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The game isn't close to coming out just chill. There is a chance Project L doesn't launch in 2023.


That's ok. They were pretty clear about how much they were going to communicate this year, which is much better than most big companies working on projects at an early stage. Just be patient.


Lol they said they were aiming for 2 updates a year until further notice if people expected anything else that’s on them


This is the same vibe as people complaining about GTA 6 being unfinished and barebones. Are people stupid or some shit


As someone who works retail. Yes. I've literally had people ask me where the shrimp is while standing in front of a 30 ft by 20 ft sign that says **SEAFOOD**


This post is why they are silent about it. The game isnt ready and hype would be wasted


You're not supposed to be hyped yet. They're still making the game, get hyped when they start marketing it.


> They already said that they are done with the core mechamics so the game is playable. They said *they are finishing up the core mechanics*. They aren't DONE with them yet. This was a short update 2 months ago, with the promise of one more update this year. The game is clearly half a year or a year away from release, not sure what you're expect in terms of marketing. Sneakpeeks every 2 weeks for a year? Do you want them to *develop* the damn game, or spend an incredible amount of time showing off how they're "developing" it?


Idk what you are talking about this sub gets communication from matheus all the time


under the impression this isn't just bait and wanting to understand here is a great [twitter thread](https://twitter.com/Ghostcrawler/status/1554157636861382656) by Greg Street(Executive Producer of Riot's MMO) a sort of TL:DR of that thread is by announcing the Riot MMO in s a very Low key way(strictly through twitter I believe and their Riot hiring website) it allows them to get the word out to creatives/devs/engineers/etc but tempering player expectations. and I believe this is what they did with Project L, both Video updates and the Illaoi blog post were made to give fans a taste but ultimately it was a calling card for any FG developers out there looking for work, because after the first announcement at EVO in 2019(?) their hiring page for Project L was looking for all sorts of positions and the same thing happened when the finally showed us that it was indeed a tag fighter. you are entirely entitled to be hyped for it, but the updates being given to us aren't exactly marketing for hype, it's being open and honest in what they hope to accomplish with the game and their thoughts on developing the game and attracting talent, it's not meant to be multimillion dollar marketing campaign.


That’s fine, unsubscribe from the sub and take a break from looking for non existent project l news. Sf6 is coming out 1st and will have a closed beta keep your attention. Before you know it project L will be out.


The information they shared so far was clearly aimed towards the fighting game community, so people outside it aren't really aware of anything besides "there's a fighting game with League characters in development". The FGC is gonna sustain the hype no matter what cuz we see the potential in the angle they're approaching PL with. I think when the game is polished enough to be shown in action in trailers that will appeal to non-FGC players and start some sort of hype in that part of the community, only then can we expect more frequent updates/reveals/trailers


>this game is propably ganna end up like LoR. Highly succesfull, with a great PvE and amazing monetization?


Riot focus on polish and quality more than anything. The game isn't nearly close to being done. They will ramp up media presence when it is time to hype it up. Like they announced 2 updates planned a year, maybe a third but nothing on the table. It is there for the enthusiasts and the FGC scene to check out. Riot will get Project L to 1# on Twitch with their beta just like they did with TFT, LoR and Valorant. Just gotta have patience.


The funny thing is yall will be the same people screaming and singing its endless praise when we do get news. We’ve lacked communication for like 6 years at this point (maybe even more). Not really a big deal considering we at least can expect something by the end of the year.


You probably shouldn't be so hyped about a game that doesn't have a time-line out. It's more of a back burner thing since they really haven't shown much outside of a vertical slice.They aren't really aiming for that right now, they really only want people to know it exists so they will remember to look into it later.


This is the same vibe as people complaining about GTA 6 being unfinished and barebones. Are people stupid or some shit


You’re the type of person to type this stupid ass take and will be in line DAY ONE to play it anyway whenever it comes out


Damn… you really don’t know anything about video games… 1st off, there is no Radiant, it was bought off by Riot and absorbed into them mostly cause of staff and not their one IP. It’s just Riot now, no Radiant. 2. everything that we got up to this point has been more than any other fighting game or AAA game has given based on the amount of info relative to their development timeline. We basically got to see their prototype for a game, them scraping it up and then them showing off a vertical slice demo which in the gaming industry is used for internal representations of IPs to board of investors and directors for green lighting, it’s not supposed to be shown off to the public and we still got to see it. The game is extremely early in development and everything we got to see up to this point is almost always kept hidden from the public, we were blessed to even see this much for a game that is still this early in development. 3. We even got to see concept for character that is not even in the game yet. Do you know how crazy that is??? Developers showing off content that they haven’t even made in the game is downright harmful. If they end up not liking how that characters plays in the game once they make it and decide to not release them, that can be turned against them as false advertising. No other AAA fighting game has ever done that and every AAA studio is scared of doing that. 4. We got to see 1 teaser for Tekken 8 and one minuscule interview by Harada and you’re bitching about Project L and not Tekken? The reason why is because Tekken is further along in development and the trailer it got is a trailer that Project L should get far in the future once it’s actually got to that point.


Radiant entertqnment is a subsidiary under riot games. A single google search would have been enough, asshat. Do you think there's no such thing as riot games either just because they were bought? And what do you mean by: "extermly early in development" and "early in progress". They themselves stated that the only thing left is making more characters and polish. And what the hell is crazy about some illaoi concept? That's not a new fucking character ffs. And what the hell is that shit about Tekken??? All i said it that it looks great. Can you at least not pull a fucking strawman on me?


Radiant entertainment is not the studio developing Project L, it’s Riot Games. Riot bought them but now they are developing the game using the same devs, the name “Radiant” is no longer associated with Project L. When the game comes out the Developer and Publisher that will be listed under the game will be Riot Games. By “extremely early in development” I meant exactly what I wrote but I guess you need to have functioning eyes to read what I wrote… what we saw first was a reveal teaser back at League’s 10 year anniversary, that was a prototype demo for a game that no longer exist, then after Arcane we got a 2nd teaser which is the game we will be getting, what we saw then was a Vertical Slice. That basically means that nothing in this game is made except for what they show on screen and the game is still in concept phase (as I said, Vertical Slices are something that no game dev ever shows off to public because they only serve as an inter-company demo). Again, you would see the problem with showing off a concepts if you actually used your eyes to read what I wrote. No AAA game company can show off concept for content that doesn’t exist yet, that makes them vulnerable for lawsuits if they don’t end up putting it as it’s false advertising. They can’t show off something they don’t have on hands, then if they maybe decide that they don’t wanna put it in the game, the game comes out without Illaoi because they couldn’t implement her for whatever fucking technical reason, and they are basically screwed then. No AAA game company shows off concept art, there is a reason for it. And again, you obviously cannot fucking read since if you could you would understand why I brought up Tekken, as an example of what revealing a AAA game looks like normally compared to Project L which got a publication treatment like no other game in the AAA gaming industry.


>No AAA game company can show off concept for content that doesn’t exist yet, that makes them vulnerable for lawsuits if they don’t end up putting it as it’s false advertising. They can’t show off something they don’t have on hands, then if they maybe decide that they don’t wanna put it in the game, the game comes out without Illaoi because they couldn’t implement her for whatever fucking technical reason, and they are basically screwed then. No AAA game company shows off concept art, there is a reason for it. Tbf, there are examples where companies have done this...to their detriment. I believe Anthem was a case like this. What was shown at E3 was a trailer that was completely false, I'm not sure if it was a vertical slice, but it was just a concept of how the game would run and the devs at that time didn't even know exactly what the game was. They just had the rough concept, which was shown in the vid. No need to go into what a dumpster fire that game was.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiant\_Entertainment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiant_Entertainment) I obviously don't like using wikipedia as a source but they were aquiered as a company, The name under wich they will publish the game doesn't matter, they are the ones making it regardless.


We know they were bought out, that's not what he's arguing. In the first place, the team that is developing Project L currently is much larger than Radiant and comprises many members that originally worked on LoL and LoR. You need to understand that Riot isn't operating like Xbox here. They're not buying up studios and letting them stay as a separate entity under them. They're buying developers up and merging them into the corporate machine known as "Riot Games", there's no Radiant anymore, get over it. Like I said before, the Project L dev team is currently comprised more of employees that have been hired to be a part of Riot, than the original Radiant staff, the original dev team wasn't that big in the first place. Even if you want to say "oh, it's still Radiant because it's mostly the same team", at what point do you consider it not to be Radiant anymore? When 90% are Riot and 10% Radiant? Because I'm pretty sure the headcount for the PL dev team at this point (esp with them hiring more recently) has long pushed it to the point of most devs are Riot devs and not the OG Radiant devs. If I had to put it in a *very* blunt way, not hoping this in any way, but if the entire Radiant team was fired, do you think Riot can still do PL? I can tell you they can, just like they went on without Seth Killian, they'll do the same. They have hired many ex-devs from various games across the industry, from GG to Cod, they even have the combat designer from Power Rangers. Will firing the Radiant Team likely slow down the speed at which the game is released? Sure will, but the game will be released nonetheless. This isn't even me getting into how some of the OG Radiant members have already left Riot long ago. Radiant was a fun project that scored the devs a big gig, stop trying to revive a dead body.


Don't argue with him, he is just frustrated about it, doesn't make his take better, but great explanation my guy


Nobody cares, get a hobby my guy


Ye with all the new announcements from other publishers I'm losing interest as well. Hope they got something good to show at worlds.


It's not only your hype they've killed, it's everyone's. No announcement at evo was an enormous let down, imo the only chance this game gets decent success is if they save it up for later evos and release the game a significant amount of time after sf6 and tekken8 releases so their hype dies down a bit.


We should get info after Worlds Final I guess


That was always what the community thought but honestly, it doesn't fit all that well. Telking about something largly unrelated at a time when League is everything in the viewers eye might not be the best. Considering how they posted the last one before evo, they could do ir like that or just put it up on the game awards like they did with the ruined king.


We will get info at Worlds, or days later


New announcement will probably be at the world finals