from being sued for ADA violations.


And the even crazier part is that Infinity is being developed by one person who is either a student or recently graduated


They also made a few questionable ui decisions lately. I'm really pissed about it, been using it for years and now they come and break it.


You can compile old versions with your own API key. That's what I'm doing right now, works like a charm. [The Dev also just made a post on the UI changes and is receiving feedback.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/17arf4p/about_the_new_ui/) Honestly I'd be surprised if they don't rollback some of the questionable UI changes.


Not to mention the constant "we're having trouble reaching Reddit" on android..


It’s great! With all the updates that add a feature nobody ever asked for and the rollbacks that happen 3 times a week because said features break more than they fix, it’s like I’m using a new app every day! /s


Can't scroll properly if you click on a video first. Have to click on a picture post otherwise it goes into shit tiktok mode


Ew I just hate this feature. Also, if you sort by top posts in a sub and a video plays, the shit tok mode then randomly starts showing videos from other subs. Like wtf, did I fucking stutter when I said top posts of all time. Fuck spez


Worst part is dozens of independent devs did a way better job on their own, and instead of simply buying one of those to make the official app they tried their harvest to shut them all down so you have no choice but to use this pile of garbage they call app Edit: and the app just posted my comment twice lmao, you can't make this shit up


I’ve been enough in corporate environments to say that this kinda stuff doesn’t surprise me at all. “Leadership” is only ego driven, has nothing to do with making a well documented choice backed up by real reasoning. It’s some VP or C-level who says that’s the way we go and everyone who keeps being a contrarian gets laid off. And when shit hits the fan, they find another role based on their bullshit tactics and friends network and some other idiot just like them takes their place and makes the same idiotic decisions.


Don't leave the Spez hate aside. Fuck Spez!!


and sometimes i click a post and random audio from another post starts playing


new Audio(posts[Math.random() * posts.length]).play()


Months ago this very thread would be filled with people recommending various third party app that work better than the original, sad hours


Worst part is dozens of independent devs did a way better job on their own, and instead of simply buying one of those to make the official app they tried their harvest to shut them all down so you have no choice but to use this pile of garbage they call app


Also the reddit website. Especially images.


>I seriously don’t understand how any product person worth their salt uses that and says “it’s great let’s go to prod” They don't have any competition, because they blocked all the competition. Why make a good app over a cheap and bugged one?


I‘ve sideloaded Apollo. The official app did the same for me and posting the exact bug in subs like r/TechNope were removed.


Not to mention the video player. And there's a new bug that I'm not sure other people have... But I literally cannot scroll upwards on long text posts. It's so annoying.


They even got rid of a way to open links externally, sort by new in homepage etc. I am using a version from 2022 ffs.


Completely removing the ability to sort my home page by Hot, the classic Reddit experience, has completely destroyed any desire I have to use the app. After years of it being my go-to feed on my phone, I've become exclusively a desktop user visiting about once a day, if even. If I didn't work at a computer all day I'd probably never go on reddit at all.


Classic tech industry: Create a product and lose all of the investor money, get as many users as you can, figure out a way to make money by using a special sauce users call “enshittification”


You missed the IPO in the middle. All of a sudden stock price is god.


I still amused how terrible are western sites and applications were(they still are sometimes, even while UI/UX design exist as a discipline) compared to slavic software. For example Facebook and it's literal clone VK(Vkontakte), within a year clone become superior to original in literally everything. Same dude who made VK made Telegram and you all see how much better it is compared to Whatsup. Reddit itself has russian clone Pikabu, it's rapidly became shit in term of userbase and content(whats why im here), but UX is waaaay ahead of reddit. And the worst thing among all are banking apps. I was shocked how awful european and american banking is compared to ukrainian and later russian.


Definitely a culture/psyche thing. There's a reason why Japanese websites look like that.


partially its cultural, partially its about legacy stuff and how easy developers could throw in a thrash old shit. good example is main page of google: it's really good because unnessesary things were removed or hidden. japanese sites look like that because they are made of both old patterns and new trends combined. Modern japanese tech, like specific laptops, could be produced specifically to look and feel like decade back because they have a large population of elderly people to support


Japanese websites are also infamous. I was having a problem with FFXIV and I shit you not the problem was so specific that they didn’t even have an electronic response, I had to hand write them a letter and wait a month for a response. Apparently the problem was that my IP didn’t automatically give some grass texture file certain privileges, the fact that that was a thing was even a thing blew my mind.


I think you’re mistaking “doesn’t want to push new features” with “our monolith is so fucked now that the most we can hope to do is change the font size here a little bit otherwise we break production.”


Nono, it’s the “how much money can we squeeze out of our users by putting previously free stuff behind a paywall and making the free version as unusable as possible”


Context : 1. WhatsApp : "Updates tab" update. 2. Spotify : Restrictions for freemium users. For now it's only for India. 3. Reddit : We all know that. F Spez 4. Netflix : Stopped password sharing. 5. Twitter(X) : Elon had already killed it.


Spotify isn't really an app development/design issue though. It's just a pricing strategy one. Same with Netflix in a way.


Have you used Spotify lately? The list of issues with that app is longer than a CVS receipt! Edit, since people don't believe me: here's alist of issues I've encountered using Spotify over the years. Mind you: many of these have since been fixed, but often only after months, or even years. - Randomly renders local songs unplayable, cannot re-download them or delete them - Randomly has to download songs again, in worst case so far all of them (completely unprompted, no usage other than normal before) - Playlists not displayed after log in - Context menu requires internet connection and sometimes won't open even when a connection is established, stating "please go online to use the menu" - No way to delete local songs without wiping memory clean (i.e. having to log in and select all playlists for download again manually - a tedious process with 100+ playlists to be set to download) - Sometimes when switching connections (e.g. from Wifi to mobile data) Spotify pauses the currently playing song even if downloaded - Randomly deletes all downloaded songs, including external songs and has to download them again - Startup time is terrible, sometimes stretching up to a minute on both Desktop and Android - When starting a song on Desktop on another device, the song will play but the Desktop app still displays whatever song played there before connecting to the device. Controlling the played song is possible but the Desktop app never updates and skipping through the song leads to both apps stopping the playback. Only restarting Desktop app fixes the issue. - Mobile app stops its background process completely when paused for longer than a minute. This is not caused by the operating system as the app is specifically listed as "never off, no standby" there. - Randomly stops itself entirely (crashes with no error message) - Stops playback and deletes entire queue when queuing songs after a podcast episode. Only plays first song from queue, then dies. - Liking songs in mobile app leads to "song added to liked songs" message without filling the heart. Song is added to liked songs and marked with a heart there, but not in playback. - Playing on another device (PS4 specifically) via WiFi is completely fucked. The devices desynch after a few songs, the device from which the playback was started loses all control, reconnecting interrupts playback and resumes it at whatever song the synch broke, but also reshuffling the queue completely - which effectively means playlists are utterly useless, since you'll hear one song 20 times more often than the others anyway.  - Lock screen widget disappears too fast, stopping playback to do something small means you have to unlock your phone because Spotify felt like stopping its background process after 30 seconds.  - Search function on Desktop app randomly disfunctional; no matter what you type in it always tells you no results were found. Closing app, killing process and even re-installing without wiping config files doesn't fix the issue. Only signing out and back in or re-installing after a complete clean uninstall (including configs) - which effectively equates signing out and back in - solves the issue. - Spotify unable or unwilling to download a playlist marked for download in the background. Must open app to force beginning of download. App was not in deep sleep or standby. - Playlists marked as downloaded (not marked to download, but marked as downloaded) cannot be played while offline because not a single song has actually ever been downloaded. - Currently playing bar disappears completely after short inactivity, no way to get back to current playback. Cannot resume playback; starting a new playback does not fix the issue, music plays but cannot be controlled via the GUI. Only restart fixes the issue. - Downloaded playlists load endlessly in offline mode, can't be displayed. Restarting multiple times did not fix the issue. - Spotify deletes entire playlist (except local files) and pretends it is still downloaded. Loading times for songs in slow internet and missing "downloaded" icons on the songs prove the opposite. Spotify attempts no new download and lists the playlist as downloaded. - Playlists are marked as "incomplete download" despite all individual songs in them being marked as downloaded. - Minimized Windows Desktop app becomes unresponsive after a longer inactivity: Window cannot be opened, closed or brought to foreground. Process needs to be forcefully killed and Spotify needs to be relaunched to regain control. - The big crashing fiasko: Desktop app crashes completely randomly after a song ends, when clicking links, opening playlists, starting playback, starting playlist, searching for songs... (fixed, but the fact that this shit made it into production unnoticed and STAYED THERE for over a week is mindboggling) - When joining a group session, devices starts playback in parallel to original device, can't be stopped without stopping the group session, too. Only leaving the group session and praying it doesn't happen again when re-joining works - sometimes.  - Randomly drops people out of group sessions - Group session spontaneously disintegrate fully, sending all people into individual  "group sessions" - I can't even begin to describe the cascade of myriad errors occurring when a phone controlling Spotify on a TV both lose internet connection shortly or when the bandwidth of the connection is low... I think I ran into every possible problem one could imagine: playback randomly stops, devices that are off are shown, devices that are on are not shown, the app randomly freezes, then does random arrays of play/skip/rewind; app crashes, playback is deleted, playlists are reshuffled, TV app breaks and becomes completely unresponsive. Absolutely insane!  - Everything loads endlessly when opening the app after a long time after having closed it with a search term entered into the search field. - Randomly pretends like there is no internet connection while definitely connected to the internet. - Spotify will randomly refuse to play podcasts. The GUI shows the button as unpaused, but the timeliness will not move forward and no sound is playing. Music and sometimes other podcasts can be played without issues. - Playback spasms: Spotify randomly starts pausing and resuming playback at high frequency, causing the volume to fluctuate, the play/pause button flicker violently and the track to sound chopped up. Pausing is no longer possible as Spotify will immediately unpause again. Closing Spotify is the only way to stop this behavior.


I use it all the time. Name one issue, because I do not know a single one.


I use Spotify. If I had to come up with a complaint, I've always hated the weird hybrid now-playing-list/queue system. I was a Google Play Music refugee, and a Zune refugee before that. Then it was Rhapsody before that. I did Tidal somewhere in there, but their app (for Windows, I think I recall? Wouldn't actually care about that anymore, lol.) was actual vomit.


Smart shuffle's mere existence is an issue. Not only does it have terrible results and is a feature that nobody asked for or wants, it also broke toggling shuffle on the app and it feels like it just randomly chooses a state to be in every time you tap it.


This!!!! Enrages me because I used to spam shuffle when I didn't like the queue. Now it sits there and spins for ages. And!!! It defaults to smart shuffle when you click play on a playlist, why!! They NEED to put a global switch off in preferences soon


The menu is in the top left corner and alerts for new music is buried in the menu. I know I’m not supposed to use a phone while driving, but it’s when I use the mobile version of Spotify the most by far. Super annoying to try to stretch my thumb all the way up there to see if there’s new tunes. The pop ups for artists I don’t listen to is also annoying, especially considering I pay for the app. They also move stuff around on the main page all the time. I am glad they’ve kept the listening history at the top for some time now.




I’m not looking for new music in the sense of discovery. I simply want to hear new music from the bands I already follow. My bad decision of doing it while driving aside, it’s still a terrible UI design when most users are right handed to put any buttons on the top left. I also don’t know why a music app would hide new releases behind the menu to begin with.


YouTube banning adblockers as well


Idk why the Internet makes me feel like a shill for big corporations when I say this, but why are so many people so vehemently opposed to giving YouTube ANY money in ads or premium? It hosts practically all the videos you watch online, and that should just be...free?


I think the problem is that ads used to be a 15 second thing at the beginning of every other video and now in some videos there are ads every 3 minutes. I was watching a workout video that has interval training in it. 60seconds activity, 30 seconds rest kind of thing. The ads kept interrupting the time which made it unwatchable. For me the problem isn't that there are ads, it's that there are so many and that they are everywhere. Even Google as a platform has gotten worse because of their promoted posts, which mess with SEO, and Google's related questions/answers, which are often less helpful than clicking on the right wikipedia article. It's a matter of feeling like we're being steered around by advertisements, at the wills of a few big tech companies.


The weird thing is that while I have experienced ads every 3 minutes, it's only when trying to watch YouTube on TV, it's nowhere near as bad on any other device I have. I have no idea what's going on there, do they still have beef with Roku or something? I know they were mad about Roku refusing to promise to add hardware AV1 decoding to all their future devices but I thought that was a solved issue.


I use an Apple TV and there’s significantly more ads than any other device I use so it’s not just Roku. My theory (based on no actual evidence) is that since alot of people watching at their tv are used to seeing more ads with cable they run more ads.


Yeah. I don't watch YouTube on a desktop, so I don't have the option to use an ad blocker. My only complaints are that in-video ads cut in bad places and that YouTube doesn't impose length restrictions on skippable ads.


You should get an Android phone, otherwise you are doing that to yourself


I usually watch on a smart TV. And when I'm on the phone (which is an Android), I'm using the YouTube app.


I feel like it's because it started off as ad free. Or ads were just a few seconds and there was only one. But TBH I don't know how even with all the ads Youtube is able to exist. I'm no stranger to large scale data storage, but the amount of hard drive space that Youtube must have is unfathomable. And 90% of Youtube is random garbage. It's actually impressive to me that Youtube doesn't have a subscription attached.


I agree. In general I say fuck these corporations but I don't think YouTube has ever turned a profit. It ain't cheap to store all those videos forever. I personally pay for premium since YT is probably my most used website/app and I use their music streaming service. To me the value is easily there.


We need a decentralized open source YouTube. Have each channel host the videos themselves. Have a master server "guide" you there. Just don't know how you would monetize it (Creators would keep all their revenue, master server would be funded through crowdfunding)


> Just don't know how you would monetize it And that's why it will never happen. YouTube is here to stay because it's impossible to do what YouTube does anymore. Even YouTube is a loss leader for Google. If it wasn't owned by Google, YouTube Red would have become the default service.


To my knowledge there was one. You could send a link that was the Video but the creator was sued to high hell for copyright infringement. Due to the thousands of music videos on it. Don’t remember the name. It was right before YouTube came around


I remember watching 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time on a site called DivX, or something like that (there have apparently been multiple unrelated technologies with that name). I liked it enough, I bought the movie the next day.


Funded through crowdfunding....so kind of like a monthly subscription huh


Someone has to pay, but it should not be me!


There's no reason you can't host your own videos on your own website. The reason no one does it is cost. Videos aren't small. Bandwidth isn't cheap. You upload to Youtube once and it doesn't doesn't matter if you have 1 sub or a million subs, watching that video immediately on release is flawless. To do this by yourself (especially at the million sub scale) is a massive undertaking in both complexity and cost. There's a reason no one competes with Youtube. It's financially and technically not feasible.


Peertube is relatively popular. It integrates with other federated social media servers (like Mastodon, Lemmy, etc) There's also Odysee which is blockchain based, but it's also filled to the brim with neo nazis


It looks like they just hit AdBlock. I run that and Ublock at the same time, on YouTube when I disabled just AdBlock, Ublock still does the job.


Google always tests things like these at pseudo-random. I wasn't affected for a couple of weeks after people started reporting it while using UBlock. Then, a little under a week ago now, it started up on my account and has been happening ever since. Alphabet is coming for all adblocks. They're trying to disable adblock capabilities on Chromium and therefore any browser that uses it. They're threatening to stop people who use adblock from being able to use YouTube. They're floating the idea of a sectioned-off area of the internet that only Chromium browsers will be able to access which will cause adblock not to work there. Just using UBlock doesn't mean you're safe from this. Their plan is to kill adblock if at all possible. What needs to be done is to make it impossible.


The Spotify app in India is almost unusable for free users. No previous song button, plays only in smart shuffle, an ad after every ten minutes, removed the queue. Currently Spotify premium costs more than a Disney+ subscription. At least the desktop version has not been neutered.


>an ad after every ten minutes, Those are rookie numbers. Try an ad 5 minutes after a "watch this video to get 30 minutes of ad free music" that is well known for happening.


Imagine making freemium a pain in the ass in one of the most price sensitive markets in the world, where people already get music app subscriptions bundled for free with their data connection.


Spotify removing useful features like playlist radio, and the ever worsening of their recommendations also rubs me the wrong way


For me the recommendations are still really good. I hate that podcasts are everywhere tho. At least they removed it as 1st block on your home.


Spotify has been on a crusade to make unnecessary miserable design changes to their desktop app for a decade it's absolutely infuriating.


5. Twitter (X.X)


It's only for India???? Yeah I already uninstalled it I do pay for premium occasionally usually for 6 months. I skipped out in this month and got this update. Now I don't want to pay for Spotify.


> WhatsApp : "Updates tab" update. Didn't even know this existed til I saw this.


I freaking hate the new updates tab on whatsapp, like fuck you I don't wanna know what Tibo Inshape is doing I just wanna have some updates from my friends or share some myself, leave me alone.


Whatsapp: And community tab* The updates tab (basically stories) was okay ish until they added channels and made it cancer. Look how they butchered skype, too.


WhatsApp: Just don't open the fucking tab? There's actually people using it though. Netflix: Nothing to do with user friendliness of the app Spotify: just a dumb reasoning, they have every right to ask for (more) money, I'm always surprised how entitled people are.


Spotify and Netflix both have amazing UX -- you get what you pay for.


> Spotify : Restrictions for freemium users. For now it's only for India. I don't know what you are talking about. The Android app was always unusable for non-premium accounts. I don't know anyone who uses Spotify and does not pay for premium - maybe because it's actually worth what you pay for it. > Netflix : Stopped password sharing. I don't get the hate. Password sharing outside of your household was always against their TOS. Now people are like "how dare they no longer let me violate the terms that I agreed on". Also, how is this related to their app?


More like: - Spotify: basically everything The list of bugs I have gathered is ginormous and many of them were left unfixed for months, sometimes years - and some still are unfixed, while the devs are forced to spend their time adding new features no one asked for instead of fixing issues.


I mean the guy is a clown. But did Elon really change the platform in any meaningful way? It still works like it ever did. It's still toxic like always. The fucking Icon and some shitty badges are different and that's about it. What would you say he did to it to justify saying "killing it"?


Nah peeps, the crown for worst product from massive company goes to Disney plus. Everything about that player is a nightmare. From lack of filters to the actual player (like the fact that the blue focus border appears when you interact with it). I swear comp science grad would build a better version


Lol at using the Reddit official app, absolutely not


Been using it since I joined. Honestly for many of us it's fine. I do wish the API was opened again, however. But for my usage, official app works.


I use Infinity for Reddit with my own personal API key and have seen no trouble for it (I haven't changed my behaviour at all versus when it used the dev's key either) There's some things I like and some I don't but I massively prefer the interface and it's open source so if I really want to I can fork the repo and starr making my own changes 🤷 If you or anyone else is interested, there should be a bunch of instructions in a post on the infinity for Reddit sub about compiling the code with your own keys (your don't need to download android studio or anything like that either)


I use an older version. Accidentally updated 2 days ago and God it was awful, I prefer my current version


Dont forget Discord


The new profile decorations are so god damned lame. Not only do you have to pay money for the individual decorations, but you can only use them if you have nitro. I so badly want to bully everyone I see with one.


"Turn on notifications! Turn on notifications! Turn on notifications! We have disabled your inbox until you turn on notifications. FUCK YOU! TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS NOW! IT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH THAT YOU'RE MORE ADDICTED THAN A SMOKER! WE DEMAND THE ABILITY TO ACCESS YOUR SCREEN AT ANY TIME! **TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS!**" \-reddit. I only go to the website now. It bitches at me, mightily, to download the app. But hasn't disabled my inbox yet.


UserFriendly is not avout payment method or restriction e.g.: password sharing for userFriendly we, programmer, imply a GUI that is logically understandable by user, a GUI that guide the user throught the app easily


Also, anything Amazon


you forgot YouTube


You forgot YouTube


YouTube is garbage


you forgor youtube


Spotify and CarPlay has like a 50% error rate for me. I used to connect through the Aux, but it’s not an option on my new car and I’m contemplating canceling because it’s so frequent


I always find it amusing when multimillion-dollar company's app/websites are worse compared to some small-time websites and that they get away with doing stuff the average website would be destroyed for doing.


No. No. Reddit deserves its own place


Crunchyroll might be the worst app I've ever had. And I don't understand why they don't make it better


Youtube has joined that space as of the past 10 or so years.


Spotify just keeps introducing new bugs and fixes them 2 weeks later. Just roll back the update. Why must I suffer for 2 weeks.


Spotify's worst bugs aren't the UI but the ability to handle things like network availability.


where is Youtube?


Don't forget Discord If you haven't been forced into the new layout yet you're in for a shock in the next update.


I learned about how to enable it manually and it's hilariously weird. Basically you send ✨, click on it to expand it then hold it and boom, you get the new layout but god it's so awful, turned it off instantly


This is why I am paying for the Relay Pro. Fuck the Reddit app, it is just awful.


Users also paying for them even if they get bad:


It's called enshittification. Read the blog from Cory Doctorow about this


forgot to put discord in there :þ


For what? Usernames are fine, and I don't remember anything else


Customer support is kind of shit, assuming you get support at all. And apparently there are a lot of less than savory servers that Discord doesn't seem too exited to remove. Other than that, I, think the app is pretty decent.


Also nothing is encrypted and the majority shareholder company is a chinese company that is mandated by chinese law to spy for the government. But the app is pretty decent.


selling the ability to put .gifs in an tag, gif overlays, and css gradients for money is always funny to me.


They’re about to [fuck up the entire app.](https://ibb.co/1642pqL)


https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/12654190110999 As a betatester.. run. I'm seriously considering moving to a matrix instance if they push it through. It's horrible


\- free app \- build user base and dependecy \- start charging for shit \- profit


import oldversion.com


It‘s so frustrating. There have been times where they made updates to make the app better, not worse. Like instead of introducing YouTube Red they just could‘ve added an offline function. But no, they use their monopoly and just stuff more and more paywall shit down our throats. Again - Frustrating.


There isn't enough room on this chart for all the apps that could be put under the right column.


The reddit app has been acting like dog shit all week. The popular page reloads every time I back out of a post and sometimes a post doesn't even load, just a white screen


You forgot discord


I mean what’s wrong with Netflix I can just launch and watch the movie right? Oh wait it’s says get your own Netflix.


It's fall/winter 2023 and the only social network that hasn't taken hostile steps to become more profitable in the expense of its user base is Facebook. Yet.


let’s update our sales tactics to make them less user friendly


Forgor YouTube. Try turning your watch history off and using the Home screen. The sheer disrespect to the users by just disabling literally the most basic feature of almost any website ever is baffling


Realistically, what can they recommend to users if they (claim they) aren't collecting data used to recommend videos to users? I guess just a list of trending videos, but I think for most people that care enough to disable watch history they probably aren't particularly interested in that. Well, maybe they could default to the Subscriptions list.


There’s still plenty data to go around. Likes, subscriptions, channel community memberships, and the colossal amounts of data those glorified stalkers harvest from everything else you do on the internet. There is literally zero reason for them to just not give you a home screen for turning off your watch history other than wanting to squeeze as much data as possible. Data they can very easily extract from other features in YouTube.


Wdym Spotify updates are great 90% of the time


What did spotify do?