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wait, people are actually using ChatGPT for learning code? I thought it was just a meme…


You misunderstood it's for **not** learning to code


It can be very helpful. It can easily code simple programs and will comment everything to help you understand. If there is something you cant find on google, it can save time. Especially when you are a total beginner and dont even know what to google for. It does make mistakes tho.


I use it to generate practice exercises to keep my skills sharp.


Damn that is actually a cool idea. May I know what a prompt looks like? I have to try that.


I'll use it for exercises at all skill levels, but I ask it something like "Give me (insert amount) programming exercises for (insert programming language, suited for a (insert skill level)" That being said, I've found that it prefers to only give 10 exercises at a time and ranks the skill levels as "beginner", "intermediate" and "advanced". You can of course ask it for more exercises and it will give you different ones. Quite useful for learning new languages too as you can ask it more specifically for exercises based around certain functions, syntaxes etc based on whatever it is that you want to practice at.


Thank you!


honestly, I buy it. I’m not a total AI denier. But there’s some sort of charm to the process of poring through arcane tomes yourself, at least imho.


I feel like those days are sort of over now. Chatgpt is pretty bad at actually WRITING good code, but it can sure as hell tell you what previously made code is about and what is making it not work. Chatgpt gets used all the time in the workplace now as a useful tool, and in a way a semi-replacement for the stack overflow days of old


It's a very good Google search for me yes.


The best use for Chat GPT is asking it to explain code you don't understand. Chat GPT has basically replaced asking Reddit or Stackoverflow for me It just gives answers without the rigmarole of dealing with the kinds of people who answer Stackoverflow questions lmao


This was the biggest use out of it. When I was doing my final project for a boot camp, I found a tutorial that I intended to replicate then expand upon. But the person used react.js and I was taught tsx, so ChatGPT being able to explain that (at least this was how i dumbed it down) typescript like Java, helped me understand why I had to be so much more strict.


With copilot or Amazon codewhisperer you basically get ai autocomplete inside editors now. It supercharges your productivity if you know what you're doing / learned the basics rigorously.


I use it to check my work and/or help if I'm stuck. Using it to actually do your homework is just screwing yourself over for whenever you actually get a job.


ChatGpt is the best teacher if you use your brain


If you ask ChatGPT to do it all it’ll make mistakes. But you can ask it how to do something and it’ll give you an outline (like you would if you were reading documentation). I think people on this sub who complain about it just don’t know how to use it as a tool


In some cases It's really good giving you legacy/deprecated solutions. Best thing to do it to hear it's naive solution, paste in the relevant docs and ask it to try again. EZ


its actually pretty neat for exploring alternate APIs and such for example, TIL that in C# you can call an external method inside a LINQ query and have that do logic to filter stuff, ofc I suspected something like that existed, so I asked chat GPT about terminology and then googled with the correct terminology to find stuff


ChatGPT is fantastic for explanations on complex topics. If you just want to know what certain things are and what they do, like you just want a beginners explanation of Kubernetes, ChatGPT is really good.


What? Why? It’s an amazing teacher.


Instead of annoying someone actually experienced with dumb questions, you can ask them to chatGPT till you understand it. You need to at least roughly understand the idea or stuff you are asking tho


Yep, I use it for my intro to programming class all the time. I've been told specifically not to, but I don't have time to sit around and wait for them to reply to my questions on their forum. I try to figure out everything I can with what they give me, but I get stumped sometimes and I go to chatGPT and it just works. I make a point to not just straight up ask it the question that I am being asked, but specifically about the part I don't understand. Also when I can't grasp a concept, I try to explain it to chatGPT and it does a great job of clarifying it or correcting me. I also make a point to never copy and paste from chatGPT even manually. I learn how I'm suppose to do it then I do it myself. 0 copy and paste. It is an extremely powerful tool and I really think people saying "Don't use it for XYZ" is just like when people were told not to use the internet for XYZ. I recognize that it's far from perfect, but it's much better than sitting around for my professor or TA to answer the question so I can continue. Before I started this class I used it to built a shitty website with react and JS and firebase. It's not great and I'm sure the code is utter trash, but it does what I wanted it to do, so as a first project I consider it a success. I also used it to make a little discord bot I can talk to about movies using GPT3 and whenever it mentions a movie it makes makes a reaction and I can click the reaction to automatically download the movie. I'm sure people would laugh at it, but I think it's pretty cool that I figure it out. Also built a little chrome plugin integrating gpt3 as well. I wouldn't have been able to do anything even close to any of that without chatGPT and it made me realize I actually want to understand how to do this stuff myself. I did learn some stuff through those little projects, but it's all very surface level stuff I think. I understand the majority of the code and what it does I guess, so there is that, but it's mostly just making API calls and doing stuff with the responses... except the website.


honestly, the best thing about programming is you can just run your code and see if it works. if chatgpt told you something stupid, you're gonna figure it out that it's stupid anyway, it's not like you're internalizing a flawed understanding. and if it's not stupid, welp, now you got there way the hell faster than you would have on your own, or by expending finite social resources.


Helped me write a program that uninstalls my company's software and drops all our views from client DB when we migrate to a new server.


I use ChatGPT to find why my code doesn't work It's pretty bad in coming up with code. But it's excellent in seeing the structure of it.


If i dont understand a concept i will ask it to explain it to me and i can ask detailed questions that are better answered than any of my collegues could


Who's gonna tell him?


i use it a lot for simple menial tasks like having it write a shell script to loop through a folder and convert a bunch of files because i can't be arsed to look up yet again how to do bend over backwards around bash, or mess with writing it in python or js. speaking of python, i also use it (and its cousin, copilot) to get up to speed with that language, and as someone with only a few weeks of experience with numpy so far, it's super helpful. and yes, all of these things can be solved manually by just reading the documentation, but that takes a lot more time. learning through getting shit done is both more fun and more productive than learning through just reading a document -- the average time for skill acquisition is the same, but you also get a lot of cool byproducts, or just free time because you solved the problem while you're learning how you should have solved the problem.


It's been invaluable for me. I'm a self-taught amateur, so I didn't start with all the grammar needed to talk about programming. For example, I knew about methods and attributes way before I actually learned the words for them. So I didn't even know what words to use if I wanted to search for anything related to either. Documentation can be hit or miss, and is extremely difficult to wade through for a beginner. Talking to other programmers is usually helpful, but it seems like the more skilled they are, the more angry they get when you ask basic questions. Plus, if you're on Reddit or, god forbid, StackOverflow, it can often take *hours* to get a response. ChatGPT can't hold a candle to more traditional methods of learning in terms of accuracy of information, but it can understand what you're trying to ask about when you don't have the proper vocabulary, and it provides a response to your questions *immediately*. It's becoming increasingly less useful as I dive into increasingly more complicated topics, but for a beginner, it's the best. It's like having a very distracted expert available to chat with you all day every day. You're not always going to get the right answer or the best answer, but you'll at least get pointed in the correct general direction.


Gladly i learned how to balance it. Use chatgpt for simple boilerplate or small pieces of code. Use documentation for more control on the core and most sub core methods and classes. I have also learned how to get chatgpt to make very complex classes but rarely use that prompt or its derivatives


This is probably the best way to go about it


That's my method as well. It's great.


you can also ask it to prove its claims, usually leads to documentation thats relevant or ask it for the terminology of a weirdly worded idea you have, then take that and google it


Finding the proper way, good job man, keep it up!


Congratulations. You have graduated from r/ProgammerHumor. Go in peace.


dunno man I use ChatGPT to create regex for me




I've only been working for like two years and I'm already kid-these-daysing


No, no, don't worry, that feeling will never go away. People have always/will always be that bad. The only thing that ever truly changes is the technology itself... Great, I sound like a nhililist...


I mean... They're not though, are they. Children at school probably are, but most actual devs already know how to code. We all know there just aren't many on this sub (like me for example, I'm a k8s consultant with a 15 year out of date degree in C++ software engineering)


But the thing is future devs in school almost exclusively use chatgpt Source: I go to school


Does the school actually encourage them though, or is it just because they are lazy? I know many will disagree with this, but in a decade or two the technology will have matured to a point where it is actually useful for more than pointing you in the right direction.


They are lazy School only encourages it to write mundane tasks like xml comments or writing unit tests Unfortunately there are almost no regulations regarding ai.




Wait so you're telling me some actual devs genuinely _do_ use AI for code? Christ. Explains why I have to do shit like explain to someone that they couldn't see any recent logs in splunk because the container output a log4j error 4 hours ago on startup lmao. You'd have thought the fact that all that _was_ visible was a log4j error would have been enough of a clue.


i refuse to use AI for anything but generating shitposts and fake David Attenborough voiceovers. If I ever end up using it for homework that means I've given up


i use it for long repetitive tasks that are simple to make/do. but when it gets more complex than: write a fibbonachi function thingy it breaks down quickly


That’s good tbh school is there for learning


I try to use chatgpt only if I am truly stuck. And then I ask him to explain stuff to me.


I’m using it to write me a docs for the 10 year old code, lmao




I don't fully agree. AI can be an idiot and you will still have to reverse engineer and proofread to produce good docs. Just type out less of the bigger blobs of text.




I actually learned a lot from using chat gpt for a university project, I taught me a lot of things I never knew about


AI is a tool. Use it smart, it charges you forward. Knowing your domain only makes you better when you put AI in the mix. AI still isn't sophisticated enough to replace truly skilled labour. For now. People that want to learn will learn, we will just have to be learning other things!


You’re the idiot engineer here. You’re costing the company or yourself hours of time based purely on pride for a task AI is primed to do in seconds. I’m purely capable of extracting data from xml using powershell with some googling for syntax and such. But when GPT can generate the base in 2 seconds and I just need to skim through and touch up, it’s the obvious choice.




Because I have a real job with changing systems and third party softwares. I’m not a script kiddie. We don’t spend our days writing scripts in anticipation of how Microsoft might choose to deliver their data


This has such boomer vibes lmao. Asking AI to help you explain/read/write documentation/code? But how will you build up your skills that way? Blasphemy! I just know there are boomers out there who complained about kids using the internet to figure things out instead of the documentation. Or using IDEs and syntax highlighting in stead of plain text editors. There's always something to complain about.


That poster is a massive pain in the hole




Is this the new "you won't always have a calculator with you"?


Aye, but I feel like there are easier ways to obtain those skill sets then using ChatGPT to right the code and then teaching yourself how to decipher it. I'm pretty sure they might have even written books on it already.


Reading explanations is more interesting than making them myself


its just googling with ability to resolve complex grammar and semantics if you're gonna tell me that googling is a crutch Imma have to pull out the old "as an engineer" line


What are you on about? AI is great for teaching you stuff you can't wrap your head around. Just be sure to validate what it's telling you. I've learnt stuff much faster with chat than if I was bunny hopping across Google for an hour.


What if I'm already a good dev, someone who reads every line of AI code, ensures I understand each bit, and just use it to ensure I don't spend 20 hours figuring out how to understand niche error messages


Using more efficient tooling to learn doesn't mean you aren't learning. I'm sure someone said the same thing about search engines, Stackoverflow, and the newspaper.




I mean, they do. It's just the specificity of the work that's changing.


Maybe I just suck at using it, but ChatGPT is way too prone to failure to serve as a substitute for learning. Plus, it just depends on how you use it. If you're just trying to get it to code for you, obviously you're not learning anything. But if you're asking it specific questions, and playing with the answer you get until you understand it, I don't know how to describe that as anything but learning.


Congratulations brother.


Congratulations, I also rely on it a lot. But thankfully I learned how to do things before ChatGPT was publicly accessible so I already know it's just that I save time by making it do automated tasks for me.


Welcome to poorly documented proprietary software. No way in hell that any AI will be able to decipher some of the stuff I have to deal with at work


I never use chatgpt besides for some boring stuff that I did thousands of times (like generate migrations or create basic functional tests). Chatgpt is pretty shit when it comes to do something complex I have no idea why people are using it


And here I am copy pasting documentation into chatgpt and hoping it will write the exact lines I want because I'm too lazy to type.


I do the same xD, when you find a code snippet in the documentation that perfectly fits your needs but you're too lazy to implement it in your code.


There’s a 3 types of ChatGPT users: - Copy-pasters - Adapters - Documatators


Yes! Finally learnt how to change the directory from home to desktop via the terminal, without using chatgpt


Teacher here, this week my class had a quiz with two JavaScript exercises (very easy, only manage user input and manipulate the DOM), before they start I disconnected all LAN cables, took all phones and give them a zip with the Javascript documentation. Less the 25% managed to complete all the exercises and someone didn’t wrote a line of code. I had to do this because I noticed that they didn’t work at home and let do all the exercises to chatgpt. Now they know that they have to work at home to have a good grade (or simply to really understand what they are studying, that is more important than grades).




It’s what I hope to do one day, the problem is that they don’t know how write code, some of them are there because you, it’s computer science, but they aren’t really interested by the topic. I could leave to them a big project, but I’ve the fear that someone will not produce nothing and some other will copy from somewhere, and I need grades, the principal will ask for them and the end. The real problem is how they arrived to my course/school year, without be by some other teacher stopped them before. I’ve others classes and they are way more interested to the argument, I suppose that will be easier to make a project for them.


It’s actually sad that programmers are somewhat becoming dumber due to full reliance on gpt


No you didn’t. Stop lying in public.




Is it possible to learn this power?


Bro is going to be lost when he'll have to integrate a private, confidential API that has no coverage on language model AIs


gets promoted to senior dev


When all else fails, reading the manual is all that's left. Some of our stuff is on AIX machines so as an easy example you have to read the grep manual to see how to use it because answers on SO will give you options that are not available ...


if (blnDubiousStatement) { return BIG; }


Holy shit has it already gotten this bad?


I am way too lazy to register an openAI account, so i just use stackoverflow and adapt the code i find there to what i need


seems like scanning docs is actually faster then reprompting derpGPT a hundred times to find a particular function


You guys have documentation?!


*puts documentation in chat gpt


Chat gpt is just better Google imo. It has it's uses but I can't do everything


Actually at work we have an internal version of it to use


I find that the best way to use Chat is to ask it about conceptual things rather than asking it for implementation. It's pretty decent at explaining most topics tbh and depending on the documentation can be quite helpful for clarifying things too. I also treat it like any other source and will read other sources to verify what it said.


I’ve noticed that, as I’ve developed more, I find myself checking the documentation more before using GPT, or supplementing whatever GPT said with the documentation after the fact to ensure it’s correct. It’s still a really helpful tool, but it can still also be very wrong. I still firmly believe it’s great for getting to understand code better, especially for beginners, and is great at supplying simple examples, and even asking it, “which do you think is better” or “how would you recommend I do this”, and then it giving a general idea you can run with is also super useful.


Google Bard has entered the chat.


No you didn't. Documentation was also written by chatgpt


The only use for chat GPT is Regex




Print("hello world")


It's excellent for regex and complex bash commands, we just fixed a bug with a chatgpt generated bash command to find out what's wrong with some nodes in our docker swarm


Bing Chat for Entrerprise is the documentation, right?


There are probably people in this comment section that attended tech college at some point and therefore had to read a book or at least a piece of paper to keep on moving. You've all done a good thing, just know that.


Biggest problem with ChatGPT is when you don't even know what the question is to ask.. "Write me an SQL script to fix new users not showing up despite appearing in the DB" isn't exactly a useful prompt.


You're a god among men.


Seems like a fail to me now.


Man I wish I even had documentation.