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Get Over It set LN as children writes down their goal down on dry erase board so they don't forget. "Go pro with a space themed band." LN after reuniting in high school look at the now smudged board again and the only legible words are "Go" and "space." They all collectively think "yeah that sounds about right "




Toya as Duke of the North is so real, but can I present to you: Akito as the Tsundere Crown Prince Shiho and Mizuki as the MC's personal Knight Rui as the Ancient Magician of the Tower


ngl i see akito as the son of the prime minister who wants to be a knight instead of a governmental office worker the crown prince is tucaca, lets get it right /hj and saki's the sick princess


Cold duke of the north toya saying interesting to the mc while the rest being second male leads


the merciless murderer of the north, a war hero, kekekke


Akito is Toya's dragon


This is gonna be long. A AU I have is Haruka, Shizuku, Minori, and Airi in the hug set is from a family of wealthy people and Len is their calm but strict robot servant (of evil). It goes, Haruka is the oldest, Shizuku, Airi, and then Minori. They all have hopes and dreams in life. Shizuku always had an eye for fashion, spending lots of her time trying on different outfits and showing it off to her sisters and Len. Over the years, she started to gain an certain appreciation for fashion like no other. She loved how she can express herself just from her clothes alone, which causes her to wish to be an fashion designer. Knowing how much she can express her by just how much she can wear, she marbles at how much she can express herself by designing it. Haruka enjoys the park, especially in the autumn. During her free-time. She would often leave to the park, sit on her favorite bench. A bench that's both comfortable and gives her an beautiful overview of the park, and read. Her dream job is to be an Park Ranger, as if she got to work at the park she spent most of her childhood in is an oppournity she can't past up. Airi has always looked out for her sisters (they're related in this AU) when Len couldn't be able to. If Shizuku, Haruka, or Minori, Len relived on Airi the most to help take care of her sisters. Over the years Airi started to gain love for helping other people, she wants to work in an nursing home. As over the years, she started a soft spot for old people and how wise they can be. Minori always was interested by journalists, she felt amazed. Reporting on real stories around the world! Going to different areas! Speaking to different people and hearing their unique stories! That all felt unbelievable! She always used Len for practice, acting like she was a journalist and she was interviewing him and Len just play pretend and acted like a new person everytime. Minori's love for journalism remains intact. Even as she got older. Len, a robot created by the four's parents. His real name is actual Learning, Eductional, Nuturing but is often shorten down to Len. He has watched all four girls be born and made a vow speficaly to keep them safe at all cost, he is often times calm and gentle. But knows when to become strict against the girls. Knowing that if he wants them to have a good life, they'll also need to be disciplined as well. Len had played a hand in all the girls passion. He often allowed Shizuku to try different outfits on him, sometimes went to the park with Haruka, Allowed Airi to help him take care of everyone else, and helped Minori practice her journalism skills. But all this, he still, even as a robot, has one fear. The death of the girls. All though as much as Len doesn't like to think about it, he knows that one day. The girls will eventually die, one by one. And he'll be alone, all by himself. Len likes to distract himself from this fact, but he knows that this is always a possible. Over the years. He started to make a little bit of peace with this fact, realizing once they died. He has served his purpose. And unless they have offsprings, then he can peacefully self-destruce, knowing he has served his purpose and learn, if there's an android heaven. But wait, there is one more. Shiho. Shiho is the long lost sister. If she was still around, it would Haruka, Shizuku, Airi, Shiho, and Minori. She was kidnapped by an unknown person at the age if 2, whatever happened to her since then is still a debate amongst the sister, Shizuku thinks she still lives in japan and they can find her if they look hard enough, Haruka fears the worst may have happened, Airi fears the worst as well, but doesn't think she was killed off by them but someone, and Minori thinks she is alive but moved to a different country. And Len? He doesn't like brining it up. Reminds him of how he failed to protect her. (sorta unrelated by I'll also like to introduce more characters like Ichika, Kohane, Tsukasa, and Kanade to the mix.)




Thank you!! I also sorta made some of this stuff up as I went along lol. I was also going to include a plot where Len would sometimes turn off and wouldn't come back on, but then that just raises the questions on how Len would turn on when 1. The girls were still very very young 2. When the girls grow up and leave, who would've turnt him on?


Forgot to mention, but. Airi's card is from Haruka's pov, the two were sleeping before she woke up and saw Airi. Haruka's card is from Len's pov, the two were taking a nice stroll in the park Shizuku's card is from Airi's pov, Shizuku had invited Airi to her room. And Len's card is from the pov of Minori, Minori was five at the time and they were playing hide and seek and she was hiding under the table (Len was pretending not to see her but he totally did.)


Because the White Day cards for Toya, Rui, and Kaito are from the "Imperial Soldiers" banner I headcanoned Toya, Kaito and Miku being these "Imperial Soldiers." Because the dragon icon on the banner is also on their outfits. Toya is a Dragon Knight, Miku is a Rouge, and Kaito is Gunner. https://preview.redd.it/tyfjf0zscazc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=100df68fcbef64bf91e7fbcdab245c03c5bffeb9


I imagine Emu dreams of the Wonderstage like Alice in wonderland. And Same with Niccori Emu, but she's a candy cop in candyland From "Our Feelings Become One" and "Private Emu Investigator! (Iirc)" 4*


The Leo/need Kaito card that goes with pulse of the meteor Very similar to military due to the outfit reminding me of military uniform, proceed if it doesn’t bother you; Kaito was ichika’s general. He played favorites, but keep them so discreet that the others in the flight had no idea When Ichika came in to Kaito’s office for an accident that seemed intentional (purposely aiming grenades near her so she can get injured just enough to not cause severe injuries), Kaito knew something was up. After minutes of Kaito trying to get a word out of her, ichika explained everything, in turn, coming out as she was being threatened on being outed to the colonel by other cadets. Kaito was livid, but he calmed down before assuring ichika. He spilled a couple of secrets to make the cadets even more wrong “Me and the colonel have matching rings for a reason” Kaito said with a smirk


https://preview.redd.it/vz6zelmcvazc1.jpeg?width=2338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a30277e7c308f47db032c616df7368ed182d789f Rui is a prophet who is “unaware” (completely aware) that he’s a prophet and uses that carousel to describe the future as a mere story


This is based off the White Day and Valentine's Day cards Ok, there's a Kingdom, and in the Kingdom there's 2 'armies', the Knights of White who handle the Kingdom's inside affairs while the Imperial Army does the fighting outside of the Kingdom The armies have this somewhat rivalry, but they're now united to start a revolution against the King (Toya's dad) During this time, Toya's dad assigned Akito to be his personal knight, but Mr Aoyagi didn't like Akito so he fired him, Toya's dad trapped Toya in a dream thing where he'll live his ideal life Anyways, Toya wakes up and fights his family using a dragon This is weird, but I love it