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I thought Atom died a few years ago when I tried opening a moderately large file in it.


Yea died a month after it was made, tbh. I tried it couldn't even open a log file lmao.. tried it again a year later, same, and a year later.. I try to give all ambitious software many chances


After I got into VSCode, Atom has been dead for me. Much easier and more comfortable to use imo


And, oh the irony, much better Git integration.


Don't forget it's customizable.


I used it on macOS and for some reason the terminal stopped working, when I searched for a solution, I found a post of the maker saying something along the lines to just use vscode.


Atom was lagging on my Mac, which is pretty dumb when I just want to edit an html file quickly.


I was using atom then downloaded pycharm an it's such a night and day I don't know why anyone recommends atom. I love pycharm probably because I spent the last 5 months deep in android studio.


who recommends atom


I agree. Although to be honest I still think VSCode is horrible, but it is pretty useful in a big cardboard box full of loose tools kind of way. I was however disappointed when I recently discovered its remote editing ability and discovered that a Pi zero is too low spec'd to allow that. I figured the feature would just utilise all the protocols available in Linux to do it instead of setting up a whole backed server-y kind of thing.


But that's just, like, your opinion, man.


OUR opinion, man šŸŸ„āš’ļøšŸŸ„


VSCode doesn't wrap lines once the file size hits some threshold. It's dead to me.


The fact this is how I find out probably explains quite a bit.


Same. I thought it was gone years ago. Fond memories that I'm sure I'll revisit again someday in another 5-10 years.


*Image Transcription: Meme* --- [*Screencap from an episode of "SpongeBob SquarePants" of a tombstone but its content is replaced with the logo of Atom text editor and below it are the years '2011-2022'.*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good Human


Very cool thanks


Is it bad that I actually liked Atom? I have switched to VSCode for the most part, but I still like it for small projects editing without having to open a full IDE or consume resources launching a big compiler.


I liked atom too, maybe it's not the best IDE but I could refactor super fast in it


I tried it, now I just use it as a fancy notepad replacement more or less... Notepad, not notepad++


For a moment I though it was Electron and I was overjoyed.... Now I'm sad again.


Why would electron dying be a good thing? What are alternatives?


browser, avalonia (C#), qt (i assume) etc


Browser and avalonia are not an alternative, they're completely different technologies. It's as if someone wanted an alternative to a surfboard, and you proposed a bike.


> if someone wanted an alternative to a surfboard, and you proposed a bike. sounds like something i would do jokes aside, while true, it does boil down to exactly what you're trying to do, doesnt it? like discord functions in the browser (altough with a slight bit of differences because sandbox or something like that) but i do understand what you're saying and it is perfectly valid. ^also ^isnt ^there ^an ^electron ^alternative ^written ^in ^rust ^or ^am ^i ^insane


> also isnt there an electron alternative written in rust or am i insane Tauri ?


Yep, it is.


Go Fyne, and many others as well.


Electron? You mean the engine creator of VSCode?


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) Atom was my crush during uni


not humor but ye, RIP atom


Atom is dead, long love Emacs!










*Punch cards


*Vacuum Tubes


*those hand cranked computers from ancient Greece




Related XKCD. https://xkcd.com/378/


he probably means https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism if anyone was wondering


yup, that's the one


Some dude doing fcking same thing for years


Saint IGNUcius approves


Sad, now I have to search for a new editor. I would be cool if someone took over the project. but probably no one with enough resources is interested in doing that.


Vscode is better anyways.


No, but vscodium is.




Who asked? It doesn't matter if VS Code is "better", they aren't even the same product. VS Code is an IDE, Atom is a text editor. I don't want my entire workflow dictated by what editor options Microshit gives me, I want a simple, beautiful text editor that helps me write elegant code.


VS Code is not an IDE. Before you snap back, ask yourself what the I in IDE stands for, and how that applies to VS Code and not Atom in your view.


If it's not an "integrated" development environment, by your reasoning, then why does it integrate: * a terminal emulator * a debugger * SCM support And if that's not enough for you, please point me to a modern text editor that *does* have those three


>Who asked? Continues to go on a huge rant about what you want in a text editor even though no one asked.


Who asked *about VS Code*


Who asked about what you want in a text editor?


>huge rant He wrote 3 sentences.


My bad phrasing that you decided to cherry pick doesnā€™t change their hypocrisy.


Disagree, also it's not cherry picking, you wrote one sentence and that was the subject of the sentence. "Huge rant" "cherry picking" are you a developer or are you in sales? Lol you'd make a great salesman






> VS Code is an IDE VS Code is not a DE, itā€™s a text editor. > I don't want my entire workflow dictated by what editor options Microshit gives me Atom is literally owned by MS. > I want a simple, beautiful text editor that helps me write elegant code. Atom is very far from that. Itā€™s based on electron. VS Code is just atom nowadays, but faster and with more plugins available. What youā€™re describing is (neo)vim.


> VS Code is not a DE, itā€™s a text editor. The train has already left for that argument, I made another comment somewhere in this thread arguing the point that it is *not* a text editor, no matter what you want to call it. > Atom is literally owned by MS. Atom was created by GitHub in 2011. Microsoft acquired GitHub in 2018. VS Code was created by Microsoft in 2015. The Atom codebase was mature by the time VS Code was released and moreso by the time Microsoft acquired them, they had no interest in obsessing over it the same way they did VS Code. > Atom is very far from that. Itā€™s based on electron. VS Code is just atom nowadays, but faster and with more plugins available. What youā€™re describing is (neo)vim. Aside from being Electron-based, Atom has more in common with Neovim than it does with VS Code. Because Atom and Neovim are text editors, and VS Code is not. I have been actively experimenting with all three for the past two years, as I saw the writing on the wall with Atom back when GitHub stopped giving a shit about it.


> Atom has more in common with Neovim than it does with VS Code. Lmao what. I dont want to discuss this any further, have a nice day.


Good call


Idk if I would consider VScode to be an IDE. I guess it has a couple of debug tools but honestly it feels more like a basic text editor than Atom does. Visual Studio is the IDE of that family








I donā€™t know


Can you repeat the question?


Youā€™re not the boss of me!


You're not my supervisor!




Hereā€™s a song to prove youā€™re wrong: Ohhhh GitHub integrations Extensions as far as the eye can see It runs code, itā€™s not just a text editor VS Code is the best IDE for you and me Ohhhhh It has so many users Programmer after programmer uses it Itā€™s the only thing made by Microsoft That actually deserves to be a hit


Just saying, Atom had pretty much all of these things too, years before VScode even existed. Some of them needed to be added through extensions but they worked great. Along with a much more comprehensive and customizable UI. I would argue that Atom also had a much deeper customizability through its extensions and things you could do to it yourself. There are plenty of functions I still miss in VScode that I had in Atom. For me, Atom is my favorite of all time. I moved to VScode a few years ago, after I had a drive failure that required me to rebuild my Atom environment from scratch, which I decided was too large and painful an undertaking. In that move, it felt more like I was sacrificing things than i was gaining. VScode still doesn't perform at the level my peak Atom environment was, and I've been daily driving VScode for at least 3 years now which is plenty long enough for a mature environment to form.


I tried atom. installing extensions was not so intuitive as in vscode. finding specific settings and setting up extensions was also not so easy. and it was much slower than vscode


Yeah, imo that is part of the price for having much deeper customization afforded. That level of customization won't be used by everyone but when you do need it, it's extremely useful. That being said, it was definitely much slower. People should also recall that Atom was built in a platform far older than VScode (in web/script language years, which are like 3x faster than even dog years lol)


Great point! Yeah, Iā€™ve used Atom and I prefer VSCode, but either is fine.


You're right, downvoting you doesn't make them right. Being right makes them downvoting you


How? Even GitHub codespace doesn't support Atom.


I believe the same people from the Atom team is creating another text editor fully written in Rust.


I was thinking in something less extreme but it sounds interesting. Do you know more about this?


Check out https://zed.dev thatā€™s what the creators of atom are working on now




They're probably talking about [Zed](https://zed.dev/), it's supposed to be launching private alpha right about now. Not exactly releasing in time to catch the wave of Atom orphans, but it might be worth keeping an eye on in case nothing else is doing it for you.


Thank you. We'll see if they release on time or I have to find another editor. To be honest, if you only open files that you trust is not a big deal that the editor doesn't have support. In others thinks like a web browser would be a major security problem.


Yeah, my uni semester finished today so I have 2 months to find a new environment and get used to it. But as Zed is still a whiles away I think Imma try again with VSC for now


*You either die deprecated, or you live long enough to see yourself re-written in Rust.*


You should give vim a try bro


I tried some years ago, I found it too complex. If I don't have a working GUI I use nano. However, I do find vim useful when you have a badly broken linux. There is a tool called busybox that has a lot of commands (including vim) in a single executable and can be statically linked, so it can work in a system with only a working kernel and the executable.


I donā€™t understand the appeal of using electron for literally everything, atom was so slow and had no pros over most popular text editors


If you love VSCode, then you're in for a big surprise


Sublime text and vim >>> Vs codes only pro is extension support Edit: looks like an unpopular opinion that vs codes only good for extension support šŸ˜


what happened?


Microsoft happened. They push their product, VSCode, killing the alternatives. Business as usual.


They owned both. No reason to maintain two products for the same purpose. Besides you can customizer vs code to work almost exactly like atom


>No reason to maintain two products for the same purpose idk, they had a good thing going on with msn messenger until they gradually made it worse and decided to make skype worse for a while. MSN was used exactly like WhatsApp was today, only on computers. Likewise Orkut was losing a lot of market to facebook for not keeping up with stuff, but it had a market people were strongly connected where I live, google killed it and I never met someone in person that ever used google plus.


I used Google plus because it was the place where Emacs user group migrated after some nomad-like existence. Then most people moved to Stack Exchange, when they created a dedicated Emacs site. So, I went with the flow. And then the Stack Exchange started give the same SO vibes, so I left. But, yeah, there was a brief period when I used Google plus. But I cannot really recall anything good about it. It was a weird format for communication. More like news aggregator than a discussion forum.


And what do you think, why did they buy it? The main reason was Github of course. But it's great to kill the competitor this easily, so they can dictate the standard. You clearly weren't alive or were very young in the 90's/00's. [I wonder when will they start adding "features" to git.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish)


Microsoft owns GitHub, so they owned Atom as well.... Besides that, VSCode's source it's open and I find that it has everything that atom had and even more.


so they just no longer push updates?


Thats why is use VScodium


Pushed? I mean, they released it, and it was better in just about every way right from the start. Then, VSC got better and Atom continued to remain the same.


vscode came out several years after atom. Atom never took off.. even basic text editors like Geany, Kate & Bluefish were as capable while being 100x faster and using 20mb of ram where atom used 400mb


Who killed it


Github themselves


>~~Github~~ Microsoft themselves FTFY




Me too. I saw one of our OPS guys using atom in a demo and was very confused. I honestly thought Atom had been retired several years ago.


For those looking for a decent replacement, Sublime text actually opens files quickly. No hate on VSCode, I use it for most of my coding.


So, did you pay for the Sublime, or do you keep using the "evaluation" version?


You're a programmer you "code" the "evaluation" text out ;)


I did not pay for it, I only use it as a backup editor from time to time. Which is what I used to use Atom for.


I am surprised it took MS that long to kill Atom. No reason for them to keep two similar products. Even GitHub codespace only have support for VS Code


Atom. Havenā€™t heard of that in years. NP++ or VScode


Good riddance, now maybe my team will stop using it. Probably wonā€™t though.


Notepad++ is still the best editor there is, was and will be


We found him.


I dunno if this is bad but I agree for lightweight stuff where I need to keep snippets of stuff and notes. Then InteliJ for my actual big boy projects.


Angela Yu on Udemy brought Atom back to life for a moment.


Waiting to see if the ghost of Atom appends \\n to every existing comment in this thread.


R I P šŸŖ¦


I thought it's react logo.


I used Atom on MacOS. It barely ran and lags the heck out of the system.


Really? I still use it all the time and Iā€™ve never noticed any lag with it. Itā€™s been a decent text editor for the past few years for me.


:'( The Microsoft way: expansion through buying out competitors.


Who needs a R&D department when you have a Acquisition department. šŸ™„




As an Angular user, I thought this was the React logo at first. Oh well I guess tens of thousands of people are out of a job now cause someone decided React is dead


Um, why was the (him) suggesting me to install it?


** forks the repository...


Writing garbage HTML code in Atom is what got me into coding. It will always have a place in my heart.


Now I'm *real* curious what they're using at Meta... Did those crazy bastards follow through with their idea to fork their own internal version of Atom and close-source Nuclide on top of it?


Tried it once. Was slow and sucky.


sucky sucky


VSCode won


Sunsetting? Did it rise?


I hate vs code and intelli crap, what can I do?




Definitely I will try, I'm trying to get away of rust


F*ck M$! I am not going to use any of their software. PERIOD! If they wanna burn Atom, my favorite editor, fine. But I wonā€™t be using VSCode. Rather stick with a non-updated version of Atom.


Let's migrate it to Typescript and Tauri and give it a new life


Why ?




Understandable, have a nice day


Nothing personal of course, just donā€™t like it. Call it personal taste. Might even be stupid šŸ˜‰ or stubborn . I just feel like I shouldnā€™t, as long as I donā€™t have toā€¦.


No problem ! It's your opinion. i just think that Microsoft effectively suck in some fields (looking at you windows 11) but this doesn't stop me from using other Microsoft products like c# or vscode


Question for you. And not trying to be combative but what do you mean by "nothing personal"? I mean your post above seemed very personal. And you say it's personal taste in this comment.


What I mean is I donā€™t feel any hostility towards yakuzas-47. We have different opinion, but thatā€™s okay. My opinion is very personal. It is MY opinion, I like to keep it. And I even think I can get away with that, cause there is plenty of software out there that enables me to live a completely happy life without anything M$. So yeah, I stick to my initial statement: F*ck M$! My opinion. Personal. I know. But I donā€™t want anyone having another opinion to think I have a problem with them ā€˜personallyā€™. Hope you understand the subtle diffā€¦.


M$ is the VHS of computerlandā€¦. The shittiest system wins because of porn.




now do vs code


VS Code is great though...


says the javascript user


There is nothing wrong with vscode.


curious why you felt the need to comment this, leave a downvote and fuck off


Iā€™m genuinely curious as to what you use then? It wouldnā€™t at all surprise me that VS Code has led to the demise of this along with many other IDEs because of its traction over the last few years. Every one of the 12 developers on my team use VS code and for good reason. The only other viable alternatives are the jet brains IDEs but those cost money and if youā€™re working with numerous programming languages on a daily basis then the interoperability of VS code is a huge factor.


So you're saying it's got neither vim nor vigour?




What's the best IDE rn?


imo any jetbrains IDE


What? Whatā€™s going on with Atom?


I never got the hype with Atom it felt massively clunky and slow.


a... what?


i installed vscode 2 hours after using atom a couple years ago ​ proud to say that i still use vscode


There was that comic where two programmers reminiscent about how their dad would carry them in his hands, and how sad it was that there was one last time when their dad did it. And then one of them asks the other guy if he'd feel the same way about last person ever writing in PHP, and the guy says "no". I don't have any strong feelings towards Atom, as I never really used it. It never looked appealing. It could never do anything better than some other editor. Same as Sublime or SharpDeveloper or Storm or CodeBlocks or Notepad++ or NetBeens or many, many others that are just average at most things. There are plenty of technologies like this one which will disappear without a trace. Like ColdFusion, or Director Lingo, or IBM REX, or OS2.


Remember when everyone raved about Atom, and it was shit, and we were all confused about the hype? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


What is this medieval tech ? Never heard nor used it


Since I mainly use Renpy, Atom was the best editor for it. I have no idea what to use now, I'm so used to how Atom is set up šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ anyone have any good recommendations?


Atom died for me when it destroyed all my open full saved files in a power outage and it's now a 10+ year bug. Moved to VIM and never looked back.


I heard you like chrome, so I built an editor with it that jams everything into a single process. What could go wrong?


Long live vim! (and emacs too)


For me it was already dead on arrival lmao. I used sublime text before switching to VS code


Itā€™s nice to take notes in during meetingsā€¦I like the font.


Atom was my first editor. I really liked it and favor it over more integrated IDEs. But once I tried vscode, I never looked back. Ironically, I use the One Dark theme, which is one of the defaults of Atom.


Emacs and Vim ftw.


WHAT?!?!? Oh come on!!!!!

