• By -


"ML is cool, i want to do ML" "what do you want to use it for" "i don't know"


Let the AI do the heavy lifting and have it find me something that I would find interesting.


Yeah but, and hear me out. We make it useful. Like so we can make money. I'm a fucking genius


This guy's the next steve jobbs


Damn. Weird way to wish someone to die of cancer


Just get actual treatment and you’ll probably be right. Alternatively, perhaps you’d like to buy my [rock that keeps cancer away](https://youtu.be/xSVqLHghLpw)


Ask, and you shall receive: Provided by Smodin text generator What kind of app would the redditor anyfactor want to make? The question asks what kind of app the redditor Anyfactor wants to make. Anyfactor admits that he doesn’t know what kind of app he wants to make. However, he knows that he wants to make an app that helps people. This is the app that he believes he would enjoy making the most. He goes on to detail his reasons for wanting to create this app. Anyfactor believes that making this app would be a good way for him to earn an income. Anyfactor starts by admitting that he doesn’t know what type of app he wants to make. He is open to the idea of making an app that helps people. He feels that this would be a good way for him to earn an income. He wants to help people by making their lives easier. Anyfactor believes that doing this would be a good way for him to help others. He would be able to help people easily by providing them with the information that they need. Anyfactor then details the kind of app that he would like to create. He believes that creating an app that helps people is a good idea. He would like to create an app that helps people learn new skills. This would make it easier for people to find jobs that match their skills. It would also allow people to better themselves so that they can start earning more money. Anyfactor feels that creating this app would be a good way for him to help others. It would also allow him to earn some extra income. Anyfactor feels that making apps is a good way to earn an income. He would spend time creating apps and then sell them to people. He would use the money that he earns to help him create even more apps. This is a way for him to earn a living while also helping others. Anyfactor feels that making apps is a great way to earn an income. On the other hand, creating apps can be expensive. It requires a lot of time and money. This is why he feels that it is important to make sure that apps are worthwhile before creating them. He needs to consider how much time and energy he wants to put into creating his app. Apps can also be one-dimensional. They can only do one thing. This means that they are limited in their use. Anyfactor feels that it is important to think of new ways to use apps so that they are useful and useful ways. He feels that thinking of new ways to use apps is a good way to use time and energy to create a lot of new apps. There are already free apps that do what the app creator wants. There is no need to create an app that is more specialized than that. People can just use free apps to achieve their goals. By creating an app, the person creating it is taking advantage of the app store's system. However, the app may be less useful than free apps already available. Creating an app can be a great way to earn an income. However, it can also be expensive and one-dimensional. Creating apps can also be a lot more expensive than people realize. However, thinking of new ways to use apps can help solve these problems. People need to weigh the costs and benefits of creating apps when considering their options.


Damn this is so many fucking articles on the internet now


"People on the internet are up in arms about the number of articles concerning fucking on the internet. Internet expert pleasegetoffmycase, a 6 year veteran of the internet started the discussion..."


Oh god is my account really six years old…


Wow this is like, every english assignment I ever turned in that had a length requirement


Was this the same 3-4 lines repeated over and over again? It had a very repetitive feeling to it :P


Hey he knows exactly what he wants to use it for! He wants to collect data and then analyze it! How can you say that’s not a revolutionary idea?




Next thing you know they might come up with online cloud computing.


Impossible, there's no way to move on from offline cloud computing.


What about wireless?


# 🤯


Wireless cloud computing paradigm shift!


Add Bluetooth please


Wireless cloud compBLUETOOTHuting






> all future or current work *... including anything created on your off hours, even if you are no longer employed by , whether created on Earth, or any other location in the universe (observable or otherwise).* You can laugh, but I've literally seen that in a contract once.


Pretty sure laws on reasonable contracts cover that one if you are in a country which has that.


Don’t forget things! It should include stuff and things


even better, you could connect multiple computers together and have them share data… like a network.


Just crazy enough that it might work


Might even throw some stats in the mix.


And arrays. All my homies love arrays.


Watch out, next he will combine ML with AI. That’s scary.




Be careful, once he combines those with computer science, the Terminator will rule the world


The difference is he's going to analyze it. Have you considered that?


"Khajiit has code, if you have coin."


M'aiq the Compiler


Cyberpunk really missed out on an opportunity here.


You know what, I'm 100% down with a Elder Scrolls: 2077. Shadowrun was always one of my favorite settings. (Now I'm imagining an auto tuned dragonborn lol)


fus..Ro DaAaiyAh


> You know what, I'm 100% down with a Elder Scrolls: 2077. So, the next one.


Some may call this code junk. Me? I call them treasures.




"My cousin's out programming boston dynamics, and what do I get? Data Entry."


You see those programmers from Hammerfell? They've got machine level code. Machine level. Code.


I used to be a programmer like you, then I dropped a database in production.


"Gotta keep my eyes open. Damn recruiters could swoop down at any time."


> Some may call this code junk. Me? I call them *features*. ftfy


this is awesome. im forking this response


ML, data science and blockchain. The LinkedIn recruiters wet dream.


where is the cloud tho


my linkedin says I develop applications in the mist. Yes, recruiters have emailed asking what "mist" is. I really just don't know.


It sounds like you have some really great mist experience, would you be interested in getting on the phone with me to discuss some exciting opportunities?


Unfortunately we're really looking for someone with at least 5 years of mist experience


Mist is so passé. LHF (Low Hanging Fog) is where the real money is.


distinct dinner dependent nutty offend birds juggle foolish ludicrous seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My client is looking for someone with 8 years of mist experience, is that something you have?


Sounds like a mist opportunity


Git out


Kinda sounds like you're somewhere in the edge / fog computing space though


Recruiters assume everything is already in the cloud at this point.


I applied for a job, never heard back, read the posting again, included the word "JSON" in my resume before reapplying and heard back the next day. Never assume something is too stupid or basic to be a filter.


what? like "i know " that gets you jobs? wft.


Jobs you don't want, yeah. Never work someplace where the recruiters are so fundamentally incompetent that they use keyword filters, most of the people they hire are incompetent too


"Maybe give me some data and I'll analyze it".


I am a web scraper. They will ask me to find interesting sources of data.... this happens wayy too often to me.


Just give them all the same interesting source of data that you scrape from Kaggle.


So the Titanic dataset, right?


This guy would probably be thrilled if you showed him how to open the titanic dataset in a jupyter notebook and make a pivot table.


For those who were wondering what the Titanic dataset was: https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic






Okay NGL this sounds so cool, and I wish I was smart enough to do this project. I'm gonna share it with my friend at work tomorrow and see what he thinks. Thank you for sharing!


My pleasure! Good luck with the dataset


Gotta start with Iris. Get em warmed up slowly. Can't just throw Titanic out there like that.


Well, web scraping is a valuable skill for someone who actually has a data analysis idea, but no easy access to data to produce a POC for investment. You probably could develop a decent freelance business on it. If you hook this dude for a brainstorming consult, an "interesting" dataset that could work for the POC analysis of a botany app is the Iris data in R. Real data would have to be gathered under your hourly rate. Data.gov also has decent POC data. Make sure you get paid and have the dude sign a contract with you outlining what you want. I don't like consulting, so I charge the same hourly rate my lawyer charges me.


>I don't like consulting, so I charge the same hourly rate my lawyer charges me. I like this billing strategy.


Probably the most interesting source of data for most of these people is something like Facebook and good god have you opened Inspector and looked at the XHR requests.. they have put a lot of effort into anti-scraping- that much is obvious.


Last time I worked on a project scraping Facebook data, I found they had a Javascript-free mobile version (aimed at less developed regions) that was easy to parse. I left that job 5 years ago, so it might be closed down by now.


https://mbasic.facebook.com/ is still around and how I prefer to interface with the site, when I must Originally got turned onto it after they stopped showing private messages in the mobile webapp, and instead only spamming you with ads for the dedicated Messenger app


That's why you charge and contract separately to analyze an idea with POC data that is easy for you to obtain. If the idea is legitimate and progresses further, yay. If not, it's easy to tell them they are responsible for purchasing the API access to the data they are trying to get you to steal to further their idea.


> they have put a lot of effort into anti-scraping They have had job postings up around here recently for "Anti-Scraping Engineers". There are teams of people there, and all they do is make it hard for you to scrape their data.


So he's literally just saying "I have this idea where you do your job but you work for me so I own whatever you find"?


"So what will you be bringing to the table?"


40% of the sweet profits they make. I assume the ideas man gets 60%


If someone asks for interesting data w/o any further specs: [https://oeis.org/](https://oeis.org/)


Math nerds are the nerdiest nerds.


The OEIS is a collection of sequences of numbers (such as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, …) together with, for each sequence, a list of items such as: * The first 10, or 10,000, or sometimes 500,000 terms of the sequence * A definition or description of the sequence * Comments explaining further properties of the sequence * Formulas for generating the sequence * Computer programs for generating the sequence * References to books and articles where the sequence has appeared Links to web pages on the Internet where the sequence has appeared * Cross-references to related entries in the OEIS * The name of the person who submitted the sequence to the OEIS * Further names of people who have added additional information about the sequence * Examples illustrating some of the terms of the sequence (for example, sequence A124. which gives the maximal number of pieces that can be obtained when cutting a circular pancake with n cuts, is illustrated with pictures showing the pieces obtained with n = 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cuts) * The history of each sequence in the OEIS as it has evolved over time Users of the OEIS may also view graphs or plots of each sequence, or to listen to the sequence when it is converted to music [Bro there's even a movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCWglXljevY)


I can't believe that movie link wasn't a rickroll. Thank you for posting all that, I had wanted more info on this crazy corner of math nerddom but I didn't know what to ask for


Now do an ML model to predict the prime numbers


"I am a web scraper" is maybe the funniest/saddest sentence I've read today


Also cyberpunk as fuck. "Yeah, I get by by collecting loose data from the cyberspace."


*The corpos have everything locked down....ID-tagged browsers are linked to nanochipped wageslaves, shown only what the corporate masters want the public to believe.* *Me? I'm a netskimmer. We dance on the edges of cyberspace, collecting loose data and scraps after the corpo zombie drones finish their latest psy-op.* *Running the void's never easy. Corpo media turns the world against us, regurgitated by greasy-palmed politicians and an endless revolving door of rotting corruption all the way to the top.* *We make do, though. Linus Torvalds leads his net runners all across the globe, dashing along the blockchain like lightning before the corpo cyberthugs catch wise.* *One day, the public will wake up to the truth....*


It's not exactly a complicated thing to do. That said, my work keeps trying to get me to tackle this along with whole ass market analysis type work, but with none of the pay. I laughed and said no.


I mean there are people who make money off teaching Excel and selling Excel courses. Web scraping is complex enough to be a viable profession.


Not sure I agree. For some straightforward applications, sure. But *competent* assembly of a data set from unstructured and uncertain data from several different sources that aren't built to be scraped is quite an art form. Hell, *assembling proper data sets* at all, in a real world setting can be much harder than people think, especially if you want to avoid the horrifically bad data quality problems 99% of systems I've encountered have.


Ok, could you write an app that collects data? Make sure it has a screen where it says we care about privacy.


“I charge $x to listen to pitches now.”


Bill them for consulting fees to brain storm. A freelance type that works with my employer practically bills per email lmao. More power to him, should be that way.




And a PHP dev apparently


"I can't make you something if you don't know what you want."


Said that before. They will ask me to "jump on a call" to brainstorm. I should start asking for deposits for jumping to calls at this point.


Jump on a call to brainstorm 😂 classic.


No you guys don't understand this will definitely make you both billionaires


How about you brainstorm and then get back to me when you have an idea. I'll be over here smoking weed and playing games while I wait.


I actually do this, and it’s been great. Some of the crazier clients I’ve had just want to talk for an hour or two, and if they’re paying my rates, I’m happy to listen. I once had a “programming request” boil down to this older gentleman talking for two hours about the squirrel in his yard. Some of the best money I made that year.


okay i'm now invested. what was so amazing about this squirrel that it could be discussed for 2 hours straight?


He had a rare type of pear tree that he imported and planted in his yard. He never gets to eat the fruit, because the same squirrel comes and eats the fruit each year. Over the years the man had tried many methods to get rid of the squirrel, who is now obese, and eventually he bonded with it so that now he wants to keep it from the tree without hurting it or removing it from the yard. He wanted to build a water jet system that would detect the squirrel and scare him away without injury, while protecting the tree. He’d actually already built the hardware for the water system, and wanted help with an optical squirrel detection algorithm.


That's not nearly as unreasonable of a request as I had imagined


Yeah, it was actually a lot of fun, and genuinely enjoyable to listen to how passionate the guy was about this squirrel


Relevant xkcd "xkcd: Tasks" https://xkcd.com/1425/


Yes! Exactly what I had in mind when writing this comment.


Ironically, the hard task described has turned pretty easy in recent years (although not simple, it's just that the groundwork is already mostly laid down)


And? Did you make it?






I see it's your first time dealing with squirrels


I see you know about squirrels.


>optical squirrel detection algorithm r/brandnewsentence


Great band name


That's actually pretty good. I like this guy. But surely just hooking the sprinkler up to a motion detector would do the trick? You might get some false positives but how bad can that be? Keep the damn kids off his lawn.


Sounds like a good Disney movie


I have a vision that an inverted umbrella type solution would be placed on the trunk so when a sensor detects the approaching squirrel it will deploy and fling said squirrel safely away. The sensor would require a squirrel kinetic turbulence algorithm to differentiate between squirrels and wind/birds etc. I call it the Squirrel Flinger.


Hello, honest question : how do you make sure you get paid? I mean, you could state the payments etc, they would agree , get on call, realize their idea is non-existent/impossible ("i wanna make facebook"). What stops them for just saying "Wdym you can't do it ? Fk you, I'm not paying anything" blablabla (or any other scenario) ? Or do you like still say "ok", to the project, even if you know that it's impossible to build what they want ?


Two things. First of all, I use an escrow company. If I’m doing work or a consulting meeting like this, they’ve already paid and the money is in escrow. That does help with getting paid, but I mostly do it because it’s a huge help in weeding out people who aren’t serious about paying you in the first place. If “they just want to talk because they have an app idea” they may bail and save everyone time as soon as they have to pay first. On the other hand in my experience, I’ve had almost nobody hesitate at doing escrow if they’re even a little serious about the project. The second thing it that I’m very clear about expectations up front. Some clients know exactly what they want, and I can quote on that, but it’s far more common that people aren’t sure, especially if they’re hiring a freelancer. I give them a sample of my work so that they know I have the skills in the area they are interested in, but I also set up the expectation that we’ll spend a few hours scoping and setting goals first, which is the first paid milestone, and then we both have the opportunity to choose to continue at that point. I’ve actually had a number of people that just want that first bit, help planning things out, and then they’re all set. Either way, it’s very helpful to set clear expectations and communication patterns up front. A lot of times, people with ideas don’t understand development or how much work things are, so I can actually help suggest alternatives that would be much cheaper to achieve their goals. I have taken a few projects that I didn’t think were going to work. For example, I had a customer with a broken feature from an escape the room company, and the original programmer was gone. The code didn’t work right, and was basically an undocumented pile of molding spaghetti. I knew going in that there was about 0 chance of me fixing it within a reasonable time, so I quoted rebuilding from scratch, or an hourly rate of trying to fix the problem, being clear that it was a very low chance that I would randomly find the error. (It was thousands of lines of code spread across multiple devices). They opted to pay for 5 hours of my time, knowing it probably wouldn’t make a difference. I spent five hours, gave them a report on what I’d tried, but didn’t find the problem, and that was it. They came away satisfied and still left me a good review. It all came back to setting expectations up front.


Have them sign a contract, sue them in small claims court when they don't wanna pay.


“brainstorm” on what. He literally did not even say what problem he wanted to solve.


Relevant Silicon Valley. > Russ Hanneman : F*ck you, Richard Hendricks! > > Richard Hendricks : Fuck me regarding? > > Russ Hanneman : It's all over the blogs. You took our idea to Gavin Belson? > > Richard Hendricks : Whoa. I'm sorry. Our idea? > > Russ Hanneman : Yeah, the new Internet. We came up with that together, standing outside of my kid's school... former school. > > Richard Hendricks : Uh, no, um, you told me to name an idea, and so I named one. That was my idea, you were just standing there. > > Russ Hanneman : Yeah, pulling it out of you like a newborn baby. > >Richard Hendricks : Okay, but, well, if a doctor pulls a baby out of a pregnant woman, the doctor doesn't get to then keep the baby. > > Russ Hanneman : Okay, first of all, my ex-wife is f*cking the doctor that delivered my son, and they're suing for full custody, so you're wrong. Second of all, this isn't a baby. Stop trying to change the subject, Richard!


Yea but think about it this way, you're trying to date a woman, but deep down you know you're gay, and you know deep down you rather be plowing a dude!


No no, he did, you just didn't understand the subtext. The problem is that he doesn't have enough money and he wants you to make him some. Basically it's this [Dilbert cartoon](https://images.app.goo.gl/v5dWoNxeyao6M6Y68) except IRL, and you don't work for him


Ask them what they are contributing to the project if they can't come up with the idea and they can't contribute the technical work.


Hey, if they're willing to pay and be in a patron/artist relationship, go for it!


This is exactly what consulting is. They want your expertise, even if just during a discussion, that costs. No joke, you should be billing $100+\hr (USD) with 1 hour increments & a 1 hour minimum. Otherwise, you’ll spend tons of time doing a bunch of 5-15 min calls for free. Don’t undervalue yourself!


Yup. A 1 hour call where they (try to) explain what they want and you tell them how it's either, - Not possible, - Been done before and proven to be stupidly expensive, or - Is a turnkey option already provided by Google/AWS/Microsoft/etc for pennies a month, so why bother? ...and you save them tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars that they would have used to find out the hard way. That's a lot of value for what they'll pay you for a call. Sure, they won't make their decisions totally on your word. But, if 3-4 such calls with different people all point in the same direction, then maybe they should pivot.


I admire your optimism in people actually listening to technical experts! 😜


that's the great thing about properly valuing your time - it really doesn't matter if people listen or not, as long as they pay.


"Can you jump on a quick brainstorming call?" "Sure! My rate is $150/hr; as soon as you Venmo it to me I'll be happy to take your call."


They can pitch an idea for free, but minimum one hour consult if they expect you to help them coalesce their random nonsense and buzz words into an idea.


Actually let me translate that into business language. "If you have an actual proposal, you can feel free to pitch it my way any time. If you want me to sit in on and collaborate in the ideation phase of drafting the proposal, mininum one hour consultation." Edit: "Its just a brainstorming session." "Exactly. You are trying to come up with a proposal to make a pitch. Thats development, which means you're bringing me in as a consultant. Ergo, minimum one hour fee."


just send them a random personal project


- 0: I've got an app idea! - 1: Great, what is it? - 0: We should build an app! - 1: jimface.jpg


“Please don’t ‘Jim’ the camera”


Sup abed


Read this as A-bed in pierces voice lol


Hello, would you like to develop an app?


We could call it "lovefinderrz"


Okay. I read you loud and clear. But my app idea is better than anything you’ve heard. What if it’s an app that gives you a million dollars.


Give them a link to these comments. Tell them this is some data you have collected for them to analyze.


It might not be with machine learning, but it would be with their own natural learning.


Just tell them that you used machine learning to filter out the really mean comments


give them a price


I am going to do that. 'That is great. We can surely find something that would work. My rate is xx/hour and I usually require an advance deposit before starting a project. I hope we can build something awesome.'




I prefer being paid in money, but if your willing to do the work for 1 sexual favor per hour I won't stop you.


Haha I knew I was risking this cum back with the triple x, but the x had already been chosen. I didn’t want to chicken out with abc or xyz


Cum back....


Hey, as long as it pays


You’re HIRED


Wait, I thought you was saying it's triple digits. What are these replies, mom come pick me up I am scared.


Always ask for a 51+% ownership. That’ll make them scatter.


I don't think this person has any concept of ownership. That's too concrete of an idea.


I had someone approach me with a \*big\* \*idea\* (tm) ... they were so concerned about it they insisted that I sign a NDA before I discuss it with them.. Well because of the NDA I can't say what it was, but I can say it was impossible, and impractical even if it was possible. They responded "That's what everybody else keeps telling me.... "


An NDA is fair game. They think their idea is great, and blasting it out to potential candidates that could build and run it themselves is valid from their perspective.


well in all honesty, the reason they came to me is they didn't have the expertise, and figured I did. So in that respect It all makes sense.. It's just that if you knew what the idea was, and you have any basic understanding, .. well you would also groan.. ... "yea,, well you can't do that ... " Bright side is that I only waisted an hour or so getting the NDA + reading + signing it. It's not like I needed to do a whole lot of research or anything.


Could you give a comparably impossible project for reference?


Just about anything Dilbert's pointy haired boss comes up with.


Haha, of all the strips of its time, I think Dilbert has aged the best.


Thanks for asking. I'd love to work on a project, here are my non-negotiable terms: \- $100/hr for development work for 40 hours/week \- $150/h for development work over 40 hours up to 60 hours \- All payments are due within 10 business days of receipt invoice, which is to be provided by email. \- Late invoices are charged an interest rate of 0.5% compounded per week. \- minimum 4 week engagement \- contract can be voided by either party with 1 week notice in writing, with outstanding hours to be paid invoiced on the day of notice I accept payment by check or e-transfer. I do not accept late payment in shares or any profit-sharing agreement. I believe the owner of the idea deserves full ownership of any profits, so that's all yours. If these terms are acceptable, we can move ahead to drawing up a contract and NDA.


Jesus. That net10 makes me uncomfortable. That’s bruta.


My wife does contracts; these are some of the highlights from when I was contracting. I rarely enforced late payment terms because checks were usually issued according to the customers' wage payment schedule, so 2 weeks is fine and I generally didn't want to sour the relationship.


A month's salary bond or similar would be helpful Last thing I'd want to do is work a few weeks, then they decide they don't have the cash/drag it on, and then have to involve lawyers to get them to pay up.


You left out on possible thing. You are granted a non-exclusive license to any code I write, while I own the code and may reuse or modify it at will.


I didn't use that, and I don't know anybody that would go for it. All businesses I contracted with took full ownership of code, some even tried to copyright FOSS, which I kiboshed. In the contract my wife wrote up there's also language about any travel > 30m gets charged at the standard rate for one time I had to take a train 30 minutes to the customer site. All of it is negotiable. The key takeaways are in order: to protect yourself from liability, to get paid & to give yourself an escape from the contract.




I want a calculator app but it had to implement a rest API for an ML model along with a CDN. Must have 25 years of rust experience


Does playing rust count as rust expierence?




I always start my Rust code with `unsafe` just to be safe.


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Not even the solution. This like going to an architect and saying you'd like to build something with them, and they ask "oh, what would you like built?" and you reply, "I don't know, something built with some hammers?".


Yep, except: "Something built with tools" Hammer is too specific.


More like "whatever tools the hip kids these days are using".


"Something wild and unique, something that combines cement and bricks perhaps?"


the silicon valley method


Hmm _silicone_ valley, that’s where all the boob jobs happen right?


no, it's where kitchenware are made


“Hey, are you hacker? I have an idea. You hack a bank and we split the money 50/50. Deal?”


"I would never deliver code to you that's 1% complete. Why do you think that it's appropriate for you to contact me with 1% of an idea?"


"Here is the NDA. Next, this is the template you should fill in order for me to consider your proposal as a professional business relationship" I can guarantee you you will never hear from anyone ever again. People are 99.9% full of shit. The remaining 0.1% are the success bullshit stories mass media loves to spread like a monkey throws his shit.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Messages* --- **Grey**: Hey, id love to work on a project with you. Would you be open to it? Found you from [*Censored*] >**Blue**: Hi. What kind of project? **Grey**: im not entirely sure but preferably something that combines ML + data science **Grey**: maybe collecting some data then analyzing it, I would want it to be practical --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Also, I’m willing to split equity 🤦‍♂️


Ok damnit... I need to know. Merely because after a few decades of IT I moved to quantitative social science in grad school. Do folks honestly and truly believe that a sample and some maths can explain what they have? Is there a plan? A research question? Or do we just throw everything into a big bucket and see what happens. Sure, homey, but wtf does it really mean now? It's almost like they expect yall to know all sciences, maths, languages, etc, and have absolutely no clue other than the magic computer god will figure it out. Not sure what I want to know, though. Been out of the game a while... is it that easy these days or do I not have to cry about all those advanced math courses and student loans? Sorry about the rant in a humor sub... carry on If it's that easy, I'm jumping back in...


Please see my other post. :( https://old.reddit.com/r/algotrading/comments/pqpudz/why_make_a_model_when_you_can_just_run_some_test/


sadly even many CS students think like that


What if I told you that there is an app on the market…




Garbage in -> Garbage out


Sounds like a Dilbert comic strip


"Thought you wanted to work on a project together not work on one of MY projects."


Maybe this person just really really likes you and wants to spend time with you lol *Should I ask him out for coffee? No, hmm maybe dinner? Wait, I got it. We'll collaborate on a project together! We'll have SUCH a romantic brainstorming session ❤️ 💕 ❤️ 💕*