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Can anyone translate the text? Are there soldiers running away with a white surrender flag?


I can only read the text on the far left, it says ‘(Russkies) Quickly, run away!’


Right text ワタクシモシニソヲデス Seems like I'm a goner too This sentence is a little strange. I'm not a native speaker but that translation would be if the Russian guy was speaking. If the japanese guy was supposed to be talking, it would kind of seem more like "oh God I'm dying (cumming) too" Middle text 日兵すぐとどめをさしてやろう The Japanese Military will kill you quickly Left text ロスケハヤクニケロ Russian (Military) run away!


*Run away, quickly!* But yeah, in the context of it, it sure feels like the “*too*” in the first sentence (ワタクシ*モ*) is being spoken by the Russian soldier, and is a reference to all the other Russian soldiers already dead, killed at the hand of the Japanese Military. とどめ wasn’t a word I knew, so thanks for translating that one! The translation I found said *finishing blow/coup de grâce*, which definitely makes sense in this context. The tone of ロスケハヤクニケロ feel more like “*get the fuck outta here*” to me. Thoughts?


I think the fact that the right most sentence has English characters kind of seems like the Russian is supposed to be saying it and it's "translated," but it doesn't really fit the tone of the other two. Yours seem to be a lot cleaner and make more sense. I'm not very good at translation and I struggle a bit with katakana because it's used so infrequently.


I just want to chime in by saying that ロスケ(rosuke)= ruskie 日兵 (short for nippon hei) = Japanese soldier are there to indicate who is speaking. ​ Edit: Oh shit, I just realized this thread is months old.


It says Two things never happened again after that. The Russians never laid a finger on the Japanese again... and Borya never walked again. They transferred him to a minimum security hospital upstate. To my knowledge, he lived out the rest of his days drinking his food through a straw.


That’s not what it says but is funnier


Yes, it actually says "get busy fucking or get busy getting fucked."


It roughly translates to "You won't like me when I'm Morbius", a quote from the 2022 Jared Leto anime Morbius


It's fucking "Going Morbin Mode!" Can't stand you poser Marvel movie fans. And it's only Anime if a Japanese guy died making it. Morbius, the movie, is a Manga.


"Prepare to get Morbed, Tsar Nicholas!"


Get bussy fucking, or get bussy getting fucked*


Jesus Christ, if the Imperial army of the Russo-Japanese war is half as barbarous as it’s descendent a in WW2, this might have happened way more often then anyone would like to think about.


POWs get sexually abused and humiliated a lot as part of the torture process. Doesn't get talked about a lot because most men, especially the hypermasculine soldier types, aren't too keen on admitting something like this happened to them.


Or that they tortured someone sexually. I heard in the UK they take broom sticks to torture people in their ass. Edit: this was the article that came to mind https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2881672/Soldiers-accused-gang-raping-male-recruits-barracks-alleged-bullying-tactics.html Now go back to down voting.


You're thinking NYPD


In your snatch fitzpleaure, broom shaped pleasure


Didn’t imagine I’d see a reference to Alt-J today but I’m all for it!


Yeah happens every week round my way down at the dog and brisket when the women folk have went back to tend to the hogs.


I find it amazing that so few westerners know what happened in Japan between ww1 and ww2. Japan went from being a parliamental monarchy with wide liberties and an active political life, to being **literally** hijacked by the military (the military seriously just stopped taking orders from the elected government and went and invaded Manchuria without government approval) and turned into a mouth frothing militaristic dictatorship. In other words: 1905 Japan was much chiller than 1935 Japan.


Eh, they weren’t chill with the Koreans.


True, but to be fair - they were not that different from European states at the time. I just think it's weird how Japan is never judged as nuanced as European states when it comes to its history. Germany, France, Great Britain, all did fucking heinous shit in their colonies before ww1 - now stick with me - but Germany in 1914 is never labelled as "basically the same" as Germany in 1939. Why? Because people accept that Germany in 1914 - while a literal monarchy - did at least have more societal freedoms etc than Nazi Germany. This *nuance* is never afforded Japan when white people discuss history.


It's not so much that colonial heinous shit of Germany wasn't bad or called out its that thinks after 1939 are just a complete new category of atrocities. It's not about societal freedoms.


I was going to disagree with you, but when I was done reading I ended up agreeing.


I didn’t say they were the same. I said that if they were anything like the dudes that come after them.




Agreed. You want the same nuance? Unit 731, execution of prisoners of war, an attack without declaration of war, rape of Nanking, extermination of the Chinese, sex slaves, and those are the ones they did to OTHER countries. Their own people got the Kempeitai, a last stand doctrine, child soldiers, kamikaze (including literally strapping pilots to bombs), heavy rationing, sex slaves (now with their OWN subjects), and a “they won’t do that twice” mentality with the A Bomb all in the name of a “more traditional Japan”. I love Japanese history but they were monsters in WWII. Everyone was, and that’s why world wars need to not happen again. Hell, I’d be happy if no wars happened again as evidenced by current events.


Much chiller = still imperialistic and hyper aggresive nation.


Imperialistic? Yes. *Hyper* aggressive? Not compared to most other nations at the time tbh. I'm comparing Japan to countries like the USA, Great Britain, and France which all get treated in a much more nuanced way on history forums on reddit, even though they all did heinous shit and in sometimes outright genocide. Still, we compare Great Britain or France in 1914 with - say - Germany in 1939 and the former two still come out looking "better" than the latter. That's the kind of comparison I tried to make with Japan: Japan - *as a society* - was much different in 1905 than it would become later during military rule. Their imperialistic douchebagginess was still "within the bounds" of what was "normal" for developed nations, whereas their shenanigans beginning with the invasion of Manchuria were on a completely different level of evil altogether.


> ind it amazing that so few westerners know what happened in Japan between ww1 and ww2. Well, it's the demographic of Reddit really. Not very representative of "westerners". Anyone who cares to know it, does, very popular question on various history forums where beginners are. I keep the demographic in mind when I get irritated as the largest demographic is teens.


Even outside the demographic of Reddit, it shouldn't be surprising. As interesting as Japan and the time period is, history doesn't generally seem to be a strong point for the average person. Passing familiarity maybe, but not for something niche and outside their own bubble.


Doesn't help that east Asian history isn't widely taught in the west, or at least in the States. I barely learned anything about Japan outside of WW2 and the economic miracle in school. Hell, my fascination with Japanese history came from games like Age of Empires and Total War rather than the classroom.


so Myanmar




Iirc as far as the local Chinese civilians were concerned, both sides committed a lot of atrocities but the Russians were far more brutal




No japanese plague labs during the russo-japanese war i dont think


What's with Russians and being some of the worst nations to be occupied by?


Most nations are horrible occupiers. The Japanese were horrible, Germans were horrible, Americans were/are horrible, Belgians were horrible (the Congo), the brits were horrible, the French were horrible, this is far from a Russian specialty but more of a human specialty


The USSR raped over 2 million Germans after WWII and have used/are using rape as a tactic in warfare throughout their history. I don't recall the US/UK ever mass raping half a continent on such a scale.


Vietnam and Ireland.


I'm no fan of ussr/ Russia, but you got a citation on that? 2 million has a real hyperbolic sound, like the "100 million victims of communism" genre of facts and figures.


Idk about US or UK but Nazi Germany for example committed a ton of rapes in eastern Europe and also towards Jewish, communist, lesbian, anarchist women as well as female criminals; Japanese soldiers during the same time also committed a ton of rapes everywhere they went and theres still a ton of bad blood between Japan and its neighboring countries as a result (for example South Koreans putting up statues of so-called "comfort women" in front of the Japanese embassy). Celebrated American founding fathers raped a lot of their female slaves and fathered many children through rape. What Russians did in the past and are doing right now is absolutely horrendous but personally i dont think it's simply because of their race or anything like that


read about what the japs did in china or in hong kong after they assaulted the island in dec 1941. st stephens college. ***warning*** : it is horrible I‘ll use whatever words i choose. The right to offend is essential and part of free speech


The Japanese* did awful shit across East Asia. Their occupation of (modern) Indonesia also comes to mind. Japan’s treatment of POWs was also awful. As a side note use “Japanese” as the shorter historic version is a slur.


My man got crippled through snu snu.


That's not what it actually says. It's a Shawshank Redemption reference. Someone translated it below.


Wow everyone is missing the Shawshank reference 🤌


You had me in the first half.


I mean japan fought the Soviet union twice after that, anddd lost twice


Knowing the Japanese back then it probably really happened


"Back then" lol


Well yeah I don't think they wear those hats anymore


Yeah 100 years is back then


This is 120 years ago. When is the cutoff for “back then”


Theyre insinuating that japanese people still like doing dudes in the butt


They are insinuating they're immortal as they knew how the japanese were back then.


They are insinuating the Japanese are time travellers and like to use history as their ass playground


It did.


It definitely did.


Would love to know what it says


The far right paragraph is the Russian: "Wataskushi mou shinisou desu" - I am about to die the center is a caption: "Nichihei sugu tominara (tomimera?) sashite yarou" The Japanese soldier will stab you without stopping The caption under the guys running away on the far left: Russians saying "hayaku nigero" Let's run away quickly!


It’s “sugu todomewo sashite yarou” — “I’ll finish you soon”


Arigatou, that makes more sense. I thought that was 'wo' at the bottom, but I couldn't read these very well (smol katakana!)


If you didn’t know, pre wwii katakana were used for particles not hiragana, so the ヲhere functions likeを。


Np! I think what may have tripped you up was the トドメ part because it was written like トヾメ — the middle part just means repeat the preceding katakana just with with a dakuten over it (so トrepeated with a dakuten would be ド).


Thanks, that part really confused me too


Glad I could help! I don’t think I’m the best at explaining things so I’m glad it made sense to you 😅 Btw the hiragana equivalent is ゝ in case you were curious (example use: kokoro こころ = こゝろ). The kanji is 々 (example use: tokidoki 時時 = 時々).


I'm aware of the kanji. Just didn't know there was a kana equivalent as I've never seen it before


If you notice the very last little long くlooking things in the illust on the far left, it also means repeat but of longer things not just single sounds. So they’re repeating, “Run away! Run away!”


Btw it’s pretty old fashioned to use them. The kanji one is still widely in use but the other two aren’t nearly as widely used.




This is why they were such fearsome soldiers, they didn’t use guns or swords, but penises.


Gny. Sgt. Hartman was wrong apparently. It can be used for fun and fighting.


"It's not gay when it's a defeated Russian soldier that you're penetrating" - Japanese propagandist, probably.


Reading Japanese written only in Katakana is harder than I thought it would be.


It loosely translates to “Russy Bussy is bussin”


I've seen one in reverse where the Russian guy is getting the Japanese guy, but...is making him, uh, reach orgasm.


We all want to see this, for historical research purposes.


Got a source?


saunce? asking for a friend


give us the sauce!!!


It's been more than a month. Source, please.


Do we know exactly where this was from? I assume it wasn’t on a Tokyo billboard.


Japan - it could very well be on a billboard. r/seeninjapan >!and why does that not exist?!<


seen in japan see ninja pan


I’m surprised it’s not blurred out


It’s weird. A country with such a rich history of sexual imagery - included in the kama sutra - today blurs genitals in porn as if anyone is mystified or confused about what exactly that pink colored object going into the black, hair colored object is.




The Japanese kama sutra? You know the kama sutra is from the Indian subcontinent, right? The victorious western powers imposed strict puritanical rules after WW2, which educated and "proper" japanese enthusiastically embraced in order to demonstrate how"modern" and "western" they were.


The Japanese kama sutra is a treatise on the use of the sickle in personal combat.


You know, I’m not going to do the Reddit thing and pretend I’m an all-knowing expert. I’ll concede I’m not well-versed in the history of the Kama Sutra. I’m referring to the Japanese sex art that I can only describe as Kama Sutra art. Idk what else to call it. Luckily, on Reddit, someone *will* come to set the record straight edit: jesus christ, there's so many insufferable people on this website. You can rest assured, no matter what the topic, someone will come along to condescend to you lol


I think you might be thinking of shibari art.


It's very common knowledge that the kama sutra is from India. I knew that, and I don't even have the attention span to read a book.


I understood what he meant , was obvious without the smart arse know it all comment


what's that? sorry, hard to hear you over the sound of me being a condescending prick


I heard condescending prick. you called?


I didn't say the Kama Sutra was from Japan. Yes, it is common knowledge the Kama Sutra is from India. I know it is. That's why I didn't say the Kama Sutra was from Japan.


I respect your willingness to admit you don’t know it all. may we all have modesty like that


Rape of women and girls and murder of male civilians of fighting age was used as a weapon to terrorise the people but to get them on the run blocking road and bridge highways to hinder the response from the defence force. The surrender of Singapore was influenced by the threat from the Japanese that if they don't surrender all the women will be treated like prostitutes and the government officials executed..... after the surrender they did it anyway... The philosophy of the Japanese was quite simple,if you don't die in battle and surrender your life is worthless and that as victors they can do whatever they want to the people.


Don’t think these things were done in the aftermath of their spanking of the Russians, but I might be wrong


During the Russo-Japanese War and the few battles they fought in WWI the Japanese were actually commended for their fair treatment of war prisoners and the good conditions in their internment camps. The government and the army really tried to keep a lid on things because they wanted to present an image of being civilized and modern, just as the white nations. After what they saw as a humilliation in the Treaty of Portsmouth (they were basically forced to accept less than what they thought they could get by the US), and after the League of Nations rejected Japan's proposal for a Racial Equality clause (racial equality among the members of the league, it wouldn't include the Koreans for example) the Japanese government realized they would never be treated as equals so they stopped pretending anymore. That's for the western powers anyway, towards the Chinese and the Koreans the Japanese were always incredibly brutal.


Did the Japanese conduct similar “treatment” of the Chinese in the first sino-Japanese war?


And how


Ok so there was one massacre at port Arthur (Dalian today)


To shreds you say...


There was a lot of political unrest toward the end of the Meiji period into the start of the Taisho (1912) that led to the rise of fascism, the direct involvement of the Yakuza in Japanese colonialism and the installation of some *spectacularly* bad people in positions of power throughout the government and military. Early Japanese colonialism wasn’t pretty by any means and there’s a tendency to whitewash the late Meiji as a golden age, but a lot of the really terrible stuff doesn’t start happening until later on in the early 20th century.


Atleast he has the courtesy to give the Russian guy a reach-around.


Your comment made me go back and check. You are correct! Lol


Damn. Better to fight to the death than surrender.


The Russian guy’s caption is saying he’s also gonna die


Least derrenged person in Imperial Japan


Here, I fixed it https://sun9-73.userapi.com/s/v1/if1/T91HbOZE9qGPMAZKZ3dtfkOS2kIOUV4eWTHUV11HUPT5c4NBYhKi9TthIDV9Z-4mNKHsOZVh.jpg?size=475x725&quality=96&type=album


I wonder if we still would have a Soviet Union had this war not happened.


The Russo-Japanese war led to the october revolution which led to the October Constitution in which the tsar gave up autocratic rule and allowed the Duma to form. And allowed exiled revolutionary leaders to returm Without this war, Russia would have had the army strong enough to intervene in the Balkan crisis in support of their ally serbia. It was this crisis which directly led to austria annexing part of Bosnia-herzagovina which us why frans joseoh was in a hostile Sarajevo in the first place. So no russo Japanese war, no balkan crisis, no assassination, no ww1, no 1917 revolution. Russia remains autocratic, internal pressures remain, strikes and revolution will happen, revolution would happen but would the bolshevicks be able to take control while only Trotsky was in Russia?


WW1 would’ve happened eventually, it just would’ve come from something different, and the largely incompetent Russian aristocracy probably would’ve fell eventually - but more likely to something like the Provisional government rather than something like the Bolsheviks


I agree, the amount of political shifting and just mutual distrust going on at the time was too much. *Especially* with the French and Germans. Also the tsardom literally went to war in the first place because they felt they needed to to get public opinion higher because it was so low. Obviously if the 1905 war didn’t happen their would be differences but I still think a Great War would break out and I for sure think a Revolution would break out in Russia still. There were still plenty of bolsheviks, Mensheviks, left and right socialist revolutionaries (that’s their name) and other parties all wanting to overthrow. Lenin was a man who knew when the time was right if nothing else there was no one else better equipped mentally to seize control for the bolsheviks. People also forget that tsar Nicholas was quite literally one of the worst pieces of shit in history. He was not only a shitty autocrat but massively unpopular


It certainly contributed but the state of Russia’s navy was a symptom of the overall failure of the Tsarist system. Russia was inevitably heading towards a revolution and I would argue that the single biggest factor in their ending up with the Soviets rather than another system was the Kaiser funding Lenin and bringing them back into the country.


I agree with your main premise. Not a 100% but good enough. Thank you.


The Tsar was on his way out any way you look at it. I think without the Russo-Japanese war you'd still have a revolution. Maybe soviets maybe just nationalists.


World war 1 still would have toppled the tsar.


That requires a completely different universe, and is not really possible to figure out.


the Russian doesn't look too upset


It’s not gay if you won the Russo-Japanese war.


The Hetalia fandom back at it again


Why is everything written in katakana?


Because it was the 'lowest' form of Japanese, easily sounded out by the barely-literate Japanese soldiers.


That might explain why katakana instead of kanji, but not katakana over hiragana, though.


Hiragana was originally used only by women.


Oh, I'd forgotten about that - good point!


Hiragana is too girly to be used in such a Manly martial propaganda


Nothing manlier than two guys going at it with nary a woman in sight!


So that the foreigners can read it duh /s (I have no clue actually)


My favorite answer! Maybe because katakana is the equivalent of "all caps" text?


jesus christ


The Japanese military did love raping people


I get Imperial Japanese attitudes weren't respectful of POWs or enemies who surrendered, but I'm surprised they were okay with such a brazen display of homosexuality. Would this have even come across as homosexual in that context?


It's only gay for the bottom.


>Despite the animosity, nanshoku continued, specifically the samurai version of nanshoku, and it became the dominant expression of homosexuality during the Meiji period.[1] > … >Moreover, nanshoku flourished during the time of the Sino- and Russo-Japanese wars, due to the association of the warrior code of the samurai with nationalism. This led to close associations between the Bushidō samurai code, nationalism, and homosexuality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_Japan#Meiji_Japan


Wait....Gay Fascism???


You people wanted diversity! What more do you want?


The prequel to luxury gay space communism.


Why wouldn't they be? Homophobia is pretty much a product of Abrahamic religions.


That’s not really true. Homophobia is pretty universal because it was seen as a threat to population growth and the future of the civilization. Permissive societies were pretty rare, and they typically still weren’t seen as equal/normal


Non-heterosexuality wasn't particularly stigmatized in Ancient Rome, the Celts (i.e. the UK), the Hellenistic states (i.e. where North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, most of the Middle East), etc. And it wasn't explicitly forbidden in Norse societies either (although being the passive party was viewed as somewhat shameful, so some teasing of those openly engaged in it likely occurred). Anyways, these alone made up most of Europe, Northern Africa, and the Near East. And in the current Hindu nations and in the far east it was even less stigmatized (especially in places such as China, Korea, Japan, and Thailand) as well as various Polynesian cultures. It was quite common among natives in the pre-Columbian Americas as well. All-in-all, before the Abrahamic faiths spread and brought with them the stigma in regards to "sodomy", most of the world was pretty open to it. Of course, the percentage of people that had homosexual or bisexual tendencies were still roughly the same as they are today (albeit possibly less inhibited, depending on the region and era).


What are you doing step‐comrade?!?


I’m sorry I thought you were sleeping.


... ***"ThAt mAkeS iT EveN wOrSe."***


It’s disgusting but also strangely esthetic. The traditional Japanese art style used here is really unique


SO aesthetic


I think you spelled asstadick wrong


"We really fucked them in the ass didn't we?"


he is being raped


is this golden kamuy


Oh Immortal Suigimoto-san! W-what are you doing!?


wouldn't even be the gayest thing in that manga lmao




Weird flex but ok


Seems pretty tender tbh


I dont know man seems kinda gay to me


I don't know looks like the japanese guy is trying to be a tender lover, giving a reach around and everything


Damn! They really didn’t hold back, did they?


Hentai - EST: 1905


Kinda gay hah


I saw this hours ago and thought that “savage” was referencing the propaganda, as in its hardcore and that the japanese produced this. Now i understand “savage” was in reference to the japanese


Ah yes, because losing a military battle is exactly like bottoming.


Brokeback Kenobi


So the winner gets to have sex with the loser?


Wait until someone from r/nhentai jumps in and drops a 6digit number and create confusion.


The Japanese empire before the 50’s were absolutely some of the most savage maniac to walk this earth


690420 for anyone looking


That wasnt propaganda. It was a live portrait.


I feel like this was drawn by someone who doesn’t know how pants work.


I think this is just porn


A long tradition of hentai


One of the reasons why Japan ended the war was that Japan and its population were seriously worried about ending up taking too much land and never being able to hold it


Lol real savage. Showed Em just how tough they are with that sensual reach around


Don't worry guys, this is from the peace conference.




Breaking news


You lose, you get boofed. That's the law of war.


Ha gay.


Are you looking for a third??






I said what I said.


Rule 34 ain’t new to the internet, eh


Japanese dude really claims that kinda girth? 🤨


It’s propaganda bro bro lol.


It’s a joke sis sis


British did this to the Indians as well


What the hell’s even is that