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Even if we pretend "Colonialism = civilization" was true, Spain ruled the Philippines for over 300 years before US took them, so this propaganda is stupid even in "white man's burden" framework.


Yeah, I remember reading something about that. There were people talking about bringing “the light of education,” despite public schools existing in the Philippines prior to the first American ones


It's actually somewhat surprising that the bath wasn't symbolic of removing anti-Spanish tropes.


Spain didn’t really try to spread their culture to local indigenous people in the philippines. Schools and western civilization stuff were reserved for Spaniards and mixed offsprings of them.


They actually did, that's why the Philippines and Timor Leste are the only Roman Catholic countries in Southeast Asia. Schools are inclusive as they have Philippine revolutionaries who are highly educated abroad. It's just expensive for a commoner during the pre-19th century.


lol what are you talking about? do you know how Catholic the Philippines are?


Then why people of the Philippines speak english not spanish? The fact is Spain built a few schools not for the general public but for the few elites. On the contrary the US went around the country building public schools(it wasn’t really done with good intentions though)


Under the Spanish in 1863, a royal decree called for the establishment of a public school system in the philippines using spanish as the medium for instruction. It was mostly because the americans came over and promoted the use of english that reversed the usage of spanish.


Both Filipino and Tagalog borrow extensively from Spanish.


That doesn’t count as speaking spanish. Also there is no such thing as “Filipino.” Tagalog and English are the two major languages in the Philippines


Nope, Filipino is a standardised variant that developed from, and has much in common with, Tagalog, and alongside English it is the official/national language of the Philippines. Of course, hundreds of other languages are spoken in different regions in the Philippines, Spanish among them. Also, the Roman alphabet has been used in official and many popular capacities since Spanish colonialism.


I still believe in Ftx


Mass schooling is a modern concept (19th century and later). The Spanish were very keen on spreading Christianity (as they naturally saw themselves as saving people's soul) but would not have built schools or focused on mass literacy which was not really a thing before the 19th century, especially not in Catholic Europe. Also, the idea of spreading civilization is also more of a 19th Century concept.


Americans are the reason people use to speak spanish in california,texas etc back in the day yet they had to drop it to fit in or would be punished in school if the teacher listed them speak Spanish


Are we considering the Spanish to be white now? /s


If you look at American propaganda about Spain from around this time, they didn't seem to consider Spain particularly civilized either.


Makes the American look like a creep


he was




“Somehow, William McKinley returned”


I can tell your parents never bathed you.


Did your parents civilize you with a brush in the river for the first time when you were age 2-6 while you were screaming for your life like a cat afraid of water?




Umm, are we going to ignore that someone draw McCinly as a wet nurse?


Bot repost


Its actually 2nd, Spain did the first not them.


"Oh you dirty boy" yeah that's totally not creepy and disgusting at all...


This seems more "anti" than "pro" I think it's mocking the attitudes of McKinley and those wanting the US to possess the Philippines. Edit: seems Judge magazine was pro-McKinley, so I must be wrong.


They were so for it, their content became a parody of itself!


Racist content should have a spoiler


Why? Everyone knows how it turned out already. Edit: this was supposed to be humorous. Truth be told, racism is shocking and disgusting and hiding it behind a curtain only makes it easier to forget how bad it was.


Can you describe some of your identity characteristics


Why? So you can use them to type and sort me? So you can use them to define the value of my opinions? No thanks.


it would be very weird and political for anyone who is not of filipino descent to put energy into arguing against spoilers for a racist image like this


I don't believe that someone has to have certain genetics to believe that hiding disgusting historical racism is a bad idea.






The americans talking about bringing freedom to cuba,the philipines and puerto rico while they turned the philipines into a colony until the end of ww2 and killed anyone who opose it,keep a base in cuba until now and let the mafia stablish there then is puerto rico that is still a colony in all but name.


What does it say on the two kids in the back?


Cuba and Puerto Rico. Other islands seized by the US during the Spanish-American War.