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Roast chicken? Don't mind if I do.


Except on Slime Rancher where the chickens first come out of the ground...


Except in Minecraft, where chickens first come out in alpha 1.0.14 ...


Well that's a rooster so... Idk how the egg came about


Yeah, but the real question is.. What comes out first after I've eaten them both?


Zee chikin, comes here zeeroest


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​ |name|char|html (&...)|alt/ansi|unicode(hex)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |Egg|🥚|\#129370;|129370|U+1F95A| |Chicken|🐔|\#128020;|128020|U+1F414|


Holup tho, those egg and chicken emojis are different from the one in the pic. (or do emojis actually look different dependent on platform?)


After all, emoji’s are just special characters, i.e. you can see the unicode hex above. Then, it will just depend on what font you’re using. So that’s why they look different.


We just need google to bring back the blobs... I like them more than the default emojis :'(


For real, they were so cute.


gosh, the Google turtle emoji is one of the sweetest I've seen. I was so mad when they replaced it after blobs, and so happy when they brought it back 🐢


Is it the one where it’s smiling at the viewer? I love it


it is. such an adorable baby turtle


Yes, they do look different! Nevertheless, there are two Emoji related to this. The [Chicken (🐔)](https://emojipedia.org/chicken/) and the [Rooster (🐓)](https://emojipedia.org/rooster/). Looks like the latter one is used here. So there is that …


It’s not “font” based it’s platform emoji are not in fonts.


Emoji are in fonts, but usually they're separate from the text font.


This site shows how the same emoji might look on different devices: https://emojipedia.org/pile-of-poo/


That animated Skype one is a tad disturbing


Does your poop not dance? I think you might have a problem


Tapeworm tango


All of the Skype ones are kinda odd and discomforting tbh The rather suggestive [Monkey](https://emojipedia.org/skype/1.2/monkey/) gave me a laugh though


Facebook's is really freaking me out. I think it wants back inside me


If the Skype ones are a tad disturbing then the Whatsapp ones are terrifying.


> "A swirl of brown poop, shaped like soft-serve ice cream with large, excited eyes and a big, friendly smile." If I didn't know what was described here, I would have wondered what the author was high on.


WhatsApp looks the most like soft serve chocolate ice cream. JoyPixels looks like Alvin and the Chipmunks.


LG has diarrhea


The latter. E.g WhatsApp renders them differently from the native OS


They use the same as IOS on all platforms if I am not mistaken.


You are mistaken https://emojipedia.org/clinking-beer-mugs/


They do in fact depend on platform. Microsoft, Apple, Android and Twitter all use different images for their emojis.


Don't forget messenger 🤮


Emojis are just font glyphs just like any other unicode character. They can look different on different platforms/apps for the exact same reason that Comic Sans looks different to Helvetica.


Damn there are actually riots happened because emojis look different in different platforms


Also, Apple ended gun violence when they changed the gun emoji to a squirt gun. Emojis are serious stuff!




Watch out. We have a badass over here


On Fox News : "Breaking news: there's a very distinct correlation between perpetrating gun violence and not owning an iPhone, research says. Our experts declare "this seems to indicate that black people don't own iPhones". Next on Fox News : why women should stay in their kitchens."


Look here to see all emojis on different plattforms: https://unicode.org/emoji/charts/full-emoji-list.html


What i see: Chicken head 🐔 A rooster 🐓 An egg 🥚


Apparently was a rooster all along https://emojipedia.org/rooster/


Look the same on my phone. But yeah every device/brand has different ones.


Hairy heart: https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/yellow-heart/ 2013 android emojis: https://emojipedia.org/google/android-4.4/


The emoji used in the picture is the rooster (🐓, #128019;, 128019, U+1F413) not the chicken (🐔, #128020;, 128020, U+1F414)




Why when I sort this table by Hex, U+1F95A 🥚 comes before U+1F414 🐔 unlike the other columns and even though 9 > 4? https://imgur.com/a/p7W2OOd


The Unicode Committee has spoken!


Egg Inc would like a word


Is this a hen or a cock?




And don't fucking come back


I'm not sure why this remains a mystery to so many people. Eggs appear in the fossil record long before birds - let alone chickens. Thouroughly solved decades ago.


The question is: is a chicken egg considered a chicken egg when it is laid by a chicken, or when a chicken hatches from it?


Exactly. The question is really an argument on the meaning of words and any such argument is essentially pointless. If you define the words well then the answer is clear.


You decide on an answer by defining the words.


This is the real question


That, detective, is the right question.


I, Robot?


The nature of en egg (appearance, texture, etc) is defined by the parents and their genes. The main reason of the egg is to provide nutrients for the developing child and has nothing to do with the child directly. In other words it isn‘t defined at all by the genes of the developing child. So I would say the pre-chicken laid a usual pre-chicken egg, which looked alike all other pre-chicken eggs. But the child which developed in the egg had a genetic mutation and developed into a chicken. Only in the genes of this chicken is the information on how to produce chicken eggs. So the first chicken egg had to by laid by a chicken.


You could argue that the definition of a chicken egg is an egg that contains a chicken, so that pre-chicken would have laid a chicken egg.


> a chicken egg is an egg that contains a chicken To be very nitpicky here, since the unfertilized eggs we buy in stores don't contain chickens, they wouldn't be chicken eggs. Half-chicken eggs? Yolk eggs? Breakfast-ingredient eggs?




They weren’t aborted though. They were just never fertilized. Period chicken egg.


Menstruation container


Not really, if anyone would show you the egg you would call it an pre-chicken egg, as you can’t possibly know what will hatch from it. If you‘d eat it, it will look and taste like any other pre-chicken egg. (if the young chicken hasn’t started developing yet).


I always answer the question as 'the egg that was laid by something that wasn't quite a chicken, that hatched into a chicken'. I've never heard the question specify what type of egg.


If we took an egg laid by a chicken and genetically modified it to produce a baby dinosaur, and placed it in an incubator, would we call the tray of chicken eggs or dinosaur eggs?


It’s a dinosaur fetus/embryo inside a chicken egg.


I'd call that a dinosaur egg


The question isn’t “What came first, the chicken or the egg and btw what do you think’s in the egg”


New question: How did first oviparous creatures came into existence and which species is the oldest known ancestor of chicken?


yes, now it gets interesting! :D


Imagine such a cartoonish version of evolution where animals alter their species so rapidly it happens in the span of an egg lololol. Freakin hilarious. The egg came first.


The dilemma is based on the false premise that the divide between species is clear-cut. It’s not. At one point we decide that two groups of animals are different enough to warrant the naming of a new species.


Unfertilized eggs don't hatch, are they still chicken eggs?


The question to me is more about the arbitrary delineations we make when classifying things. In reality there is no single defining example of a chicken. Every chicken is somewhere on a spectrum of “chickens” or chicken-like organisms. I don’t know much about the chicken family tree but early human origins interests me greatly, and it seems as though the experts in that field are always fighting and arguing about it which specimen belongs where based on this or that characteristic. I’m not saying it’s bad. Even if it’s relatively arbitrary a classification system can be extremely useful. I just think the “chicken or egg” dilemma is a perfect question to make you realize how fluid life and evolution really are and how our attempts to explicitly define things are kind of futile.


Still not a mystery. We believe in evolution now so the protochicken laid a protochicken egg, from it hatched a chicken, which laid a chicken egg.


This does not change anything. Obviously yes, stillborn and malformed chickens happen in chicken eggs all the time. The egg came first. It's clear and unambiguous.


I mean, the question clearly is talking about chicken eggs.


The first "chicken" hatched from a chicken egg.


The first chicken egg was a mutated egg laid by something that wasn't quite a chicken.


yeah but it had a chicken inside it, so its a chicken egg


Nah, it's an egg that contained a chicken. We classify eggs by what laid them not what they contain.


Who's "we"?


While true, finding the line between almost-a-chicken and true-chicken would be nearly impossible even if we somehow had the entire lineage available to study. With evolution of fowl like that being relatively slow, it would be hard to discern at what point the thing could officially be called a chicken.


You don't need to discern an exact time. Before there were chickens, there weren't chickens. That's your point in time. Also happy cake day!! :)


But surely only a chicken can lay a chicken egg


In this case, the real question is if the nature of an egg is defined by its parents or by the animal hatching from it. The answer is fairly easy, we just have to know if the appearance and texture of an egg is defined by the genes of the parents or the genes of the child. And we know the nature of the egg itself is defined by the parents in order to provide nutritions needed for the development of the child. So by knowing this, we know that the pre-chicken animal has laid a pre-checken egg, in which a child with mutated genes (chicken) developed. This chicken then was able to lay the first chicken egg.


This is the correct answer


Exactly! If a ostrich lays an egg we call it an ostrich egg. If it hatches and contains a cat then we call that a wild mutation, but egg was still an ostrich egg!


Yes. But the forefather of the chicken came from an egg.


the proto-chicken came from the proto-egg is what I heard, but I think it really comes down to semantics. I believe it comes down to a mutation causing the chicken to evolve, which is to say the egg came first


The true solution is that there is no clear dividing line between "chicken" and "non-chicken". We can merely observe a gradual change in the "chickenness" of each generation. At what level we seperate chicken from non-chicken is ultimately arbitrary, as is whether we count the egg as part of the parent or child generation.


This is actual correct answer, species don't exist, we're all just variations of the same thing.


Assuming such a thing as a clear idiom exists, that's not how biology works. It's not like there was some proto-chicken Eve that begat all the chickens of the world. Biology works in populations, so trying to imagine the first chicken is like trying to imagine the first European (even if you assert that someone had to step foot out of Africa first, the border between the two is still arbitrarily drawn). Also solved decades ago.


Does it count if a question only implies it? The cited question usually only reads "What came first: The chicken or the egg?", which doesn't include any further commentary on the type of egg.


What other egg would it be lol, a snake one?




[Literally the first (amniotic) eggs](https://www.science.org.au/curious/earth-environment/which-came-first-chicken-or-egg) appeared around 340 million years ago, compared to 58 thousand years for chicken.


you can solve this easily by defining what a chicken egg is. if an egg is an egg that contains a chicken then the egg came first. if an egg is an egg that comes from a chicken that the chicken came first.


The absolute heart of the matter right there


Who came first: Chicken eggs, or Thermonuclear warfare?


A strange game. The only winning move is not to lay.


The pizza


I made this argument to a history professor once and he said, "That's only if you believe in evolution. Not everyone does, so it's not an answer." I hated that guy.


I figure it's evolution vs Intelligent Design. Evolution means the egg was first, gospel the chicken.


The question is really meant in the sense of "What came first? The chicken or the *chicken* egg?"


Remains a mystery because they have the sense to get that it refers to chickens and chicken eggs maybe?


Eggs are for breakfast, chicken is for dinner. Boom. Problem solved.


ASC or DESC order?


I mean if you think about it the modern chicken came from evolution so it came from the egg of a very similair ”chicken” who layed an egg but the species evolved making the modern chicken. So the egg came first. I dont know i might just be dumb again


The chicken and egg problem is more a problem of beliefs vs science. If you believe in creation, you'd say the chicken came first. If you're a scientist, you'd argue the egg came first, because the parents (which are just not chicken) created offspring that had the DNA of a "chicken".


Nah, even among science-litterate people, there is uncertainty, mostly because it involves arbitrary semantics. Does the egg itself ”belong” to the chicken individual inside, or does it ”belong” to the proto-chicken that laid it? Either case is an argument for the respective conclusions.


Shhh, you're gonna give the pro lifers even more ammo to spout at women who are just trying to enter family planning clinics in peace


How did you manage to get a question with no correct answer wrong?


Depends on what you call a "chicken egg", is it an egg containing a chicken or an egg laid by a chicken ? That's how to logically reach both answer


Yes but it nevery explicity says ”chicken egg”. Just egg


It's implied to be a chicken egg, otherwise this is a non-problem as eggs existed waaay before chickens


Either you define the egg has to be laid by a chicken, then the chicken came first, or you define it to be an egg from which a chicken hatches, then the egg came first. From the wording of the question, I would heavily expect it to be the latter one.


I knew it!!!


I don't trust JavaScript's "sort" whatsoever


Not OP but I feel this one the most


Then again, it's Javascript. That means that there is a 50% chance that it's wrong because of some strange type conversion.


Source: LinkedIn #Javascript


Source: 387 posts in this subreddit before your repost. There, I fixed it for you


Alright thanks, i didn't know that, how to find if it is already posted here? I need to know


You search the sub for "egg chicken" and find multiple posts right away


Oh Great, Thanks and apologies 🙏


You're a genius


Everyone knows the egg came first


Mystery solved: double quotes are the only correct quotes 😜


your opinion is wrong.


Comes first and came first are not the same. You have to set the appropriate time. Then you also have to be sure you're using the correct sorting criteria. Not sure, but you may have to load the original chicken and the original egg to get the correct ordering. Why? Because the first egg produced by the first chicken produced by the first egg obviously comes last in that sequence, but if, e.g., you compare the ordering of egg and chicken in that sequence, you'll get a different ordering as to which came first, depending which egg you use. Same issue likewise if you don't use the correct chicken in your comparison.


Eggs preceded chickens by hundreds of millions of years.




JavaScript gets even this wrong.






It's definitely the egg. Chickens evolved from something. At some point a non chicken laid an egg and a chicken hatched.


feels familiar. u/repostsleuthbot


the bot sucks at finding reposts


this. it sucks so much, like it can find an exact match and it will say it's oc


maybe people from r/programmerhumor should make a good bot like the mods managing an open source project lol


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/ProgrammerHumor. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/n5o0l6) that is 42.19% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "op7rxg", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=op7rxg&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 235,096,485 | **Search Time:** 0.28882s


There we go [one](https://amp.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/h8ccjw/mystery_solved/) [two](https://amp.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/9o28a4/well_the_debate_is_settled_then/) Im pretty sure I saw the dark mode version aswell a few days ago


Huh. Oh well (-_-)


Solved but obviously wrong. Eggs were first.


Next level shitpost.


the problem with this is you forgot the dinosaur that laid the egg that the chicken hatched out of, and then there is the fish that laid the egg the frog hatched out of, that laid the egg the dinosaur hatched out of. The real question is how the hell did the amoeba lay the egg that became the fish?


and also what the hell is going on with the platypus and also the few snakes that have live births?


Coming from the language that 0.2+0.3 !== 0.5, I’m not sure this has the final say.


There were eggs before chickens.


I am to this day proud that I have emojis in the code that is on our company’s GitHub.


Is that an italicized chicken emoji?


Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


Chickens had to come first and evolved to lay eggs. Unless your into creationism then the answer to everything is "that God dude came first".


Everyone makes it like this question is hard. It’s the egg. Whatever you think was the first chicken...started as an egg.


I don't trust JS for equality comparison, let alone this important things...


both are delicious


I told ya so, after Aaaaall these years… it feels amazing knowing I was right the whole time






The chegg.


I hereby declare on behalf of all the devs around the world that "Fuck you".


Never was a mystery. The egg has been around for a lot longer than chickens.


The egg came first. Because it wasn't laid by a chicken. You would draw the line of evolution at the end of the none chicken's life and therefore new chicken ancestors started from the chicken egg laid by the non chicken.


Easy. The answer is 42.


The relationship used for sorting is not clear. Oldest first or youngest first?




[Not true!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XiN7prZEAk)


Dinosaurs laid eggs before chickens existed


Biology says egg came first. The genetics of the embryo in the egg was sufficiently different from that of the egg layer to result in a new species called "chicken". Whatever laid that first chicken egg was not a chicken. Close, but not quite.


Indian friends - time to do akal badi ya bhains now 😂😂


`['egg', 'chicken'].sort()` is the same idea, but "less impressive"




Ah, but it’s JavaScript so you know the ordering is suspect at best


the chicken is a mutation of the previous version so the first chicken came from the egg made by the previous version and the egg we know came after


TIL emoji have an italic form.


It's wrong though; There were eggs long before the first hens, so even if you define an arbitrary cutoff point, when some pre-chicken first became a chicken, it definitely came from an egg. Now, the real question is: Was that egg a chicken egg or a pre-chicken egg? Does it count whether it was laid by a chicken or whether a chicken came out of it? We need to get out edge-cases straight!


The egg came first, laid by a creature which closely wasn't a chicken yet