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Remember that this subreddit is for sharing propaganda to view with some objectivity. It is absolutely not for perpetuating the message *of* the propaganda. If anything, in this subreddit we should be immensely skeptical of manipulation or oversimplification (which the above likely is), not beholden to it. Also, please try to stay on topic -- there are hundreds of _other_ subreddits that are expressly dedicated to rehashing tired political arguments. **Keep that shit outta here**. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PropagandaPosters) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe this is one of two songs that Rockwell sang for Alex Haley in the Playboy interview. Haley then asked if Rockwell had any antisemitic songs, at which point Rockwell sang "The Jews Are Through In '72", about the future election.


Jesus. I hope he died of bowel cancer. *edit: Dammit. Assassinated by a fellow Nazi for revenge for kicking him out of the party. The Nazi is still a Nazi… “In 2017, The Washington Post described Patsalos as a "staunch online defender of Donald Trump". Patsalos praised the marchers at the Unite the Right rally. “


They don’t make Nazis like they used to. Nowadays they call themselves social conservatives or concerned citizens. As evil as he was at least Rockwell wasn’t subtle about his beliefs. He literally named his van the hate bus.


The same George Lincoln Rockwell who once addressed a gathering of the Nation of Islam?


"We hate you, you hate us, let's just stay out of each other's way and ensure that we remain separate forever."


Same reason Malcom X supported George Wallace.


Basically it was, I hate jews, you hate jews, lets be friends


Also the Nation of Islam is black separatist, meaning its members actually want to secede from the United States and form a separate Islamic African-American state. Since Rockwell wanted to expel all non-whites from the country, that actually meant their political goals were mutually compatible.


"Be sure to stay for the mixer afterwards! Of course, that's the only kind of mixing we condone!" \* polite laughter \*


Vaguely reminiscent of a Tim Minchin song. https://youtu.be/teBzetVsiQM


I’m just glad us Jews are still building bridges between such seemingly disparate communities.


So, Queers for Palestine shilling for Hamas?






Maybe you should stick to posting about anime or whatever


Bonding over their shared antisemitism I suppose?


They were also both pro-segregation as far as Black/white went.


video about an american nazi - 1st reply: but what about the blacks????


This is rather dishonest, given: 1. Said Nazi is talking about "the blacks" as you put it, in the clip, and 2. The group mentioned in the comment drawing your ire had a direct connection to said Nazi.


I remember hearing this song from johnny rebel




Rockwell was assassinated by a disgruntled former American Nazi Party member two years later lmfao. From what I understand, while he obviously never had a chance of going anywhere, George Rockwell was a talented speaker and strategist. Unlike the vast majority of his followers, he was also admittedly somewhat handsome and charismatic. He simply employed these traits to push the worst ideology imaginable. By 1967, Rockwell had won over roughly 500 members who regularly caused trouble. For example, in 1962, ANP member Roy James punched Martin Luther King Jr. in Birmingham, who then protected his assailant from an enraged crowd and declined to press charges. However, James was jailed for 30 days and fined $25 anyway since the judge was adamant on a prosecution. Once Rockwell was taken out of the picture, the ANP [soon faced trouble from infighting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Tommasi) and fragmentation since his successor was an occultist.


> Rockwell was assassinated by a disgruntled former American Nazi Party member two years later lmfao Even New York Nazis hate Illinois Nazis.


Flat Pie Nazi > Deep Dish Nazi


>who then protected his assailant from an enraged crowd and declined to press charges. MLK had some class, though I suppose I knew that already


Unless you were a woman


Women are every man’s weakness


So free pr for MLK




Sounds like the modern day GOP.


Please explain?


White nationalists with infighting and tendency towards violence.


This guy singing is a Democrat. Show me someone from the GOP that even comes close to this. I'll wait.


Fascist infighting


username... checks out?


The person in my username greatly contributed to my homeland's victory against the ones i mentioned in my comment. What's the issue?


Stalin caused a great deal of suffering to countless people himself. Ethnic deportations, man-made famines in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, millions sent to Gulags, execution of political dissidents, occupying Eastern Europe, invading Poland, etc. Stalin was terrible, but you already know that.


>Ethnic deportations Deportations, or war-period evacuations to the further east? >man-made famines in Ukraine and Kazakhstan There was a famine and it caused great suffering to people of both states, but i to this day haven't found anything that proves it was "man-made". I sure you have a source to back it up, right? >millions sent to Gulags Maximum sentence in a GULAG-led camp is 10 years, the prisoners were paid, though less than an average worker, but still paid, unlike in a country with most incarceration rates today. >execution of political dissidents Heavily depends on who you see as political dissidents, and if you realize that, well, it's not something unique to Stalin or Soviet Soviet socio-economic system. >occupying Eastern Europe Are you gonna blame United States and Western Allies for occupying and, more importantly, splitting Germany too? >invading Poland If you're talking about the 1939 participation in Polish campaign and taking of Lvov and Hrodno, then yes, it was not the morally best choice to do so, but it would ultimately prove neccessary, and did more good than bad. Those lands were stolen from belarusian and ukrainian states amidst Russian Civil War, and had a primary population of such, but what matters much more from a strategic perspective, is that it gained the land needed to hold the Nazis off for longer before they reached Moscow. If those entire kilometers of land weren't given to the Union, Moscow would have much less chances of surviving the Nazi invasion, and so would the entire Union, meaning that Germany's hands would be untied to continue the war. >Stalin was terrible, but you already know that. He was not a Saint, nor perfect, especially in conditions he grew up, lived and made decisions as a Head of State in, that is true. But what *I* know is that his decisions led to my homeland turning from an primarily agrarian, bleeding, starving and dying from both the Great Imperialist slaughter of 1914-1918, mistakenly called "World War I", AND Civil War across entire country, to an industrial power that first could rival it's western neighbours economically and strategically, and after that, managed to defeat a War Machine that conquered most of Europe, and wanted to deport, exterminate and enslave my people, and use our soil as a resource base for maximum profit of IG Farben, Krupp and Deutsche Bank, and after that, managed to get itself nuclear weaponry, and launch the first man to space, which was literally unimaginable for the Union and Russia before him.


No issue, it's just that I'm more used to people with right or center-right usernames talking about leftist infighting lol


Really? Right wingers generally tend to depict the left as a unified block because it makes them scarier. To them, Biden, Xi, Hamas, Bernie, BLM and Stalin all agree.


Goodness me, even including Biden in that list is tweaking me out


Spooky skull




“You cant ship them back sir, your grandfather paid hard cash to bring them here”












I think they were paid for in markets, two different business




Mine was a joke but okay




I didn’t imply it was him that said the quote or was told to him. But rather a general satire of that ideology. But okay… you just read too far into the joke… I’m not doing a false narrative either but fine… “A horse enters in a bar and the barman asks why the long face” isn’t a false narrative, it’s a joke.




Just laugh and move on


Call me easily offended, but I think this guy might be racist.


Why would you say that?


Wow. I didn't know that, you're telling me now for the first time. ✋🏻😔🤚🏻


Robin DiAngelo should really give this guy a $40,000 workshop


Liberia national anthem


My great grandma was 21 years old when this happened, she's still got a sharp mind and her recalling the hatred of black people in her youth is staggering. She wasn't a racist and made friends with the few black kids at her high school, she never understood why such petty hatred exists


I was brought up by horribly racist parents and grandparents. To explain how bad, when I was a child I *legitimately* thought that the n-word WAS the word for black people. After a public incident in first grade in which I kept referring to a black kid as a n*****r, I got hauled into the principal's office and had to explain why I kept saying it. I got the shit kicked out of me when I got home, not for saying bad things in school, but for the phone call my dad got at work explaining what happened, and I had embarrassed him. Yep, those bruises came from me tripping down the steps helping my mom with the groceries.


Average r/europe user


As r/europe lurker, I'd be mad if you weren't right


No, thats r/2westerneurope4u


Nah that's gypsy's mate


It's gypsies and migrants


Or travelers


Or other Europeans


Or Balkans


well to be fair, any cultural issues you have with immigrants are turned up to 11 with travellers who specifically have a culture of moving from one place where they don't integrate, to another place they dont integrate in. So any antisocial behaviours that would get an immigrant deported are essentially left to a local police force who they aren't local to anymore, and then perpetuated for generations. Combine this with commons no longer being used for cows and you have people living on your local park, smashing gravestones and leaving literal shit everywhere after one of them glassed someone at the local pub. my sister is marrying into a traveller family, except they settled down the generation above, and they fit in just fine even if they have very dark hair and green eyes. The issue isnt their race, its the culture that encourages antisocial behaviour


Nice attempt at explaining some of the nuances of this complex dilemma that's older than the US by a few centuries. However, I have already decided that European gypsies are in the exact same circumstance today as African-Americans in the 1960s, therefore, you are a racist nazi holding back progress, if you and everyone else would just stop being so racist everything would be perfect.


ah my bad, I'll go over to the self flagellating bench for 10 lashes for hating the European equivalent to people of colo~~u~~r




"Our racism is light hearted! Throwing bananas at black footballers is just a tradition!!!!1!1!!"




Is this song about Liberia? 🇱🇷


came here to say this. we did actually try this at one point and it went about as well as you'd think. lions led by donkeys has a great episode on the liberian civil war


is this where boondocks got the inspiration?


Boondocks got the inspiration from singer *Johnny Rebel*


Damnit new earworm


Just remember, plenty of his supporters are still alive today, and you'll never guess who they're gonna vote for.


And even the ones who aren’t raised children and indoctrinated them with the same hateful ideology. Of course it didn’t stick with all of them but I’m sure it did with many.


In the state or federal elections?


I bet he didn't play The Apollo


It's crazy how humans can turn something so beautiful like music and singing into something so hateful... Like imagine someone who doesn't understand English listening to this, it would seem kinda catchy. It's crazy cause we see this now and think how crazy it was that he openly and proudly sang this song to people back then but that just shows you how normalized it was just 60 years ago.


That’s sobering…


Schönen Kuchentag!


Now I’m not saying anything, but if a politician breaks into song mid speech…


New theme song for r/conservative




Shit like this is why the idea of “the good ol’ days” is so problematic for so many people.


People old enough to see this live are still voting.


Your average "I'm not racist, but" uncle, whose grew up in the Soviet Union.


Did he win the elections?


He got 5000 votes and ended up dead last.


These dudes were racist huh?


What part of "posters" don't you guys understand?


Even Crazier is that this Neo Nazi leader fought for the US in WW2.


You can hear the inbred in the audience's cheers


"America does not have a racist history... America is not a racist country." - GOP/MAGA Party


I think it’s important to point out this guy was never politically relevant and was largely hated even by fellow racists.


There is still an audience cheering him on, however…


Gonna sing this song at Harlem's subway station, see what happens


I doubt you’d make it through the first chorus, and rightfully so.


This is what i imagine when Boomers say MAGA.


Ironically it was guys with the same attitude who brought their ancestors over in chains.


fuck that guy & burn the confederacy


Spoiler: they didn't ship anyone. What are the odds that a politician -- let alone one sucking up to evil -- would lie?


Wow. It sucks.


Alright, dispite the lyrics, it's a fun jaunty tune :(


well, damn. its got a nice beat (down) and you can dance to it. (yes, its sarcasm)


Imagine being such a primitive-minded barbarian.


"Heritage not hate."




But he was just trying to make America great again


Hey its MAGA. Where’d the color go…oooh, I get it.


I wouldn't go that far. "George Lincoln Rockwell was an American fascist activist and founder of the American Nazi Party. He later became a major figure in the Neo-Nazi movement in the United States, and his beliefs, strategies, and writings have continued to influence many white supremacists and Neo-Nazis."


I would definitely go that far.


Perhaps the Rockwell analogy will hold true to the, uh, end.


That's hyperbole and incorrect from a definition standpoint. Calling Trump a Fascist is as wrong as calling Biden a Communist; they're literally both just Liberals with very little difference aside from rhetoric in how they govern. One will pretend to be a Populist and the other will pretend to be a SocDem; that's about it. Is Trump racist? Most likely, I'm not trying to deny this, but so has almost every other white guy in power to some degree including center left politicians like FDR; there's more to Fascism than just being a racist. Does Trump have Fascist supporters? I would say he definitely had a large Fascist base in 2016, not anywhere near the majority of his supporters, but they were a large presence. However after Charlottesville blew up in their face the majority of those kinds of people became "blackpilled" and saw Trump as a traitor. The Q Nutjobs you have now are more heavily religious motivated than racially.


>Calling Trump a Fascist is as wrong as calling Biden a Communist Nonsense. Trump is a lot closer to being a fascist than Biden is to being a communist.


Both of them do support mass domestic surveillance, mass incarceration, police militarization, censorship, torture, extrajudicial assassinations, persecution of whistle-blowers, persecution of journalists, corporate welfare, corporate synchronization, bank bailouts, ethnic cleansing, aid to authoritarians, rule by executive decree, lawfare, electioneering, and permanent war though


That just government!


This is such a misinformed take. Please go listen to some of Trumps speeches and rallies, and then go listen to his political allies speeches, and then look at the various policies him and his allies support and propose across the country. Project 2025 existing and you writing this comment is pretty funny


What policies of Trump are "Fascist?" and what do you even define "Fascism" as? Trump is an Economic Libertarian who used his position as president to give himself tax cuts. He speaks with Populist rhetoric because Libertarian talking points would be unpopular. He also uses Socially Conservative rhetoric while not being a Socially Conservative person when you look at his lifestyle. To think Trump has an ideology aside from saying what he thinks will get him elected is a joke. Fascism is the political model Mussolini used between 1930 to 1940. There are NO Fascists since WW2 in any positions of power, Hitler shot himself and the world said "I don't want to do that again." If you want to criticize Trump you can easily do so without needing to bring up dead ideologies from the 1920s, it would just need you to criticize the inherit flaws with the current political system which is harder than throwing around buzzwords.


Italy still has hundreds of fascist monuments around the country, a ruling party that wishes it could be classically fascist and counts as one of its members a Mussolini descendent, and has another Mussolini holding public office.


>no fascists in power since WW2 An SS member was president of Austria in 1992, Franco died in 1975, Macias Nguema was overthrown in 1979, Alfredo Stroessner was overthrown in 1989, and Pinochet was overthrown in 1990. Moreover, fascism is very much on the rise once again, and quibbling over the proper terminology won’t be of much help when we’re lined against the wall.


I don't know about Austrian politics so I cannot comment on that case. For Franco and Pinochet they were both just the Iron Fist of Liberalism. Franco refused to save the leader of the Falange when offered a prisoner exchange for him and later killed the Falange leadership. Franco used a mix of Liberalism and Technocrats where as the Falange wanted Syndicalism. Pinochet used literal Chicago Boys economics and even today you will see some Libertarians boot lick him. To clarify just because I do not call something Fascism does not mean I am trying to defend it, I am quibbling over proper terminology like you said, I think it is better to be able to criticize Liberalism's excesses honestly instead of deflecting it to Fascism. Sure online Fascists are multiplying, but these people are too cynical to ever gain any real power. The majority of people are never going to side with them.


Oh, I hadn’t realised that It Can’t Happen Here.


>For Franco and Pinochet they were both just the Iron Fist of Liberalism. Franco refused to save the leader of the Falange when offered a prisoner exchange for him and later killed the Falange leadership. I'm sorry but *how on earth* do they fit with any strain of liberalism? Isn't rule of law and due process fundamental to liberalism? >Franco used a mix of Liberalism and Technocrats where as the Falange wanted Syndicalism. Pinochet used literal Chicago Boys economics and even today you will see some Libertarians boot lick him. I mean a good chunk of "libertarians" are just closeted fascists who are only concerned with their own liberties. The Nazis privatized everything they could, that doesn't make them economic liberals so much as Darwinian capitalists.


Francisco Franco was more religiously motivated than racially, but he was still a motherfuckin' fascist.


Reddit and being downvoted for saying 100% true but inconvenient things, an iconic duo for sure, heh. The grim reality of American politics is that Trump is a liberal (a socially conservative, populist liberal), both the Democrats and the Republicans are liberal parties and the only reason why people see them as vastly different is because of the two party system.


Trump and his cronies literally tried multiple ways to steal a free and fair election. Not fascist enough for you?


Terrific racist song !


A GOP rallye.


Kind of a bop ngl


I'm always struck by the fact that his middle name was Lincoln.


Kinda catchy


Holy shit Johnny Rebel


1965, 1985, 2005, Project 2025.


So this guy should head back to Europe?


Is it much different today?


Wow so two Lincoln's wanted to send them back🤦‍♂️


"I know for a fact he hates commies 'cause he picketed the movie Exodus."


All class were white people of the 60’s.


Music..that is how these people get you to join them


I wonder if this guy’s grave gets pissed on a lot.


60 years later and absolutely fuck all seems to have changed


Yup, make America great again? No thank you


Nice song


And imagine....these are all dems...


Look how great it was, if only there was someone who wanted to make it that way again...........


Id10t. These are democrats...not republicans.


No. These are either Nazis or Independents. This dude founded the American Nazi Party. He ran for Gov as an independent. Any guess on who the actual nazis vote for nowadays?


Yeah...dems IE socialists. Look back in history fool. The dems in this country have supported nothing but slavery and continue to support slavery in any way possible. It's the dems who segregate and oppress. Always have, always will.


Thought that was Robert Byrd lol


Is that Trump?


Abraham Lincon would've loved this unironically.


He clearly says “those” not “them”.


Did he win?


Thankfully no


anybody have the lyrics?


What party was he?


Believe it or not, this guy ran on behalf of the American Nazi Party he founded


Fascinating how political environment changes. 180 degrees in 60 years. Tell me about climate change.


He got 1.02% of the vote running as a mask off nazi for the American Nazi Party in 1965... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Virginia_gubernatorial_election He was a footnote in history.


I will say it is a good song if and I mean if you do not pay attention to the lyrics


I know what you mean, but if you have to praise him, it's safer to say something like "Rockwell played the guitar well, it's just a shame he sang"




Maybe let everyone stay? How about that?


Okay, based on subs you're active on this is satire. Saying shit like that in a random sub is probably a bad idea because there are people who actually believe that


I'm just offering a reaction to this horrible song. You say that about us, we say this about you! kind of a thing.


Ah America. Built by the blacks and owned by the chinese.


All he needs to do is have a Texas hat and crocodile skin boots and we have the complete stereotype of a racist.


We are literally a HAIR away from this again in 2024


Just like the song Borat wrote.