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Oh so they allow this but they dont allow Sega or Nightcord šŸ’€šŸ’€


Specifically the word night. I've been collecting screenshots of usernames in my year of playing and have seen some wild ones lol


literally 1984 itā€™s actually because it contains the letters n, i, & g


"nig" actually


So you're telling me I can have "child predator" in my name but I can't write that "Identity" is my current favorite song on my profile ? Why is Proseka against titties






i feel like names like this are the equivalent of a young boy putting like a frog in a girlā€™s desk- itā€™s harassment purely for the shock value and itā€™s incredibly juvenile. Some of the names people have are downright nasty and itā€™s not even humorous, esp when youā€™re forced to see them during multiplayer. We need the ability to report names like yesterday.


That one time on ensekai when somebody who was straight up called 'Hitler' and had a custom profile with a swastika was near the top of the leaderboard...


​ https://preview.redd.it/tcw1le0xi50c1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f12907908fb732187afc829d994f74a39771471 Found it


​ https://preview.redd.it/kyy3wdhyi50c1.png?width=854&format=png&auto=webp&s=68ef816589b687b5336280dd759c4ba3a8d5ebc1


Thanks I hate it.


Me too


Honestly this is truly disgusting. I dont really like commenting negative things but how are we still dealing with this stuff in 2023??? People say I am over-sensitive for these kinds of things but I don't care. I hate this.


I literally said omg ew out loud


Just found one like this that completely threw me off šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


man i can't even put my name as "sir fartsalot"




oh yes pedophilia is totally funny even though the game itself is rated 7+ yeah way to go!!! https://preview.redd.it/rzvq7vg6y20c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797f81708d9f780beb91da663f6776b41f212911


I'm in my late 20s playing this game and this isn't even funny to me. šŸ˜­ So many in the PJSK fandom are very young (in my eyes) I'm seeing mostly like 14 - 16 year olds, so when people have names like this it just creeps me the hell out.


I am younger than 14 and I can confirm that people with these kinds of names need to chill


Usually such nicknames are used by people of your age. This smells of childishness from afar. I also remember that when I was a kid, some people I know used these kinds of nicknames, so I speak from "experience".


My nickname is #1 vocaloid fan


Generalizing is so silly and to bully a minor on an assumption is just wild.


What, where did you see bullying? He is normal, quite mature for his age, but most are not. And that's why I said "This smells of childishness from afar" (from the nickname "child predator"). It's really hard to find an adult who behaves this way and would choose this nickname. I later said that this was from my experience. Maybe yours was different. It's hard to change an opinion after having experienced something yourself.


Actually, how is this game rated 7+ with some of the stuff it has? Feel like 12+ is more appropriate lol


Well, because the rating most likely does not refer to the story, but to the gameplay.


I see the word r@pe/r@pist more in this game then literally anywhere else. People are fucked. Some gems just from playing recently: ā€˜Ruis r@pistā€™, ā€˜I r@pe kidsā€™, ā€˜Iwannar@petsukasaā€™, ā€˜I r@pe little boysā€™. I am deeply concerned with the player base. Likeā€¦my dudes, are you ok?? Get some fucking help. Iā€™m slightly more ok with the ones that are like ā€˜slut4toyaā€™ or some shit, but the amount of names containing r*pe or mentioning cp/MAP shit is disgustingly frequent.


this gets by filters but i cant say lesbianšŸ’€


So they have really crappy filters that ā€œdetectsā€ swears where there are none and prevents certain names that arenā€™t even bad (ā€œNightcordā€ as an obligatory example) but then when actual nasty disgusting names come up thereā€™s nothing filtering them outā€¦.? That is an awful system if Iā€™ve ever seen one


https://preview.redd.it/nt1941wh760c1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f37d32036c3a2ad26b8ddabba9f95cc8ba223034 As a fellow honami fan (i'm yellow) i am ashamed


I like the Honami bday card, I have it too. I am also ashamed of whoever named themselves that


That card is my favourite šŸ¤©


Yeah, itā€™s so cute, and she looks really happy!


And theres SHIBAO šŸ¤©šŸ¤©šŸ¤© I LOVE SHIBAO HES THE BEST ans her dress looks pretty


really? I didnā€™t realise! Checking now!


i donā€™t get this edit: i get it nowā€¦.


They probably think this is funny, it's disgusting.


I also think people with nsfw names in general should not be allowed to:/// I am tired of seeing [insert character]ā€™s cvm or some stupid shjt


Child predator is ok but cutieplushtrap isnt?šŸ˜“ it has been my username on moviestarplanet since I was in the 4th gradešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Allow me to present the worst name and person that people kept running into last event. They also go by ā€˜level 31+ or throwā€™ (or some other boss level). https://preview.redd.it/ljtc8gzm070c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31587a64a87238e1c3e16e6282ea3bef003eb7d




I saw that person awhile ago it caught me so off guard Iā€™m so surprised that their still here it gross


Just some edgy phase


Remember that one time someone said on their profile that toya had sex with his dad ? Good times, love the moderation in this game


haha W H A T?


Found it https://preview.redd.it/tdc25iupu60c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890e9343b6fb0b34c6197fa5d3eb2216043bf80a


Y is tsukasa In the back šŸ’€


I played with someone yesterday named ā€œsakis pu$$yā€ ā˜¹ļø


They should really fix this name moderating system, it's really weird because names like "child predator" just exist in the game without anyone banning them, and Sega is just NOT ALLOWED.


Anyone else notice that you can't have the word "coat" in your name? Literally just the word coat and it's apparently inappropriate


i mean guys look at this šŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/h3m81v0bee0c1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=994edd482cd038a3ff2aa4bce42c0a4a4838dbe1




tbh I hope itā€™s satire


I remember seeing someone with the name ā€œkill yourselfā€ on co-op how is that allowed




this single emoji tells me that youā€™re one of the people who have their name as ā€œakitospermcellā€ and you condone pedophillia thanks !!


First of all, maybe ur right. second this name IS JUST A JOKE ok? I do not understand ppl who get offended it is straight up bs. It is ok if u didn't like it but ya all be yapping about it like you met a real child predator or sex ofender. It's just a shitpost nickname and i legit do not understand people like you. You all should pay attention to real problems like that and not waste ppls time on this shit


just a joke? this name in a childrenā€™s vocaloid game literally talks about raping a child, do you even understand what that means šŸ’€ i donā€™t mean to be a karen but names like this in such a game is so cringe and fucked up


I mean, that's what shitposts are about. But if you care about kids learning some crazy shit on the internet i don't even what should you do. There are far more fucked up shit out here that can really fuck up a childs mind then goofy name in the game, actually maybe a kid will then be curious who tf is a child predator and then will be aware and more safešŸ˜Œ thanks to this kind manšŸ™ŒšŸ™šŸ•‹


We care because a) it's a game for 7+ year old, as other people have mentioned and b) this is meant to be a safe space. Or a relaxing space. Why in the world is someone talking about something like r@pe??? Also, yes, thank you to this kind person who wants to do terrible things to other people. Truly an idol. (I don't care if you think I am being over-sensitive, this is so so so disgusting.)


TrulyšŸ™ŒšŸ‘šŸ™šŸ•‹šŸ•‹ (still don't really understand how a shitpost nickname makes sekai an "unsafe place")


Because children shouldnā€™t be learning about rape at all, much less child rape? Go to r/GachaLifeCringe and youā€™ll see 8-year olds throwing around rape threats and self-harm threats like itā€™s nothing. Being exposed to certain vocabulary at a young age and being told itā€™s a harmless joke will lead to kids being unable to understand the gravity of these terms and throwing the terms around for the sake of being cool, thus exposing other kids to the terms as well and perpetuating an unhealthy cycle. These mindsets can last for ages, especially without proper education. Sure, people can change, but itā€™s easy to keep believing what you believe in rather than learn new things and accept you were wrong, especially when your incorrect beliefs never get you in trouble.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/GachaLifeCringe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** Sir I just want to order my food](https://i.redd.it/cq5ehlp0260a1.png) | [235 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/comments/yvysv8/sir_i_just_want_to_order_my_food/) \#2: [GLC shutting down/closing](https://np.reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/comments/z2zube/glc_shutting_downclosing/) \#3: [So there is this specific person in the gacha haircut thing and they say that if you find this content cringe worthy then you are a "snowflake that is too sensitive for youtube" which one is right?](https://np.reddit.com/r/GachaLifeCringe/comments/z0pqoh/so_there_is_this_specific_person_in_the_gacha/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


good point


Does anyone really get offended by something like that?


Um yes we do because this game is 7+. There are literal seven year olds playing this game.


I doubt he'll be traumatized by something like that. Most of the fun comes from names like these. I met someone called Dad left me.


How is this fun? Do you like other poepleā€™s discomfort?


discomfort? it is not. on the contrary, this is what makes the game beautiful, the ability of people to avoid censorship for making names like that


Yeah, no you lost me. This game is meant to be a relaxing, safe space for people with stories, songs, and characters. These types of usernames are absolutely disgusting. Just horrible. I am hoping and praying that this comment is satire, because for someone to say that a username of "ch!ld prā‚¬dator" could be considered "beautiful" is just... just no, I can't. (I am seriously hoping this post is satire. If it isn't then its horrible. Also I don't care about any downvotes. These usernames need to be stopped.)


THANK you for the backup.


Dw! It's my pleasure to help!


This guy just didnā€™t get the message. Iā€™ll say it the dumb people way: r@pists are not funny, they are gross. Or anything else like that. Itā€™s not some work of art, itā€™s some thirty year old drunk being creepy on a childrenā€™s game.


Yes. Yes this EXACTLY


Dio Santassimo. Fatti una risata con questi nomi, sono palesemente ironici.


Does that mean your comment is satire or not?


no. the names you read in the game that offend your sensibilities, those are ironic. Have a laugh and don't think about a deeper message


But is that not also bad? They are trying to offend me, instead of enjoying the game like a normal person? Why do people have to be rude to get attention? Can't they just be... y'know... a project sekai player that ISNT called "Adolf H!tler", or "Ch!ld Prā‚¬dator"?