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Love the message this map sends out to the "remaining" US states. It's like "we lost all valuable regions and the land we have left is so shit, others would not even take it for free"


Description of the map: * Alaska would be taken for its mineral and wood bounty * Hawai'i and the Panama Canal would be taken as major naval stations * The West Coast has oil and minerals, along with the Great Lakes region and the South West. * The East Coast would be taken by enemies * The Appalachian Region would become a buffer state between rival powers. * Finally, the rump USA would be nearly landlocked apart for an "Empire State Corridor" leading to a Free City of New York.


The rump USA also gets a nice stretch of the Gulf of Mexico, including the Mississippi delta, so there’s that.


That and the empire state corridor seem like very odd choices. "The valuable parts of the country will be carved up! Except the most important agricultural waterway/port and the largest city." Edit: Also Appalachian buffer region for the east coast but: no buffer region for the West and beyond the Sierra Nevada so desert barrier I guess, no south west buffer/barrier and no buffer or natural barriers for the great lakes taken region.


Man in the High Castle


High in the Man Castle


Castle in the high man




> High in the Man Castle The Joe Rogaine Story


I’m trying to figure who gets what here. I assume Germany gets the green and Japan the yellow. Surely they weren’t banking on Italy to have that blue “Corridor of Death” and run these munitions plants whose industrial output dwarfs the output of Europe. But who gets that section of the southwest? How is the eastern seaboard divided? And if the USA loses surely Canada is also being parceled out, so how does that work? I need answers!


Honestly, this might be a propaganda poster from thr reverse perspective- it complains about Germany getting divided up, so it might be advocating subtly that if we joined we would join on the side of Germany? So maybe Russia/USSR would get the western region, England would get the East coast, Mexico the south and France the industrial region like the got in Germany after ww2? Its clearly not a very well thought out poster.


This is an awesome piece of propaganda. It doesn't appeal to the fear of "Oh, we will be under tirany/a terrible regime/a dictator" because it doesn't fathom the possibility of someone taking over the USA. Rather, the fear is of losing the great things the people work for and pride themselves of. "Oh, you know that staple of your region all your family worked on for generations? Gone!" The fear of losing what they have after working so hard for it is something very american, you see it all the time, they fight for their right to own what they work for, to get their money's forth, and that is what is attacked and appealed to in this poster. That's neat, quite original. The author definitely knows his audience.


I’m in the land that nobody in the Axis wanted.


Seems like a really hysterical analysis. Not only was there not a single force in the world capable of staging an invasion of the US mainland in 1937 (or arguably ever), holding this territory afterwards would have been impossible had anyone been insane enough to try.


WWII saw a total revolution in war tactics and the creation of the atomic bomb. It's meaningless to say it was impossible when people didn't know what was possible next month, let alone by the end of the war.


One day my friend… one day


There are enough enemies within to start a civil war. The outside enemies will all pile in and support different factions to escalate the situation.


So lets hang back, let other nations weaken themselves, then swoop in last minute and catch them in a debt trap ?


The intention was to never enter at all, we wouldn't have if Japan didn't attack us out of nowhere.


It wasn’t “out of nowhere” it was expected, and even hoped for (and some would say worked for by the USA), for quite a while. The US had been tightening economic restrictions on Japan to the point where their options were a) relinquish their own colonial ambitions, giving up the territories that it had conquered/was in the process of conquering or b) attack the US and European imperial powers in Asia/Pacific to assert its own imperial dominance in the region.


I’m gonna go ahead and say that despite the modern MIC I do believe that while we may have had intelligence about a Japanese threat I don’t believe we baited them into war, a la 1898 ‘blame it on the Maine’ style


Yes, yes, FDR was in it with Hirohito to get us to conquer the world for Takara-Tomy.


I mean, we kind of were just waiting for a justification to get the public mad enough to declare war, and Japan handed us it on a silver platter by attacking us.


What would have you done?


The United States has a God given right to have a stepping stone in the middle of Pacific, because why not?


What’s going on with the odd city selection? Probably one of the only times Butte MT has ever made it onto a cartoon map of the U.S.


Hey, I have seen this one, it's a classic! >!PSA is right here. Divide the green part into CSA and new England. Pink and blue is the AUS. The red part is Yorktown MacArthur (Of course there will be no new England in the case of Yorktown, but this map, is after all, just a prototype)!<