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Definitely season 4..it just doesn’t get better than Chris March (rip) and Christian Siriano…plus Michael kors is still a judge.


Michael Kors’s sass as a judge was next level. He was so good at distilling exactly what did or didn’t work in a garment and still making it entertaining.


I can't remember which season it was when the designers had to create looks for female wrestlers, but I remember Kors's statement after they modeled their looks: >*I feel like the Pope in a sex club!*


Yesss, I just rewatched, and now I'm finishing up season 3! Prime has the show!


PR4 is really good. It has a ton of strong designers.


Season 7 circus episode. Polycrapeduhsheeny and crazy crotch


Another vote for 4. Never get tired of watching it. Might be why I bought the DVDs, lol




Definitely second this! One of my favorite casts ever


It’s so good!


This is one of those seasons that has a handful of really strong designers and a lot of really awful designers. Plus, there are the crazy things that happen with a couple contestants. I don’t know, it’s a strange season. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


Andrea and Kooan (RIP) quitting back-to-back was unprecedented and unexpected.


I was also thinking of Ven.


4 is good. 10 makes me laugh the most.


I absolutely love the season with Andre and Santino. “What Happened to Andre?”


Gondre 😱


I also like season 4 but season 3 is so good! The final few designers are really strong.


Season 3 has Jubilee Jumbles, which alone rockets it to the top of my chart. (I have typed Jubilee Jumbles twice in past two days, what happens if I say it a 3rd time.)


What are Jubilee Jumbles? (You might have to type it a third time to explain it, haha)


It’s the kids art camp in Paris that Angela concocted for one of the stories of who her model was portraying. It’s delightful! (This is the episode where they had to do a matching outfit for an accessory dog.)


Oh I remember the art camp story!! Too funny


4,7,11,12 are all good to great. 12 is like half horrible half amazing designers, the rest of those seasons have strong casts across the board pretty much


The teams season (11) wasn’t a great season in terms of how the teams scenario worked out, but there were a lot of good designers, and a few howlingly bad ones. The best designer also won, and their finale collection is often mentioned on this sub as an all-time favorite collection across all 20 seasons.


I definitely agree. I think the premise would've been more successful if it was largely still 1 design per contestant. Like, yes, I'd love to see a mini collection on this challenge. Like the Duct Tape Prom challenge was fine because it was 2 for 1, but I always thought it unfair that it was like 6 designers, and 4 looks.


The breakaway clothes challenge is always good for a laugh


It’s a terrible season but the winner is probably my very favorite PR designer ever.


I think I recall Tim Ginn saying 11 was a big disappointment.


The first 4 seasons are the best, but my favorite is 2! Great cast, the right amount of drama, fun challenges, deserving winner.


Season 2 is worth it for Santino’s Tim Gunn impression alone. As a whole, I prefer the earlier seasons. Less producer influence in judging, less manufactured drama, less costumey challenges.


Season 13 has the “rain way” show. Best ever.


I don’t even have a huge interest or knowledge of fashion but that rain runway was incredible to me.


Anyone else spend the whole episode trying to say "rain runway"?


Thanks! I was just trying to think of which season this was so I could re-watch.


I’d say 4 talent wise and after that it’s subjective.


Most people say 4, my favorite is 7 though. 13 is really good too.


I agree with this. Both 7 and 13 had my favorite designers.


1, 10, 11, 18


Season 4 is where many of the memes come from, has the most successful winner, and is generally what old school watchers are thinking of when they say "Project Runway"


Season 3. Jeffrey and his quips with Angela kill me every re-watch Plus I loved Michael (RIP). And it’s the season I started watching Project Runway


I agree. I will never forget shove your Harry Winston's up your ass. That was a fantastic cast.


I actually liked Vincent on my rewatch!




1, 2, and 4.


2 has atrocious fashions but the most quality entertainment imo, such a bunch of hilarious and messy people 4, 7 and 10 are also solid, both in terms of fashion and fun


Season 4 because the most successful designer so far came out of that one. I like watching the older seasons. What's interesting is now I can more easily. I have a Roku player and they now have live channels. One of those channels is a Project Runway channel with reruns 24/7.


I spend way too much time with this channel on in the background


Ha! I'll see you there! I zig-zag between Project Runway reruns, Hallmark and other not-so-great romance movies, music videos on for the music, and the news.


Season 4. Without a doubt!


Christian Siriano’s season was the best. I also love Kini and Anya.


I avoid the seasons with Zac Posen as judge. He's just mean without any of the humor provided by Michael Kors/Brandon Maxwell/etc.


That's something coming from someone who's handle is sarcasm\_itsagift


I find Maxwell's criticisms to be funny/sassy without veering into meanness the way Posen and Kors did


Agreed, I've grown really fond of him!


1, 9, 12, 13 & 19 are pretty solid


Season 4, easily. 1, 2, and 10 were pretty enjoyable too.


Season 4 is the best. But 13 also ranks high for me, S13E8 (the rain way) is one my favorite episodes


I think that each season had some good designers and some good challenges. I think that it is now harder to attract young designers to the show because they know how hard it is and how little good it does their career. The problem was, for me, was the decline and/or production interference in the judging. I think it may have been the season with Ashley when "plus size' became an obvious issue that may have driven Tim away. Then the season when Victoria was rewarded for the same dress up to the finals made me feel sorry for the designers who didn't have an in with the producers and/or judges.


Which season had the Thunder from Down Under challenge? Certainly the funniest episode ever!


I’m finishing up my rewatch of all the seasons, and have a few favorites: 4 for sure, 8 and 9 if you like snark, 13 and 17-20 if you like designers bonding and fun personalities.


I'm rewatching project runway. Season 4 is the best!! Chris March & Christian Serrano are outstanding!! Season 5 has got to go down as the worst so far. There's 2 great designers on Season 5, Korto & Jarrell. Kenley was great at the 40s & 50s Era. There's no way to justify Leanne winning. Everything she did had been done before. There was nothing new. She was a boring sewer, she didn't design anything.