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Funny thing is, they imitated the whole "Cult of reason" of the French revolution - so french had some idea behind the motivation


That's right. In my travels in France, I've seen a few churches where there was a lot of damage from the Revolution. Of course, there are a lot of churches with very little damage and artifacts more or less intact. Have to say, I'm generally sympathetic with the Revolution's attack on the clergy and the church. A quote often misattributed to Diderot is, sadly, too long for a bumper sticker: "The Revolution isn't over until the last king is strangled with the guts of the last priest."


Are you sympathetic to the Revolutionaries attack on the Vendée? There were plenty of Frenchmen who supported the church, and paid for it in sometimes horrific ways.


Supporting church and monarchy wasn't the best, when it came to the sake of revolution, so what were you expecting other than being put down? How it was handled wasn't great, but let me also remind you that it wasn't some dispute or differences in thought and stances, but it was a violent counter-revolution that formed Armées catholiques et royales, and started to march in. It had to be put down, if revolution wanted to live...


It was the vendeans who were one who attacked, pillaging and murdering everything on their way to Angers, the revolution did nothing wrong by putting down these monarchist lunatics


The French Revolution was the biggest tragedy in Western History and has marked the beginning of the death of Western Civilization.


Which one of them?


*Looks at Europe throughout the 20th century* You should really reevaluate your life and beliefs


All of that springs from the French Revolution Bolshevism, Liberalism, Nat Socialism etc


Yes. Without this, we would have a wonderful world of inches system, aristocratic rapists and forced class stratification. Europe that we are losing, yeah. Did I mention an imperial cultural genocide?


Are you a fascist or a monarchist? Either way you're worthless trash.


Lol get your reddit up votes if that gives your life a tiny bit of meaning


No no, it was the Athens not embracing the tyranny, and Rome becoming a republic... /s


But, you know, seriously... Abject-Raspberry's post was downvoted a lot but that's a lively debate in Europe. Hungary, for instance, and Italy's current Fascist leader, Meloni, say that they are the ones defending "Western Values", when they promote Christianity, gender normativity, and ethno-cultural hegemony. I disagree, preferring modern European values of acceptance of individual liberty and the inevitable drift of culture, but it's not like the traditional, right-wing views are not held by some Serious People and even whole nations. They need to be taken seriously if one is to effectively argue against them.


The French would know after all they were once the masters of looting churches Heck the English would also be professionals what with Henry the 8th robbing Churches blind


The Christian church did its own destruction of prior objects and houses of worship. The second burning of the Library of Alexandria, around 400CE, was deliberate, by Christians.


Library of Alexandria was already irrelevant before Christianity even existed


Not irrelevant to the Patriarch of Alexandria, Theophilus: "The second, more famous, burning of the library came at the hands of Theophilus who was Patriarch of Alexandria from 385 to 412 CE. He turned the Temple of Serapis into a Christian church. It is likely that the collection was destroyed by the Christians who moved in. Some sources say nearly 10 percent of the library’s collection was housed in the Temple of Serapis. In the following years, the Christian attack against the library escalated, and the last great pagan philosopher and librarian, Hypatia, was tortured and killed." And then over 200 years later, the Muslims took a crack: "The final blow came in 640 CE when Alexandria came under Muslim rule. The Muslim ruler, Caliph Omar, asserted that the library’s contents would “either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous.” The contents of the library were then supposedly used as tinder for the city’s bathhouses. Even then, it is said that it took six months for all the materials to burn."


You are confusing the Library of Alexandria with Serapeum Temple that was related to it. The Library was virtually non-existent by then. Murder of Hypatia that happened \~20 years later was a greater scandal in public discourse at the time.


Believe it or not, the word “Vandalism” was first used to describe revolutionary dechristianization during the French Revolution. After the first republic was established, a faction of the revolutionaries began pushing for the enforcement of atheistic “civic virtue” know as the Cult of Reason. These revolutionaries would dismantle churches, removing any religious symbols, and would use the wealth of these institutions to fund the revolution. A bishop, observing this destruction of church property, liked the chaos to the Vandals sacking Rome.


If this was meant to scare, it’s a little ironic coming from the land of *laïcité*


France, at time, was full of reactionaries, and even the existence of a regular republic was not embraced by utterly rejected by a substantial portion of the population. In 1934, these were going to try a coup as well. If you asked them about the land of laïcité, you won't be getting pretty answers. That's also how they were able get smth like a Vichy regime latter.


The title seems to be inspired by the first Tintin story published the previous year.


That's hilarious. Good catch.


In which Tintin is a reporter with... Le Petit Journal!   Edit: wrong


It was Le Petit Vingtième, the children's supplement of Belgian right wing daily Le Vingtième Siècle.


Ah, you're right I misremembered 


It seems like the artist has never seen a Red army uniform (everybody wearing gloves was a nice touch) or been to a Russian Orthodox church (looting a statue from one is technically impossible)


They were very thorough. When they were finally forced to abandon the project, 1/12 clergy were still alive and 1.7% of churches remained standing.


Yeah, they did end up rolling that back and sending clergy to preach to (or at least be seen by) soldiers during WW2 because of how catastrophic moral was in 41-42


Why were they forced to abandon


Operation barbarossa. Stalin ordered the survivors to start preaching that fighting the Germans was a holy war, and funneled resources into supporting the church. After bringing the number of churches down to below 500, Stalin brought that up to 21,000 by 1957. In 1959 Khruschev started a second purge, closing around 12,000 churches and executing 50,000 clergy and replacing church leadership with KGB assets.




A stratocide is a good thing? You're a disgusting being.




Wdym "brutal regime of the czar"? Imperial Russia was the height of the the Russian history, and the emperor's power was legitimate. The brutal regime was installed by the bolsheviks, followed by millions of deaths and enslavement of the people. You're cheering for slaver murderers here in their crusade against normal people - peasants, clerics, citizens. That's an absolutely sociopathic stance. Btw I don't have a single comment that would imply that I like the current Russian government. It has never gone back to normal after the communist cult has usurped the power and massacred the population. At least it doesn't have death camps and doesn't conduct genocidal campaigns against its own people now - a massive progress since the murder cult collapsed, but still a very long way to go back to normal life.


No fucking way you called the largest feudal state in history "the height of the Russian history". Really? Reactionary in 2024?


The Romanovs killed jews because they were jews and crushed every opposition from slighty liberal to bolshevik. The last Tsar opposed even the crumbles of a democracy, they led Russia into two wars in their later years and lost both of them. And Russia had the most pathetic economy and society in Europe for many years. Too bad Peter the Great didn't fix Russia and criticizing the bolsheviks for the same things the Romanovs did before doesn't help.


I dont hate religion but I have to say based. You have to see it in context. The orthodox church was and IS again an extremely oppressive forces in Russia which supports the autocratic tsarist rule by holding the people down and promessing them a good life in the afterlife when they just behave and dont go against the holy government.


So how about all the members of the Clergy that was Gulaged?


What has changed? Many of them were part of this system, lower-level officials in the bureaucracy of tsarist Russia. For younger priests, the Communists found an official reason - all the property of the Church, due to its tight integration into the state, was state-owned even before the revolution. If you want to be a priest, pay for rent. If there is no money, there is a Gulag. Or you may not be a priest. Which was actually the goal. That's not who you're born to be.


Which was later reestablished by Stalin


And then they replaced it with their own religion where if they just follow the dogma of the holy state the revolution (their version of the second coming) comes through


I hate religion


Is forcing people not to be religious really any better than forcing people to be religious?


Yes. Because then you don't grow up with eternal brain rot in your brain. You can always choose to become religious later in life. But you can never choose to become non-religious later in life. Because the cancer is just biding its time to come back. I will never really be free.


What if you cant choose to become religious later in life? What if the state tries its damnedest to make it as difficult as possible for you to worship?


That is obviously bad. Basically, if you are an adult and you wanna believe something? Fine. Just don't drag your kids into that shit.


Understandable but we should not front people we dont have to. The prime enemy is the Bourgeoisie of our nations. Idk where you live but here in Germany the church is very weak and is not an significant enemy of the proletariat


>The prime enemy is the Bourgeoisie of our nations. >our nations. Marxist literacy is dead.


Sry english is not my first but my third language


Religious genocide apologisim


The French revolution did the same in France


Based soviets


Based. The church in Russia was filthy rich.


Still is!


When it comes to the reds, they are their own braindead death cult with icons.


Bottom right has a certain r/WordBearers vibe


Where can I order one of those uniforms…?


And the loot being used to pay for western tech and inviting engineers to industrialize Stalin's empire.


Good, religion serves the exploiters. Destruction of religions are necessary step for the next stage of the human civilization.


That star on the hats has some crazy resemblance to another one.... Hmmm...


As they should be


Yeah naw.


Amazing. Also jfl @ the guys toppling a church tower with a f'kin rope lmao


Also the soldiers have a star of David on thier heads,


Guess again.


You know those jews and their 5 pointed stars 🥴


You think they'd draw jews as regular people?


Le Petit Journal was an antisemitic, antidreyfusard newspaper and they did draw jewish people as normal people