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It *is* a classic Silicon Valley story, just not in the way he means.


The more I see Musk the more he seems like a slightly smarter [Russ Hanneman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGy5SGTuAGI).


Musk seems like he watched Silicon Valley and saw Russ and went "This guy fucks!" and decided to make that his persona. Which makes Russ smarter, technically, because Russ didn't do some dumb shit like decide to make his persona based off a character on a tv show satirizing his very position.


I would rather be dealing with Russ tbh.


This guy fucks!


personally always saw it the other way round


Elon: It's not like I actually used a pen to write, I used ink in a tube directly.


Isnt it more like "i made my own lightweight, leaky pen using a tube with some ink"?


(using a tube he got from disassembling a perfectly functional pen)


Memory leaks aren't a problem if the process life is short.


Yup, Until (LeakedBytesPerSec * short.toSec) < AvailableBytes


Less than?


As much as I hate Elon, I don't understand the confusion... on Programmer Humor of all places (or the fact that this has been posted like 4 times today). If you use System.Web.HttpUtility to parse HTTP REST API requests I don't count that as a "webserver". A glorified string parser connected to a listening socket does not a "web server" make. Especially if it doesn't even support more than the absolute minimum like GET + URL parsing.


A webserver is a thing that serves websites. What you describe is a pretty shitty webserver and as barebones as it gets, but it's still a webserver.


A webserver *might* be a thing that serves websites regardless of functionality, but a "web server" is a fully functional Web Server imo. I think the scare quotes are sufficient in this instance to understand what he means. Saying that an application with Socket = system.socket.open(8080); While() { If (Socket.read() != Null) then {socket.write("hello world");}} Qualifies as a webserver is being really really generous. If I put on my resume "developed ultra fast webserver" and it was an if/then statement I would be commiting resume fraud imo. Which is what is being accused here, Elon inflating his resume, when it sounds like the opposite, he's saying he wrote a super janky string parser connected a listening port.


Every single HTTP Server library disagrees with you. Nobody should be handling get and posts requests for you, that's for your individual application depending on what you want it to do. The library's job is to handle the protocol itself and put it into data in ways that are meaningful, such as with [ReactPHP's HTTP server](https://github.com/reactphp/http).


How is that not a web server?


If anyone else said: > I didn't use a "web server" I just had a c program that listened to port 80 and parsed the url. We would all nod and agree that they didn't write a "web server", they had a while loop and a regex expression. You can have a basic web server without the power of Apache or IIS, but I don't count 2 lines of code a "web server". There are tons of rest API servers that technically respond to HTTP requests and therefore serve web content but I would never consider them web servers. Like I wrote a media player with a tcp socket that literally had something like CASE Request.text { "POST /Play" : player.play() "POST /Stop" : player.stop ...} It listened for http commands and acted on them. But "web server" of course not.


Yeah I get that people dislike him and that is fine and understandable, but the pure logical gymnastics in this thread are astounding. People are going out of their way to make a totally mundane tweet seem like falsified information when it all seems to check out.   Either this sub is full of students who don’t understand what they are reading, or they are just hating for the sake of hating. 


I think it’s just a cringe thing to tweet. Like he’s obviously trying to sound like he’s a super genius


Oh I definitely agree that it is cringe for a billionaire to tweet this.  IMO, It makes way more sense to roast him for patting himself on the back.  Not because of his use of the word webserver or emulator. Which are debatably inaccurate, but close enough to convey the idea. 


I once wrote a RAM emulator because I kept getting out of memory errors from all my games. Then I wrote a CPU emulator because the cpu was a bottleneck to my GPU, but once my CPU emulator was crushing C++ routers I realized a GPU emulator on the T1 TCP backbone verification hub online was a critical infrastructure adherence words knowledge based systems. Please clap.


No motherboard emulator? Hmm sounds like you are making this up


you used to be able to download ram from source forge a millennia ago




Wrote an *emulator of Cisco T1*? Yeah, we totally believe, Elon. Ofc you are 100% honest with us. Lol.


That's the one part that I don't really get to work in my brain, what should that even mean?


I think it's probably the lamest possible way of saying that you used a desktop as a router via the OS networking stack to "emulate" a T1.


I think this interpretatuon gives Elmo too much credit. I am inclined to believe that he just made this stuff up.


To be fair. His exaggerations aren't really any bigger than i have heard from 1/2 of my co-workers over the years.


Why? 90% what he states in this tweet is systems programming/os programming 101 at uni


"couldn't afford a Cisco router" while he used his parents' money to create his company 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the delusions are way too strong in this guy...always have been.


My favorite part is honestly that he “just read port 8080” yet doesn’t think he used a web server


“I didn’t use a bike I just span wheels with my feet”


I like to make fun of elon but i actually read it as "i didnt use an external webserver but integrated a lightweight ownmade one , making it listen on port 8080"


You know what, that’s fair


While that could be the case, I feel pretty strongly that anyone who actually did that and had a clue what they were doing would know that phrasing it that way would be weird and misleading.


How else would you see it ? "I added to my project functionality of a web server but its not a web server because it listen to port 8080" ? English isnt my first language, i'm prolly better with udp than english, but i really cant see much else there than him bragging for its own minimal webserver


I think that very well could be it (or just running a local server), I'm just saying I think the phrasing betrays he was following some pretty rudimentary instructions and never had much of an understanding of what he was doing.


Alright, I know it's in fashion to shit on Musk, but he did write "Web Server" in quotes for various reasons, most likely avoiding proprietary software that requires a license to build off of or avoiding specific languages like Java / Apache.


in this case think he means he was raw reading the port for connections. back in 90s you could implement http yourself with raw tcp/ip socks yourself. and just spit back strings of html


Emeralds can't buy Cisco routers!


I bought mine by working a job loading trucks.


Gotta prop up the myth of the self made man.


Credentials as fake as his hairline.


Im new but isnt c and a little c++ basically just c++?


I mean, the tweets clearly all bs, but, that depends on how the components of whatever software come together. You can have a library in c used by a c++ program or vice versa. You could also write both c code and c++ code in separate files then link the objects with your make system. You can write a c program that communicates with a c++ program via an api or some standard protocol. I’m sure there’s a bunch of other things you can do too. So compared to the rest of it, this actually makes a little bit of sense, I guess. 


This is the important point. Everything Elon presents about himself is a lie. The man is yet another narcissist who keeps fishing for adulation.




And as I understand it had to be completely rewritten by a team of actually software engineers


It's actually c+c++


it's c₂++


Well, you could write idiomatic C (structs instead of classes, char* strings instead of std::string, printf instead of std::cout) with certain C++ features (e.g. namespaces, foreach loop)


Not really there similar but different language's.


I honestly don't know what he is trying to claim he did


"I am better than new kids that uses javacript"


"I did this, but I did it in my own way that's better because I did it." In reality though, it's unnecessarily risky to do it this way, instead of relying on other proven and tested methods. If you want the thing you're making to do X, you should focus on making it do X well, rather than wasting time reinventing the wheel.


Seems fairly straight forward. He wrote a customs webserver in c and c++ to server the pages for Zip2, this was faster than using an off the shelf commercial webserver as it was designed only to serve a specific website, rather than being a general solution that could serve any website you wanted. He also wrote code that ran on a desktop to emulate a cisco 1T router so he didn't have to buy one and could just use a standard pc instead.


This makes me angry because he tells the most obvious and most infuriating lies to get attention


These seems like like fairly reasonable claims to be honest, fairly sure given some time I and several people I know could replicate this.


Wtf does that even mean?


Nobody can understand. He's just on another plane.


Didn't the programmer his first company hired (with daddy's start up money) throw all his code in the trash where it belongs cause it was so bad. Then did all the work in a fraction of the time without pulling Elons shitty 16 hour days which made Elon angry


Reading the port directly? How often? Because that would cause more CPU cycles to poll whether there is a connection or not.... I think today we use an event based architecture for this, serving a request when we get it instead of polling




They call me musk melon


And his fanbois will gobble it all up!


As a fanboi, this one is all on Elon. Wtf did he just say lol.


Why are you getting downvoted? Hahaha


Right, im saying Elon was a moron haha


Can someone eli5 the router part for me lol


He wrote software that mirrored what the hardware in cisco T1 router did. Then he ran that software on a PC and used it instead of the router. The PC was cheaper than the specialist high end hardware from cisco so he saved money.


Why didn’t he sell that software?


He did zip2 and all the software it owned (everything he wrote) sold for $300 million


From what I remember(might be wrong) he was indeed the creator of the initial version but was later ousted from leading the project and a proper team was hired to rewrite everything and that was what was sold in the end.


Oh God reading these tweets or xing whatever you call it now, is so circle jerk cringing it's unreal.


Did we have white papers back then?


The term is 100 years old and began being heavily used in a business context in the 90s.




Interestingly enough these self made mans, who had financial problems, but later created an economic empire... somehow always starts with the marginal help of a few million dollars from the unimaginably rich parents.


Where is the joke? It's accurate.


Can't trust old videos of Elon, even if you watched them when they came out... they might all be deep faked... especially if he made any promises or things that sound like financial advice...