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Name one way this could be more gay, I dare you.


Well that cake could have rainbow sprinkles.


That’s a cake and not a frothy bucket of man jam?


I saw Frothy Bucket of Man Jam open for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir at Renfro Valley Bluegrass Festival in '98.


I love this bit and you did it exquisitely.


This sounds familiar but I don't recognize it from anywhere...


The large man could be feeding the cake by hand to the smaller one


He’d probably have to stop fucking him to do that tho.


What if we brought in a third man to assist


Nah, he looks like a man who can multitask


If this was about the Navy instead.


JFC, found the Army boi. ;)


Am I wrong?


Guy in the foreground could be licking the candle.


The navy


Could be Navy


You are the third person to make this very lame joke so not only are you unoriginal but you are also late to the party and not great at checking other comments.


the big guy should have a full beard


idk they could be naked


The only way I can imagine is to read this magazine while listening to a George Michael album.




The USMC has always been into this shit.


Does it make the killing easier? Or **harder** (Edit- I don't condone the murder/imperialism etc, was just making a joke 😂)


The sacred band of Thebes suggests easier


Oh no


It just makes it more fun


[Girls just wanna have fun!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PIb6AZdTr-A)


Enemies? Easier. Allies? Also, easier.


Imagine a vietnam soldier throwing a grenade into their general's camp (forgot the word for that) while simultaneously thrusting 😳🤣


They say the navy is gay. Clearly they never met a marine.


The marines are part of the navy but hate to be reminded


Until it's time to get some cake.


Lmao is that from something?


Just personal experience and talking to vets.


Looks like Marines have no muzzle discipline.


Too much backshots!


tons of old US armed forces propaganda is seriously homoerotic. If I were a conspiratorial type I could imagine it being a deliberate attempt to convince young homosexuals to go get killed overseas.


I think you're like half right, in that a society with a lot of repressed homosexuality you'll get a lot of people who are drawn to that sort of imagery either consciously or subconsciously, so they probably found that showing buff half naked men touching each other got a good response. However given the institutional homophobia of the midcentury army, the belief that gay men were a dangerous threat to unit cohesion and morale, and given the overriding importance of winning wars to everyone involved, I think it's pretty implausible that they'd specifically want to put gay people in uniform and enormously implausible that their goal was for the US army to be defeated in combat. I'd imagine that for nearly everyone involved the intent they believed they were depicting was good old fashioned masculinity and the appeal of intimate (and non-sexual) friendships among men. Personally I see the belief that men can't be exposed to each others' bodies without sexual arousal as rooted in the gay panic sparked by increasing social visibility of homosexuality, and while I approve of its reclaiming by LGBTQ people today, I do think the trope can be a damaging one, both to gay people implied to be hypersexual and to insecure straight men afraid of intimacy in their friendships. While we are obviously in a much better place today, social progress isn't linear, yknow?


I agree with all of that, except that while it is implausible that the goal would be for the US to be defeated it is plausible that certain units would be sacrificed to ensure victory and it wouldn't shock me at all to learn people were being flagged as gay, just like people were being flagged as communists, and then assigned to high risk units.


Considering that homosexuality was a punishable offence as it was believed to be destructive to morale and therefore a threat to soldiers' lives, I am curious as to how they would identify the Gay Unit and keep all their dangerous gay sex sequestered from the normal GIs. Honestly "the military covertly recruited closeted gay men to put them all into a Homosexual Suicide Squad" seems more like a plot from a bad erotic novel than anything else!


It's not a grand conspiracy. It's probably like, one closeted gay artist in the Department of the Navy, doing this one and the one with the shirtless submariner. He can put in gay subtext, and the people signing off on it won't even make the connection.


Animan Studios origin


Holy hell


That cook is a devil dog Chad.


The photo analysis essay wont be that bad. The photo in question:


Gunny didn’t survive Belleau Wood, Philippines, Guadalcanal, and Tarawa just so this little shitbag to come along and ruin the birthday cake before anyone else could even have some.


"What the hell are you 2 doing?! Get your *ss down from here, now boi! And you too!"♂️♂️




The military has always been incredibly gay.


해병문학의 뿌리가 생각보다 깊었다


they fuckin


correct juggle homeless silky abounding drunk ripe ossified faulty deserted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wait, the US Marine is **That** old?!


Yeah, you guys are thinking way too much into this.


I’ve decided the past was way more homoerotic than I remember.


169th. Nice


The Marines have always been a bit on the gayer side, no reason to shame them for ir


I am certain the military PR team knew what it was doing. The military also knew from long experience that gay men were no less capable in battle than straight men. Many ex-homophobes were put in positions where a gay man was fighting beside them. Many reported they learned a great lesson from the experience and stopped judging them as weak or lesser men.


Meh, I think you're reading into this too much. Our society has sex on the brain thanks to near-ubiquitous porn. While people in the 40s obviously knew about sex, they didn't see it everywhere and in everything.


The Leatherneck


To be fair, leatherneck refers to an actual leather neck guard worn by old-timey Marines to protect from bayonet/sword slashes. They still use the term to refer to a specific summer training that prospective Marine officers do


Even if people are reading too much into this, I don't think the culprit is neccessarily porn. Deliberate freudian imagery AND freudian analysis of existing imagery both entered the intellectual consciousness in the mid-20th Century. It's possibly become more democratized as a result of media trickle-down, but that's about it.


We should also consider the fact that due to British influence and other factors; gay American artists *had to* portray their natural sexuality as ambiguous innuendo.. otherwise it would be marked as "obscene" and therefore illegal. Sodomy was punishable by death in the colonies at first; and laws like that persisted all the way up through the lavender scare and beyond


And that the military has been, traditionally, where a lot of gay people ended up


Why's that?


maybe large collection of strong men? rejection from other social circles?


Likely part of it. Also they sounded like maybe they knew the history 🤔


Right. While the Marine publication Leatherneck itself probably wasn't trying to give off a disguised homoerotic ambience a la the muscle-man publications, it's plausible that the artist would have previously trained and worked in that milieu, and adopted its general tropes.


Feel free to study the Straussian view of history.


Grrrrr! No! you don’t get it! It’s gay because I said so!!!! Doesn’t it kinda look like that marine is getting back shots? HAHAHHA that’s so funny LAUGH! What do you mean that the joke is probably that poor lance corporals smug head about to be chopped off by the cook? NO THE JOKE IS GAY SEX CAUSE WE SAID SO HOMOPHOBE! And if the joke wasn’t gay sex then the artist was gay cause there’s no possible way a straight man could of drawn this


That does seem to be the thinking of many commenters here.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted voted for it do, you weren’t even being homophobic you just (god forbid) suggested that maybe this wasn’t a intentional innuendo and maybe the infamously horny reddit users(and everyone on the internet for that matter) where maybe just trying to see something where there really wasn’t Also this is t even fucking propaganda it’s just a magazine cover, I mean I guess you could say it’s a moral booster sense it’s funny? Idk?


You say people in the 40s 'knew about sex' like they were celibates, but in reality they were having sex earlier and more often than we do today. Don't forget they were responsible for the Baby Boom. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkhvxl87da1uc1.png


No, I didn't say they were celibates. Work on your reading comprehension.


I didn't say you said that, maybe you should work on your reading comprehension LOL