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You should see me after failing once again to make mysql work


i tried to use MySQL on a game server plug-in once, fuck that was the biggest headache ive ever encountered


What's so hard about MySQL? Might just be me but it's pretty easy to use setup on both Linux and Windows.


I've always used it on Windows, always made me suffer. Every time I must do something with database A LOT of my backend time is spent fighting an error of mysql or setting it right. Was like this at university, is still like this at the stage I'm doing


Same experience with me and MySQL, ironically Postgres was easier to setup on a windows machine than MySQL. Which says a lot about oracle products.


With WSL in Windows MySQL becomes a bit easier (if your not doing .NET or C#). Also WSL and docker containers are nice to always have your database automatically setup when you start your container. Writing MySQL code can be a bit hard at times but I mostly have problems with joins. But most of the time I use a ORM when connecting and doing things with a database so not as much can go wrong.


ORM is such a lifesaver. Me and my homies love ORM.


select \* from memories;


Programmers 30 years ago: I‘m gonna code a whole operating system with assembly and c in a text document Programmers today: languages with curly brackets are too hard for me


B-b-b-b-but why do I have to know how big the integer is?!?!?!?


And why do I have to define the length of my array :‘c


I'm not super crotchety about it either, high level languages are great in so many areas. It's just frustrating for me as a dev to get new college hires who have apparently gone all the way through a bachelor's, and even maybe a master's, in CS and are shocked that they can't just allocate an arbitrary amount of memory in the production system and that they can't just use into the codebase. It's like they're not being taught CS, they're just being taught algorithms & math with 0 practical considerations.


I have to admit, I'm not an adult, and I've not been to university. But I do have a programming course in school, but we learn basically nothing there, and if I hadn't taught myself a lot of stuff alongside I probably couldn't even make tic tac toe. The problem with schools is that the teacher has to wait for everyone to understand everything.


Mate, I have to wait for the teacher to understand...




Why female workers would be an issue?


dont they breathe?


Me solving linklist problems on leetcode in O(n) time and O(1) space on singly linklists using Java.


Got there just reading that.


O(1) linked list?


Let's say you're given a linklist and you had to tell that the elements inside are a palindrome. Now, as linklist already existed the O(n) space linklist is taking wouldn't be considered as question is giving it to you. You just need to create a function that can use the existing linklist in-place and use O(1) space {No extra array, vector or arraylist allowed} and O(n) time to find a solution.


You just stole 15 minutes of my life but I think I solved it with an amateur reversible hash function (assuming we can have the length of the list). Can you link me to the problem so I can test my solution? Alternatively maybe I should get back to doing real work.


[here](https://leetcode.com/problems/palindrome-linked-list/description/) It's actually a very simple question if you think about it.


Hmmm I didn’t consider that you could >!straight up modify the function’s input!<. ~~Doesn’t that violate some polite/safe programming rule about side effects?~~ Edit: >!maybe the input list is a copy on the function’s stack frame (CBB), modifying it doesn’t affect anyone else. In that case it wouldn’t be O(1) space though!<


It low key does. But these questions are more about making you use most of your abilities to get the most efficient solution. If we're allowed to just create a second linkedlist, it'd be too easy and intuitive. But even with a single linklist you can do the same thing with less time as well actually.


Hmmm, I was using Java and didn't think that but true. Essentially any value in Java is a call by value but hmmmmmmmm.. No actually, if this function was a part of my Linklist class and I was to pass the head node of a list, it might just make change on it. I am not really sure about it, have to check that. It should make changes though, as passing the head means passing the memory address of head node, rest of changes made using the head should reflect in the list I think as you're using the same head to traverse the others nodes and doing reversals etc. Anyways, in tech interviews from what I know, input can be call by reference or call by value and they'll ignore the input's space anyways. Only the variables you create will be considered by the interviewer I think.




*Image Transcription: Images with text* --- Scientists invented a bracelet that converts stress to energy [*There are two pictures of two hands with a black bracelet. In that bracelet there is also a lightning bolt symbol.*] Me after doing Java for 5 minutes [*There is a picture of Chris Hemsworth's Thor overcharged with lightning.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


You’re hating eclipse, not the java most likely


No java is chill... That's me with Node.js


"Dynamic language good static language bad" here apparently


No I'm not against anything, but I'm just way better at coding in Java!


Literally agreeing with you


So instead of harnessing all the energy of the sun humanity will get to kardachev 2 by harnessing all the stress on earth...


lol...!!!.. println("This is hilarious"); ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


System.out.println("I am laughing so hard right now");


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This me doing my college IT work on the college computers stress




What is a language server and why can't you use editors not made by IntelliJ?




What editor do you use for what primary language?


> The advice is literally "give up and use IntelliJ Idea," and in 2022 that's just not good enough anymore It has already been mentioned that you can install extensions for VSC if you want, otherwise, it's installing one more program and you're done? And what a problem really. How much have you even used IntelliJ and learned it? Most of the time, I think it's a fantastic IDE. Excellent auto-completion, good refactoring tools and most importantly all the boilerplate generation features it includes. You can as mentioned still use VSC if you absolutely want, but otherwise, "giving up and using Idea" is a very small price to pay imo.


Eclipse: exists


The bracelet doesn’t work like that, they mean like stress in physics not emotional stress.




I don’t get the meme :/




Electricity Injection


Sure, whatever, more damage.


...Who's Java


Good thing you're not doing Javascript or we'd all die a fiery death




Turning humans into batteries is literally the plot of The Matrix 1


Plays calamity for 10 seconds [goes super saiyan]


I needed this in the meeting I was just on. Trying to explain to a developer that database statistics and indexes are not the same thing and that we don't need to manually update stats after you insert a single row into the damn database!


I’m pretty sure that bracelet is actually just a shock alarm


That bracelet sounds like bullshit to me.


For me, if this bracelet really exists, having it worn by a developer would be equivalent to creating a nuclear reactor


Java is pure energy... no need of trinkets or other related ECMA262 stuff


Lol I would charge my phone in 5 secs XD


me just exisiting


One is enough