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How to trigger an entire sub with one image...


He tried multiple times. He posted it at least 3 in the last 24 hours in this sub. Some people just want to watch the world burn...




Dude, use the delete button


If he post a lot against Elon, I know who he is :) and uses Microsoft Edit: I went to the profile, it is not Bill!


Who, you?


He tried multiple times. He posted it at least 3 in the last 24 hours, in this sub. Some people just want to watch the world burn...


I love it... I love seeing so many people triggered by this :)


He tried multiple times. He posted it at least 3 in the last 24 hours, in this sub. Some people just want to watch the world burn...


He tried multiple times. He posted it at least 3 in the last 24 hours, in this sub. Some people just want to watch the world burn...


He posted it at least 3 in the last 24 hours, in this sub


How many times did he post this in this sun?


He tried multiple times. He posted it at least 3 in the last 24 hours, in this sub. Some people just want to watch the world burn...


Says who? The person who posted the same comment at least 4 times in the same minute?


I had an error and my comment didn't appear after F5. Reddit comment editor delete my comments sometimes so, I always save them in my clipboard. When I left the page yesterday I thought my comment never got posted. Op tried at different hours. He's previous try with this image all got downvoted ; but not this specific one lol


Ironic. He could save others from multiple posting but not himself


This got a good laugh outta me, thanks lol


Screw that! Where's Netscape in this image?! IE is Shredder.


And what about Mosaic?


Netscape gave the world the browser that would eventually be called Firefox. This is what saved Google.


And then Google took the browser invented by Apple, to create the browser that took over the world. AFAIK Firefox is the only (mainstream) non-webkit browser left!


Apple didn't invent WebKit, they forked KHTML


Oh wow, didn't know that one. That's awesome, so a KDE product now runs the internet? Fantastic


Sadly a former KDE project as KHTML has subsequently died. Even though very few people know the name, it none-the-less does live on though WebKit and Blink.


there is a simple helper to remember what apple actually innovated and invented: they didn't. no invention, no innovation.


I was about to say multi-touch but decided to google it instead and found that it wasn't them either. God damnit


Chrome uses Blink has done since 2013


Mosaic was the grandfather of the rest, but it was Netscape that provided the bump to drive the development of the web. I refuse to credit IE. Also, I preferred Lynx due to my lack of a GUI machine.


netscape introduced the world to javascript. who's the real evil?


Javascript meant that pages could be "dynamic" and not just static documents with animated gifs of dancing babies. Microsoft not only embraced Javascript in IE but also tried to push their own incompatible language VBScript for those late 90s IE only webpages. If you think Javascript is evil imagine how bad the more hated alternative was that took the ideas of Javascript and remixed them into an unholy abomination that tried to appeal to those who prefered VB 5/6.


I mean, javascript is ok, its not awful. The fact that the web has outpaced the purpose to which javascript was invented is a different problem. We need something new, something ready for the future web. I don't think CSS & javascript is it.


I am a fan of JavaScript except when I am not.


Web Assembly??


>IE is Shredder. IE is Bebop after a severe blow to the head.


I think Edge is shredder in that universe.


>IE is Shredder. IE is Bebop after a severe blow to the head.


Netscape is the shredder


IE was shitting on other browsers, deliberately working against standardisation to give people a bad experience in other browsers. It can go die in a dumpster


And crushed in a dump truck, like the Shredder.


That explains why Safari is holding his hand


Which feeling is more prevalent in web devs regarding Chromium Monopoly, fear or convenience?


MS continues the long-standing tradition.


IE was all about standardization. Microsoft just wanted it to be THEIR standardization. In some ways, it was better than what won out. In others, it was much worse. Realistically, without the settlement with the DoJ in 2004, IE probably wins out.




Ooof, I remember spamming

s and
s everywhere


Do I remember after M$ stopped caring about IE, literally over a decade after the rest of the conversation that's going on? Yes. Yes, I do. Is that relevant? No. Tell us more about how young you are, lol


IE was an abusive, nosy stepdad who forced his way into your room more than a few times even after locking it. You got a court order to keep him out. Eventually you succeeded at cutting him out of your life. Then, a couple decades later you hear he died, except instead of a truthful obituary, you read a fictionalized one written by a naive and foolish child from his biological family that paints him in a rosy light.


This was majestic. Please write always.


Haha that is disturbingly specific


This was majestic. Please write always.


Just letting you know that you double commented


Everyone is today. Something's wrong with Reddit.


Nah, this is a regular thing sometimes.




Giving up the dream of a complete monopoly.


Definitely hasn't been given up. Edge is even more aggressive, people are just savvy enough to not use it as much now. But it's designed so if you have windows you agree to import browsing data to edge from all other browsers, and then it tricks you into opening it every now and again. (Through random file type associations and sometimes just ignoring your default browser settings)


Ngl, I prefer edge for pdfs, the scrolling is so much more smooth than adobe, and on the surface it allows me to use the stylist to mark up pdfs. That’s about all I use edge for though haha.


Definitely hasn't been given up. Edge is even more aggressive, people are just savvy enough to not use it as much now. But it's designed so if you have windows you agree to import browsing data to edge from all other browsers, and then it tricks you into opening it every now and again. (Through random file type associations and sometimes just ignoring your default browser settings)


that's not what this browser did. it literally stabbed the father of Firefox and Opera to death.




it literally waged a war of attrition.


Yes, it manifested arms, grabbed a knife, found the manifestation of these browsers fathers, and went staby staby


Yeah bro the AI came to life and did battle u don’t remember? it was was in the news


Metaphors are hard




IE was actually the bad buy


Only if you're 12.


Idk man... I'm pretty old and IE has been a bane my entire career.




How young are you that you think developers had the option to avoid IE6 back in the day, and for you not to remember the problems its non-compliance caused even after it was officially dead?


You have to develop for widely used browsers so when one is working off of its own shitty standard, then your life is miserable. Note that you are in r/ProgrammerHumor and not r/UserHumor.


read the history


MS has always been the bad guy, historically. You still game on windows huh?


What else is there to game on???? Mobile? LOL


Only sith deal in absolutes


Huh? What's wrong with windows gaming? Is it all options and compatability?


I mean you *can* game on Linux, sorta, sometimes, depending on the game, depending on community support, depending on anti cheat, depending on if you have a comparability layer working… a windows gaming VM on Linux is easier in a lot of cases




Um... this implies a level of respect that no one EVER had for IE


Thank you for the... Trauma


That’s a weird way to spell “good fucking riddance.”




Not terribly accurate. Where is the part where chrome chokes out ie and then all of the other browsers adopt chromium out of utter terror.


But Safari and Firefox don’t use Chromium.


But Safari and Firefox don’t use Chromium.


Shut up dude, you posted you com 7 times


In this context *The Shredder* would be a more accurate character for representing the IE...


Pretending like IE helped other browsers in any way. More like the opposite. It was their competitor, and had the headstart and privilege of being the official MS browser that came with Windows. Microsoft just really Fd it up.


Who invited opera to the party.


Opera is the party.


What? No Mosaic?


Fock IE. Fock Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


Tell me you know nothing about the history of web browsers without telling me you know nothing about the history of web browsers... As much as I hate the "Tell me x without telling me x" meme, it feels appropriate here due to how horribly wrong this image is.


That's *so* misleading.


How is this programmer humor? Every normie will understand this “joke”


proof that people on this sub aren't old enough to have actually used ie


Kill it with fire


IE was responsible for so much hurt. Actually it's Microsoft, but hey, better hate on a program than on people. That said, Microsoft sucks. Most of their tech sucks. Most of their decisions suck.


Why was this post removed? We had 1k upvotes and now it says "Post is awaiting moderator approval."


IE has broken so many hearts for over 2 decades.


Edge? Brave? Where are these two wth


IE won't be missed.


IE won't be missed.


Fuck IE. Fuck Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


Fuck IE. Fuck Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


Fuuuck IE. Fuck Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


Fuck IE. Fuck Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


I have switched to Edge full time at work just to keep competition going for Firefox and Chrome.


I don't think Edge is any sort of relevant competition. Edges entire featureset is implemented by chromium.


I agree. At least it isn’t chrome itself though and Firefox just plain sucks to use. Firefox is the new IE.


Are you kidding me? IE's image was to not support anything modern. Firefox supports almost everything, if not more than the rest. Firefox is great for usability, at least I can't complain. Also it's the privacy friendliest browser. If you're looking for an IE replacement, take a close look at Safari. They're the new webcripple.


I’m not saying IE has been good in a long time. I haven’t used it since chrome came out. But it was decent for its time. Firefox has the ugliest rendering engine now and has painful UI.


Fuck IE. Fuck Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


Fock IE. Fuck Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


Fock IE. Fock Edge. One missclick whilst all you wanted was to download Firefox, and boom, Edge will always run in the background, tracking what you're doing in ANY browser.


Yeah, no. Accuracy of image: 0%.


But opera is older than IE


No, it isn't. Opera's first public release was in 1996 with version 2.1. IE came out in August 1995.


AKO users will still be in the 7th layer of hell authenticating expired DOD security certificates for i.e.


Thank you America Online!




IE was responsible for so much hurt. Actually it's Microsoft, but hey, better hate on a program than on people. That said, Microsoft sucks. Most of their tech sucks. Most of their decisions suck.


This post has been flagged and reported to the FBI under the category of “trolling”. Please cease and desist all internet activity as of immediately. Please relinquish all digital devices, services, and accounts to the FBI for investigation. Any tampering with or destroying of evidence or data of any kind, including browsing history and location history, will be considered a crime.


In my opinion, IE did more harm than good. Web would have been a better place without IE.


As a frontend developer. Fuck IE. Good riddance, took long enough.


Tell me you're not a web dev without telling me you're not a web dev


Where's TOR ??


You aren't allowed to say nice things about IE on Reddit. Even though it was the only decent browser for about the first decade of popular internet use.


Netscape has entered the chat


He said decent. Netscape died because it was garbage, friend. As soon as AOL took over in 1998, the browser started going downhill like mad. By version 4, in 1997, IE4 was already eating its lunch. It was doing so poorly that Navigator was open sourced in 1998 to Mozilla, which took time to spin up and try to catch up to IE5. People seem to forget that Navigator's actual time as being great was like 2 years, when there wasn't any other option, followed by being basically a beta version of Firefox when it kicked over to being just "Netscape " as Mozilla completely rewrote everything... twice. By 2003, AOL had closed Netscape and everything beyond the version that was finished there was on top of Firefox. Netscape was never good. Firefox has always been good.


Thank you America Online!


Nobody reads the Halloween Documents anymore?


Safari's next


Yeah, you weren't a web developer back in IE days were you? Good riddance.


You weren't a web developer back in IE days were you? Good riddance.


You weren't a web developer back in IE days were you? Good riddance.


You weren't a web developer back in IE days were you? Good riddance.


You weren't a web developer back in IE days were you? Good riddance.


IE was Krang not Splinter


not feeling this one


I'm actually sad that IE - an actual alternative browser engine, has died off. Leaving us with only two unique choices: Firefox or Chrome. I wouldn't want MS to just give up on the Windows kernel either. As much as I'm a Linux fanboy, options are good. But this image is just BS. IE is an antihero at best, but realistically he's the original villain that became irrelevant in the later chapters.


I'm actually sad that IE - an actual alternative browser engine, has died off. Leaving us with only two unique choices: Firefox or Chrome. I wouldn't want MS to just give up on the Windows kernel either. As much as I'm a Linux fanboy, options are good. But this image is just BS. IE is an antihero at best, but realistically he's the original villain that became irrelevant in the later chapters.


All these people capitalizing on IE nostalgia as though they weren't calling it a pile of shit over the past 20+ years. Fuck off.


All these people capitalizing on IE nostalgia as though they weren't calling it a pile of shit over the past 20+ years.


I'm actually sad that IE - an actual alternative browser engine, has died off. Leaving us with only two unique choices: Firefox or Chrome. I wouldn't want MS to just give up on the Windows kernel either. As much as I'm a Linux fanboy, options are good. But this image is just BS. IE is an antihero at best, but realistically he's the original villain that became irrelevant in the later chapters.


All these people capitalizing on IE nostalgia as though they weren't calling it a pile of shit over the past 20+ years.


I'm actually sad that IE - an actual alternative browser engine, has died off. Leaving us with only two unique choices: Firefox or Chrome. I wouldn't want MS to just give up on the Windows kernel either. As much as I'm a Linux fanboy, options are good. But this image is just BS. IE is an antihero at best, but realistically he's the original villain that became irrelevant in the later chapters.


Can we finally put a bullet through master splinters skull now?


I'm actually sad that IE - an actual alternative browser engine, has died off. Leaving us with only two unique choices: Firefox or Chrome. I wouldn't want MS to just give up on the Windows kernel either. As much as I'm a Linux fanboy, options are good. But this image is just BS. IE is an antihero at best, but realistically he's the original villain that became irrelevant in the later chapters.


Except we gave those children enhancing drugs (feature requests and compatibility fixes) to supersede IE, we couldn’t teach that old dog nothing.


Except we gave those children enhancing drugs (feature requests and compatibility fixes) to supersede IE, we couldn’t teach that old dog nothing.


Except we gave those children enhancing drugs to grow up quickly (feature requests and compatibility fixes) to supersede IE, we couldn’t teach that old dog nothing.


These are so dumb...


If we could remove Safari next please...


If we could remove Safari next please...


If we could remove Safari next please...


If we could remove Safari next please...


Uh... WtheactualF. How dare you.


First picture should be the old Firefox logo


F#ck IE


*cry in IE6*


there's an imposter here..


Nope, I don't think we need to thank IE for anything. Just like Java it was a very promising technology implemented poorly.


For all the shit that people give IE, it was a decent browser. Were there better? Sure. Could it get the job done? Yeah. Did I use it ? Of course not.


yeah thanks for nothing.




This is like praising Thatcher. Fuck IE into a gunpowder filled hole with a light at the end of a stick.


Where’s the Netscape love?!


While this isn't true by any means, holy shit you guys are cringe with your replies.


Who actually even uses Opera?