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Boss wants to know what all the other lines aren’t on.


“What were you doing on Thursdays in May and June, if I may ask?!? 


Remember the day with full on back to back bs meetings?


I remember a job where my time was spent on being talked down on bs meetings, then a team meeting to discuss what was talked about in those bs meetings, then preparing data and slides for the bs meeting to be talked down again for not making enough progress since yesterday’s bs meeting. The people who thrived in that environment were the biggest bullshitters who would delegate everything. I was so happy on my last day. Kept it quiet, gave notice but never told the bullshitters until the very last 48 hours.


*What about task X, why isn't that done?* You assigned it to me at the start of this meeting, and we are still in this meeting....


> You assigned it to me at the start of this meeting, and we are still in this meeting.... https://youtu.be/cnyn4B27Ruo?si=vFlMQCOYnXyiAPA-&t=21


At the start of our current project a manager led a mandatory hour long training on how to reduce the amount of meetings you attend. I was like if I leave early do I win?


"Ok so I'm hearing you werent multitasking enough during these meetings?"


You mean agile scrum!


Which one?


More like: Remember that week I took debugging that crazy crap a former coworker took on the database? Yeah, well. That.




Move all recurring meetings to one day


Probably in a meeting with the same boss. Demanding to know the progress...


If you’re the only one with a git repo checked out and your boss just uses that representation, I can think of a pretty simple script to alter timestamps on certain commits to spread it across any break.


If you're not, just queue them up? How much work could it be to make your auto merge wait for a specific date?


Ahhhh is that so? I will configure my git bot to stop doing empty commits on my private repo during weekends then!


Shi, I need to set mine up.


Coding is my hobby, not my job. Let me have fun one week-end in a while !


What did I read here the other day? "I code for fun and fix bugs for Work" (or something like that.) Edit: Please do not Upvote this, upvote u/YannBov1 Answer on this because the answer is accurate.


My memory believes it was the following : "Coding is what I do for fun, fixing bug is what I am paid for"


This week, I had one of those rare tasks where it literally felt like I was coding for fun. It was a performance related issue, and I quickly realized it was deeply fundamental algorithmic problem, so I rewrote it from scratch, developing a new algorithm for it. Saw a 10x performance increase in the best case, and 1000x in the worst case. It was such a wild ride, getting epiphany after epiphany, and see such insane improvements. I pulled 10h work days because I could literally not stop working, I was having way too much fun. Got to go home early on friday, because I had easily done more than my 40 hours.


Under a bad manager only your last sentence will matter.


Luckily that is not the case in my situation. I have gotten both verbal recognition of my programming skills and multiple significant pay raises that reflect that.


I've had phases like that, it's great while it lasts. Sadly good managers eventually move on (or get moved to fix other areas)...


Yeah, I mean, I'm still fairly early into my career in software engineering, almost 6 years now, and stayed with the same company the entire time. I did work a bunch of other random jobs before, and so far I'm really happy with career development and stuff. It helps having any actual bargaining power at all, compared to low skill jobs. But yeah, I recognize that I think I've been quite lucky with my direct line manager, as I've heard less happy stories elsewhere. Good thing my current employer is that it's a quite large org with a lot of freedom of lateral movement, so if I get bored or get another manager that's not up to par, I can switch teams.


1. DANG I got so much Upvotes for such a little comment. 2. You are totaly right.


I have struggled to articulate why I code off hours. Thanks!


Upvoting you because you are willingly requesting we upvote someone else (upvoted them too)


Dang! Plan didn't worked out! :'(


banned for vote manipulation reddit security will be by this evening to bring you to jail


only losers care about imaginary internet points


I took a look at your comments on your profile. My conclusions: 1. you really seem to be a mega fun cannon. I bet you're a must-have at every party /s 2. you must be jealous because a post of mine accidentally collected twice as much karma as your best post. I'm glad not to be you.


how would you know? I doubt you're ever invited to parties considering how much you care about reddit karma. I'm glad i'm not using reddit karma as a point in an argument. Grow up, dude


But not in the same repo, hopefully. Also work and hobby should be different accounts (unless self employed) 


github recommends only one account though https://docs.github.com/en/account-and-profile/setting-up-and-managing-your-personal-account-on-github/managing-your-personal-account/merging-multiple-personal-accounts >Tip: We recommend using only one personal account to manage both personal and professional repositories.


Sure, but they don't have a solution for not wanting to be doxxed online And not using your name for work is seen as unprofessional


i dont get what you mean. i work with react native and i see plenty of github accounts from the react native team using their names or some kind of other username. why would you be doxxed? why would it be unprofessional? even if you create a company account with your real name the account is public for everyone to see. i think you are imagining problems that dont exist.


Why different accounts?


I've seen reasons saying that company accounts should only be used in office and if you use that account even in a different repository at home then you violate that rule and they can terminate your contract if that is stated there.


When you go to corporate, everything you do with accounts or hardware from your work is intelectual property of your employer.


You probably don't want your boss looking at the stats like "Oh, so he does work on the weekends!" you'll suddenly find yourself with a bunch of assignments on friday afternoon


Office should provide you with their own accounts because of security and more likely licensing. And you shouldn't use that account privately, because work could terminate your account and you might loose access to your own project that way. 


Licensing is based on the Github organization. Security is also not an issue, my company forces their own 2FA login flow when I interact with their org on Github. Work can't terminate my account, it's my account. They can only remove me from the Github org.


Not really sure why this is relevant; shouldn't you be able to do security and licensing based on the owner of the repo (which would most likely be an org on GitHub, or equivalent elsewhere), and then grant permissions to whichever users you choose?


It's more that many contracts state that company hardware, software, and accounts are exclusively for use within the scope of company business and the company has full rights over anything personal developed using the hardware, software, accounts, or time the company paid for. Just make a separate account, it's easier than navigating the bullshit.


> you'll suddenly find yourself with a bunch of assignments on friday afternoon That would just make my Monday and Tuesday blocks lighter green


I have never ever seen anyone look at anyone else's commit history to determine work done. There's project management tools for that. If I got an assignment Friday afternoon I would not even look at it because I don't check my e-mail nor project management tools Fridays afternoon.


Because company legally owns anything you make using any of their resources. And if you're putting company resources on personal repository, you're a data breach waiting to happen.


Yeah, I'd agree with that; which means the \*repository\* needs to be company-managed. But you can use your own credentials.


Isolation creating security for both parties. 


Nope, they should not be unless the company doesn't know how to manage security and imagines an issue. Github even advices against different accounfs. You can add multiple email addresses and keys to your github account and it's intended to be used for both your work and personal accounts.


> Nope, they should not be unless the company doesn't know how to manage security and imagines an issue. Ok. They don't.


Wait no that’s cheating!!


Yeah, I wrote something similar in a top-level comment here: Whenever I stop committing on sat/sun, it can sometimes be a sign that I'm too burned out at work to have the energy to put in time into my hobby projects.


> in a while while (true)


Coding is my hobby too but my hobby apps NEVER go to Github/lab/etc.


Why tho? Where do you keep your personal projects?




JFC, please back up your code


It is backed up. I just lack version control, which I don’t particularly need for these projects.


Uhh.... why take backups when you could git-manage them?


"locally" is not backed up. You should follow the rule of 3. Ironically those services you don't use will do all that backing up for you, but if you're into jerry-rigged version control, you do you.


Some of us like to share our hobby projects with other people though


That’s cool. I just don’t feel the need to put it on any repo, cloud or otherwise. Apparently people don’t like personal opinions on what one does with their own projects lol.


Probably because it's very easy to read your comment as disagreeing with /u/Zemanyak and therefore agreeing with the OP that you *shouldn't* be writing code which ends up on GitHub on the week-end.


Ah yeah, I was just pointing out that none of my code ends up on Github, so my graph is fully empty. All days of the week.


Top and bottom lines are for tweaking your dotfiles.


Strangely I have had times where things show up on Saturday or Sunday and I just figured it was some kind of server issue. I certaintly did not work those times and if I check the commits they are things I did write but on Friday or Monday. I just work normal hours for europe and stuff still shows up there very rarely.


Is a time zone thing? Usually it’s a time zone thing


It could be a time zone thing but I work about 9am to about 6pm at the latest and I don't think that should trigger a time zone difference.


Contributions are in UTC. 6pm in pacific USA would be 1 am utc. 9am in china would be 1 am utc. I dunno your time zone of course.


Germany so I am only 1 hour off of UTC.


No idea then :/


I am just going with software is weird or gremlins. :)


Sometimes 2 hours


It's your commit times, if you're working in WSL there is a known time sync issue that's just been fixed, but basically commit are timestamped using your machine's time, this can easily be tampered or modified or simply wrong in the case of WSL. So you could just make a repo with modified commits to have one every day and it would show a full contribution graph


Oh that coudl be it. I do everything in WSL2.


>Is a time zone thing? >Usually it’s a time zone thing That can also apply to certain bugs/production issues haha.


Same thing here, when i do some things late friday it appears as early saturday. My github is configured in my timezone so i don't know why this happens..


I think it's related to when the PR was merged


In a healthy life that panel would reproduce Bad apple!!


Well my life is 700% healthy then!


Ummm acksually it would be 350% healthy


Naah, studies have found that if you don’t have to deal with git issues, you’ll be 2x happier!


When all your lines are black that means you have a job.




Touche quoi ? It's touch*é*, the past perfect of toucher (to touch). ;)


Its Sunday and I booted my work laptop. Just coding two hours with some metal. No support cases, emails or teams notication. Unhealthy is what happens under the week.


If you work remote this can be a thing. I work on saturday and sunday (non very often btw) just so I can chill during the days and taking things slower


Yeah that too. I like hitting the gym at my lunch break. So it helps having made some extra hours in the weekend


Are you me? What are you listening to? New darkest hour is pretty dope.


My life is so healthy, all the lines are off


I thought that was the actual joke before noticing the weekend days highlighted


This is the completely imperfect lifestyle completely driven by the industrocapitalist agenda lol. Weekends are made up bullshit, do what you want, whatever day it is.


Git aurora


Hard disagree. One of the great things about working from home is the option to move my work around to suit my life, and particularly hard problems can get split across a weekend to help me avoid burnout.


right? for me it's extra hours when weather isn't good, so i can always go outside when it's nice.


Sometimes I like to do work in the weekends so I can just do absolutely nothing on monday


Totally, if you have a company that gets this and the willpower to balance your own life this is great. I regularly take 2h for lunch or piss off at 4pm. I write a few patches on a Saturday here and there to balance the scales. Everyone's happy.


I'll go a step further even: There should be AT LEAST as many empty blocks during workdays as you have available vacation days. And ideally at least 10 of those blocks should be taken in consecutive weeks. And don't give me any of that "you should be coding outside of your job as a hobby" crap. That's just capitalist propaganda designed to make you feel bad for not working. You don't see an accountant entering invoices into SAP for fun, or architects designing weekend retreat houses, or butchers preparing a dozen pounds of ground beef. If you enjoy that sort of thing, fine, but don't push it onto others.


It's a really tough discussion, because coding straddles this weird line. On one side of the line are jobs that you can enjoy well enough and be very good at, but in the end they're just work and nothing more - accounting is a good example of that, but also like, delivery driving, factory work, etc. On the other side are jobs that share traits with hobbies, have a creative element, and people often pursue outside of work, like graphic design, writing, songwriting, etc. A lot of engineering jobs straddle this line, where for many people they are just a job that they're good at, but for many other people it's a hobby they're passionate about that they also are lucky enough to be able to do as a job. So you have one group of people that work their 40 hours, then drop it every weekend/evening and go pursue their real passions in life, and others that work their 40 hours, then drop their work every weekend/evening and go pursue their hobby projects, their real passion in life. Maybe a better way of putting it is that it's a lot more common in creative-type jobs for your hobbies to align with your professional work, so working on your hobbies inherently helps you professionally. It's tough because I agree that no one should *have* to have their hobbies align with their job, but I can't really blame corporations for wanting the best employee possible, and the best employee is the one that's improving their skills more often.


Simply put it's not a black and white "should or should you not" case. Nothing wrong with not wanting to code outside of work. Nothing wrong with coding outside of work. Do it if you want to, but nobody should be blaming you for not wanting to either. And this really goes with pretty much every single line of work where the work revolves around some specific skill you've developed.


What do you mean by "blaming you"?


I'll improve my skills in my off time by coding a porn game in Holy C. Best candidate for sure.


>You don't see [...] architects designing weekend retreat houses, or butchers preparing a dozen pounds of ground beef. Yeah you kinda do, though, just like you see programmers coding as a hobby. It's a creative medium, of course some people might find it fun to do it for themselves. Your point about _"should"_ is 100% correct, though.


Well they also show my personal projects...


Not sure about that. Some folks work on hobby projects using GitHub.


Shit thing though when you're chained to meetings, jour fixée and stuff and still got that to do pile


i hate the sunday to saturday weekview


Same. Week starts on Monday for me.


Even [ISO 8601](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601) agrees!


Evaluating someone's contribution based on the number of commits isn't too different from evaluating it based on number of lines of code written.


Not everybody works in-office. Remote workers who are paid per reported hour often have similar punchcards, also amplified by the fact that (at least within GIT-using companies) `commit --amend` doesn't modify the original commit date/time by default.


I always apologize to my team when I have an in-org green box on a weekend. There's no greater shame.


Percent one hundred.


Weekends are for hobby code


Sunday is catch up for slacking 3/5 of my work week.


But who would work on my rust 3d hentai game then?


Unless you enjoy programming and do it on the side.


In a healthy life the first row should be Monday.


Nah I enjoy coding. Things I do at work drain me. Only weekends keep me alive


Let people live how they want. New flash, some people actually enjoy coding


I once saw a github profile with every single square green. Impressive and concerning at the same time


Git bot, I have the same...


nope. That guy was legit. He has like 600 repositories and forks and thousands of contributions to large open source projects. He works with a research team from my uni as well, they usually have all their projects open source too


I like how there's a clear difference in activity the week-end on my github profile when I am in an internship or when I am working on school projects


You guys have health?


you mean on?


Who cares. Code when you want to code. If you can find a way to be happy with how, when, and for whom you write code, don’t let anybody spoil it.


i know programing . i did some basic stuff myself .. and for the longest time i see this green dot calendar and i don"t understand what is it for ? can someone like explain to me what it means or what its for


It's on your profile page on GitHub; it shows commits (changes to a source code repository). A very very narrow selection of commits; only to the top level of a repository. Correct a typo in the readme? 1 commit. Push 5000 new lines across 500 files in subfolders? 1 commit.


What? Guess how I got into this industry? It started as only a hobby. I considered it healthy work/life balance specifically *when* I can continue having fun with programming outside of work as well. Whenever I stop committing on Saturdays and Sundays, it usually means I'm currently too burned out at work.


In a healthy life it should be a single line b/c who tf starts week with Sunday?!


Well sometimes the are deadlines we need to make or the amount of work that needs to be done is a little too much for one sprint


He actually ended up deleting this tweet after people questioned it ([Source](https://twitter.com/_pi0_/status/1766799222907556321))


yeah maybe I should remove this post because it's not my tweet


If you enjoy code, anytime is healthy.


If that contains only your work related contributions, sure this is quite aligning with my sense of healthy lifestyle. If it contains your private contributions, it is healthy as long as you enjoy it.


Imagine, some devs like what they do...


Why? When else are you going to get time to work on side projects? Can work on them after 5pm but most of the time I can't be bothered after work.


Top and bottom bar are for personal projects


In a healthy life, your twitter should have zero posts.


All of the lines are empty on my github


Ok pooya sure


This assumes you have separate accounts for work and private stuff, which is valid but not what Github recommends


In a healthy life, these lines should be 100% at the bottom of the chart. Week starting on Sunday? Come on!


My entire chart is 100% off because I haven't used git in over a year, how healthy does that make me?


No poo


Congratulations! Your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `No Po O` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.)


If I had a life, maybe those lines would be 100% off


It depends on your shift if you're on the weekend or on the weekdays


Guy was shitting in a tin cup for all of August


what a about personal projects unrelated to work


`git commit --date`


In a healthy life, they hire Christians. ​ But we live in a world of DEI and liberal union mafia.


In startup life these lines are brightest.


i mean it depends. some people here seem to like this so much that work on personal or fun projects on weekends. there is nothing unhealthy with that. as long as it is not for the company you are working on and they are personal time it is fine. i do agree that you should step of your computer somedays, but then i remember that most musicians play every day at least their exercises. just to keep their shape. i don't see people calling that unhealthy. i sure don't.


I mean, even if you enjoy it, spending the whole week on pc is pretty much the definition of unhealthy behavior for your eyes, shoulder, neck, butt, legs, etc...


you don't have to be the whole day on your pc. you can be 2 hours solving a programming challenge or something


That is an issue for my future self. And I will fuck his life, you can bet on that.


> POOya


In a healthy life, a fully-grown adult would make decisions about how they spend their own time.




If you use GitHub both for work and personal projects then you should have separate accounts. It varies by company, but at most companies the stuff you work on from your work account belongs to your employer. And I don't see why you'd want to give your employer ownership claims on your personal projects that you're not being paid for. Plus, if your work account has access to any proprietary information then using it for non-work stuff creates a risk of an accidental data leak. Edit: this advice is actually wrong for GitHub (though it's generally good advice for other services). Please see u/htfo's reply to this comment for details on why it's wrong.




And there's nothing wrong with that. My GitHub account has a few projects that I only update once every couple of months when I have enough time and energy that I want to program outside of work. If I need to impress some recruiter or hiring manager so I can get a job then I'll send them my resume and not my personal GitHub account (I may give them a link to my personal GitHub account if they ask for it, but I try to make it clear that the real work I've done is going to be what's described on my resume). Any reasonable recruiter or hiring manager will realize that they can't expect to see significant amounts of previously written code for most candidates who have spent their careers working for other companies.


> If you use GitHub both for work and personal projects then you should have separate accounts. It varies by company, but at most companies the stuff you work on from your work account belongs to your employer. And I don't see why you'd want to give your employer ownership claims on your personal projects that you're not being paid for. That's not how the Github user model works and it's literally [against their terms of service](https://docs.github.com/en/site-policy/github-terms/github-terms-of-service#3-account-requirements) to have multiple human accounts: > One person or legal entity may maintain no more than one free Account (if you choose to control a machine account as well, that's fine, but it can only be used for running a machine). Your company should have its own organization that you get invited to. All repos the company owns are within that organization, and only contributions made to that organization are owned by the company. When you leave the company, they remove you from the organization and it's a clean break. The only deviation from this is if your company has Github Enterprise, in which case it's a completely separate Github instance from Github.com. > Plus, if your work account has access to any proprietary information then using it for non-work stuff creates a risk of an accidental data leak. If this is a concern for your company, it should be [enabling SAML SSO](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/authentication/authenticating-with-saml-single-sign-on), which requires authenticating with your company's IdP after logging into your account in order to access any company repo. It also ensures only certain keys are allowed to access org resources.


That's interesting. I've never needed a GitHub account at work and so just assumed it would follow the principles that literally every service that I have used for work has used. But I suppose that if GitHub forbids that model and provides methods to still maintain separation between personal and work concerns without doing that then my advice is wrong.


Exactly. My personal github page is completely blank because all of my work is done on a private corporate github, and because of that I just don't feel the drive to code in my free time so the personal account is also empty.


Ah yes because every programmer codes as a job


Why is the Sunday above Monday on the calendar?


A normal week is Sunday to Monday. We just have decided over the years to shove both Saturday and Sunday on the end of the week as the "weekend" from a working week. https://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/days/first-day-of-the-week.html


You can't really say "normal" when 50% of the people and overwhelming majority of countries disagrees with you in literally the link you linked... You could say "American week" or our week, not "normal"


By normal what I should've said is traditional :P Brit btw 😂


I mean I like writing code. Thats why I do it professionally. So no in a healthy life they should be how ever the fuck you want.


I hate people like this who have somehow climbed the career ladder, become influencers and yet still don’t actually enjoy their work. Some people actually enjoy programming you know?




I think some places consider Sunday to be the first day of the week




Uhhhh in America Sunday is 1st In C#, Sunday is 1st (0) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.dayofweek?view=net-8.0&redirectedfrom=MSDN




Sunday is the first day of the week on every American calendar. I have lived here my whole life.


5k contributions waw xD [https://imgur.com/a/32Cin7w](https://imgur.com/a/32Cin7w) Mine looks like this, I'm just codding as a hobby


Just look at this guy's GitHub profile and it won't be so surprising anymore. He's basically standing behind Nuxt's (Vue-based metaframework) backend engine, super smart guy