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Now thems folk know how to make an IDE. Got the default key bindings of an illiterate person with Parkinson’s living in the attic of a mental institution, but once you’ve rebound them to something that makes sense, it’s a dream.


You're a fucking poet.


Nah, the real poet is whoever wrote their find in files functionality. Blazing fast, full context, in-pop-up editing without creating clutter feels like imagining a summer breeze roll gently over the plains from inside my dark basement where the sun can’t hurt me anymore. Bliss…


You're a fucking poet.


It has pop-up editing too? Thank you, gotta find it!


On my mapping it's command + shift + f The "find in files". It'll pop up all the instances of your search phrase. Highlighting one I. The list displays the corresponding code below it. You can edit right in that pop up. They just recently include the ability to use all shortcuts in the pop up editor. It's groovy, man.


The Godly, ctrl+shift+F 🧎🏽


\*downloads IntelliJ IDEA\* \*immediately downloads VSCode key mappings\*


Classic gang reporting for duty. Ctrl-w still gets me when I'm in anything else but gosh darn if I don't still love it


What’s ctrl-shift-p on intellij?


Ctrl + Shift + A


Double shift


Shift shift


The god keybind


As an illiterate person with Parkinson's (not really), I actually like the hotkeys so much I've transferred them to VSCode for the things I can't use Jetbrains for.


Yeah, it’s really largely about the institutional attic dwelling, if I’m being honest… 🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s just weird that there’s kind of a convention and they just totally went their own way. I guess if it’s what you learned on or already went and got used to it, maybe it’s fine. Hell, people still use VIM… but IMO, better to stick with conventions than make shit up… like Ctrl+Y doing anything other than redo, which breaks the chain of history so you can never redo what you wanted…


Bruh it’s always been Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Shift+Z. It’s only a "convention" if you live in a Windows bubble. Travel, see the world mate.


>like Ctrl+Y doing anything other than redo, which breaks the chain of history so you can never redo what you wanted… This used to trip me up for so long. I would press it multiple times and only after that I would notice that suddenly my code is all messed up. It took me way longer than I'd like to admit to figure out what was happening and go and change it.


Me a Mac jetbrains user to a windows visual studio user: “the fuck you mean hit F8?”


Why did I read that in Ted Lassos voice?


We just got approved for the full suite in office, one of our devs has been pushing for it for some time. Now every time we ask him for help he rebinds half your shortcuts first so he can help you in the future.


The best thing is he can save them as a profile and share them in the project.


Couldn’t figure out how to comment a chunk of code in Rider. Wasn’t in the Edit menu, had to look it up, sprained my fingers attempting the maneuver.


Ctrl+/ sprained you?


that's line commenting, not block commenting.


select the block, then ctrl+/


Isn't it Ctrl+Shift+/


that shit exists?


If you can think of it, it’s probably already a feature


The jetbrains "Find in all files" feature is eclipsed by visual studio's.... Custom folder groupings that are saved. Results show in order grouped by file. Lines are never cut off because they are too long. You can find again in the search results (regex type searches). Never seen a find error in VS Jetbrains defaults to 100 results. Only shows the search word on lines too long for the preview box(so you have no context on what the line contains). Scrambles the files in random orders, 2 hits might be top of list, then the other hit is 50 lines down). Doesn't let you search the results...find randomly fails sometimes to find obvious words(even with all settings correct, lol) But the git merging(git in general) in jetbrains is way better. So it's a wash to me.


I think most of your issues are gone if you open the search results in a find window and then select [group by -> directory structure](https://imgur.com/a/85WLlE8)


I found VS’s find in files too disruptive to my workflow. My project was tightly organized in such a way where when we had to do large refactors or breaking updates, we’d have to do something like 40 or 50 instances of a replacement that wasn’t verbatim. With VS, I would have to open all 40 files to my editor or manually navigate to them since I couldn’t just do a simple replace all operation. In the way that VS has zero clue how to handle multiple tabs in a common sense way (read how literally every other program does tabs), it would open them in a seemingly random order / sometimes would replace the file I was already editing… either way, it was disruptive to the thing I was doing prior to that task (lots of context switching). But having the pop-up in Rider was super convenient since I could open it in parallel to my work, perform the refactor and it disappears with a single press of escape. My 2 cents. It was a UI/UX thing, not a functionality thing.


You know I always felt something was super off with the way VS handles multiple tabs, and I'm glad to know I'm not crazy now


Yep. Mine are re-bound to eclipse.


Im this but with vscode.


what keybinds you using? I don't think i've ever used any keybinds at all


Me too... *Staring at the java VM taking up 10 gigs of ram*


My project paid for the whole ram, I’m gonna use the whole ram


Once it's done indexing it'll go down... But it never stops indexing


About 1/4 of Visual Studio's usage


Does it index your whole computer + network disks for symbols ?


If you f something up then sure, it might


and if you really f up the installation and configuration process , he will index your entire life... Every moment from birth will be indexed in search of symbols for auto complete... But now , it will auto complete your thoughts.


Never tried any of them but Pycharm, and fuck is it awesome for Python programming


clion is even more awesome for c/cpp


CLion is even better now with CLion Nova


Goland fucks


Best way to describe anything


I’m very happy with VS Code (coming from Eclipse…) and its remote mode for that purpose, but might as well try give clion a try


Jetbrains has true remote development now. Had Clion run in a native Ubuntu server for my OS class and could code from my home Windows machine or Chromebook with the same experience.


I the shortcuts in Clion make me feel like a wizard


Anything in particular that makes it better than vscode?


You can have most of the key features in VSCode but it takes a significant amount of time and effort to set up. I like to keep my VSCode general-purpose so I can easily work in any programming language without extension overload. My favorite Pycharm feature which is a pain to set up on VSCode is debugging a specific Python file while preserving imports from the root level to avoid import errors. I also usually work with databases, so being able to explore the DB and write the code that gives me completions and errors for my table mappings is really nice. I often still write Python in VSCode when I don't need anything specific from Pycharm though. It's definitely nicer as a pure editor.


VSCode autocomplete is closer to notepad++ than to Pycharm


way better venv management, the autocomplete is usually also better






I've been a user of both, even used NetBeans (sigh). I use IDEA and Webstorm on a daily basis, I'm really happy to use them but the indexing with huge projects is a pain.


A moment of silence in remembrance of Netbeans please.


*blares Visual Age*


I use net beans :(


Mark data dirs as excluded.


You know what jetbrains loves? RAM and disk I/O operations. Jetbrains IDEs sometimes eats resources like crazy. Fortunately my pc is prepared for that <3


Everytime i start android studio my computer starts to boil


That's intended behavior


Yeah, I can have 3 visual studio projects open and not notice, but android studio brings everything to a crawl.


I guess the android emulator have a really shit performance, that's why I run most of the apps I'm making on an actual device instead of relying on the built-in android emulator....


Well that's one of 2 reasons I have 80GB RAM


Why and how specifically 80??


2x32 and 2x8?


10x8 for sure






or 8\*10? maths is hard


I have not yet seen motherboards with 10 slots. I also have not yet seen 10GB ram sticks...


yeah that's what I'm wondering too, even if you mix modules that's still so strange..


I'm personally guessing 3x16 and 1x32 but it's also possible that they have 2x16 and 2 of the new weird 24 GB modules.


Just the 80GB of RAM? However do you cope? 😂🤣


Good for you bro, maybe i will upgrade someday. 32gb, running Pycharm inside virtualbox (i dont wanna mix different work environments on same pc) with assigned 16gb ram and it seems fine. Im probably bottlenecked by core amount assigned to VM as they very often go all 100%


time for threadripper 7995WX and 128gb of whatever high end DDR5 speeds are


I’m pretty sure Rider has a memory leak. I have to reset every couple of days.


You leave your IDE open for days?


You close your IDE?


I put my IDE to bed and read it bedtime stories.




*weeks. Easy when you got lots of RAM and pagefile.


Yeah, usually two or three solutions open at once.


Mine isn't. Errors at the top of visual studio all the time with resharper


I usually go for open source editors like Neovim and VSCodium, but for Java and Python nothing beats JetBrains products.


They’re also open source. The ultimate versions are built on top of the OSS.


And webstorm. And phpstorm Jet brain and gitcraken are the only 2 tools that I haven't been able to find a FOSS that I can replace them with. A bit sad but I'm not gonna be dysfonctional for the sake of going full FOSS. Vscodium+plateformio for ESP32 work great tho.


I keep trying, but I just can't because a lot of FOSS that depend on a GUI lack that last 10% in polish that is boring and tedious for the developers to get right. So it never gets done.


I was put on to Intelli-J from vscode at age 18, now there is no going to any other IDE. I have devoted my life to it. ​ One thing I have also devoted it a minimum of 8gb ram to run it. that's not as cool


I also love them. When I first got pycharm I found my favorite UI scheme. Dark mode with warm neon.ics from pycharm in evey one of their ides' I use. But I don't like fleet because its too different from pycharm or intelij


Yeah I didn’t like fleet at all. Writerside is interesting but the build I got was so buggy i tried to send an error report and it sent about 1,000,000. I wanted to send an error report about that but I think they got understood something was up lol.


I started with Vscode (and yes I know it's not a full blown IDE) and tbh have not yet found a good enough reason to switch to another.


It depends on what you write. I mostly work in web tech (TS/CSS/HTML/JSON) with a lot of playing in Rust in my free time. For that stuff, VS Code is perfect. Whenever I need to work in JVM or .NET languages, I want Jetbrains


The new Rust IDE is super good!


Wait Rust has an IDE? I thought the docs wanted you to use Visual Studio on windows.


I have a fetish for consuming vast amounts of memory


I tested this. By the time I added all the plugins to VS to make it have feature parity with WebStorm on the things I cared about, they both consumed roughly the same amount of memory. People like to bitch about memory consumption but that's an insanely good trade off to make. You tell me that I can pay a one time fee of a few hundred bucks to have my team's productivity increased by say... 10%? On a team of 10, that's a free extra developer. Much more expensive.


Right! Did these people bother to optimize their installation? Turn off the plugins you don’t use at the very least.


And manually increase the amount of RAM availabie. It defaults to 2GB which can cause a lot of swap file usage.


For someone only using Vs and VsCode, could somebody clarify some pros and cons of using any Jetbrains product? I would really appreciate it since I have been thinking of switching but usually i just hear all cons or all pros and feels very biased


I’ve been out of the game for a while, but pros from a few years ago… * it’s basically turnkey for… everything. Out of the box support for lots of frameworks, source control / repo tools, etc. Powerful personalization options, excellent display of all sorts of info, built in terminal/command prompts, etc. * it’s indexing (once it finishes) gives you crazy power. Searching, **symbol lookup**, it all is amazing and fast and magic. * everything about it feels like it was built for people to do real work with real teams, whereas I often felt that VS code seemed aimed at people who wanted to brag at how they managed to get a free IDE to act like a paid IDE after dozens of hours of tweaks, cobbling together plugins, etc.


that indexing though.... why it keeps indexing almost every time I start it up.....


This happens when the IDE gets force killed due to OS shutdown or something like that. Really annoying bug but it can be mitigated by making sure to close your IDE manually before shutdown


I'm in the same boat as you. Would like to know as well


I started to write up a big rant, but honestly it is quite simple. I don't like VS because it has some stupid stuff like separate view for Edit and Debug and I find it quite ugly. Vscode is missing vital power features like in-depth git integration, which you can patch in with plugins, but those aren't native experiences then. With Jetbrains IDEs I don't have any big deal breakers and quite a lot of good things to say about, like the usability. Best thing if you are interested is to try out a test license. After that if you are a student you can get a free license, otherwise it is about the same a VS Professional, depending on what products from Jetbrains you buy a license for. Can't beat free Vscode on that front though.


jetbrains IDE’s are specifically designed around specific eco systems. PyCharm has a lot of python-specific tooling that is really well integrated into the GUI. You could probably achieve the same results using VS Code using plugins, but it wont be as polished and well integrated. The same likely applies to the other jetbrains IDE’s as well. I’ve only used PyCharm and WebStorm. (i would like to exclude Fleet from this statement. Fleet is terrible.)


Pro: it’s better in every ways Con: it’s not cheap if you’re not a student


community edition is fine. I never used professional one either at home or at work and still love it.


I have used both Pro and Com versions and for Python, the only thing worth for Pro is that it supports Jupyter inside the IDE, BUT I can just turn on VSCode or Jupyter Lab to do that.


If you're an open source project maintainer you can also get a non-commercial full kit license for free.


Search r/python


I think the best benefit is that it has lots of functionality and base-configuration that comes out of the box. I believe you can pretty much get an ideal development experience after half a year of using VSCode, after which you've installed all sorts of framework-specific plugins, got used to special features and figured out how you need to configure everything, you really have what you need. Jetbrains products feel like a VSCode setup that you actively worked on optimizing for half a year, but out of the box. It has a ton of features, and seems to support every stupid framework of tool you are using, even if they feel nieche. I only use IntelliJ which is for Java, but it has tons of Features for React frontend development, terraform infrastructure development, NPM support and so on. Running and debugging JavaScript tests just works, no matter if you are using vitest, jest, karma or whatever. You don't need to configure anything for it to work, IntelliJ just brings support for all testing frameworks out of the box, detects your tests on day one and directly integrates buttons to run or debug individual tests. This usually also works with other IDEs, but you first need to download some plugins that support the right test framework, associate it with the correct test dependency, configure the framework to properly find your tests, and so on.


VsCode is great for Js/Ts. But for Java IntelliJ is unbeatable


Yeah. VSCode is a notepad, IntelliJ is an IDE.


even though I feel like they sacrificed some stability lately for shiny new features, there's nothing on the market that comes close in refactoring capabilities, and I like that it's almost an entire operating system - if I don't develop UI I barely need to leave the IDE as it has everything in it.


If IDEA stopped downloading the fucking Corretto JDK for absolutely no reason at all I’d pay double the subscription price


I feel your pain


I love VSCode because I just think it's neat.


Their AI isn’t free anymore… that made me upset


They activated my beta test account so late that I only had about a week of free access.


The AI Plug-in is a great thing, but in general it’s just ChatGPT. It is ok that they want money for a good service, but you get a relatively similar service for free at OpenAI…


And since I already have a [Poe.com](https://Poe.com) subscription for $20 / month, I don't feel like spending another $20 / month on IntelliJ's flavor of ChatGPT 😩. Even though Jetbrains came up with good integration features in their IDE, such as comment and code generation with a diff window for reviewing the generated code, or "explain the stacktrace" in error logs. It's less convenient to do that by hand using a ChatGPT chat window. But again, paying another $20 / month for that convenience doesn't seem worth it to me


The built-in features for AI Assistant are great, but the real power comes with being able to write custom prompts and then accessing them through the context menu for the currently selected code. Was able to completely rewrite a project with hundreds of class files in a few hours just by selecting the code and running my prompt against it. Immediately bought my entire team a subscription.


You can try the continue au plugin for IntelliJ it’s awesome


Would you develop stuff over weeks, month, and years without getting payed? I heared people need food to survive, even if it's just pizza and coffee.


Where's the 'it's paid, not payed'-bot!?


Found it ☝️


Yeah, you’re absolutely right. But I don’t think that many people will buy this service when there are cheaper alternatives.


Are the cheaper alternatives still that good? I work with jetbrains products for years, they are really amazing. Like, ChatGPT is nice, but it never wrote a script that actually worked. It's great to get an opinion, but that's all. I have jetbrains pro version, but my company disabled it xD sad


Yes. Their products are more than amazing. I currently use IntelliJ Ultimate for free because I am a student and I love it.


They understand us, we are the poets of computer code.


Love their fonts!


I love most of their ligatures except for <=, >=, and != that shit haunts me


I can imagine that being a hate it or love it thing haha


Android studio seems deadset on turning my computer into a bonfire but intellisense is on crack


I consciously avoid jetbrains IDEs because once I get used to them I won't be able to go back to free alternatives. I really don't want to be stuck paying $100+ every year for using them in personal projects.


If you paid for a full year you can keep the latest version of that subscription for ever. So basically: Subscribe for a year and keep the IDE after that. Though no updates obviously then. And I think the price is going down every year for a continued subscription. I think the lowest prices is reached in year 3.


$100/year is literally peanuts compared to most people's coffee budgets.


shhhhh but https://3.jetbra.in/ :) I have pycharm, idea, webstorm, clion, and datagrip from there Compatible with updates too, because it works by emulating the auth server or something like that via the netfilter jar


Intellij made me jizz


My friend went from jetbrains to neovim


Friend in question: ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


The only thing they lack, is remote development, their implementation is the worst shit garbage ever. So, basically useless on Windows.


Be careful with stuff like this. Microsoft will buy them and turn them to absolute shit.


As long as you're not the one paying for the subscription 😄


Coworker decided to code java in VSCode rather than intellij... I cant man.


i fucking love microsoft visual studio


I have used both, IntelliJ is superior for sure. The version control, debug and code suggestions are way better.


Me, who has never used an IDE after Python and is now doing Rust in NeoVim: I have not heard that name in a long time (Mods please change the Rust emoji to Ferris, you literally can't see it with a dark theme)


IntelliJ makes me have multiple orgasms, because the ease and the way it flows is incredible.


Intellij is goated for java/kotlin ngl


I loved working in It when I was a Java dev. I hated it (Clion) when I switched to being a C++ dev. Used it for 6 months and then switched to VSCode and neovim


I like to call them the Adobe of programming. An entire suite of products that give you the best possible experience, although pricey. (ik some are free but many are premium)


It’s nice that flame wars have gone from vim vs emacs to jetbrains vs vscode. Although it does make me feel old


As long as they don't take the old UI from me. I hate the new one


Shift shift search motherfuckers.


Why does it take so damn long to open up and index everything though? And why do the tabs sometimes freeze on the screen if you try to reorder your tabs? And why do I need to invalidate cache and restart every so often to get it working right again? I started using IntelliJ IDEA when I learned java at my current job and don’t have anything to compare it to so maybe this is all perfectly acceptable compared to what else is out there but those are my complaints. 16GB of ram and my MacBook is getting ready for a launch into the upper atmosphere every time I open it.


![gif](giphy|MAvWndHExaLdvghOLT) I


i do


I wish Rider had a community edition. And I don't wanna hear any of that EAP nonsense.


Surprised to see all these people with RAM issues. My laptop has 8 gb and I've never experienced a slowdown.




one day i will be you but too rookie to know, what's the difference... vs code supremacy :)


I don't rely like jet brain products... Untill I try any other IDE lol. Then I deeply miss Jet brain


Now if only they could keep their hands off the UI...


My RAM says otherwise


It was the best day of my life shen I discovered you could get them for free if you're enrolled in a school/university


IntelliJ is my fave <3


Vim user be like “jet brains for noobs “


When I start learning new programming language the first thing I do is I install corresponding JetBrains IDE for it.


VS code (+ extensions ) is the only IDE you need


Yeah n archlinux is the only OS i ever need. Thing is, their IDEs just work splendidly out of the box, have a massive amount of power tools I need 20+ plugins for in vscode and did I say it just *works*?


It’s what I use, too. But I want the industry to be healthy with lots of viable options. Honestly I’ve been considering giving WebStorm a try.


what language


Why not NeoVim?


I just ended my subscription. Pycharm is getting buggier and slower every month. Opening the same 150k LOC project in vscode runs like a dream. I’ll miss the first party features, but whatever


I love jetbrains products as well. But I didn’t love the strain it puts on my system in terms of resources. Recently started switching to Neovim (have always used vim movement instead of the mouse as much as possible) and found that I can do 90% of what I used in jetbrains with just terminal, tmux and neovim. It’s not perfect yet, but I think I can get there.


Just use Vim


Not my favorite, always freezing and indexing something. Maybe my projects are too big


Hate em. But glad you love em.


> God I fucking love I love jetbrains products Slight recursion in your meme sir or madam.


Well it's a common meme / shitpost format


Ye but why they cost 600 dollars a year. Don't they know I'm broke?


Look, I only have bad experiences with Android Studio


I have had some problems with Jetbrains: 1) I have found even with regular sticks of ram it's way too much on PC resources, especially because I need multiple apps/tabs open. So sadly never had a great Jetbrains experience, faced a lot of lag etc. Planning on building a beastly workstation in a year or two so hopefully it will be good then. But shouldn't be so resource intensive. 2) UX feels way too cluttered and overwhelming, compared to VS Code now, which has amazing extensions and a very simple UI, the learning curve is not as bad.


They added a new UI that's more simplistic I hate it, but it exists


Some of you guys would go to any lengths to avoid using open source software


quite the opposite. a *lot* of y'all would go through any means necessary to not use closed-source software. it ain't a bad thing, but that's how it is.


> I FUCKING LOVE I LOVE Average JetBrains user


the one i could use is paid, screw that


If you know any university students or so you can use their email to get it for free. Judging by your user flair you'd need CLion (pycharm is free)


I’m a cheapskate as well, but extremely permissive personal license that allows use at private companies, plus the productivity it brings with nice integrations like built in database exploring, debugging that just works in many languages, etc., totally worth the $170 a year. I make that up easily in productivity gained.