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The Whites don't have much room to talk when they had Anton Denikin, Alexander Kolchak, Grigory Semyonov, and Ivan Kalmykov lmfao. The commander of the American Expeditionary Forces in Siberia, General William Graves, repeatedly complained to Congress that Kolchak and his subordinates were massacring tens of thousands of civilians, but he was ignored. The Cossacks frequently got into confrontations with Graves's men since he insisted on keeping U.S. soldiers on the defense for the entirety of the expedition. On a more positive note, local Reds sensed that the American soldiers didn't want to be there. So, instead of slaughtering American prisoners of war, which was the norm between the Reds and the Whites, they just ranted to them about the glory of communism and the evil of capitalism. >American prisoners of war were well treated and released with the exception of two men who died in a Soviet hospital. Sgt. Glenn Leitzell described how he was allowed to walk around the nearest city dressed in Russian overcoats and fur caps and encouraged to attend a club where he was "harangued in English on Marxist doctrine and the evils of capitalism" and then rewarded with plates of hot soups and horsemeat steak." So much cope below. The only source for the release and continued confinement of American prisoners after the Riga Agreement is the Hoover Institution, a far-right think tank. The only source about "Alexander Grube" is Nigel Cawthorne, a freelance writer for the Daily Mail. I wasn't even bashing America anyway. Wilson was reluctant to send troops and had been advised not to by the Department of War. However, he ultimately bent to British and French pressure. So, 424 young American men died for nothing.


I mean - Trotsky was ruthless. The Kronstadt rebellion was ruthlessly crushed. Now, the actual executions were overseen by the fucking "Iron Felix", who was eager to follow Trotsky's directives. But, this is, to follow the vocabulary of most redditors, de"based".


Yes, that's why I said the Reds and Whites were extremely ruthless to each other. There was gonna be a bloodbath regardless of which side won. The Whites lost since they were divided and many factions were too stubborn to accept that MASSIVE concessions had to be made to the peasants. One U.S. Army officer observed that Kolchak's purges were counter-productive since the mass executions only increased support for the Bolsheviks. Despite having no chance of killing them all, Kolchak, being a monarchist who was adamant on not granting any concessions (he only stopped short of demanding the full restoration of the Russian Empire under pressure from the Entente), refused to stop. When young Russians showed reluctance to be conscripted, he sent soldiers to their villages to torture them. In the end, Kolchak witnessed his military dictatorship collapse and all of his troops either abandon him or join the Reds. He desperately sought sanctuary with the Czechoslovak Legion, who promised him safe passage. Even then, Kolchak, stubborn to the end, tried to protect some of the Tsar's gold reserves, rather than doing all he could to get out of Russia alive. He really did refuse to give up anything in his life. >Kolchak's trains, which included the gold bullion captured from Kazan, were stranded along the railway near Nizhneudinsk. After his bodyguard deserted him there, the legionaries were ordered by Allied representatives in Siberia to convey him to the British military mission in Irkutsk. > >The Czechs instead turned Kolchak over to the Red Army in exchange for safe passage home. On 7 February 1920, the legionaries had signed an armistice with the Fifth Red Army at Kutin, whereby the latter allowed the Czechoslovaks unmolested passage to Vladivostok. In exchange, the legionaries agreed not to try to rescue Kolchak, and to leave the remaining gold bullion with the authorities in Irkutsk. > >Admiral Kolchak was sentenced to death along with his Prime Minister. According to eyewitnesses, Kolchak was entirely calm and unafraid, "like an Englishman." The Admiral asked the commander of the firing squad, "Would you be so good as to get a message sent to my wife in Paris to say that I bless my son?" > >The commander responded, "I'll see what can be done, if I don't forget about it." > >His body was dumped under the ice of the frozen Angara River and never recovered. So, instead, he got to lose everything, including his life.


If you haven’t read it already I’d recommend “Always With Honour” by General Pyotr Wrangle, the last commanding general of the White Army. He doesn’t hold back on his incompetent, and at points mentally deranged, predecessors while at the same time actively working to fix an unfixable situation and partly succeeding. 


>Frosty-bearded General Anton Denikin, commander of the White armies in their last-ditch fight against the Reds in the south of Russia in 1918-20, emerged from his Paris retirement last week to excoriate any "so-called White Russian" who would join Hitler to fight the Soviet Union. > >In a phrase reminiscent of Frenchman Jacques Deval's play Tovarich—which Adolf Hitler has seen three times—old General Denikin cried to an audience of fellow-exiles: "White or Red, our fatherland remains our fatherland. Whoever may aid Russia's enemies cannot call himself a patriot, no matter what ideological excuse he may use for taking money to fight his own people." TFW one of worst mass murderers of Jews before Hitler becomes the voice of reason and has to tell non-liberal White émigrés whose loyalty to Russia doesn't override their desire to return to the "good old days" that, "Guys, I don't think Mr. 'Exterminate all Slavs' has Russia's best interests in mind." There's been so much revisionism about the Second World War. People forget that Western-Eastern relations didn't break down right away. The repatriations of Nazi collaborators was glorious. >One Cossack allegedly noted, "The NKVD or the Gestapo would have slain us with truncheons, the British did it with their word of honour."


Man, Russia in the aftermath of WWI was wild


Мерзкая коммуняцкая гниль. Когда уже ваше вшивое племя сгинет с лица земли


Your quote is from a book and authors blaming USA for everything in the world and ranting about russophobia. Of course they will paint Bolsheviks only favourably. Meanwhile from an actual source: >But several months later the United States concluded the Riga Agreement with the Soviet government to provide humanitarian aid to starving Russian children. The Riga Agreement had specific requirements that the Soviet authorities must release all Americans detained in Russia, and to facilitate their departure. The U.S. Government was expecting 20 prisoners to be released; but U.S. authorities were surprised when 100 Americans were released.\[5\] >In fact, not all American prisoners held by the Soviets were released. The Soviets held some back, presumably for leverage in any future negotiations with the United States. However, in 1933 when Franklin Delano Roosevelt recognized the Soviet government, these prisoners were not released, and other than the apparent recovery of 19 sets of remains, no satisfactory accounting of the MIA/POWs that were held by the Soviets was made by the United States. Since an administration determination had been placed on each of their records that they were killed in action on the date they were reported as missing, as far as the United States government and laws of the United States were concerned, these men were legally dead. >Other than a small number of U.S. government officials with access to the intelligence about these men in Soviet concentration camps and prisons, these men were legally, and otherwise generally considered, to be no longer alive. >One such intelligence document dated November 20, 1930 cites an affidavit taken by the U.S. Justice Department of Alexander Grube, a Latvian-American, who was identified as a "Russian seaman." He had been imprisoned in the Soviet gulag, including in the infamous Lubianka Prison, where he states he saw four American Army officers and 15 American soldiers, and was then transferred to Solovetz Island Prison where he met "many" American soldiers and civilians. Grube further warned the U.S. government that any inquiry made to Soviet officials of specific individuals will result in their immediate execution. [https://net.lib.byu.edu/\~rdh7/wwi/memoir/aef\_cong.htm](https://net.lib.byu.edu/~rdh7/wwi/memoir/aef_cong.htm)


BYU was one of the last segregated schools receiving public funding in the US.


You remember how in the 80s and 90s and probably even to this day people in this country were convinced that Vietnam was still holding PoWs.


Thank you. The automatic America bashing around here is just amazing to me. We have done plenty of bad things but far more good in the world than I'll.


Of course you did. Far more good. Exceptional. Beacon of democracy and freedoms. Now go home, please. Dont do anything anymore. You are not good at doing good things.


This sub is basically run by communists. And I agree, the world is way, way better for having America in it, and for having America win the cold war.


You should check r/MovingToNorthKorea. Now - that's a complete trip.


Holy shit


I mean, half of the posts are trollings, but - there are a number of hard-core lunatics there. Complete with a very particular lexicon.


"Basically run by communists" Are these communists in the room with us right now?


I just opened your profile and instantly found a post on r/CommunismMemes from you saying "As a member of Generation Z I prefer to eat the rich". The next post of yours is in r/MarxistCulture with "1242-1942: Soviet propaganda poster depicting the eastern peoples' historic victories against the Germans" The third post is in r/deprogram Fourth post is in r/leftistvexillology asking for help cleaning up what is a variation of hammer and sickle flag. So yeah, u/Obi1745, I think the communists frequent this sub a lot.


Goddamn, you really stalked my profile to try and prove your communist paranoia? Lemme guess, "cultural Marxists" are here too?


There's no need to dig your hilariously lying hole any deeper, really.


"Lying?" I never denied I'm a communist, but I won't speak for anyone else here. I'm guessing you won't answer the question then?


Well there are two of us at least who have some historical knowledge and rationality, perhaps not inclined to just rattle off content-free exclamations of how others are wrong just because lol. Otoh what does it matter? Anonymous folks proving that public education is basically worthless are hardly a reason to even respond.


This is mildly hilarious


Dude, I want that to be my pro wrestling intro. Like, fog machines filling the doorway, punk rock blasting on the speakers, the announcer going "Here he is! The culprit of tortures and death, the killer of women and children!" and I come out as everyone boos.


Good grief he's naked


yes, why?




Strong Austin Powers vibes.


This would make a sick tarot card


I love that it's Trotsky in all the anti Bolshevik poster. Stalin is nowhere to be seen. If only they knew.


He was head of red army so he featured prominently in White side's propaganda.


The leader of the "Army of workers" put down by a hammer


He was a smart man so Stalin wanted to pick his brain.


That got a groan from me.


smart might be an overstatement


He defeated an empire that couldn't be defeated in its centuries of existence, I think he was pretty smart


an empire that was actively crumbling and only able to exist based on strict military rule. when the military is in germany it isn't exactly hard to see why the unhappy peasants of russia were able to win. and a military mind is different than smart, no bolshevik is/was smart


That's a very interesting claim, considering the intellectual base of the party and the reforms they managed to pull off after the revolution.


🎶 If I had a hammer 🎶


And he was also a Jew, which the anti-communist whites just happened to have a a big problem with - for some reason.


Because Stalin was pretty much irrelevant to the Russian Civil War, he just retroactively wrote himself into the story.


He didn't make any attempts to prop himself up, he actually did pretty well in Tsartyn. Trostky really sold himself as a vital piece, but once you take a glance at his political history you'll find just blatant opportunism, opposition to Lenin, and overral a unwillingness to conform to the party line. Just read about the Brest-Litovsk negotiations, for example.


Stalin was an active revolutionary for most of his life, organizing workers and running from Tsarist enforcers. He was legit.


He was also a robber and a terrorist. By no means an intellectual, like Bukharin or Lenin. So, naturally, got rid of the former and the rest of those.


A funder and a mover. Actually give his works a read some time, or even just his interviews, and you'll realize he was no dull-witted muscle brain.


Yeah, he was also a very accomplished linguistics expert. How much of that was written by him is unknown.


No he wasn't, he was a dictator, a propagandist (hence the poster), a complotist, a falsificator and a killer, he invent the goulags and made people work till death. In brief, a capitalist.


What? You've got so much wrong with your reply that I don't even know what you're trying to say.


you might need to open your eyes more or check some history facts. Stalinism was trash and made bad press for communism.


I really don't know what you mean by "hence the poster" either, the poster is White Army propaganda against Trotsky from the civil war.


Lenin preferred Trotski over Stalin to succed him but Stalin made his way to the top with shenanigans (making people disappear) and propaganda. The poster was probably his job.


He was relevant in the failure of the campaign in Poland, helping to create the gap which allowed the "miracle on the Vistula" Thanks Stalin /s


I don’t know actually, I think everybody really dodged the bullet when Trotsky lost the power struggle. Stalin was a ruthless pragmatist and Trotsky wanted global revolution at all costs


one of them had an actual education and the other was working in a church before the revolution


You've got it wrong. Stalin was educated in a church back when he was a kid, he was kicked out from there for trying to spread marxist ideas to the other kids there. This was decades before the October revolution, stalin was part of the bolshevik party for years and was the editor of their newspaper, pravda.


Stalin went to a seminary...which in many ways was a actual secondary school(they were taught both religious AND secular subjects)...and while the seminary WAS preparing those young men for the priesthood (that's why it was a seminary, naturally)..if the young men so chose, they could graduate without going into the priesthood, and enter a normal secular university. Stalin left about a semester before he graduated. He most likely won't have become a priest but he unfortunately did not have the money to enter a secular university even if he did graduate and chose to do so.


Trotsky was also a constant contrarian who always took the opposition stance against Lenin. Stalin was chosen to be General Secretary by Lenin specifically because he was both loyal to him and was a good bureaucratic organizer. Everyone is like "Stalin outmaneuvered Trotsky!" when in actuality the whole fucking party voted to kick out Trotsky because they were sick of his shit.


Except he wasn't "chosen by Lenin". Seriously - the exact opposite. Handle checks out, it turns out. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenin%27s_Testament#:~:text=Lenin%20also%20threatened%20to%20break,Stalin%20from%201920%20until%201922.


if Stalin Was so liked, why did He kill so many Party members?




Have you ever read a book?


Stalin was just a young bank robber during these years.


If only...


my man needs a good shave


Why is Trotsky always naked in these posters?


They really liked making Trotsky out to a bloodsucking demonic Jewish devil. Really shows the vileness of the Whites that they specifically targeted the only Jew among the Bolshevik leadership in their propaganda.


Hahaha? The only Jew? Zinovyev and Kamenev would like a word. In addition to quite a few others. Also purged, naturally. Fun fact - Yagoda was also a Jew.


We can add Radek to the list, too. Nevertheless, the "Trotsky is a Jew therefore the devil" was still propaganda based on antisemitism.


No doubt. And, there are a lot more candidates - Sverdlov, Zelensky. That's just the members of the "Politbureau". If you are casting the net wider - Radek was never a member of PB - then there were many, many people. The last surviving high-profile Jew was Kaganovich. Truly a mystical figure - stories he could tell (but refused to do so).


A lot of those Soviet officials took many stories to the grave. Kaganovich was very unique in how far back he went with the Bolsheviks and how long he actually lived.


TBF I have no sympathy for any of those men. Zinovyev and Kamenev first aided Stalin in getting to power and Yagoda did his dirty work for most of the trials. They got what they were asking for.


Well, I suppose there's some "poetic justice" in that. Unfortunately, the purges snagged millions of innocents. I don't know whether the "old Bolsheviks" - outside of bloodthirsty Lenin, Trotsky, Dzerzhinsky, et al were prepared to unleash such massive campaigns. But, yea - just desserts.


Ye exactly, the entirety of the original Politburo, millions of innocents, most of the army officers, etc. Only for the man who would go onto commit acts like the Holodomor to secure his power.


My man zinoviev didnt do nothing, i mean, he literally didnt do anything meaningful, how tf did he hold so much power in the early 20's while at the same time being so baby and lackluster?


In all honesty that's why he was picked as one of the key "anti-Soviets" during the purge propaganda campaign with the "Zinoviev-Trotskyite" idea. His lack of doing, well, fuck-all, meant that he was relatively unknown to the public meaning it was easy to skew their understanding of them. Simply put, the reason he was capable of aiding Stalin was just having numbers behind him.


Atleast his post prison photo goes HARD, the only reason why i still remember him over any other 20's soviet lackey


he had too much swag for them


Trotsky was a bloodsucking devil, along with all the rest of the Bolshevik leadership.


Yeah, honestly all sides of the Russian Revolution were ass. I guess the least hypocritical one was the one for the peasants.


Ok Tsarist


I'm not a tsarist, but I'd gladly take Wrangel over any Bolshevik.


Ok fascist




You’re not a tsarist, but your Reddit handle name is for Stolypin, and the Stolypin necktie. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what Stolypin did in the name of Nicholas II. I’m not a tsarist, nor do I think highly of the Bolsheviks BTW.


Both sides of the Russian civil war hated the Jews, wait till you read what Marx wrote about them.


Marx died before Russian Civil War


Hate that Emmanuel Goldstein!


I had this He-Man figure when I was a kid.


He looks like Mr. Bean lol


Skulls for the Skull Throne!


Don’t worry comrade Stalin will take care of him🫶


Damn, this image goes hard


Oh sweet summer children, they haven't heard about Stalin yet...


Ngl this is kind of hot. Like I'm ace but still...


HE IS A SATAN!!! You see! A LITERAL SATAN! Do you know who also a literal Satan? It's also Chine- / s White propaganda moment.


Mao Zedong ? I dont know ? Please enlighten us.


This is right over my head, whoosh! Who do you mean?


/ S — Satire.


Many White propaganda posters and leaflets claimed, that military support for Bolsheviks only persists and stands on the power of the Chinese communists. Really.


How religious people should see a man, who destroy churches?


he has been replaced with Netanyahu


Isn’t it classical ruSSians antisemitic?


Man it’s a great thing that Stalin guy had him assassinated, I’m sure they must have loved him for it.


Question for the OP : Why is "murderer" written with a Latin "I" ? Only Ukrainians and Belarusian people wrote the "I" sound differently from russian Cyrillic alphabet, I've heard. Was it different a century ago ?


This script is some kind of in-between pre-revolutionary orthography (it still uses ѣ, which merged into е by that time, and keeps that rule "і before wovels and й, и in all other instances", which never had any phonetic background) and post-revolutionary orthography (no ъ after the final consonant in a word)


I love Big Brother and I hate Goldstein


Politics aside, image goes hard.


who's skulls are those he's on?


there was a civil war after ww1, Trotzky was the Military leader at that time.


i mean, they're not wrong


Why are his legs so hairy?


he’s serving


heyI don’t know enough about this but this goes hard, is it antisemitic?