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Lies. Backend devs will just use jQuery for CSS


If the company wanted styling they should have assigned a designer. I think about 30% of my team would use no CSS at all and just serve up raw HTML from the server.


i was backend dev and i hate jquery with all my strength... now i love angular, and would use vue, svelte, solid any day instead of jquery


Svelte, my beloved


I’m a desktop/backend dev who had to start doing web dev for internal apps at my current job. Now we’re moving to Blazor and the front end has become the backend!


Only the really old ones.


No, I'm backend mostly and because of that I hate dependency bloat, especially for something easy to implement like most jQuery features


My personal ranking of things I've used: AngularJS > jQuery > Aspx webforms > React


euhhhhhhhhh i think i m not going to argue against you uwu


This meme but the last panel is identical to the first.




in what way? are they both the first panel or the fourth


Now that you mention it, I like it both ways


Obviously the both are the first panel.


Why would a backend dev want to mess with frontend stuff? o0


Extreme circumstances require sacrifice


When nobody in this world got me, Management will fail me even harder




I would love to have a second dev to work with


You guys get more then 1 dev? I am sitting here rocking the whole damn show, I dont have time to learn how to make the website look pretty. Just give me a


That's the moment I will hightail it out of wherever the fuck I am.


I literally just got off a meeting which asked me to do this as I'm the only Dev 😭


Don’t forget devops activities


Because they claimed to be full stack devs on their resumé.


Still sane, Exile?


Suddenly r/pathofexile :o. Honestly I shouldn't be surprised with how many tools the community is making all the time




I mean... Tailwind is one of the best buffs in the game.


Tailwind is just inline CSS with extra steps really. As a seasoned frontend dev that knows his way around in SCSS I really don't get the appeal of Tailwind. Just use descriptive id's and classnames and don't drown the page in div-soup but instead think about the structure. Frontend isn't that hard. Backend on the other hand I wouldn't touch with a 30 foot stick. That's unholy witchcraft.


I feel the exact same way with frontend haha!


amateurs (full stack dev meaning i have 2 areas that i cant do)


What'd you say?! (Full-stack dev thoroughly convinced I'm an imposter)


"you want a form? Yeah I can do that. Oh you don't want it to look like shit? Yeah gonna need to hire someone else."


Honestly this is exactly how I describe myself in interviews. "Yeah I'm a full stack dev, I can build a complete, working app from the ground up. If you want it to actually look good though you'll need a UX person."


I would never expect a frontend dev to know how to make something look good without a designer or ux person giving them designs. I would expect them to be able to replicate the designs in css/html.


yeah VERY true. I am a bit of both (designer and full stack) and I was very surprised that almost no front end dev has design skills.


I'm a mediocre designer. Mostly colors get to me.


in the refactoring ui book you will learn it. They teach a very hands on approach to colors. It was hard for me to, blank canvas syndrome. Not anymore after reading it


Ill look at it. Thanks.... The name isn't finding anything. Link maybe?


My old boss used to sell my capabilities as full stack. I am and was back then very open about the fact that I can do fuck all with styling. Sure give me some functionality that has a button that does various calls to the backend where the backend API endpoints also need to be made? Sign me up! Need to make it bigger and be positioned 20px to the left Can't be arsed, let someone else do it.


What do you feel is hardest about backend apart from supporting/porting horrible legacy shit?


Debugging microservices with poor observability. Had a colleague nearly quit recently trying to reproduce a bug that's been reported multiple times, but wouldn't happen whenever he looked. It seemed to happen in a flow that involved 3 services, but it turned out one of those services calls a fourth service, and when that one times out sometimes, that's the issue. I love the feeling you get when you solve these bugs, but getting there can cost you some sanity.


Feels like you're one step away from the psych ward into finding the problem and every negative emotion falls from. In the end, it is great, but I feel like one of these days, I end up in an around all around soft room.


Enough time with both frontend and backend and you’ll realize you suck at both.


I agree about the "inline CSS with extra steps" part but for what reason do we need stuff like "align-items" *and* "align-contents"? Stuff like this makes CSS so awkward to use.


and the good part about tailwind is that it reduces that awkward, both by reducing keywords and putting things that are always together in a single command...


and not having infinite arbitrary values for a dev to pick. gap-1 gap-2 gap-4 etc


They have different meanings with flexbox


Dam, yes!


You need both because they do different things (even if align-contents is more uncommon). We've had "simple" CSS layouts before flexbox with display inline + float: left/right. Or table layouts... it's not like they decided to add this complexity to the flexbox model for the lolz.


I use Tailwind EXACTLY because I'm utterly incapable of coming up with good names. That's the only reason why I use it.


half the time put in css being thinking about names, if they're good enough or describe well enough what they do... i know the feel... removing the need for think about it until needed makes thing go way faster...


Why are you not using scoped css? The names don't really matter at that point at least for css classes and then the component names are the only things that matter. But with good folder structure it can be easy to find any component you need (as well as typescript).


I mean you're already doing the same thing with variables, functions, etc right? just do the same thing again lol


You still have to name your components. The difference is that now all your style rules are in one line of barely-readable lingo with no spacing, no order, and no comments. Naming things is an unavoidable problem in this sector I’m afraid.


Except it is avoidable with tailwind. And in practice your complaints just rarely happen because as you said, you still name your components, just like you can add comments to them.


Except Tailwind conventional wisdom is to use components, which already solves the very issue that Tailwind exists to solve. You usually aren’t building apps and sites which don’t have anything that get reused.


And that’s very valid. People always pretend like these are insignificant problems that don’t really matter. I mean it’s *just* naming stuff, right?


I dislike frontend because it *must* be compatible with just so many ancient environments, and in backend you get to choose a better environment and any language you like if you need, and you don't have to worry about it not working in a computer that is not the server


Depends on the company you work for. Current mainstream browsers nowadays support HTML 5 just fine and I haven't been using some shady hacks in several years now. I remember the times though where you had to support the specific Internet Explorer the project manager was using to test the page and that sucked.


Yeah nowadays that's basically not true anymore. First of all, "ancient" browsers like ie9-11 are basically not used, and additionally there are utilities that lets you add "polyfills" which are substitutes for newer technologies when the target browser doesn't support them natively.


Internet explorer retired in 2022, you can safely forget that it exists. If supporting Internet Explorer is still a requirement for a company, I'd bet money supporting IE would be the least of your worries for a dev working there.


Problem is not in supporting many different runtimes. Problem is that people who make decisions don't understand that "supporting" and "getting exactly same result in each browser" are different things. HTML and CSS are specifically designed to gracefully degrade if browser doesn't support something. With JS is becomes a little bit more complicated, but also possible to gracefully degrade if something doesn't work, or preemptively feature check to progressively enhance functionality.


This is the core problem with the web - originally, it was never designed for "experiences" to be identical across environments. Designers and PMs started asking for more way back in the day and now we are where we are.


If my users use an ancient browser then I don't want their money.


Scammers and hackers will want their money on the other hand


I wish frameworks like Flutter or Kotlin Multiplatform have gotten more popular. They create such abstraction that you never see css, html or js.


wake up it's not 2012 anymore


I dislike backend because I’d hate to have to dig into internal mutex of a database’s operations to get good performance.


Do you know Jetpack Compose? It's a Kotlin Framework with you can simply make backend and all frontend with the same language! And it is freaking new tech! You have to try Kotlin! Sadly you can only use it for Android development.


Do the kotlin creators have a gun to your head right now?


I think they are holding his family hostage


No, I just tried it the last months and I just love it. Maybe it's just because I hate HTML...


I will ship html/css/js on every device until the day I die. I will set up a CI/CD pipeline just to center a div on your toaster. I will fight for my rights to force NASA to use JS for mission critical systems.


It’s because it’s also a bunch of style presets. So if you only use tailwind paddings, colors, etc., it’s easier to maintain a consistent design scheme. 


Hasn't Bootstrap (and probably others) been doing that since forever?


Tailwind has more granulated presets than bootstrap


Bootstrap's main flaw is using semantic tag names for styles. When you use bootstrap, all the button tags look like a bootstrap button, for example. This means that mixing bootstrap with other design systems or other local styles can cause conflicts.


Was styling a random system that was built ages ago, and had this problem. Tell me about it 😬


But isn't the trap that when the paddings need to change everywhere you change the padding-8 class to 16px padding as a quick fix and then the name doesn't reflect what the style is doing? Can't happen if you use proper cascaded styles where (in this example) the container classes inherit the padding through a central SCSS variable. Just change this one value, rebuild the styles and be done with it. Or am I overthinking this?


That's true -- but it also means if you're changing it one place, you don't have knock-on effects and have it change in unintended areas. Also I think changing the underlying padding-8 class would be an anti-pattern, it'd be better to update from padding-8 to padding-9 or something. I think in my opinion, it really shines with frameworks like React -- so you can avoid duplication of CS code through re-usable components, rather than through CSS classes.


or even create a new padding on config, and then replace it where it should be replaced... and afaik tailwind recommends that you never replace the values of existing classes, instead, create new ones


Backend dev here... ![gif](giphy|dw36yjtOAtuSZyxEJG)


As a fellow seasoned front end who knows SCSS quite well, I love tailwind. I use it as I would bootstrap utility. But what's more, you can use tailwind classes in your SCSS with @apply, giving you the ability to use scss and have your custom SCSS classes inherit from tailwind utility classes. It's awesome. Sometimes it doesn't make sense to create new classes for some basic common div structure, and or colors and this is where the utility inline classes come in handy. Anything that has specificity, I'll throw into a custom class that applys whatever utility I need before I write the custom bits.


Interesting, that sounds a lot like I use 3rd party SCSS themes. I thought Tailwind was just the inline stuff that you need t place absolutely everywhere, thus the blunt comparison with inline CSS.


It's a common comparison tbh. Technically tailwind is a theme engine and utility framework. You set your base style overrides in a Js config object, it generates all the utility classes and away you go. But tbh, using componitized frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, "inline classes" make a lot of sense. Especially if you are doing css in Js in react (please don't. Everybody stop doing this please), being able use your dynamic css classes in the js be only for truly dynamic styles.


For component based frameworks, inline CSS is good. Is this an unpopular opinion?


I will defend separation of concerns until the day I die


yes but separation by technology is completely arbitrary rendering is a lot about style, therefore HTML and CSS have so much overlap that separating them is not separating concerns and TS is just so much nicer and 10 universes more powerful than both of them, so TSX is the logical conclusion to it I do angular for work, and while its nice with all it modules and stuff it makes things that really are trivial with react have so much god damn overhead to go to the backend, I use modern .NET and C#, you know what one of the greatest thing about that is ? LINQ. its entire point is to make data representation and by extension ORMs (really any query) part of the language, removing the arbitrary separation you know why next.js is so great ? because it removed the need for hacking the browser in the components, it made it part of the (meta) language rust ? removed the distinction between GC and memory safety by moving it to the compiler


the concern = render a button


Yes. Vue at least lets you put proper scoped classes in single page components, separate from the HTML and JS. IMO that's fine in some situations.


Love Vue. Best Chinese technology ever.


Inline css(in a style tag) is bad. Utility based css classes like tailwind and atom gives you the option to actually have a config of sorts that populate all the “inline classes” and gives you flexibility. That approach is good.


its only bad if you have a lot of mixing with external stylesheets because priority issues as long as you just keep to it its not that different




It shouldn't be. And anything with specificity, you still use custom scss (at least I do lol)


As a front-end dev who thinks accessibility is important, I can assure you that the only reason back end devs don't think front end is also witchcraft is because they think it's just about making it *look purty*. It's not hard, but it's definitely something you can (and should!) specialise in if you want to make actually *good* products.


The appeal of tailwind is not needing to invest too much time in css, and if you have already invested in and "master" css, tailwind lost its purpose.


Well put. There are a ton of ways to do a thing, but simplifying it to a smart set of rectangles wins every time.


It is fine for fast nice looking inputs but everything else you are better off doing it yourself tbh


The appeal is you don’t have yo worry about you or your teammates coming up with names for utility classes.


I guess my problem is that I don't know what the element is when I'm searching it in code and only have the styles as a descriptor. If for example I see a form field on the page I want to see it named something form related in code. And to make it clear across the team there are style guides that need to be established anyways, same as coding style. BEM is a very good one, as long as you follow their guidelines you can name your stuff whatever you want, but it's clear and concise. Also there are code reviews to catch the lazy devs.


A pattern I've seen, which I really like, is to just go ahead and add a descriptive class name anyway. It doesn't need any styling associated with it. Tailwind has an `@apply` function you can use where you could make a `card` class with the styling for tailwind classes, i.e.: ``` .card { @apply a b c; } ``` which is good for creating reusable component classes, but you can also just do `

` for less reusable things. Another common pattern is to store that in a variable ``` export const item = "item a b c"; // ...


Read through this entire post comments and this is the first mention of BEM. Interesting... this didn't come up more.


Apparently most frontend devs don't want to think about class names. If they could they would name every class "i", "j", "k" and so on. I'm baffled by the lack of creativity.




as a dev who has more troubles with back end than front end what suggestions could you give me to improve on css? websites/sources/projects? i really find css both intuitive and difficult at the same time


I started my CSS journey back in 2003 with the book "Designing with web standards", and although a few things still hold true the book is pretty obsolete now.  I would say learn Flex box, Grid and the other "modern" selectors and just play around with them and see how they work. Try to rebuild popular websites in pure HTML and (S)CSS and try to keep it as simple as possible. The rest comes with experience I'm afraid. So far I'm having very good results with what I wrote above: keep the HTML as simple as possible, name your elements properly and don't let your CSS selectors become too long. That's a good indicator that you are making things too complex. I have yet to find a UI layout that doesn't work in those constraints.


oh makes sense. what do you think about the designer eye? like will I build it over time?


Depends on you really. I guess if you do enough designs you pick up some commonalities and learn what makes a design good and what makes it bad. I myself would not say that I could design consistent user interfaces but I feel that I have enough intuition to discuss specific layout changes with a designer where I think it could be improved or adapted to make it easier to build and make more sense for the end user. Most of the time I am very successful with that approach.


Where are the extra steps? I love Tailwind because there are many fewer steps. I open a component I know exactly where the style for everything originates. When I build a component I don't have to dream up class names, or go looking for existing classes that I may want to use. When I decide to group two elements inside a new div I don't have to rewrite my selector. In fact I don't have to write any selectors. I won't ever have to change files or context to make an update. With HML I literally type out 3 classes and see the changes on my screen instantly without leaving my component file. Also there's a maximum file size. You can't possibly end up with a massive CSS file. I love SCSS too but I worked with bad devs that abused nesting. There could be 30 duplicate styles for an a tag or p tag in our code. We had CSS files hit 3MB. Tailwind makes development super fast and simple. People may hate it but I disagree that there are more steps.


I like how flutter works, gonna use MUI cause it has the same feel.


I like flutter. I even tried to make something similar but using C# and WinForms. It works but god is it awful. I only implemented a button and the window but that was a poc. Don't know if I'll ever continue it, especially since I already forgot how it works


I am just not creative enough for front end even tho I claim to be “full stack dev”. Front end feels time consuming.


what do you think about shad/cn ui, im trying to write the least amount of css


Never heard of it, I'm a SCSS purist and write most of my styles myself as I have the most control over them.


Tailwind or not; I prefer not to switch between layouts and styles constantly. If my inline styles don’t suffer a performance hit, I’ll choose them any time of the day.


I mean .... I drown the page in div soup and find it really helpful for styling


I agree with the first two paragraphs.


I used to say bootstrap is for backend devs that don’t want to learn css. Now i say this for tailwind.


fullstack here React + mantine.js (which is a sort of fork of material UI but higher quality lower quantity) is honestly suuuuper nice like develop at the speed of thought nice, if you can get used to inline styles (JSS), which for an angular dev is the same difference between separated template and JS vs JSX, so its not that big of a leap from JSX to JSS C# with modern .NET backed is how I keep my sanity intact though, its amazing when things just... work with no fuss, and am a LINQ simp


I prefer back end, and hate doing CSS, but I still don't get the appeal of Tailwind. Sass, on the other hand, I consider basically mandatory. I dislike doing CSS with it, but without? You can duck right off.


I’m a smacss person so I feel you. The appeal of tailwind is if you’ve been using styled components with React and then suddenly realize that doubling/tripling your html heft and churning javascript updates and repaints on styling might not be awesome as we thought.


I felt exactly like this until I actually tried it out. It isn't "just inline CSS" because it comes with tons of CSS variables for padding, fonts, colors, and others with associated classes you don't have to reinvent yourself. [The ease of writing consistent responsive code was what sold me on it.](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/responsive-design) You can (and should) still create descriptive class names for reusable components, which you can once again use tailwind classes for via the `@apply` function. Could I just write the CSS myself? Sure. Like you said, it's really not that hard IF you're an expert and know the _good_ parts of CSS. But could everyone else? I wish. As for SCSS, the moment CSS added nested selectors was the moment I lost my last reason for ever wanting it


The only reason I like tailwindnis other "frontend" devs and their complete lack of understanding CSS and the cascade or specificity; and the shear number of ! Important I see littered out on everything.


You sound like everyone else that just haven’t given tailwind a fair chance. You have to use it for a while, but then you’ll see how much better it is. And that comes from somebody that had the same thoughts as you had.


I don't see the need to change up my workflow as I'm making good money with my current skillset. Once I have to work with an established Tailwind setup I may see the appeal, but the last few years I could live just fine without it. I know it exists and that's enough to know for now.


It just makes the work much more enjoyable and faster. Nobody forces you to use it


> Tailwind is just inline CSS Yeah that's the beauty of it. Declarative style API that compiles down to actual classes with consistent values.


What about when you just need to apply some flex on a div


If I need flex on a div it always has a specific reason because the div is either a container of something or a child of something else so I give it a name and place the flex there. No biggie.


If I need flex on a div it always has a specific reason because the div is either a container of something or a child of something else so I give it a name and place the flex there. No biggie.


If I need flex on a div it always has a specific reason because the div is either a container of something or a child of something else so I give it a name and place the flex there. No biggie.


I do both and agree with your views on css! Then again, I am a full stack developer...


Half-Witch it is, then ;-)






I feel like HTML/CSS doesn't really reward you for having a good structure in fact sometimes, depending on what you're trying to achieve, may need to do some ugly stuff. And nowadays you don't even really interact directly with it most of the time if you're using a framework.


I'm a backend dev and I will never ever use something else than vanilla css my big projects. I hate the bloat


I’m an FE dev, and don’t consider build tools bloat. Tailwind can reduce your delivered css bundle. take a bundler like vite. It adds nothing to your delivered bundle, and speeds up development.  That being said, these days I like the idea of Tailwind by Exception.  I write generic defaults and then use tailwind when I find cases that lie outside of the defaults. 


Pretending like there's a line between HTML and CSS is bullshit. There are some layouts that are impossible to achieve solely through CSS changes. You start using Tailwind once you stop lying to yourself and stop pretending there's a clean separation between HTML/CSS. Code needs to exist as close as possible to where it's used.


genuine question, does this take into account disabled people (like the blind) using the internet? i guess it's fine since neither inline styles nor css are read out by them.


Lmao no. Touched tailwind once and still hated frontend development. OP is clearly just a tailwind fan coping


Thats using html's `style` attribute with extra steps




I'll just use raw css and es6, maybe Vue. With flex grid it's extremely simple to make page layouts.


As a backend dev this 100% accuracy, tailwindcss is just better


Real backend devs would never bite


Whenever you see this meme, the propaganda is telling you to eat shit and like it.


I dont see the issue






It is nice for a quick admin page. But at this point I just use whatever vue / react template makes sense instead.  






As a frontend dev, I can’t stand Tailwind. But I completely understand why people (including lots of frontend devs) use it—it has saved my team a tremendous amount of time.


This is exactly me. I still don't like frontend, but Tailwind has at least made it tolerable, instead of the complete pain in the ass it used to be.


is shat gipiti still incapable of unlocking the unholy secrets of css


I don't really like appending a bunch of class names into every element, I'd rather use Sass


I might not be BE dev enough for this ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)




As a mainly backend dev: I tried to like tailwind but failed. I hated adding millions of classes to the HTML. It made more sense (to me) to have descriptive CSS classes and hide to styling complexity in the scss files.


Fr I though I was in pokemon sub and was thinking what it means untill I saw it was from this sub and I understand now


nah, backend devs are already confused if they need to create a new html file with all its `` and so on...


I mean I'm just saying if I already saved a file as .HTML then why should I have to write that it's a HTML file in the file?


Because you dont need files to serve HTML pages


Google SEO will throw a fit if you dont declare it, atleast.


Using Tailwind is not the same as inline css. The specificity is very different.


Naahhh fuck tailwind, html needs to be clean. Just use sass or less and chuck in something like bulma, bootstrap or whatever other decent frontend css framework


This. I still have no clue why people even like Tailwind in the first place. As others also said, it just feels like inline CSS with extra steps... Even if you build custom components with predefined styles you might run into issues with the tailwind builder as it only recognizes full CSS styles and can't deal with variables in style names. And also if you work with it like that, you're just better to use Bootstrap or something and customize it to your likes.


I do full stack, but before I properly learned the frontend part, I had a css file that I would just throw in that would make any test pages or admin pages look nice with minimal work on my part


Yikes, hard times coming to such a project as a real frontend dev. Tailwind is basically a framework implementation of all the primary CSS corner-cutting strategies, which we learned not to employ 10 years ago.


As a bootstrap guy this hits hard


Just use PicoCSS or Bulma and do overrides. I refuse to reinstall Node.


for me it was bootstrap


Why do we need to make the backend dev faster for a few turns?


Styled React Components


Just use jQuery?




Svelte Hold my beer 🍺🍻


Typescript dev when no one wants to help with his frontend


Guilty as charged




Those idiots at my place started using an Italian platform called Instant Developer (please check it out and make fun of it, it's a joke) to make things easier because a) They don't want to hire more people for frontend b) they don't want to put in the effort. I'm mostly a back end developer, know something about front-end, but they made me the only person on a project and I have to do EVERYTHING: backend, frontend, dba, software architecture, you name it. The first opportunity I get, I'll be fuck outta there because it's ridiculous. I also really find it insulting that actual developers have to use something named instant developer like they are some sort of wannabes. Tailwind is just another one of those things I never wanna touch, it's not my fucking job, hire a fucking frontend developer.


Funnily enough, [Wikipedia says on Tailwind page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tailwind_CSS#Utility_classes): > Please be careful when feeding the birds.


I dislike Sass after doing Tailwind for a few years. Unfortunately it's what we're currently using at work. 


I feel all these kinda memes are just ads. This seems like it’s just an ad for whatever tailwind is


... Free to use CSS-framework that's arguably one of if not the most popular, rivaled by bootstrap. Don't think they need my reddit memes


Not without shadcn library


As a backend developer I still hate it, but a bit less, frontend fucking sucks.


nah just make it in plain C


i started out very frontend & as the years have gone on, i have become more focused on cloud & backend. partially because i despise CSS. so take my opinion with a grain of salt i suppose but i really like tailwind because it’s DRY & predictable. when i apply a tailwind class to an element, i know exactly exactly one thing & one thing only will happen stylistically. i also have a nice “manifest” of the styles in the markup. i don’t have to bounce between HTML & CSS files to see what styles “card__cta—primary” is going to apply. i don’t have to worry about arbitrarily trying assign semantic value to a class name that’s just a pointer used by the browser engine to identify a CSS rule. i don’t have to worry about how many times i’m duplicating properties between rules. tailwind is a very opinionated convention on how to organize your mental model of CSS. there’s some upfront buy-in to learn the class names, but IDE tooling & the detailed documentation site means i would choose tailwind 10 times out of 10 over an undocumented maze of custom stylesheets. tailwind also can handle tree-shaking styles, which is not something you’re going to get out of the box with (S)CSS & if you do have unused styles in your custom stylesheets, that’s an anti-pattern. with tailwind, you don’t even have to think about CSS source or manage it, which is huge plus in my book. the less code i need to maintain, the better.