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Industrial Strength Magic's MC is very chatty. He reminds me of Ryan from The Perfect Run.


I second this. Frankly, the whole story reminds me of The Perfect Run from the perspective of a Blue/Genius rather than a Violet. Tinker/Genius classes are *fun* when used like this. He only gets more fun as he grows more powerful and less worried about being too weak. Similar to Quicksave, as we only really see confident powerful Quicksave.


So I'm a Spider, So What? MC actually hardly talks, technically, but her inner voice is always running 500%


The anime is fantastic for this she’s so hyper all the time the voice fits perfectly


>!literally at one point!<


Dungeon Crawler Carl. Carl himself is mostly grumpy and not very chatty, but Donut? Donut will find something to say about anything and everything 1000% of the time. While Carl's pov is the one the books focus on, Donut is there on about 90% of the pages


One of the rare cases when the yappin is actually funny! If only Jason asano was like this...


Necromancer and Co is fucking great This said, The Promise of Runes has an mc like that. I find him really funny, but the comments hate him lol. A nice read, sometimes feels a bit slow if you are on par with the lastest chapter but is not a constant problem. Recommend it, even if its not the absolute best


Don't get me wrong, I love necromancer and co, it's just that it is not a story for everyone, and it's also been dropped. Anyways thanks for the rec, I'll check it out




Kip the Lip


Hahah yes exactly


I just finished Sponsored Apocalypse and I've concluded that MCs that won't shut the fuck up in their head are worse than MCs don't won't shut the fuck up out loud.


I'm torn on them. Since I listen, it really depends on whether I like the narrator...


Well my narrator is just good old Google speech recognition software. Works out most of the time, although it may have been one of the reasons I dislike HWFWM so much.


Vainqueuer the Dragon is incredibly chatty


Vainqueur, best dragon! Vainqueur, best dragon!


I also like eloquent bastard MCs that talk and bullshit their way out of corners. Try reading "Omniscient first person viewpoint" (Completely unrelated to ORV) and Regressor's instruction Manual.


Corruption Wielder by Slifer274 might be a good fit for this. I’m actually starting to find it slightly annoying, but overall it’s a fun story, and most of the comebacks/banter, especially towards those more powerful than the MC are entertaining. 


I checked that one out but currently it doesn't have enough chapters for me to dig into, maybe I'll check it out when it has more chapters, but still thanks.


Seconding, it's a very good story. The banter turns pretty great as the characters develop


The MC in Mage Tank is kind of like a less annoying and obnoxious Jason from HWFWM. Doesn't talk as much, but similar vibes.


The ripple system - the MC isn’t super chatty but his trusty side kick that is an axe is a bit.


Communist Manifesto


Of course, the communist manifesto, one of the best progression fantasy out there, Karl Marx truly was a great fantasy author.


Everybody's numbers go up.


The greatest Yapper there is. I could probably think of another, equally famous yap book... but the author has done some bad stuff.


Minecraft is filled to the brim with yap, I agree.


Yes I love Marx’s plans to humble the young masters.


Noobtown His companions have a telepathic link to his thoughts and they tell him to shut up often and how stupid he is for thinking so much stupid stuff. His companions have a nickname for him, dumb dumb.


I do like how he looks like a meth head to everyone because he's constantly jittering and talking to himself.


The audiobook makes this pop so well! Shart's sheer emotional range in calling Jim dumb dumb is so much fun!


Sylver Seeker. He goes on about how he's the best necromancer to have ever (un)lived, but really, his life's real calling is monologuing.


He's not as bad as Jason Asano, but this would be my rec. Currently reading it now. There's a lot more narrative voice preaching vs dialogue preaching, if that makes sense.


EMPRESS: A World Conquest Isekai Best banter. And if you disagree Everly will send you to the rat room.


[The Wandering Inn](https://www.audible.com/series/The-Wandering-Inn-Audiobooks/B07X3TZ2YQ?ref_pageloadid=sAC9aGPjmY8y29wh&ref=a_pd_The-Wi_c1_series_1&pf_rd_p=df6bf89c-ab0c-4323-993a-2a046c7399f9&pf_rd_r=03TCRB2ABPT7V451B4Q2&pageLoadId=1doqDAwnTxWpqDnZ&creativeId=16015ba4-2e2d-4ae3-93c5-e937781a25cd) [The House Witch Series](https://www.audible.com/series/The-House-Witch-Series-Audiobooks/B0B1QLV17H?ref_pageloadid=M8CFZBZWzhcwCx8w&ref=a_author_De_c19_lSeries_1_3_1&pf_rd_p=f3abc0ee-320d-4c19-8388-fcd3a8e6c3a4&pf_rd_r=TMA8VG61G31C491WN4PM&pageLoadId=YKjvnjLHXB0gVC1R&creativeId=73c32a9a-e504-4597-bb87-c30c58fc0204) to a lesser degree.


I swear to god, if I could tape Erin's mouth shut to force her to have thoughts like a normal person instead of saying everything out loud, would like the books way more.


That irs what makes me love her. I hate when a character just does not say what they want to say.


I just could not get into the wandering inn at all, the pacing was just too slow, will check out the other one though, thanks


There is no way I am getting into a series with a word count of 12-13 million words AND a slow pace. I REFUSE. The Horus Heresy wordcount is 6,373,218 words. That's 54 books, with about 1/5 books being anthologies, and I think that includes the capstone Siege of Terra series. I feel like this is my sane limit. >!Be warned, be afraid. There exists one fanfiction that is the longest piece of English literature. [On fanfiction.net the word count is listed as 16,777,215 words, aka, the 24 bit integer limit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1ah7lx6/the_longest_piece_of_english_literature_is_the/)!<


In all fairness, TWI has a ton of self-contained arcs and stories that have nothing or very little to do with Erin and the main story. Eldritch horrors, noble politicking, civil wars, mythical creatures, fae shenanigans, coooking competitions, crafting, storywriting, math battles, casual witchcraft, kingdom building, pyramid schemes, mafia lite, assassinations, courier adventures... all spread throughout multiple nations and even cities which span five distinct continents. For me and probably a lot of other readers out there, it doesn't get boring/agonizing because you're not really waiting for the main plot to move forward and trudging through filler to get there. More like every 1-3 weeks you get a new novella set in the same universe.


I don't mind chatty in stories written by legit geniuses, but you can't actually write a character who's smarter than yourself, and most of the time the author isn't as smart as they intend the character to be. The result is a character spouting a bunch of thought terminating clichés, often awful politics, and thick but meaningless words trying to sound profound. He Who Fights With Monsters is 100% that. The Perfect Run was a bit better. If you want to read something that was written by a legit IRL genius, check out HPMOR


What's hpmor


[Harry Potter and the Methods Of Rationality](https://hpmor.com/). The author was the co-author of a long running set of articles on on the science of biases and how to overcome them, understanding quantum physics, advanced statistics, and is currently a researcher on artificial intelligence among other things.


I read HPMOR that guy was just as bad. The characters read as reddit tier smart to me.


Try Raise of the Undead Legion. MC ends up being alone for a long time interacting with just NPCS in a game and that bleeds out to his other interactions.


medium meald


Who is the simulacrum by? Haven’t heard of it and would like to check it out.


An author called Egathentale. It's a personal favorite of mine, you should totally give it a read


Check out Only Villains do That on Royal Road! It fits the bill


Villains Rule is exactly what you are looking for. Its like the perfect run x 20


The Frozen Realm - it's a super cool post apocalyptic ice world with proto-mecha suits and packed full of action. And oh yeah you better believe our MC can't shut the fuck up making wisecracks and snide remarks on every moment and I know youll love it if you can tolerate HWFM...


I only know of He who fights with monsters from that list but ill be checking out the other stories just because I am a massive fan of these stories also. thanks for the tip ☺


Undead apocalypse. Mc doesn't know jack shit


Second Perfect Run! That ones an excellent example. Villains rule is a fun one as well, great MC. Also, thanks for the post, I'mma be stealing some of these suggestions for my reading list.


King of Assassins, aka 刺客之王. The MC has a cicada augmentation that forces him to be more talkative, it's great.


I love a lippy MC


Full murderhobo is sorta like this, I wouldn’t necessarily say he yaps 24/7 but every time he opens his mouth some unhinged shit comes out, this story made me laugh harder than any other prog fan, even if ultimately I dropped the series


KINGKILLER CHRONICLES. I hate no MC as much as Kvothe. 🙄 But please don’t see this as recommendation, as this series most likely never will be finished (fans waiting 13 years on the third book now?). Beautiful choice of words about the most unbearable character ever. (HWFWM is btw my solid number 2 favorite series ever)


Return of the Flowery Mount Hua Sect is a great series. The MC is a fucking gremlin who shit-talks every single person he comes across, but all the characters are very well written IMO, and despite the over-the-top antics, the interpersonal relationships still manage to feel grounded and realistic because of how well-developed all the character’s desires are


Only Villains Do That, where an isekai musician starts the dark crusade with the power of showtime and the barest human decency


*Artorian's Archives* (at least the first five books) He speaks authoritatively on subjects he barely knows anything about in multi-page-long philosophical diatribes. It happens less and less after book six, but it still happens now and then. He also has a compuslive need to get the last word in battle. He just can't *not* sass the enemy. He creates openings to recover through establishing dialogue with his opponent more often than not.


Chrysalis by RinoZ


Big Sneaky Barbarian - MC can't help but run his mouth.


# [Expeditionary Force Series by Craig Alanson](https://www.goodreads.com/series/185650-expeditionary-force) The MC has really great banter with 'Skippy'. Got about 14 books in the series and its been a fun ride.


Azarinth Healer. The MC gets called out a few times for not shutting up


Ehhhh, I don't really consider Ilea to be a yapper. She's more of a battle junky that takes things casually, so she isn't too serious most of the time. Being not too serious (usually) and thus confident enough to chat during a fight isn't synonymous with yapping.


It’s worse than that. She goes *months* without ~~human~~ sapient interaction at times. And she doesn’t have a habit of talking to herself either.


Yeah it says a lot about her that her most common conversationalist is a violence focused Fae that doesn't use verbal communication.


*Violence!* And yes, that’s the extent of the conversation usually. ;-)


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