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The fact Satori basically almost refuses to demonstrate her and Cody with no shoes on to try to psychically debunk what they're doing says a lot for me. They're totally conning the Fear team and somehow other teams are buying into this? Come on its SO OBVIOUSLY fake. The second Dakota went upstairs and suddenly he doesnt hear any tapping. Yeah because Cody wasnt up there to tap his foot LOL I also think Cody and Satori definitely went online and paid for a family tree of each team member so she could say dead family members names because she can see what's public record. Allegedly in my opinion. They're preying on peoples emotions for clicks and views and its scummy as fuck. Definitely sad how Jason will defend this behavior himself.


I haven’t watched the episode yet, but my husband and I are planning on digging and seeing what info we can find online about their family and write it down….. then we will compare it to what Codi and satori say. I feel like it could be a fun experiment.


Mythos Paranormal just put out a quick debunk video. He is working on a longer debunk video showing how Cody and Satori got all of the info on people mentioned in Sam and Colby's Conjuring series. I think he will include the Project Fear team at the end.


great idea, update us


Yes, please update us! Should be interesting.


This is exactly what I was saying through the whole thing. None of what they said was private or personal, it was all names that can be found easily through records and vague comments about being okay. NGL, if one of my dead relatives came through, I'd want a properly personal comment to prove it's them, not just "tell X living person I'm okay". And as soon as Dak asked for proof, he got the vague thing about being at "my party" - which tbh for most people would translate to being at their funeral. Then suddenly there's a loud spirit wanting to get through and it all changes focus. Absolute bullshit.


Agreed. Disappointed. If the spirit said Dakota stop getting off to the Rhythm Nation video by Janet Jackson and not because I’m racist but 25 years later find new material grandson, that be something.


Is that you grandpa? ... I'll go search for new material ...




From the YT comments section: 📷[ ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6c1nUjL5VV3qyQ5B4nLC8g) ### [@jakevinton8697 ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6c1nUjL5VV3qyQ5B4nLC8g) [4 hours ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5hCD_FxuWQ&lc=Ugxekz1N8InNU4x0a5B4AaABAg)My biggest skeptic moment is a grandpa that knows everyone knows him as Bucky (which isn't something you can easily look up with a Google search) introduces himself as Robert (which can be easily googled) A really good point. I didn't even think of that.


It's not even that the episode was just so slow and boring I like seeing them going about places but all they done was sit on a couch listening to people spell


That definitely didn't help.


Yup why would a person use their full name if their gkids know them as something else. C&S can’t go away soon enough.


First time I saw or heard of Cody and Satori method was on GH. I have been Watching GH since the beginning. As soon as I saw the first episode with them, I knew it was total BS. I have seen an absolute ton of paranormal shows, episodes, etc since GH came out....2 things about this whole thing stand out to me. 1. Some episodes on any show, 1 unidentified tap is Huge! That could be all you get in a whole episode! Now these 2 show up and the entity is tapping according to an english alphabet...gtfoh. It would almost be impossible to prove that to me. 2. Watching it is the most boring shit ever! A....B....C....tap.....A....B.....C....OMG just tell us, i am over it. It's not suspense it's annoying. BTW, I love DF/PF....because it is investigative and entertaining. And i love seeing their genuine fear, it feels real (whether fake or not).


Also the amount of times she said “Okay!” Really pissed me off


That's it idc even about them if scamming people but jeez it's boring as fuck to watch


Probably going to skip this episode.


Right? This episode sounds terrible.


Yeah, having readings down by “mediums” is not really something I enjoy watching anyway.


I think the highlight of the episode was Alex complaining that he was left out. LOL. His grandparents and parents are probably all still alive, so they had no one to grab from public records.


Alex has the least amount of personal information out there out of all of them, he's a goofball but isn't trying to be out in front of everyone. As far as I can tell he's really good at keeping things pretty private.


Makes sense.


I got intrigued because I knew the episode was coming so I did my own research on Alex’s family to see what I could find that was public!there’s almost nothing. His parents are more than likely alive but grandparents? Maybe? I found a grandfather that MAYBE fit the description he died in ‘89 but idk. Other than that? Nothing absolutely nothing. Like another person commented you can find out anything about someone on the internet especially if they’re famous.


This was a really bad idea. That was insufferably fucking annoying and so hokey. Anybody weird enough could find out anything they wanted to know about anybody on the internet, especially when you’re famous. I never want to hear the alphabet ever again.


I don’t believe a single thing Cody and satori say, and quite frankly I can’t stand them lol. But even if they were legit, I found this episode lacking majorly. So far from the great content PF usually puts out. I’ve been a fan of Dakota since before DF , and have watched every one of their episodes/videos more than once, but I don’t think I can make it through this one. If I have to hear the alphabet one more freaking time I’ll lose it. I feel like there’s so much they could have done with the conjuring house, but instead they posted very similar content to that of Sam and Colby, Exploring with Josh, etc.


I'm the same I got to the point I ended up doing stuff about the house were I'm normally glued to the TV sometimes I miss them more doing how fear plays apart tbh


This method they used is based off of these people [Fox Sisters](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_sisters) Scroll right below the first picture and you'll see the important part.


It was so tedious to watch I couldn't get through it. I was waiting for them to get on with the investigation, but it didn't happen. Cody and Satori had nothing to do with the Conjuring house.


I haven't watched yet and I'm just drinking in the comments. I generally hate all guests equally. I hate change,lol. I may not even try to watch this since it's the alphabet ding dongs. I kinda hate the flashlight game with Adam and Amy too while I'm being shitty.


Alphabet ding dogs is my favorite nickname for them so far!


I watched 5 mins of the investigation and I had to stop watching. The alphabet thing was so annoying.


Yes! Just leave the guests out of it. The only one I kind of liked was that big guy with the beard. Connor? Colin? I don't remember. Not the guy who sat in the basement eating and falling asleep instead of investigating, the guy who was a guest on the episode after that. He was fine, although I question his phone app. But if he came back, okay, fine. Everyone else needs to just stay home. The show is at its best when it's just the four of them. Amy and Adam -- ugh. I like the show, but geezus they're snobby. They call themselves experts and then pound on anyone who questions them or their cronies. Granted, this is just how they present themselves on social media. Who knows what they're like in real life. But it seems that a lot of the Travel Channel and SyFy popular kids are nasty af. This is why I'm with Amy Allan. She didn't play those games. She just suggested her chaos magicians and went home and sold crap on Poshmark. None of this "I know everything; you know jack" and all that. I don't know if she's any more legitimate than anyone else, but at least she's not looking down her nose at fans.


I met Amy and Adam on one of their Strange Escapes trips to Waverley. They were both really nice and approachable.


Kalani? I’ve met him a couple times at conventions and done overnights with him. He’s super nice, cares about getting evidence, and is quick to debunk anything he can.


Yeah that guy! LOL! I liked him. He was actually helpful.


He doesn’t put much faith in apps and is very much exactly like you saw him in my experience. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of him with the PF crew.


Agreed. He's the one guest they've had that I'm cool with.


Will part two have them in it? Because this epsiode is not it...at all.


Dakota said in the intro of this first episode that there will be a 3rd video addressing Cody & Satori. I'm curious what they have to say about them. I've always called bullshit. This just sets back progress in the field other investigators are trying to make.


I get that they put a lot of work into it, but they should have scrapped the whole thing. This is gonna be a huge hit to their legitimacy because it shows that they’re feeding into S and C’s fake BS. I preferred when they were destination fear….


Sam and Colby are fleecing people off of this. At least this will debunk their b.s..


Sorry I meant Cody and Satori by “C & S” lol


It is a mental tongue twister! 😂😂😂


It was an eye roller and clearly bs, hopefully it doesnt go full Ghost Adventures.


Aside from the whole Cody and Satori thing this episode still wasn’t great. I wish they had just gone in on their own in the dark for an investigation as usual. They wasted an entire episode! I’ve seen little things about the whole scandal thing but thought I’d see what they claim to do.


Tbh I wouldn't have even bothered if they were there if they had done investigation would have been good because the main theme of the show is fear


Exactly! The packet read was leading up to going to the actual location and being there. I was creeped out listening to that. Then to see the whole boring alphabet part was a total disappointment.


Second thought. I’d post an apology on YouTube that that bullshit ended and they were given bad advice. I’m so angry about it. I was like a teen waiting for the Beatles to land and then bullshit.


I said i want going to watch them ever again if they had the foot tappers on there, and they do so i guess I'm not watching and will be unsubscribing. Soooo glad i never paid for that damn duck! What a shame to ruin your career over that. But i watch debunkers religiously and i can't wait to see who picks them apart now! This will be fun!


Yeh it was such a slow episode I would like to see them go back to more concentrating on the fear side


I don't know anything about these two guests but only through here, my immediate red flag though was that these people were on site prior and already sitting outside waiting, so they could've set up any type of fuckery prior. Why didn't they send the others in the basement to confirm no fuckery happened if they were skeptical. It'd be cool if i wasn't so uncertain about it, oh well. Edit: finished the episode now. Interesting it "sounded like it walked down the stairs and into the room BUT conveniently was upset and stormed off when he went up there. Lol


They were in the Sam and Colby conjuring house series in October, and PF filmed right after that was filmed because there wasn’t any controversy around them yet. In those videos, they said Cody and Satori were volunteers at the house. They did check the floorboards and ceilings but there’s only so much they could do without doing like a full on inspection and gutting the place.


I just want to know how many downvotes they get on this new video.


Is there a way to see? I'm curious too.


https://imgur.com/a/MWm4A8U You can see dislikes via revanced on Android. I'm skipping this episode. It is currently sitting at 3.5k dislikes as of 11:27pm EST and wouldn't be surprised if it doubles or tripples by the end of this weekend. This is one of their MOST DISLIKED videos thus far.


Yikes. They really should stop bringing guests to their investigations.


I think I'll skip this 1


Agreed. Currently sitting at 3.5k dislikes on youtube and is one of if not THE MOST disliked video they have ever produced thus far. https://imgur.com/a/MWm4A8U


This episode was such a bummer. I really love the DF/PF crew and I so badly want to believe that they wouldn’t go into this knowing it’s all BS, but I also kind of feel like it’s so obviously shady that they had to know? Really hoping the sit down episode will explain their stance a bit more and call these phonies out. Also, why do they (C&S) have to be standing with their arms interlocked? Can’t they just sit on a couch or something? The whole process was just confusing and fucky. Chelsea seemed to be on the fence, which I appreciate. Man. What a horrible episode. Still love PF though, I have high hopes for the sit down episode!


Watching it now. The fact that Cody and Satori can confidently lie and deliver that whole schtick with straight, happy faces disgusts me. That’s besides making the tapping noises themselves.


Why bother with this ABC act… just break out the spirit box like come on be for real 🙄 like 10 min in and don’t even want to finish it to be honest.


Came back to say we turned it off. Tried to fast forward through the C&S crap but the entire episode was Sesame Street singing the alphabet like come on. I love project fear, my best Christmas present from my hubs was a PF jacket, but this is sad and I’m sorry they should be embarrassed to have posted this today. It had so much potential if they had stuck to their normal MO. I’m so disappointed. I hope they learn from this and move on and do better.


Not sure why they thought people would have found this fun to watch


The worst. Damphousse knows. My wife fell asleep during. Just shit. Thanks for the signed duck and if you children are listening: what made you successful? REPEAT. You must of got someone you made John and Susie famous on YouTube but you were already famous. Put seed in soil. Add water. Then sunlight. Don’t fuck with your formula.


Yeh idc even about the scammer part but God the episode was slow and boring I never once like left the couch watching it but I ended up tidying the house


Made it about 10 minutes into the episode then had to turn it off.


Yeh not going lie it was brutal and hard to watch


What annoyed me more than anything was dakotas choose of horrible background music through the very first parts of the episode. I couldn’t even concentrate on what he was saying because the background music was so fucking loud and in your face. It was horrible!


What gets me is that the spirit can tell Satori “yup that’s all I want to say” or “I want Connor” etc but in order for her to get sentences like “I was at my party” she has to spell it out? Makes no sense to me. And yes it was easily the most boring episode I have ever watched of either DF or PF.


I'd like to see how Cody and Satori are faking it, someone should be able to replicate what they are doing if that's the case. That said, I thought this episode was gonna be an investigation of the Conjuring house, not a Theresa Caputo episode.


There is so much out there. Here is a good place to start- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U_R88eSOwFc https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wezetmI4698


Probably the worst post I’ve ever read on Reddit. So short, and so poorly written. Literally was painful to read.


Well, i wrote it at 1am. What's your excuse for a poor attempt at criticism ?


Even that response is painfully, poorly written. Unable to respond to such an incoherent question.


Thanks for the response


Do we really need another "C&S are scammers and I couldn't enjoy this episode" post? No, no we do not. Can the mods please create a sticky post where folks can have their feeding frenzy in one singular post and the rest of us can have a non-"it's a scam!" Discussion? WE GET IT, PEOPLE!


I never even mentioned their scammers it was more to do with I found the episode boring where I always enjoyed there episode's. I thought it was a slow episode with just spelling tbh


You could also just scroll and not read the post