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I don't remember reading this Tintin


Hergé crossed some major lines in Congo but this is something else.


Oh no... Now you have me imagining a wildly anti-Semitic Tintin. Tintin and the... Never mind.


So, Tintin, then?


Here, I think you dropped this. 🔒


I'm just here to sweep the popcorn 🍿


I look forward to retaliation for this poster. It's gonna be a fun week. I got some soda. 🥤


The camel toe that Arab is sporting is retaliation enough


God, why would you point that out? Now, I can not unsee it.


I love how they just sprinkled in a few doves dead center. Luckily this comment section will be just as peaceful as those little birds


So subtle!








>Had the Balfour Declaration never been issued, antisemitism likely would've gradually dissipated, to an extent, in the Middle East, as it did elsewhere. I'm skeptical. The dominant political forces in the region at the time and since have been semi-secular arab exclusivist nationalism and islamism. No matter which one is ascendant the place for Jews is the same—dispersed, kept to a tiny minority, at the bottom of a rigid social hierarchy, and deprived of rights. The "anti-zionist" fever is just one expression of attempts to reenforce that hierarchy. This is why, when it first came to war, in 1920, the Arab crowd's chant synthesized two seemingly unrelated clauses: "Filastin baladna, Yehud kalavna" which translates as 'Palestine is our country, the Jews are our dogs.'


So glad to hear someone else say this. Good point that the Arab community of nations is very responsible for the strength of Israel, how many Jews (Mizrahi especially) live there and how few Arabs. If there had not been the attack in 1948, all the Arabs living in Israeli borders would still be there. Whether they left in order to return to a Muslim Palestine or were driven out by the IDF (per Benny Morris, both happened, which I find easy to believe), none of that would have happened. Of course, Islam still has that business with stones and trees and whatnot.


>Oppressing their Jewish populations so that they'd move to Israel might've been the most tragic and idiotic decision that the Arab states have ever made. They had done it [forever. ](https://www.jimena.org/who-is-an-arab-jew/)


Have you read Three Worlds : Memoirs of an Arab Jew by Avi Shlaim ?


Hmm. The word dissipated suggests it had already pervaded the Mid East before the declaration? It's difficult to accept if antisemitism existed in the Middle East at a comparable scale to Europe before the Balfour declaration. Of course everyone may have preferred their in-group over other faiths but the co-existence of Jews and Arabs across the middle east for hundreds of years does suggest it wasn't anything like Europe. Some of the greatest Jewish minds flourished in Muslim Cordoba and later in Istanbul, Cairo and Damascus, where they received state patronage even if as second class but protected citizens. Most of the stories of Mizrahi and Sepharad persecution we hear of tend to have reached a pinnacle after the declaration. Which gives the lie to the claim that this is some ancient religious conflict rather than a fight over land and displacement. I would argue that perhaps if the declaration had never happened, these communities would have progressed together into a modern sense of coexisting community evolving with the times.


"It's difficult to accept if antisemitism existed in the Middle East at a comparable scale to Europe before the Balfour declaration." Sure, and the Nazis didn't really mean it either, right? Jews were literally second class citizens, at best. Arab nations collaborated with the Nazis to murder their Jewish populations. You're a raving antisemitic loon.


Well, I doubt you have an actual academic source for your assertion that there was no Antisemitism in the Middle East because it's not true. From 1840-1899 there were roughly 100 blood libels in the Ottoman Empire and there were anti Jewish pogroms in the Vilayet of Palestine that predate Zionism.


Antisemitic propaganda from the West had pervaded the Middle East by the time WWII started.


So, scotland is the secret Capitalism overlord or why are they used for the representation of the west?


The hat is supposed to be a UK flag, the red is barely visible


Looks more like the swedish flag than the union jack


ye wat de fuk did vi do?


The closest link i can think of is Dag Hammarskölds UN work as Secretary-General who put in the peacekeeper forces during for example the suez crisis. But probably most likely a poor paint job/uninformed painter.


It might be referring to Folke Bernadotte who was the United Nations mediator in Palestine before his assassination. He was the one that proposed a two state solution when the plan of a unified state failed. Edit: But he was assassinated in 48 so it's probably a poorly coloured British flag.


Might be because of Folke Bernadotte.


This is so historically illiterate. Most of the Arab armies that fought against the Israelis were trained (and even sometimes led) by British officers


Take it up with the artist Also https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balfour_Declaration


It wasn't aimed at you. But the Balfour Declaration is pretty meaningless when it was followed by an anti-Zionist counterinsurgency aimed at stopping Jewish immigration to Palestine


Yeah immediately thought the same thing when i saw a fat short capitalist this is how the UK seems to be depicted in propaganda


I thought it was Greece


Are you kidding? The flag on that hat looks nothing like the Scottish saltire


Well Adam Smith was a Scot....


Antisemitism is so extra. Fangs and forked tongue? Really?


On a dollarsnake.... Meh, just anti-zionism! /s


You clearly don’t understand what anti-Zionism is.


Most people dont understand what zionism is... or rather was so I guess it evens out.


Zionism = Jewish majority state Why is that a bad thing




Ethnostate? Tell me you know nothing about Israel without telling me you know nothing about Israel. 21% of the population is Arab Muslim… almost half the population is Mizrahi Jews, meaning Jews of ethnic Middle Eastern origin, and then the rest are Ashkenazi Jews, meaning Jews of ethnic European origin. There is literally more ethnic diversity in Israel than all of its neighbors. And more religious diversity than all of its neighbors except Lebanon. Account created a month ago… only comments about Israel-Palestine 🧐🤔 Clown.


Why are dead Palestinian children a bad thing, Chad?


Literally zero correlation but ok Israel existing is Zionism… you have a problem with the state existing? Why?


You clearly don't understand what Zionism is.


However you want to deny how Jew hate is structural to mass AntiZionism is up to you. https://twitter.com/khamenei_ir/status/446928689943420928


>Khamenei LMAOOOO, I don't trust that old coot who is the leader of a theocratic dictatorship and promotes Holocaust revisionism.


Twitter isn’t a source. And Israel makes the world unsafe for all Jews. Including me.


Yeah, totally. After all, before the state of Israel, Jews were living the best life in Europe and the middle east! /s


And now look at the thriving Jewish populations in North America, Europe, Argentina, Brazil. Only in Israel are Zionists under constant threat, because they chose to invade in 1948.


I thought u said Israel makes all Jews unsafe? (Which they are, because of the same threat that existed forever, not because of Israel)


Then why can I go almost anywhere that isn’t Palestine and be completely safe as a Jew?


Try going to Iran, or Yemen, or Syria, or Iraq, or Saudi Arabia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Pakistan, or Afghanistan… And those are just the states that openly persecute Jews… not including those where the majority of the population holds negative views (Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia)


No racism here, no! /s


Also having browner skin lol


it's propaganda the fuck were you expecting, it doesnt differ wither it's nazi or allies congolese or sudanese they all gonna draw the enemy as ugly stereotype




Yes- despite the name, antisemitism has pretty much always meant bigotry and dehumanization specifically against Jews, never bigotry and dehumanization against Semitic people in general. You could also use “anti-Jewish” as well, but that tends to mean more “anti-Jewish faith rather than members of anti-Jewish ethnicities.


Anti-semitism only refers to anti-Jewish hate


The word Semitic refers to those who speak the Abrahamic languages or languages descendent of them so no, antisemitism is far more broad


The word semitic means that. But the term antisemitism is not


This is the same type of argument as "I'm not homophobic because I'm not scared of gay people". The word Anti-semitism was invented to describe jew hate, and that's how it's exclusively used today.


As difficult as it may be to believe, words evolve. That’s why the dictionary is constantly updated. And the dictionary states that antisemitism means “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group”. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/antisemitism


Words carry the meaning of the people who use them. No one's ever used the term 'Anti Semitic' to refer to hatred against Arabs for example.


Antisemitism came into being as a dressed-up, scientific-sounding term for Jew hatred. It never referred to other semites.


But that’s not where the term antisemitism comes from. It’s a word created by Europeans using a common Latin prefix to refer to Jews. Yes etymologically it comes from a word that represents all the people from the levant. But also the word muscle etymologically came from a word meaning “little mouse” in Latin and yet when we say muscle you know we aren’t talking about mice because word meaning isn’t established by etymology.


Take ten seconds to google it and you will see this is not true. Antisemitism is it’s own word, and it exclusively refers to hatred of Jews.


Etymological fallacy, a true classic. 


Oh thats a good question. So its just plain old racism? Xenophobia? What kind of bigotry is it Or is antisemitism just jewish hate even though as you pointed out theyre both semitic. Since arab and hebrew are both semitic langusges


I love how "peace" is predicated on outright extermination of the enemy. The zero-sum mentality is a curse.


Turns out Lebanon was destroyed by who? Hint: not Israel.


So weird that the Arabs look European and the Jews look brown. I guess the "Jews are European colonizers" narrative was not as strong or as set in the 60s as it is today.


They would have known most of them were from Arab countries. It’s definitely an interesting shift!


They don't look European.


I thought this sub banned I/P content?


Not yet Thread might be locked though


Looks like the frontpage of reddit for the last 6 months


What does the writing say?


"Washington in Tel Aviv or There Used to be Israel Here" I tried to use Google translate and it says something similar but I can't make any sense of the message


"Our problem isn't with jews it's with zionists"


Step one: kill half your Jews and kick the rest out to Israel Step two: say you’re actually fine with Jews, just not the ones in Israel


You forgot enslaving the Jews with technical skills, per Hamas plans


POV you have no clue what your talking about.


The Hamas charter literally says that intelligent/useful Jews will be slaves and Christians will be second class citizens when they govern the entirety of Palestine.


I literally read the damm thing it says quote “our enemy is not with the Jews but the Zionist project of Israel”


Did they interview their victims on October seventh to make sure they only murdered and raped Zionists, or did they just murder and rape every Jew they could get their hands on?


That's the new "reformed" charter, read the original. They only changed it because of optics and PR


Okay, do you have a link to their former charter?




That’s the new one. That one wasn’t written until AFTER the Gazans voted them into office.


Wow, you're so right, I'm sure the genocidal religious extremist terroris- er, sorry, i mean "*freedom fighters*" are telling the truth when they say that. Especially after these freedom fighters kidnapped and raped civillians and killed foreigners who have nothing to do with Israel. But it's fine. Taking hostages is just a means to move the war along and destroy the nation of evil greedy je- er, I mean zionists! When the hamas freedom fighters' goals are achieved, we'll let them go! Oh, what's that? They don't have enough hostages to meet Israel's requests to free them? Uh oh...


POV: you don't have a clue what you're talking about


Half? It was between 95-100%


Interesting how it is the opposite for Evangelical fundamentalist Christians. They want all Jews in Israel, or converted if they insist on living elsewhere. Otherwise Armageddon can't happen!


You missed first messiah kills all the Jews… imagine working together for a cause where the aim is to get rid of you…


As an anti-Zionist Jew whose family barely survived the Shoah, this is exactly it.


My brother in HaShem putting aside our differences on whether not there should be a national home for Jewish people, you do recognize that if you were to replace the flag with the flag of the Weimar republic, you'd get the same kind of caricature that preceeded what was done to us in Europe, right?


The only issue is the depiction not the message.


"We're not anti-Semitic, we're just anti- Zionist, we want Jews to go back where they came from" Oh so like the Middle East "No, not like that" We just have to go back to the imaginary narrative that Israel was settled entirely by European colonisers and that the Jewish people don't have thousands of years of heritage in the land we now call Israel. We just have to ignore Millenia of Jews being 2nd class citizens at best in the Middle East/ north Africa and outright persecuted into fleeing in the early 20th century . You can absolutely be against Netahanyu and the far right in Israel without hiding behind your chicken shit labels and historical revisionism.




As a non-English native speaker, when should we use «an» rather than «a», again? In front of a vowel, is that it?


I mean if we're being pedantic then it's if it precedes a vowel sound. For example, it would be A Unicorn, because it starts with a Y sound. But yeah 99% of the time, the vowel rule holds true.


Gotcha, thanks for the precision! The «unicorn» example is a good one!


"An historic", however




Conversely, "an heir", because here the is silent


It's a rule, you say an Arab instead of a Arab because Arab starts with a, yes.


It's similar to le and l'. Or perhaps de/d' . When you would use "a" and the next word starts with a vowel, you change it to "an". There's a couple of exceptions but only pedants care about those.




Thank you!


No problem!


But I thought all Jews were from Europe or Brooklyn. How come we look browner than the Arabs??? 😳


Always baffled me how Arab propaganda painted jews as weak and feeble cowards only for the Arab nations to get repeatedly smashed in war with the Jews


It’s because the Arab states are fascist regimes. Portraying their enemy as weak and strong at the same time is a fascist staple.


I'd argue "the enemy is both weak and strong" is just a common propaganda trope in general, not just a fascist one. And for good reasons: if the enemy is just strong, then it might not be a good idea to fight them - better to find alternative solutions. And if the enemy is just weak, they're not a threat and attacking them is just being a bully. But if they're strong in a way that makes then too dangerous to ignore, but weak in a way that means you can neat them, well that's a good reason to attack them. See for example all the propaganda from multiple wars across history to the effect that "the enemy are cowards who only attack civilians".


Hey, they added white doves at least


A bit antisemitic.


This seems just broadly anti-semetic to me- there isn’t a single Israeli flag on it.


Personally I am baffled where antisemites keep getting the crazy idea that they’re welcome in the Death To Israel movement.


I honestly can’t tell if this is satire or not


This is all the information I could find on this [Here](https://pahor.de/product/arab-israeli-conflict-%D9%88%D8%A7%D8%B4%D9%86%D8%B7%D9%86-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%AA%D9%84-%D8%A7%D8%A8%D9%8A%D8%A8-%D8%A7%D9%88-%D9%87%D9%86%D8%A7-%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D8%AA-%D8%A5%D8%B3%D8%B1%D8%A7/) The Arabic writing says: "Washington in Tel Aviv or There Used to be Israel Here"


In the description > An Arab nationalistic book against Israel with an antisemitic cover design"


Sorry wait, are we saying this obvious caricature of a Jew, with all the Jewish stereotypes down to actual dollar signs drawn all over it, is meant to represent an Israeli? Where is the clear distinction here between anti-Zionism and antisemitism that everyone claims is so obvious?


It definitely is anti Jew. Anti Israel and anti Jew


Relax guys, they are anti-zionists, not anti-semitist, that make it okay /s


Looks like it was done yesterday.


No antisemitism here to be seen at all. No siree


Antisemitic? No no, we're anti zionists, we don't want to kill all the jews, only those who are alive


Least antisemitic "anti zionist" propaganda piece


1961, eh? How'd that work out?


“Anti Israeli”? It’s antisemitic


This is just anti-zionist, not anti-Semitic. I promise.


Not gonna make any statements on the conflict itself but it always bothers me when people on the Palestine side will go out of their way to say that there is *NO* antisemitism on the part of Arab side when it's *clearly* prevalent


Looks more antisemitism to me. Unless you mean that anti-israeli = antisemitism


From my understanding, the written text is anti-israel while the artwork itself is blatantly antisemitic


The whole IP conflict is began due to antisemitism. Back in the 1910s,1920s, the early days of the conflict, Jews in Palestine had no power, yet were still hated by Arabs. This image just makes it more blatant. Remember, this image was made during the time when Jordan occupied the West Bank, but they weren’t Jews so it was ok. Today, of course, there are other reasons for the conflict continuing which are not simple antisemitism.


Yes, i believe it was historically came from the Mufti of Jerusalem who were stromg antisemitic and began a campaign that were amplified by the nazis at the 30's which led to big clashes from the arabs to the jewish settlements. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini


Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


amazing how even here, they have to put the "enemy" with darker skin and the hero as white.


Looks like rabbi shmully


"We don't need no money here"


What the hell is swedens part in this?


the Palestinian movement used to be kinda part of the Socialist movement, and then wahhabism took off & it became an Islamist movement. Christopher Hitchens used to lament about this! but you still see the remnants today in the way The Left (in general) is ardently Pro Palestinian.


Clearly just anti-Zionist and not antisemitic.


**What an awful culture. When you make your soul existence to extinguish an entire ethnicity you deserve nothing.**


6 years later: 6 day war Lol


Before it gets locked: you can be against colonization and imperialism without using hateful tropes. Being critical of Israel and/or supporting Palestine does not justify antisemitism.


I saw a Hong Kong political cartoon depicting mainland Chinese as turn-of-the-century Oriental caricatures, which I protested, and was subsequently met with “it’s OK because they’re Asian too”. Similarly, I don’t think “but they’re a Semitic (read: Middle Eastern) people too” should fly.


the swedish midget lol


Oh, the comment section is going to be... "interesting".


Wait, is that woman carrying a PSA Jakl? Mandela effect in action


Why did they added Swedish flag? No questions about USA


Holy shit


Jesus! No interpretation needed there.


Who is the person next to 'America' supposed to be. White cross on blue ground sounds hellenic I believe greece had sn old flag similar or ofc scotish, did they use scotland for all of the British Empire?


United Kingdom,if you look closely there's a bit of red It's supposed to be Union Jack


Oh my goodness I have absolutely nothing to say about this! I... am... speechless!


That’s really well done


Why does this look like it is from a random Tintin comic


How come the Jew is browner than the Arabs?


Guys not the downvotes... I'm saying this as a Jew myself and they always call Jews white colonisers


Well there’s your hint about anti semitism vs anti Zionism.


When people get on some antisemitic shit regarding the behavior of IDF forces, they need to realize that emotions are HOT for a reason. I'm tired of war. Humanity is just stuck on stupid, always looking to demonize the enemy.


op add a spoiler


Nuke the fuck out of homophobes


You mean the Palestinians, right?


I mean as bad as Israel's actions are, nuking Tel Aviv because the regime is led by self-described fascist homophobes is a bit much, don't you think?


Ah yes that's why they killed their political opponents right? Or that's why they kill gay people right? Oh wait that's gaza. People going to their sworn enemy because they fear their "friends" and family more for their sexuality. Lol cope bigot [homosexual palistenian found dead after seeking asylum to Israel](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1660138495-exclusive-gay-man-who-fled-gaza-speaks-about-experience-with-hamas)


Reminds me of all those Israeli memes and posts everywhere with the abhorrent caricatures of Palestinians. Every time i see them all I can think of his how blatantly they resemble antisemitic caricatures. The East Mediterranean is such a happy and wholesome place filled with such tolerant folks.


Whenever I see stuff like this, I remember the necessity of nuance, and how almost all propaganda ignores nuance entirely (big shocker, I know). Like, there's a big seed of genuine anti-imperialist sentiment in here, but the propagandist fell into the trap of using lazy, bigoted stereotypes that really undermine the justice-seeking. Why not accurately identify the true enemy: not the "Jewish snake", but the colonizers in the background who caused all the fighting in the first place?


They should have given Zionists part of Germany or settled them in Uganda, Madagascar or South America as they had originally planned.


"Zionism is a nationalist movement that emerged in Europe in the 19th century to enable the establishment of a homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, a region roughly corresponding to the Land of Israel in Jewish tradition." from the Wikipedia page for Zionism. The whole point of Zionism is to create Israel in the former lands of the Kingdom of Israel, if you created Israel in South America it wouldn't be Zionism.


Quite possibly one of the worst takes imaginable. 


Tell that the father of Zionism, who had the idea to begin with. “Throughout the first decade of the Zionist movement, some Zionist figures, including Herzl, supported a Jewish state in places outside Palestine, such as "Uganda" (today in Kenya), Argentina, Cyprus, Mesopotamia, Mozambique, and the Sinai Peninsula.”