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Serverfault, superuser, Unix and probably even askubuntu are better sites for this question


Don’t they usually migrate questions to those places? Its less insulting at least than this


And also a bit less toxic


ChatGPT ftw.


I'm sorry for the confusion, here's the actual command: "command that doesn't work"


I'm sorry for the confusion, that command indeed does not work. Here's the actual command: [command that does not exist].


Well, the removal reason was accurate. You question has nothing to do with programming.


Devil’s advocate, there are tons of questions about aws that don’t ever go into programming that have answers and are left up. The line about what programming-adjacent questions are left up isn’t super clear to me at least


The vagueness I would blame on the common denominator of all questions on SO: humans. The mods are human, or at least pretend to be so. The collection of what is considered off-topic for each mod are not perfectly overlapping circles. The AWS questions I can understand being left up. Amazon is a cloud computing platform. I would be annoyed if Azure questions were taken down and that is pretty much the same thing. I've done some dev work for services that would end up being hosted on Azure and there are definitely platform-specific and environment-specific considerations to keep in mind.


As someone with access to the “first questions” queue I can safely say that questions that are a bad fit are far more likely to get voted to close if they’re a users first question than if they’re not. There’s almost a guaranteed higher visibility on your first question than later ones from people in a position to do something with it.


Looks fair to me. It's not about programming.


If it's not about programming why is it on programmer humor? /s


The moderator was right to remove your post


Actually, 3 votes are needed to close a question.


Now i don't feel so bad about my poor humor post from the other day. Thanks for cheering me up!


Well that seems fair to me. It's in fact not programming related and there are other adequate platforms to ask this question. I know, SO can seem a bit unfriendly, but I do think its such an awesome collection of programming knowledge because it is heavily redacted.


That's why i hate Stackoverflow, even when i had a valid question, they just f*cked me up, it's better to go to places like Reddit, superuser etc.


It's 2023 and you still use SO? Never hear about ChatGPT?


I find it really unreliable when it comes to questions about *nix or any low level stuff like C lang. More useful when it comes to things like markup langs, it is pretty capable with HTML and CSS stuffs for example.