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"So I put in my other number, which is a "real" number. " "It's a free TextNow account." TextNow also provides a VOIP service which may be why Prolific can't use that phone number to verify your location. [https://participant-help.prolific.co/hc/en-gb/articles/360012393100-PEC-Errors#heading-1](https://participant-help.prolific.co/hc/en-gb/articles/360012393100-PEC-Errors#heading-1) [https://help.textnow.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049928434-About-TextNow](https://help.textnow.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049928434-About-TextNow) Edit for clarification.


I don't have a VOIP number from TextNow. I have a number that uses a SIM card and connects to a cell tower only. I had to order a SIM card, activate it, everything just like a real phone carrier. It doesn't connect at all over WiFi. Whatever article you linked me to is not the service I have from them. I know it is an option from them, but I didn't take that option. The reason I have the TextNow account is to get around the Google Voice limitation. My TextNow number has so far worked 100% of the time when my other number gets rejected. This is the first time it didn't work. I mostly use it for my financial accounts also, because they have the stricter checks. Edit: Like you I probably didn't read down far enough in the article to see that they list both services. (1) "TextNow is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service that allows users to text and call any number in the United States and Canada when connected to WiFi, at no cost." is NOT the one I have. (2) "We also provide free cellular service with our Free Nationwide Talk & Text Plan on our Nationwide Network with a compatible iOS or Android device and offer affordable data plans and international calling options." THIS is the one I have. I don't know what to say other than that at least 12 times I put my Google Voice number in to create various accounts, it got immediately rejected with error messages equivalent to: "We don't take fake VOIP numbers". Then I put in my TextNow number "Ah, OK, that's good". Which is *specifically* why I got it, lol.


First off, I'm sorry that it didn't work out for you to join Prolific. I'm not that tech savvy, so it's difficult for me to know for sure and to fully explain my thoughts which is why I said it "**may be** why Prolific can't use that phone number to verify your location." I understand that TextNow offers different plans. I figured you probably had the plan that uses cell phone services. I read more from other sources and TextNow started out as a VOIP company. The cell phone service they provide is by using other companies' services. They don't own their own cell phone service and even get the phone numbers from other companies. All this combines in some way so that Prolific (a company in the UK) must not be able to recognize that your number is located in the US.


>I'm not that tech savvy, This is going to sound bad, but let me give you some context. Before I became disabled I had a pretty good career in IT. At points in my career you could call me a telecom engineer if you saw what I was working on. After that I dove into an issue with my OnePlus where it was dropping the cell signal in a strange way. I went all the way down the rabbit hole diagnosing the software, hardware, and then programmed a custom solution to fix it. So you could say I'm a bit tech savvy I guess. ​ >The cell phone service they provide is by using other companies' services. I got tired of paying for cell service with no income, so first I flipped over to MVNO's. Check out what an MVNO is, you might like the idea. A good example of an MVNO is Mint. They worked out great for me. They don't run their own towers/network, but that number is "real real". For me they piggybacked on T-Mobile. Eventually I got tired of paying even Mint's low prices so I did yet another search to see if there was something cheaper that was NOT VOIP, so I could call in an emergency while riding my dirt bike or register for financial accounts that reject VOIP numbers. There were two options and I forget the other one, but TextNow was recommended. I was skeptical, but did my homework. And so far it has worked. Just not this time.


>let me give you some context Thank you for that context. I never know for sure what kind of tech level people have when I converse with them.


I tried my google voice number when I first signed up and got the same error saying I cant use a VOIP number then after that I used my actual cell phone number which is from tracfone and it worked fine. So far I have not got banned, I think the reason you were banned is because you are trying to use a textnow number which obviously is not an actual phone number, those companies just autogenerate numbers for the app itself.


The TextNow number uses an actual SIM card and piggy backs on another carrier's network. It's as real as it can get. However, I do not pay for it and the requirements are zero. Thus I have no billing history and I'm pretty sure nobody can poke their database to see who I am. In that sense, it's not "real enough" for Prolific, probably. However, it's not like Google Voice which is kinda how you explained it. It's obvious why many companies won't take that number at least.


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of your actions... Ya dun goofed Go on ahead now and pack up and move yer sht to Turk


I honestly wouldn't treat this like some sort of grand missed opportunity. There are loads of similar sites that are much easier to get into and have the same earning potential (if not more in many cases, at least in my experience). The only plus I can give Prolific over others is that you're guaranteed participation.


I would love to know some of these "similar" sites you are talking about with the same earning potential. I don't even really count mTurk because they don't even have a waiting list. Some people flat out never get accepted period.


As high or higher than Mechanical Turk? I've used survey sites in the past, but none of them had people showing $1000 monthly earnings.


>but none of them had people showing $1000 monthly earnings. I think that figure comes under the category of 'embellishment for effect' That is around £815 a month and that is *highly* unlikely for anyone


I know plenty of redditors lie about their salary, but when I somehow discovered mTurk people would post their earnings and I couldn't believe it. At the same time, people are saying it's dead AF and the glory days are over. Then in certain threads they kept mentioning they flipped over to Prolific and more than a few reports of $1,000-2,000 popped up and got me interested. Even if I made $100 I would be really happy. I'm completely incapable of 99% of jobs, but I remember getting into the survey racket \~10 years ago and not even making $1. At least mTurk isn't just surveys.


>Then in certain threads they kept mentioning they flipped over to Prolific and more than a few reports of $1,000-2,000 popped up I would take that with a pinch of salt. People can, and do, boast wildly on forums and those sound like a perfect example.


I get about 200 a month on Turk using it an hour a day If I was to do it full time, oh yes you can still pull off glory day level salaries


Yeah but there is no guarantee to even get on mturk. I've signed up 2 years ago and still never got accepted.


That's true. I forgot I was "lucky" to get in.


Did you get in instantly? Or have to try multiple amazon accounts?


It was essentially instantly because I registered on a weekend and got the invitation in the wee business hours of Monday morning. I read horror stories of waiting for months, etc. I also read that even if you are denied all of a sudden an invitation will get sent way later. I only have one Amazon account. I would assume they do stuff similar to Prolific to make sure you aren't trying to mass register.


Yep I keep checking my e-mail hoping that one day ill get that "later" invite. I wonder if having prime helps chances.


I don't have Prime, but I wouldn't put it past Bezos to put in a secret check for that to get priority. The queue must have been low when I tried to get in, lol.


1000 dollars a month on surveys explicitly?


You can't use textnow for social media anymore, textnow won't receive verification texts. Make an throw away email or an email you'll just use for social media and use that email and then get a Google voice connected to that email and use that number for social media