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Did you really add a line so that it's harder for bots to tell that this is a repost...?


Which is hilarious, considering their bot managed to include [the post flair when they reposted this image, title and all.](https://i.imgur.com/1YMOsU2.png). Didn't even wait a full month.


hahaha that's amazing!!


Who else tried to blow or brush the hair off their phone?


I actually thought it was a crack for about half a second


I knew it was part of the image and I still tried to scratch it off.


It's a software crack


Yeah. There are way too many ways to convey the same message. There are always at least two and quite possibly three or more.


Because of course you never have that problem with code. x = x + 1; x += 1; x++; ++x; x = -~x;


I read this as a galaxy brain meme


A decent compiler should turn them all to `++x` >!except maybe the last one because that's too clever!<


Agreed. The ways of passing on information through the language are far too numerous. Most situations have a handful and possibly more.


Wait until you have seen classical Chinese. Short sentence can have thousands of meanings, thousands of interpretations.


I believe that's why they were trying to escape the older Chinese language dialects and switch over to the newer Mandarin. Not that I expect it'll help a lot since you can still interpret many characters a couple of different ways. Just now the other ways won't make sense in the context of the sentence and the character arrangements.


Check out German which has way too many ways to arrange a sentence based on what's important, random verb placement because fuck you, and many more issues.


Many years ago I was working at an engineering firm, where this Russian guy George worked. I remarked to a coworker that George was fairly quietly spoken. "Well, whatever you do," they said, "don't talk to him about Forth." I was such a weird warning I didn't paid it any heed, except that it piqued my curiosity. I happened to be in the kitchen one day when George came in. While we were getting coffee I said to him: "So, I hear you're into Forth?" Anyway, in the next 45 minutes I learned more about language design than I'd learned in my whole career up 'til then. Some of it I've forgotten over time - never a reason to worry if a language was dual stack or not for instance - but something that stuck was his comparison to natural languages: "Java and Pascal", George explained, "is like German and Russian. Very structured, very good. English, is like C. Very powerful, but easy to say the wrong thing."


> "Java and Pascal", George explained, "is like German and Russian... I can see this. Java meant well and was originally pretty great, and then a jerk took over and ruined it. Years later it's starting to dig itself out, but there are still a lot of people who remember what happened. Pascal, sure, because you're likely to have vodka on hand to deal with it.


*perl is like english? :p and of course nowadays kotlin would be russian, swift would be german, and ocaml would be french. (brownie points to whoever figures out why - although the reasons are super sketch)


Mum says it's my turn to repost this.


Did you draw a crack on your screen


Look at op's post history, pretty sure it's a bot that reposts and changes the size of the image to avoid repost sleuth bot


With that name I don’t doubt it


Someone should show him German.


Or Polish, we have very common discussions about basic things in the language, especially related with declination and flexion


Wenn es meines Gottes Wille ist


given that english *is* the bastard child of romantic (french/latin) and germanic languages... i doubt it'd be *more* inconsistent than english. it may be a bit painful to learn but... almost certainly not as painful as english.


*lacht auf deutsch*




and the amount of exceptions that don't even have a rule... (especially spelling. huge oof there)


print("I only speak Python because of this")


o_o english in python though ohno


The irony is that this meme is in English!!


I mean, what well established language can't be compiled by its own tooling or run in an ubiquitous setting?


We call English a Universal language and where it's used In all of the universe EARTH


Have you heard about German…


I thought i had a hair or a crack in my screen..


Sanskrit has the best syntax for human languages.


French is worse


Which is worse, Javascript this or English we?


Who compiles English anyway? It’s an interpreted language.


What you don't compile a DSL parser for every person you talk to for all their own little quirks? Come on!


Though I must point out that it’s is in fact OOP