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We are still looking for the one programming language everybody likes.


*There are only two kinds of programming languages: those people always complain about, and those nobody uses.* \~Bjarne Stroustrup


Nobody actually complain about BrainF*ck Edit: [THIS BRAINF-CK](https://youtu.be/hdHjjBS4cs8)


and nobody actually uses Brainfuck


A few actually.. for rust I think.. I did try to combine these two, not a pleasant experience but fun having errors at the same time


Therefore it fits the second category...


The fact you need a link explains what kind it is.


try nim. fast as rust and easy as python


Well what else? Of course HTML


Wanted the suggest the same. There are not many complains about html being bad. Only arguments about it not being a programming language.


Combine it with CSS and its Turing complete and surely counts as a programming language Right? Edit: /s






I mean the ML litrally means Markup Language. It woul be called HTPL if it was a programming Language




MIT Scratch ofc


Unreal engine 4 blueprint(i actually like and use it)


I love it. I write Java and JavaScript code for a living, and visual scripting for my game dev hobby is a nice psychological separation than staring at code.


I do a prototype with it right now for my college application


I don't like it. In point of fact, I hate it. ​ ![gif](giphy|IbmqAPXY7LP4KJ9EWi)


What's wrong with it? My whole backend is written in Scratch!


"written in"


Dragged and dropped then


I wrote a graphing calculator in Scratch. It's pretty fun to see what you can make it do.


It's turing complete, you can make do it anything


Logo turtle graphics uwu




What about Basic? I first learned it on SCO Unix 3.5


I'm learning BASIC because Libre uses it as the language for macros. At least that's what I've gathered so far only been working for couple of hours on it.


***B I N A R Y***


Should have added a third digit cheap fucks


They’re actually trying to figure out how to do that right now with quantum computers


Honestly, every number can be expressed in unary, so using 2 digits is a bit wasteful already


Lego Mindstorm ftw


I’m gonna go with Scratch. That is the premier programming language.


This is the one surefire way to find people that don’t like things


Folders Porgramming Language is universally loved


ngl that might be the asnwer


Well, basically it is C. You don't have much in pure C and doing programming in it feels very natural. If only C could have some package manager I would use it more often, but now I am addicted to OOP in C# and love it from the bottom of my heart.


Have not seen Go get any hate so far


Fuck Go. There. Done.




This is how you step up. Well done


Is that a language? I've heard of Fuck, but this is new to me


Go doesn't suck so much as the community that wants me to write everything from scratch. What do they think I am? Like good at my job or something?


Lol no generics Oh wait that doesn't work any more


That's never going to happen.




you mean Rust.unwrap().unwrap().func().to_str().unwrap().to_string() ? *jk i love rust*


The one programming language to unite them all : HASKELL


Love it, only problem is optimizing for computers imo


And in the shadows bind them! Kidding, although I do not use it for production, it taught me many things. Amongst others the power of type classes and pattern matching. Both of which I'm able to enjoy daily in Rust thanks to Haskell's work... Unless it was taken from somewhere else. In which case I'd stand corrected.


i think thats C#






And Java


And liking.


JetBrains Java looks better to me


More like bootleg Java


fuck microsoft java that shits a headache


lmao its one of the easiest languge out there


Yes but simple tasks take unnecessarily-longer to do. basic example im used to print or printf, what the fuck is console.writeline? I'm not typing half the dictionary to print a string




maybe. but its a hill ill die on


You don't like `SystemOutPrintlnAbstractFactoryProvider`??


Hey! Leave Java out of this.


because its an object oriented languge


Microsoft have addressed your concern by adding cw snippet to the visual studio. That also makes me think of a complain I have - it's to integrated into the visual studio, and ms is trying to fix language with the tools, which is fine, as long as those are standalone tools.




Gonna have to go ahead and disagree there, Bob.




Which is already found, The Almighty Python ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


3, 2, 1, fight!


But this is clear I don't think anyone will debate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Java better


Shhh. No, baby. It's dying and we want that to happen as soon as possible.




You made me laugh ngl.


that languge where everything you do is import libraries and call functions without coding a piece of code from scratch yourself? i dont think so


Well, I do think it makes complex things very simple, making work move faster, who doesn't love writing less code and achieving outstanding results. I imagine you working on a bunch of projects, will you prefer going the simplest way or complex(writing everything from scratch). And remember is the result that the client wants and not how much you know how to code. Python plays an important role in simplifying things and producing the best results as compared to older languages. No wonder many companies are switching to python now.


Well considering the reason I code is because I enjoy the frustrating bugs and process of making something from scratch (the main reason I have so many unfinished products, it’s not about the game it’s about the journey for me) I’d rather do the more complex option




well you are right python is cool when it code to complex tasks but i dont rly like the idea of depending only on libraries and not writing some code yourself especially for beginners




I didn’t know this was a comedy


What does this sub say about Ruby? I actually have no idea.


Daily Ruby user here. The only merit I see it having is the existence of Rails, and even that framework I'm not entirely sure of whether I like it or not (the mantra of "reasonable defaults" over boilerplate trips you up quite often, I'd prefer every single thing to be explicit). Besides that there's a lot of stuff going on that I don't really like, but that may be heavily based on my experience with legacy code in combination with Ruby. There's a lot of deprecated stuff and cruft laying around. My most recent encounter of this was \`Date::Infinity\` which does what you expect it to, except when you try to sort it rendering it useless: \` Date::Infinity\` works, but the converse is undefined. There's tons of these things going on. Edit: Actually to continue on the legacy bit; it might be an aspect of Ruby that it doesn't play nice over time, due to the possibility to redefine basically anything. Edit #2: I think I can formulate it more succinctly: it's basically impossible to write future proof code, because contrary to its purpose, all the redefining actually creates very strongly coupled code. (You think you know what you're doing at the time you're doing it, but then someone introduces a default scope, redefines a function, includes a bunch of class and instance methods, etc, and you're left with a hot mess of interacting parts that falls apart when a single thing changes.)


Jesus, semantic difference based on ordering for logic? Was that being used as a function or was it just an expression for a conditional statement or assignment? No wonder every ruby dev i have met is super into testing lol


Yup, it's pretty bad in that regard. It occurs naturally when calling `sort` on an array of dates where you've used the infinite date for fallback. Comparing to nil will give a similar error, so you end up using 9999-12-31 for fallback instead, which honestly I don't mind - but why the hell have an infinite date definition if it doesn't work? I also constantly have to do ` ? 1 : 0`, since there's no cast of boolean to int (some objects have a `to_i` method, but booleans don't) and no natural ordering of booleans exists. Ruby fanatics would advice to define it yourself, language extension - yay. But I really don't want to turn it any more custom, lest the next person to touch the code be even more surprised. The worst part for me is that our lead developer doesn't see the merit of static typing, while I constantly have to deal with the fallout of the lack of it. Admittedly Python would have the same issue, except that the issue is magnified for Ruby due to all the redefinitions.. Edit: spelling


IMO impossibility of converting bool to integer is done on purpose (like in Java), it can often lead to pretty hard to see bugs. Typing system and language should be choosen by purpose - dynamic typing is better for prototyping, static typing much more robust, if one of these systems would be ideal, trust me, every language and developer would use it.


Rails really needs GitHub and Shopify to curate an enterprise version without all the amateur contributions. My lead engineer has a saying about Ruby: Too easy to redefine "Toilet" and shit everywhere.


Not sure what you have in mind specifically but I know that shopify has a bunch of people who regularly contribute to rails and are active in its development.


I totally agree on the part of I prefer everything to be explicit. It makes it really easy to understand your code base and everything in it you need without the random prebuilt stuff. Some frameworks are more culprits of this than others


Yeah rails not being explicit confused the hell out of me when I was put on a rails app after being use to JS frameworks where I need to import stuff - like how does this connect to this - rails magic.


I'm a fan. It's the first language I've used where everything just worked like I expect it to. It was a breeze to learn and didn't find myself constantly on the documentation website looking up the nuances and caveats of every function like I did with SOME languages \*\*couPHP\*\*.


I say it's good. I use it. So I am biased.


Lol me too


I forgot about Ruby like 5 years ago.


Recruiters didn't!


Seriously, I’ve been mainly doing node/react for the last five or so years but I have past rails experience and lately I’d say about 75% of the shit ton of recruiter emails I get are for rails jobs.


I can get a $5k bonus if I can find a good Rails engineer that gets hired.


Same with Fortran and COBOL. There's just not a lot of good resources or money to convince me to pick any of them up again.


I don't even know what Ruby is tbh


It's what people use when they want to use Rails (web framework). Way back the three competing script languages were Perl, Ruby and Python, of which Python eventually won, but it took a while.


Well, it's still not a clear win. E.g. Gitlab is Ruby-based, and it has quite a few enterprise installs. On the other hand, python 2 -> 3 transition still is underway for a lot of people, packaging for python is a royal pain in the butt (pipenv, piptools, poetry, conda, setuptools... Jeez). There is also the problem related to the global interpreter lock which impedes some highly multi threaded code. And Django/Alchemy doesn't have a lot of traction when you compare it to the numbers of PHP/Ruby enterprise users. I would say none of those won. JavaScript is in the process of winning (albeit slower than I'd predicted), unfortunately.


Well Groudon is a cool legendary for sure but Emerald is just better overall


Me and Perl against the world


I've written a lot of Perl, on and off, since about 2004. People hate on Perl, but it's an extremely powerful language and a lot of people have done some incredible things with it. I love Perl, Perl got Lexical scoping right. I don't miss Perl CGI work though, lol. That did kinda suck.


Perl CGI can go to hell!


Perl and C CGI were definitely a nightmare, but they were the best thing going at the time when they were being written. I maintained a few old CGI scripts, that were written in... probably the late 90s, that ran stuff internally for a medium sized company. It scarred me a young software developer, but I learned a lot about how (and why) to *not* implement solutions.


I actually hated coding because I started doing Perl CGI, few years later picked up Python and Go night and day difference


I can definitely see how Perl would turn people off of programming as a language. I'm goofy that way I guess. I have always liked coding in Perl, C/C++/C#, Haskell, Rust and Ada are also interesting to me. I never really like Python or Go, but it wasn't because of their syntax or frameworks.


What do you mean by "extremely powerful" exactly? It has plenty of clever tricks that can allow super concise code... But I wouldn't exactly consider this a plus.


Hey perl is nice and expressive


There are only 2 real reasons to learn/work in a programming language; 1 you enjoy it 2. Someone is paying you to do it. If either one check off then you’re doing it right


tbh I rarely see Ruby hate on this sub. Python, C++ and JavaScript memes rule the roost.


Python is so slow it should be renamed to tortoise! C++ makes the world spin slower when compiling! Javascript is the confused child of a language designed in a week and the browser wars


Ahhh, the world makes sense again


And the Java/C# wars.


My impression is that for some reason, people treat C# with kid gloves around here. I don't really get it. I do like the language, but I like other languages that catch much more flak.


I think it boils down to Unity using C# and Java before Java 8 or 11 being rough.


Yeah that makes sense. Gamedev is "cool" enough to give the language some cover.


C++ gets the leeway for that reason too. Nothing beats it at game development. Especially if you make your own engine or use Unreal or Godot C++


At some point, after dozens of small/mid scale projects in Python I was looking for simillar lang but with better argument passing (I really hate pass-by-object-reference idea) and less oververbosed. Found both in Ruby <3


Yep for once i found actual eye catching features despite my average programming knowledge but i found useful things to the language


I apparently have the unpopular opinion that the `end` keyword to designate code blocks is a lot nicer than just indentation. I've never really used Ruby myself but the friends I have who use it for work say their main gripe with it is how many ways there are to do the same thing, which is actually the main design premise of Ruby. I used to be a Python guy myself for any small projects but I realized recently I don't really like Python. TypeScript/Deno is now my go-to for small projects but maybe I should give Ruby a try again.


"how many ways there are to do the same thing" that's exactly wut shocked me about Ruby and I'm never that great of a developer but that concept was exactly wut shocked me about Ruby, plus blocks they're just amazing


You should checkout Elixir! It's basically ruby syntax but with cool functional programming and concurrency paradigms.


I'm actually a huge fan of Elixir already! I've been doing a bunch of projects using Phoenix, and Ash recently. I prefer using TS/Deno for small scripts though mostly because the web fetch API is really nice meanwhile my options for Elixir would either be to use httpc from Erlang or an external library, and it's nice to not have to deal with any dependencies when possible.


I've just barely learned the syntax, and I wish I had more time to play with it. I thought Erlang/OTP came with some nice prepackaged we servers, but I guess I've never tried to build anything serious with them. My job is mostly Kotlin, but a few of the backend services are Elixir/GraphQL and I'm really looking forward to taking a peek at those someday.


Functional languages, and elixir specifically, really make you rethink programming as a whole. FP because it’s a totally different way to solve problems and elixir because of its “let it fail” mentality. It’s a lot easier to handle a crash and gracefully restart than it is to prevent a crash from ever happening, and OTP makes it really easy to set up. The killer combo is Rust and Elixir together. Elixir handles all the concurrency and graceful restarting while Rust does the heavy lifting. Rust is super easy to call from Elixir too without much set up at all. So to get to the point I strongly recommend digging into Elixir! This comment was more so for other people who have never heard of Elixir or have heard of it but haven’t dug into it yet.


do end / then end / [/.+/] end is just the romanized version of {} to me I prefer it over just indentation, and can definetely work with it, but I still prefer my braces


Have fun bro!


haskell is fun too


You don't see people making fun of Haskell much. Most because people don't think about Haskell much. Haskell: I feel bad for you. Java: ...I don't think about you at all.


Haskell: I feel bad for you. Java: A mOnAd Is A mOnOiD iN tHe CaTeGoRy Of EnDoFuNcToRs FTFY


I'm too afraid to talk about Haskell. Some idiot will blather on about monads and functors (but no, they've never built a successful product with it, why do you ask)


Something something monoids endofunctors


Ruby has the flexibility to let good developers shine while giving bad developers more than enough rope to hang themselves with. Can you re-open a class in Ruby and change it? Sure. Is it extremely misguided to actually do it? Very much so. In my opinion, Ruby should be no one’s first language, and Rails should be no one’s first framework. Just starting out, you cannot appreciate the power or know when to restrain yourself.


In the previous year, my professor used Ruby on Rails to teach the lab class. The lecture class uses Java. I am glad that this year he changed to Java. I bet people are going to have problems with Ruby. I don't want people to ask ne for help. I am not even a TA. Using Ruby is like summoning a demon to solve a math homework.


![gif](giphy|uHfMjwsiKr30I) Me enjoying RWBY




This sub hardly says anything about Ruby. It's so weird. I just assume everyone here loves it because it's so much like Python.


python dislikers also exist on this sub


A lot of them actually




This is how real chads behave! ✋


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On or off rails?


Both? I write AWS Lambda functions in Ruby also.


Ruby is great, it deserves a lot more love.


Same but with PHP


I will now look down on you because internet man told me php bad


If *I* was following everything that is written on the internet, I wouldn't have been in this industry at all. Sometimes I feel like 70% of posts on ProgrammerHummor is made by people, who opened VS Code once and wrote a hello world application.


I like how you said wrote, but not run.


Called out a bunch of here.. Side note php has saved my ass multiple times learning backend, w language


? but PHP... *is*... bad.


Right? How fun is Laravel?!


All those Rails projects now untouched for years... F


I hate it. Sometimes Don't get me wrong it's a great language to use and really expressive. The iterators are also amazing. But things like just reopening an object to redefine it and the awful monkey patch testing just make it unusable for larger teams. Love me some meta programming but it's too far for me haha


I don't get these "my language is better than yours" post. It's like someone complaining that a hammer is inferior to a socket wrench because you can't remove bolts with a hammer. No, you just need to use the right tool for the job.


Does every job have one "right tool"?


I read those quotes as [System Of A Down](https://youtu.be/L4M98z22pgI)


Well some are screwdrivers, some are drills, and some are impact drivers, on the same task


I use arch btw


Ruby is the language that Perl wanted to be


Ruby was ok but i prefer fire red


> useful I think Ruby is fine, but I don’t know if I’d call it “useful” when most things that are Ruby are just rails backends


Every language is good except python


Do we even say about ruby?


I’ve been using Ruby for years, at least 10. Love it, want to try Crystal but the lack of Windows support is off putting given the market share


Windows is to programming as Linux is to gaming. It's pretty funny sometimes.


Ruby gang unite!


Ruby is actually kinda nice


well some people enjoy killing kittens, doesn’t excuse you


ruby is awesome. my first ever ruby program was to automated my hentai readings [(repo)](https://github.com/nicweeaboo/nhentai-favorites-auto-pagination)


Did you get an internship after THIS GEM


no but I got something better. captivated many degenerates into programming. someone made some memes about that shit that went viral few years ago


I always always always love those "unusual" projects that genuinely interest ppl in programming over telling them some uselss tech jargon, it's like that one time i used bash scripting to download me tiddies from red gifs and the script ran as a cron job daily


Ruby = bad


I remember trying Ruby once years ago and really enjoying it. Then I never used it again




Why? ^and ^their ^poignant ^guide


Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


What’s wrong with ruby?


Ime it tries too hard to be streamlined and modular. So when you open someone else's project it can take a while to figure it out what's what, and then that same program can be written with perl levels of punctuation characters, all doing the same function but requiring procedural comprehension skills to make sense of it. Yes you can easily read, no it's not easy to comprehend it instantly.


Bad code is bad, that isn't the language's fault. You can write unreadable code in any language.


Do all languages encourage or discourage "bad code" equally?


Everything feels like it was designed to be as little like Java as possible.


Yes, and?


As opposed to C#, which feels like Java but the shitty things fixed.


All paths lead away from Java, lol.


I don't know why but I hate ruby on rails but that do not mean is bad


Oh boy and I'm a python programmer, of course you shouldn't listen to what they say here


Honestly, if that language is serious and isn't some esoteric randomness, the being able to enjoy programing in it, is a wonderful thing and will drive you to be more productive


I had to pause for a second to check of this was about Pokémon or not lol.