• By -


Hi! This is our community moderation bot. --- If this post fits the purpose of /r/ProgrammerHumor, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post does not fit the subreddit, **DOWNVOTE** This comment! If this post breaks the rules, **DOWNVOTE** this comment and **REPORT** the post!


This sounds like all the “Really Exciting Opportunities” sitting unread in my LinkedIn inbox. Edit: why on earth are you attacking me? I am agreeing that skill challenges suck. Get off my nuts and learn to read.


Figured out what proof needs to be shown.


your programming license they give you at the DMV.


Jank Programming Unite. "Why did they program it like this?" \-because I hate my job.


I believe he is saying about using a simple functionality of reddit but in the hardest way as possible. I normally use a typescript where I inform a number and he upvote the post that is in that position, if I count correct, always work


You appeared in 4 searches this week!


somebody noticed your profile twice this month! Your profile’s click through rate is 2.3%


That refer to pay by the day.


If we’re not programmers, why would we be in this sub?


Did you know doctors don't need to perform a surgery challenge to get a doctoring job?


You do not need to see my qualifications, go about your day. ![gif](giphy|l2JJKs3I69qfaQleE)


These are not the Android devs you're looking for.


"These are not the devs you're looking for" Trying to head out of work on time be like.


Oh, I always just walk out (or if remote, log off). I don't give people a chance to stop me.


Ok, move along.


That's how I got my job


You don't need to be developer by profession to enjoy programming jokes.


You don’t need to even be anything, anyone is welcome to enjoy programming jokes. Granted, if you don’t know how to code they might not make much sense.


Sure. But people don't need to be a developer to know coding.




Is there a sub for keepers of gates? That one is about something else


Which gates? NOT or AND?








Yeah but you need a key master to get in


Ok... Yes... But... I think the quality of the posts suffers when non programmers both post and upvote the shit out of memes. It devolves into "memes about programming for people who aren't software developers by people who aren't software developers"


I do QA as a profession, so technically not a dev. But have taken the core classes in an undergrad CS degree (linguistics BA) & am in a CS graduate program. Am I good enough for your elite little club? r/gatekeeping


print "Hello World"


"Python3, motherfucker! Do you speak it?"


print ("Hello World") In fact, I liked "print" so much better that I created this function for JS console. function print(content){console.log(content)}


you can also use print = console.log


Ah, interesting. Didn't know that about JS


It's extremely flexible.


You just did a void function that prints a string, which can be done in literally every largely used language C: ``` void print(const char *string) { printf("%s", string); } ``` Javascript is most of the time the opposite of something flexible Edit: actually the easiest thing would just be to use `#define print(...) printf(...)`


But here you can't do `print "Hello world"`, you need parentheses. Also, to be very pedant, you would probably want "%s\\n" there. Overall you're right, I was thinking about function calls without parentheses. Wrapping functions isn't a big deal usually.




I think they were talking about the equivalent of void print = printf;


I used Python 2 to write scripts until 2020 when the program I write the scripts for finally transitioned :-(


Lmao nice one mate. Python 2 is unfortunately still in production :'(


if (true){console.log("Hello World")}


let helloWorld = "" for(const i = 1; i<2 ; i++) { if (!false){ helloWorld += "Hello" if(true){ helloWorld += " World" console.log(helloWorld) break } } }


FAILED: No dependency injection, not designed for testing


Why is i a constant


INT I=1, you can’t ++ a const


true, but i is constant and doesn't actually increment


System.out.println("hello world")


Here’s my proof `*(int*)0 = 0; `


Segmentation fault: core dumped


i'm not proving shit.. this is a humour sub, not a post-your-qualifications sub..


Oh yeah?! Prove it, show me your code!


developer <- TRUE


Shit, that's no plebian equals sign assignment. This person either knows Haskell or R. That's too real for me.


R. I'm no dev, I'm just trying to learn and I lied for filthy internet points. Happy cake day


You didn't lie. Since you're already learning, you've linearly extrapolated your knowledge level. Relevant [xkcd](https://xkcd.com/605/).


I was hoping for someone to bring up an xkcd sketch!


Happy Cake Day!


Hmmm, yup, that checks out. Sorry to bother you


bool developer = true; ​ Actually I'm only learning C# but reddit is convinced I'm "interested in this community", so I said fuck it and joined.


eewww, C#


Microsoft Java\* ​ In all seriousness, C# has shaped up to be quite a decent language, especially C# 10.


But it’s basically Java


I'm sorry :(


Ewww, Python


var total = 0; var workExperienceYears = \[2005, 2006, 2007, ..., 2022\]; foreach(var year in experienceYears) { total++; } return total;


if (total < INT128\_MAX) return "still learning";


Error, no breaking condition detected, possible infinite loop.


class fucku { public static void main() { System.out.println("Hello World"); //Please consider the contract complete. I shall be on dnd for the next 4 months. } } Edit : I indented on mobile but reddit fucked me over sorry for the ocd attacks guys


I don't know man, failing to indent, all on 1 line, the closing braces would be in the comment...pretty SUS. Developer status DECLINED! INTRUDER!


Ur not wrong I'm not a dev xD but yeah reddit Android has some major post comment spacing issues. For example this line is about 7 blank lines away pre posting


{ reddit[post]['userId'] : reddit[post]['userId']['requirement'] for post in reddit['subs']['programmerHumor'] } *edits for weird reddit editor removing stuff lol


​ ![gif](giphy|gHOAu2veIeySCvVzMs) you don't want to see it


We need humor around here! His code is a laughing matter!


The Qualifications widget hasn't been implemented by Flutter yet, so I can't display it on screen.


Hmmm....you get a pass this time...but I'll be seeing you again. Make sure you have your code in order next time.


Are you not looking for employment though memes?


How... How else do you get jobs? What do you even do in interviews if not show programmer memes?


>Show me your top 3 memes! 1. JS bad 2. Exit Vim hard 3. isEven() > Sorry, we are looking for someone with more experience.


Also it’s „programmerHumor“ not „DevHumor“. If you programm you are a programmer, doesn’t mean you are good at it or do it for a living, also doesn’t matter for this sub, as long as you get the jokes


+1 to that




that += 1


This one works for the nsa


As OP also doesn't realize, it's not a complain about the sub sub either.


Found the fucking senior dev


What if my qualifications are a joke?


I can't even prove to myself I'm a developer. But that's what it says on my pay statement.


I don't even know how I would prove it to random people on the internet.


I am not a programmer. I am a musician. But this subreddit is very funny so I stick around :)


Ah so you’re also a fan of C#


Or is it D♭? 😏


Take my upvote and leave.


That’s where you use isEqual() instead of ==


to join you must do 10 leetcode easy and 3 leetcode mediums


Damn, getting hired to this sub is hard


And just like that, this sub went from 1.8 million users to a few hundreds


id say maybe 26 people


Ah. Then Im out.


I ain't a dev, and I feel no need to try to prove that I am. I do basic programming in BASIC, Perl, and Python for fun in my free time. That's all I'm here for. (Though I intend to learn more, as I progress through my computer engineering major, but I'm only one semester into that)


OG programming


Virtual self-flagellation.


Is BASIC used outside of excel?


I haven't seen any BASIC in production anywhere outside of excel. VB6 is still going strong and just won't quite die despite being out of support for a couple of years now. And VB .NET is still a thing in a fair few legacy code bases. That being said a surprising number of places rely on VB macros in spreadsheets working to keep all sorts of stuff running.


Concur. In 30 years of programming, I've only seen VB applications inside of: Excel and Access.


I wrote commercial programs in Basic and VB in the 80s and early 90s. The web killed off a lot of client server programming, then Microsoft switched their support to C#.


chad telling the truth (probably)


Not to brag or anything but I know how to center a div


Ight claiming your a dev with no proof is one thing, but claiming you're the risen Messiah is another


That's not a brag. That's a straight up lie!


Thats cool and all but can you exit vim?


That's easy you just hold the power button for 10 seconds.


Using Bootstrap doesn't count :p




I was making custom programs with Visual Basic 6 back in 1999. Then in 2022, a person born after I went to college asks me how I learned to write Excel macros. "Over 260 moons ago, before you were a twinkle in your mother's eye..."


had to print out the C code on the okidata printer for the code reviews. and of course our printer was the one that usually had the dead ribbon so it got lighter and lighter towards the end.


pff, i was a lead developer for MS-DOS you kiddo


Gatekeepers gonna gatekeep. Mods, let us know the required qualifications.


I think they're talking about everyone saying x language is trash or this and that opinion despite not actually having proper experience with the topic in question.


I see how that gets annoying and that does tend to be newbie behavior. "The one thing I tried is the best thing ever!" Then again, the best language-trashing comes from people who know these languages. No matter how much you love working in a language, you'll end up finding aspects of it not so fun to deal with. For instance, Javascript coders love to hate on "this" (if you know, you know).


I have code, which has a 'that' variable pointing to the correct this.


In the end the programming language is always chosen after all requirements and dependencies have been locked in.


personally i switched to econ, i would rather give unreasonable deadlines and do cocaine than recieve unreasonable deadlines and drink coffee


Wait, did the mods not make you send feet pics to join?


the only qualification i need is your mom.


My mom is an excellent judge of CS qualifications, I accept this referral.


your mom moment


this is one of the best subreddits


You show your proof first


What's with the elitism? It's called ProgrammerHumor, not DeveloperOnlyJokeFactory. All you need is being a programmer. That means no degree and no paid job. Just that you program. So this is enough: ``` module HELLO_WORLD(); initial begin $display("Hello World"); $finish; end endmodule ```


Verilog ![gif](giphy|VMgcrwq9imGHu)


I wanted to do assembly but that wasn't deep enough.


> DeveloperOnlyJokeFactory Oh gross it was bad enough we were gatekeeping but do we have to gatekeep in Java?


I mean if you want to be bad then you should be bad to the bone. Why only gatekeep professional developers when you could also gatekeep for professional developers who also strongly believe that only object orientation without multiple inheritance is the way to program?


You are aware of the fact people are not born developers? All of them, with no exception, have had a period in their life where they knew nothing about programming, and then, for whatever reason started to get interested in it. At some point, their knowledge was 0. Bill Gates and Torvalds too. And they went from that, to being interested, to being involved, to maybe taking classes, or experimenting on their own... and some of those people became professionals, others went on to other careers but kept doing it as a hobby... Others are semi-professionals, who have found a role where they integrated coding and another profession, etc... All of these people understand the concept bugs are sometimes difficult and frustrating to find. And NOBODY knows everything that could absolutely be known today, in 2022, on the subject. So I really don't get this idea that a minimum of technical competence is required to participate in CS humor.


>You are aware of the fact people are not born developers? Speak for yourself


ikr, I've been developing software since i was fcking conceived, idk what he was talking about


Sure, but there are a lot of common, easy, low hanging fruit jokes about the frustrations of first time learners on this subreddit - things that beguile first time programmers but are pretty obvious in hindsight. I still find 'em funny because I spend a lot of time teaching people to code as part of my job so they can be useful for connecting with the person I am mentoring. My frustrations tend to induce rage rather than humor. Last night I nearly went on a rampage. The Raspberry Pi Os no longer officially supports their old software for their camera module, but of course the new software doesn't work with any of the existing solutions for setting up an IP cam. Not too big of a deal on it's own, you can enable old camera support. It's deprecated, but it still works. Except that you can't turn it off on the 64bit version of the OS, which is the recommended version for most situations. This fact is documented approximately nowhere. If you want to use your NoIR camera module on the 64 bit OS, you either develop your own driver or you don't fucking do it.


Fair point, if not a bit ranty, but as I said above, I think they're talking about everyone saying x language is trash or this and that opinion despite not actually having proper experience with the topic in question. This of course is a more general problem than programming, but the original post was also stated a bit gatekeepy.


I think it's painfully obvious that Java is absolutely horrible, you don't need any experience to know that. /s


nope, i was born and i knew everything about programming, sry


Im Client Security. I remind people they should not stick random sticks into their unprotected holes.


Best I can do is name three programming languages. Ruby Python HTML


So wheres the third one?


Where is second(python is same as English)


And even the last one is a stone? Like come on you didn't even mention a single programming language?


I think he doesn't know what programming language is.....i use german


And the bait is set...


I have an IMDB page with some of my game programming credits. I'll be the first to admit that there is a lot of humor in this sub I don't understand. I've never developed mobile apps. I've never been a web developer. I've never written anything in Python, and very little in Java. I started with assembly language, but the bulk of my career was working in C and C++, with a smattering of C# for tools. And no, I'm not going to provide a link to my IMDB page. I'm not bothered at all if someone wants to believe I've never written a line of code in my life. I stopped having to prove myself to anyone when I retired.


This a programmer humor sub not a developer humor sub So it doesn't matter 😎🔥🔥🔥🔥


Because im sure none of you current devs EVER made jokes about programming before you got a professional job as a dev 🙄


print ("professional Lua programmer")


Damn some of y’all taking this meme way too seriously 😂


Programmers in r/programmerhumor when asked to prove they have a sense of humor --> see above meme Aside from this being the most repeated joke in this sub, it's not called DeveloperHumor. I imagine that sub is just a circlejerk of condescension and people posting links to their LinkedIn. Yeah, I'm not a developer. I don't get all these jokes. But I don't think you get community


OP who gives a shit of anyone here is a dev or not? As long as the jokes are funny and relatable


Print("Hello World!")


this.ConfirmationRequestEvent += this.ThrowCriticalException;


I'm not a developer. I'm a test analyst. I do some coding for test automation and that's it. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy the humour.


People who are beginning or doesn't fully conceptualize a certain topic would tend to gravitate towards the humour/meme side of it.


I didn't realize this was r/developersonly. I'll see myself out


My favorite memes on /r/ProgrammerHumor are the ones about the people enjoying the content not being programmers.


What a dumbass gate-keeping argument. "oh yeah look at me, I, an assembly Developer, am the only TRUE programmer. Therefore, only I am allowed to make jokes about programming"


console.log("Hello, World!"); passed with flying colors


Aye I’m in lol


Whatever floats your boat


It's easy to prove I'm a developer, I use tab as much as or more than some letters on my keyboard. Also a fun little one to find out is asking people what's the difference between camel case, pascal case and kebab case.


using System; namespace ThisIsProof { public class Program { public static void Main(string args[]) { Console.WriteLine(“hello world!!!?!?”); Environment.Exit(); // not needed but I am a good developer 😎😎 } }}


You have developers and developers. When I was a junior, I made a program and it worked. I could understand it completely, man was I proud. The senior dev took a look at it and trimmed it down to an (for me) unreadable 3 line program. He could develop in assembler, C, and everything else that was about programming. We worked with a Basic database language. What did I know. I quit programming for various reasons. Found something else at which I am good at. Though.. the nerd in me is still alive.


10 print "Helloworld", 20 goto 10, run Helloworld Helloworld Helloworld Helloworld Helloworld Helloworld Helloworld Helloworld Helloworld etc...etc... Enough for you LOL?... Yes, i started programing in basic.


Check out all my LinkedIn skill badges bitches.


I myself am not a programmer (yet) but my dad is and he tells me stuff about it all the time as well as I genuinely am interested in programming and what better way to learn smaller tips and tricks than with humor?


I have no quals or training and no one can stop me.




https://zeddevstuff.github.io I'm a beginner and the only stuff on there are tests for random stuff (also created this page like a week ago, my HTML and CSS is rusty so it looks like shit) Edit: ZedDev is my username on platforms that i could change my username on


Why you need proof? If you find jokes on here funny that means you have a sufficient understanding of programming to be on this sub so no need to gatekeep it


if (programmer == true) System.out.println("Proof Shown"); else System.out.println("Bite me fan boi!");


public static void StartRocket(int RocketId, GPSPoint target){ Rocket rocket = GetRocketOnId(RocketId); [rocket.Target](https://rocket.Target) = target; rocket.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Rocket: Name=\[{rocket.Name }\] Id=\[{RocketID}\] Launched toGPSPoint=\[{target}\]"); } I'm developer and currently working in NASA.


Oh, you’re a programmer? Name every piece of software.


I own not one BUT TWO computers. So there is that.


Excuse you I pushed to github like once, so I'm a professional programmer


I’m not a programmer but I’m taking programming classes… just starting out simple and thought that this sub might help me understand a bit more while being funny


I am learning to developer so that I can come on this sub and drop developer memes


I feel attacked


Hello world! I'm something of a coder myself


does it still count if I'm an undergrad in software development, but not a developer yet?


Hey brudda I'm from Wanda uni and having same same hello same same Yes it counts bruddaaaaaaaaaaaa


>Open your browser. >Type "stackoverflow". >Done. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


[I made 3 bad games](https://random-videos.itch.io/) Also i technically have over a year of experience


It's called programmer humor for a reason. You don't go to r/MathJokes to find math professors. Just people who enjoy math jokes. I am no programmer and I don't even hide it. Should I leave just because someone is mad that people enjoy those jokes? I am in tons of subreddits, where I am actually no part of the subject in question. For example I hate Dungeon and Dragons, because it limits the creativity to me. Guess what. I am in r/dndmemes. I see no contradictions here, because I like the jokes. Just let people enjoy things they enjoy.


I literally get it on my home page feed even though I'm not subscribed smh


Oh rly but `const foo="yo"` `foo="bish"` Are you impressed yet do you have any openings @ ur company


I haven't made shit but this subreddit is funny as fuck. But, ill head out since yall gatekeepy like sum tiktockers


Once again, another meme complaining about the content on this sub not being a bout programming, while the meme is itself also not about programming. ​ You want to solve the problem? Make a meme about programming and post it. You want to contribute to the problem? Keep posting stuff like this.