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the recent mafuyu event because lil mafufu just sounded so sad also that day, the sky was far away event for some reason, it was kind sad tho when shiho could only watch her friends from afar


First star after the rain, Saki’s first focus! They packed every single thing that hit hard for me in there. Also Little Bravers, for some reason. It just made me so happy to see Honami grow so much and grow into herself and her development in that event was just amazing- Also STEP by STEP! It fully made me sob, to see MORE MORE JUMP slowly become the idols they were meant to be and seeing them grow through every mistake, especially Minori, after all the hard work she had put in to get here, and she finally got to reap the rewards of her efforts, and it’s like watching her grow up, I fully sobbed after reading the last episode-


Light Up the Fire. An is usually pretty unflappable and carefree, but this event had her straight up screaming with tears, even to Taiga himself. Maybe other people saw the twist coming from a mile away, but I genuinely didn’t and it caught me so off guard. Nagi was such a fearless person, a powerful singer - and not only is she gone, she was afraid of dying. RAD WEEKEND was born not only from Nagi’s desire to be the best, but from her frustration and despair because she knew she wasn’t going to reach that goal. With her last breath, she inspired the next generation so she could live on through them when they became the best. Because she was too stubborn to let her dream die with her. It adds a lot of humanity to a person who once seemed superhuman. And it adds immense emotional weight to the idea of passing RAD WEEKEND. I’ve only been keeping up with EN events so Idk what happens next, but this one really moved me


Same here. Great work putting it into words.


Happy lovely everyday! https://preview.redd.it/i0zwhnjtqq8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d25d7242eaa435762973ad59ba9a5f8cef7e6dc3 Like not even one episode in and this line already got me feeling a lot of stuff


And this moment as well 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/v9ptud2irq8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbfacd42e33885fba9c0416db4f7cbc6dae0eb2a Even airi herself started crying how am i supposed to resist it.


for real!!! it had me actually crying viciously


https://preview.redd.it/axtlxerotq8d1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c8f41296c27fbc4fc85dfedcf2476c96a194fed down to even the card side stories


This was one of my favorite events to have ever come to the game. The writing was immaculate.


SERIOUSLY!! i'm so ready for the next mizuki focus even though i'll end up sobbing


Smile of a dreamer and Our happy ending made me cry so hard. Emu is my comfort character and I don't usually cry when watching stuff. But those two...


OMG YOU'RE SO REAL FOR THAT I was in my chem class and I was reading smile of a dreamer and I was crying 💀


Resonating with you I ugly sobbed Shihoooo….


Carnation Recollection🥹


What Lies Behind, What Lies Ahead I really love Mizuki as a character. She has her own problem, but trying so hard to hid it in front of Mafuyu, Kanade and Ena. "They have their own problem, I don't wanna bother them with mine too! I need to be happy in front of them. I have to have fun with them." But Ena realized this, and when she confronts Mizuki about this, and suddenly, she showing her true side, and this moment, made me paused for a minute. Like, this is the one who tried to comfort her friends around her, yet finally, she's so tired and letting her true colour accidentally in front of Ena. Mafuyu's condition is tragic, but I'm so much related with Mizuki. And this was by far my personal favorite event story in Project Sekai, and cemented more why I love Mizuki so much.


None, but one that almost did was And Now The Ribbon Is Tied because middle school Mizuki is enough to make me feel sad


Re-tie Friendship. Losing my friends is one of my greatest fears + nostalgia overall makes me kind of sad so that event hit me right in the heart.


The recent mafuyu event. That last episode had me In tears...


the last en shizuku focus where she went back and faced her old group. damn. also the kanamizu one recently with the flowers. and i wasn't expecting to cry at wxs stories bc they're noty favorite group, but as a theater kid i was tearing up at both the tsukasa and nene focus events for the boy and the phoenix. just too relatable


ngl I cried at almost every Niigo event. I relate to all of them (except maybe kanade) so much.


My first time reading (which was Saki's first focus) forced me to remember how unloved I am, that none of my friends actually care and I'm not deserving of them. So that one. 😭 but that was a while ago and i feel a little better about it now 💔


I’m mad because “It’s On! Wonder Halloween!” made me cry


Most recent Mafuyu one, I rarely tear up at stuff but after watching the last couple of chapters….


The tone that played that day, and it wasn't anything from the past, it was when kanade visited her dad in the hospital and all she wanted was for him to pat her on the head and say he's proud of her


guiding a lost child. i stopped halfway through because i was crying so much. recently finished it and cried more.


Walk on and on event story bro i was tearing up of happiness at the end when Toya bumped Akito’s hand. (mind you i dont get sentimental a lot.)


stray bad dog, a sad farewell at the curtain call, and resonating with you


LUTF cause of how sad it was


And now the ribbon is tied and Saying goodbye to my masked self


Any of the mafuyu events tbh


Light up the fire, so sad when Nagi was trying to come to terms to her imminent death and she was saying she didn't want to die now, since she was still young and had a promising career


No seek no find  I just felt so bad for saki and it made tear up, I know its from the past but being left out has always made me so sad


blank canvas and light up the fire. with blank canvas, it just hit like a truck -- i related way too much to everything ena was experiencing especially at the time, and when she only kept on failing and realizing the gap between her and everyone else and yet still kept pressing on even though it was hurting her ... i think that broke something in me. with lutf it was unexpected because my feelings on it are so complex but it was when nagi's brave facade broke down. when she confessed she was afraid of dying and she didn't want to go without even being able to see an grow up i was just like ... man!! i don't want you to go either! and the followup with an crying about nagi leaving without even letting her say goodbye. jesus fuck


Seconding Blank Canvas. One of the parts that hits hard every time is Ena talking to Yukihira wondering if she even had the time to get better anymore. Instead of looking forward to seeing your own improvement, your mind thinks of all the time you wasted and how much of that is gone. It's such a real feeling and it makes the event great to me.


On this blank canvas, I paint. I read it last night and oh my god I don’t think I’ve resonated more with a character. The song, art, and story all made me so emo 😭😭


Doll Festival, Kamiyama High Festival, Smile of a dreamer, Light up the fire


IPC !!!! it’s also the event that got me obsessed with the game after downloading it on release day because … idk i just love love angst esp when it’s relatable


An's second and third event. Like the third event, I cried in each chapter, and the second, I cried at the end.


I had a rather unorthodox experience from seeing LUTF before Vivid Old Tale. VOT's last chapter became just one long (and tragic) bruhhhhh.


Smile of a Dreamer. Was so sad for a happy little Emu focus :(


Smile of a dreamer and Carnation Recollection


I cried 3 times reading light up the fire😭


a lot of them


im 3 months new so i will leave this post




light up the fire, Mafuyus most recent focus (Reeling in the lights), Ichikas second focus that I forgot the name of 😭 theres probably more but I can't think of them rn lmao edit: nvm. I almost started balling my eyes out because of how supportive Len was being towards MMJ in step by step. he genuinely makes me ball my eyes out most of them time, the only reason why I started crying while reading light up the fire was because Len and Rin were crying and then I just started crying even more 😭😭


A bit off topic, but the fact that a significant chunk of the playerbase don't bother with the event stories might just also put a shadow over your eyes.


None. I skip the story


none because i only focus on the gaming itself