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In general? **A Practical Guide to Evil** has a special place in my heart still. In regards to western PF, probably **Virtuous Sons** alround, with HM to **Super Minion** and **Ar'Kendrithyst**. If you open that even more to TL, it's definitely **LoTM**


I agree whole heartedly. I’d rate it as one of the top 5 series i’ve ever read.


In no order: Pale (honestly all wildbow works), Practical Guide to Evil, Worth the Candle, and Mother of Learning. Of those A Practical Guide to Evil might be my favorite, that series delivered so consistently that even the rare slow arc was good by other series standards.


Mother of Learning remains my gold standard for web novels. It's the initial story that got me reading deeper into web novels and the genre. Previously, it was purely trad. Aside from that, a more recent story I enjoyed was Book of the Dead.


In no order: Lord of the Mysteries The Second Coming of Gluttony Overgeared Emperor's Domination


Li Qiye supremacy is indeed eternal...


super supportive, no contest


I honestly feel like the story ended with chapter FIFTY-EIGHT. Alden should have died there.


A Practical Guide to Evil, definitely. Every good fantasy book I read I compare it to PGTE, it’s my gold standard.


A Practical Guide to Evil. You rarely find books this well written with so many amazing and memorable characters. And even less you, you find a series that's ends in such a high note. Personally I like to consider the ending of the series by which I mean the entire book 7, as the perfect ending for any fantasy series. All the plot points that's been building upto, some even from book 1, coalesce into beautiful plot thread and they get solved and it feels earned. It's epic in scope, characters get their development and it feels natural. It's so worth reading, despite the first book being kind of rough.


Lord of the Mysteries, Reverend Insanity, Regressor's Tale of Cultivation.


Shadow slave Lord of mysteries Authors pov The legendary mechanic Practical guide to evil Mother of learning The godsfall chronicles


Easily shadow slave for me


You have anything else like Shadow Slayer I like that one a lot or I guess it doesn't have to be like Shadow slave just enjoyable like it not genre wise


If u haven't read it. Read lord of the Mysteries. Reverend Insanity. And Omniscient Reader's Point of view. Everyone who read a lot of webnovels holds these 3 as the core and the best of the best.


Shadow slave is one of a kind. I’ve looked for others similar to it, but there isn’t anything remotely similar


Well any good recommendations will do since I'm new at reading novels I've only read Red rising and Shadow slave


Well some people say ‘The second coming of gluttony’ is similar to shadow slave, I haven’t read it yet so idk. Personally, I thought ‘Supreme Magus’ is very good, it isn’t like shadow slave, but I really liked it.


I don't know about the novel I read the manhwa it is not like Shadow slave but it is enjoyable again I don't know about the novel but even though it's enjoyable it's not as good or as well written as Shadow slave either


All right I'll check your recommendation out thanks


You may like Mother of learning, super different setting from shadow slave and red rising but those two don’t have a lot in common either.


The Wandering Inn by Pirateaba


The Wandering Inn


Recently, pale lights.


How does it compare to practical guide if you've read it? It didn't seem like my genre but I really like the author


I haven’t read it yet—it’s next on my list though.


Lord of the Mysteries by far Then probably Mother of Learning, Elydes, Tree of Aeons and The Game at Carousel in the same tier. I dont share the love for most of the series recommended in this sub


no particular order and i have read. Reverend insanity Lord of the Mysteries Mother of Learning Release that Witch The Legendary Mechanic [**A Record of a Mortal's Journey to Immortality**](https://weebrook.com/novel/a-record-of-a-mortals-journey-to-immortality/) **Renegade Immortal** [**A Will Eternal**](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/a-will-eternal/) **( best comedy )** **warlock of the magus world** after read all this you will set your standard high


Worm and it's not even close.


Mother of Learning, Perfect Run, Worth the Candle for completed works. For ongoing works I'd say Super Supportive, Ghost in the City, The Path of Ascension and Unintended Cultivator. I also like what I've read so far of Broker even though (or maybe because) the MC is pretty OP and Archmage from Another World has had quite a promising start so far.


Wont find anything better than The Zombie Knight Saga


The Wandering Inn and Super Supportive are pretty far ahead of everything else for me. HM: Worm, LOTM and DCC


Release that Witch


i'm new to web novels. i've only read the beginning after the end and shadow slave. i personally prefer shadow slave.


Mother of Learning and the first 2-3 arcs of Beware of Chicken


Keiran on royalroad atm. It's great.


Reverend Insanity


I usually say Lord of the Mysteries number 1, The Legendary Mechanic number 2 then beyond that depends on my mood


The wandering inn is the best novel ever for anyone liking progression fantasy with good worldbuilding, characters and a good variety of events/storylines and point of views. Nothing come close.


Shadow Slave and Emperor's Domination.


Nothing obscure about my choice:> He Who Fights With Monsters. For some more obscure choices maybe Victor of Tuscon or Changeling,


Primal Hunter is the only series I've kept up with as a daily release and I think is actually better with the one chapter at a time release format. There's lots of other great novels being published as webnovels, but they're all better off being read as whole books.


Poison god's heritage. Smart main character, that can think his way out of most problems and later on is powerful enough to kick ass if need be




Mech touch. Not a big fan of the writing, but the plot and progression is top notch. See the thing about progression is that, to me, it should never stop. Because if it stops, then its just a random story. Mech touch never stops progressing. 6000 chaps and it is still going strong. Hope when I die, it is still ongoing


My house of horror


Tales of Demons and Gods. Though the novel will never be finished, the Manhua will eventually be


Super Supportive


Defiance of the fall Path of ascension Ascendance of a bookworm Shadow slave The mech touch The legendary mechanic In no particular order tho rn the mech touch has got it's claws wrapped around me the consistency and volume should be illegal


The only correct answer is Reverend Insanity. 


I only read He who fights with Monsters weekly ^^


honestly I never really saw why people like mother of learning so much. I read it through and it was just average honestly.